Monday, February 8, 2016

Hung Havan elbowed my chest/breast

On the day I got the news of termination; Michele Choi conveniently came to my office I shared with Hung Havan. I told her I am going to be terminated. She was not surprised, she then look at Hung Havan as if to say he was right. Hung Havan had the "I told you so" expression on his face with a smile.  She suggested I should ask Bill for help, I said I don't know him, why should he help me? She then makes a sound of Uh-HA as if she discovered something new, as if this is news to her that I didn't know Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill, a coworker whom I spoken to only a few times and only a few sentences. So why would Michele Choi think Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill would help me in a as-a-matter-of-fact manner, as if I am Susanne Lo? Michele Choi looked at Hung Havan who's face beaming with pride and a smirk as if he is the mastermind of the universe where all the little USPTO management puppets did exactly as he ordered (a diabolical megalomanaic such that of Charles Manson), and got a high achiever like me terminated, as well capable of ruined a woman high achiever's life; and now had slit my throat meant to kill me such this EEOC case would go away and got away with all this, just like the people from Asia did to me in the Silicon Valley that are now multimillionaires and in top level management.

On my last day, Hung Havan stretched out his arm deliberately hit my breast and stopped me from saying good-bye to Erica in front of her, also blocked the hallway so I couldn't go say good-bye to other coworkers. Hung Havan wouldn't dare to block me if I am a man for fear of beat to a pulp. Also, Nathan Hillery, Hung Havan and Michele Choi had elbowed my chest deliberately in the Patent and Trademark Office.

When I went back to my office, Michele Choi had already stolen most of my office supply, and elbowed me on the chest to push me out of her way. Nathan Hillery deliberately elbowed me on my breast/chest on his way home in May/June 2011. It was so degrading that I had to bite my lip to not to report this as I was still a probationary employee which would be seen as a "high risk" employee. I bite my lip so hard that it left a black mark on lip still today. All these people had defamed me and set me up to be sexually harassed, abused, termination, physical harm and rape that resulted in the slit of my throat that was met to kill me, are still working in the Patent and Trademark Office. How safe are people working with them?

Someone may had saw Nathan Hillery elbowed my breast/chest in May/June 2011 and reported him to authority, that's why he set me up for termination as retaliation thinking that I was the one reported him. This is why I didn't report him for fear of retaliation as I was a probationary employee that can be fired for anything, as well knew the system is rigged against minorities and women, and that there is no justice for an Asian and a woman like me, a double whammy. Also why these people elbowed me, sexually harassed, abused and defamed me without reservation as they knew probationary employee are afraid to say anything. The whole system is rigged against employees.

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