Saturday, January 16, 2016

got bored doing it in your own offices

#2.  I always had this inkling feeling that people might have mistaken me or misled into thinking I am Susanne Lo that was dating Bill or Michele Choi, to gain the consensus to terminate me.   There are plenty of UPSTO employees dated and married long before I joined and after I was wrongfully terminated.  Also, there were plenty of Asian women patent examiner exempt employees in the Electrical Art; I was a probationary employee that just joined the USPTO, had been working nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log, also had deliberately kept a low key and not be seen.  Nevertheless, if the USPTO management was truly terminating a wrongdoer, they would have look for material facts such as email or fact-checking, instead of looking for a pretext to terminate the first woman that have an apodictic patent case, and an Asian one at that, and terminated me in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance

That being said; most if not all TC2100 knew Bill (Trump lite) was dating Susanne Lo and divorced his 2nd wife to married Suanne Lo long before I joined the USPTO on 11/2010, seen in Bill's office and went home together often when I was there.  One evening, on their way home, we could hear Bill asked Susanne Lo about her little boy, that Bill was going to adopt him when they are married.  They can be seen walking together to their cars in the park lot.  I couldn't afford a car and never had one living in the DC metro.  Another word, they were very busy with each and had no time for anything else.   However, one incident stuck in my mind even today (2017), one day, my then officemate Hung Havan sudden said to me "do you know dating is not allowed?", I said "yes, this is true for most of the private companies I worked for".   That is to say, Hung Havan and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend and her friends from India knew dating could lead to termination, hence why they all misled others, particularly Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill's enemies, into thinking I was Susanne Lo that was dating her boyfriend Bill such his enemies would come after me, and continue to do so even today (2016), also a way to protect Susanne Lo.  Actually, it is true if dating is between management and subordinate in large companies. 
I discouraged any romantic interest by indicated in a committed relationship, or cold stern look because I did not want to see another suicide like this Physics Professor, despite I treated him like any other Professors.  Till this day, I am still haunted by what happened, been painstakingly not to lead anyone on; and avoided anyone who had shown any romantic interest.
I had turned down suitors that had never been married, multi-millionaires and Startup founders with Ivy League education such as MIT, Harvard,  Yale, etc.  Some offered me everything I want, I said "there are plenty of women are interested in such offer, you should find a woman who is interested in such offer"; then one offered to buy me, I said "mu price is a billion dollar" at the time when only 2 billionaires, Buffett and Gates.  The only one I had seriously considered was a head of Asia for a multi-national Europe company that just wanted to settled down and be a house husband; he understood me, knew exactly what I wanted and had my best interests in mind, I almost couldn't resisted the offer; that's why he was so successful; I just got out of college at that time.  Then there are those who just wanted a "wife", aka a maid that cooks, cleans, have babies, and a warm body at night; it is cheaper then buy one from other parts of the world.  You can tell they just crawl out of a hole, aka redneck hillbilly that see me as a China man.  I don't know how to cook, clean, worked 24/7, and never wanted to be a wife.  I was aspired to be a Transhumanist, not a breeder.  Then there are White males want a Chinaman that is flattered a White man is interested in her.  
For those who see all Asian women are Tiger Mom, and is looking for a "Tiger Mom" to marry, the author of  "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom"  Amy Chua "Tiger Mom" ( is the John M. Duff Jr. Professor of Law at Yale Law School.  Most of the people from Asia, young, old, male and female came from a 3rd world that is not much different then North Korea, and ghetto Asians such as Michele Choi or Susanne Lo deliberately spread "fake news"/defamation against me to make me into public enemy #1,  to incite rape, physical harm, can't secure a job, fired soon if I did such as in the Patent and Trademark Office, that I will have to marry one of these low life and live a miserable life, become a prostitute, homeless, or killed myself.  These were their intentions ever since I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s where H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia using falsified papers were en masse, then in NYC and now in the DC metro, so do you want to work, live next to, or marry someone like this?
Those who took people-from-Asia's word at face value, you will be played and psychologically abused by them until you killed yourself, and will take me with you, so stay away from me.  I have no interested in those that did not have my best interest in mind, shallow, sheltered, misogynistic breeders, who are vindictive people as many partook in making me into public enemy #1 using defamation/fake news such as "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc".  Needless to say, not one could wrap their heads around as to the complexity of succeed in emulation projects because it was so bleeding-edge technology that few had heard of emulation back then.  Their jobs were just part of my emulation project in the chip process.  I could've easily done their job.  They were just looking for a trophy-wife/Stepford wife, and I had hired as a wall-flower to attract male engineers because emulation was such a bleeding-edge technology, only a few people aware of the complexity; why I was very much surprised USPTO was able to put me in the right patent class 703 in 2010.  This was just one of the reasons why I was targeted.  Most of these suitors had partake in spreading defamations against me with the intention to ruin my life.  It would've been a miserable life regardless with any of these people.
Most Asia were not much different then North Korea not long ago, what happen if a White male tell a North Korean that he is interested in dating an Asian woman and wanted information about her?  Because to most Westerners, all 3.6 billions all over the world know each other.  I didn't even know it was coming, and couldn't do anything even if did because it was so pervasive as it was 90+% of the people from Asia in the Silicon Valley.  Also shown the deep hatreds toward the West as I was their effigy of the West/Americans; why I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004.
Lo had used "too old" not to marry Bill and fights ensued that can be heard from my office to Rodriguez's office; which this Bill then told people that I was too old for him, whom I still don't even know his last name, a coworker at best; wtf??!!  He thought I was a teenager.  The guy is like 70+ years old!  Lo was purchasing a house just 2-3 weeks before my termination with the helps of her boyfriend Bill and married soon after I was terminated.   So even today(2016), this Bill still refused to admit that Susanne Lo was the one he was having a relationship with while he and his family still misleading people into thinking I am Susanne Lo such his enemies continue to come after me; such viciousness.  Action speaks louder then words, and talk is cheap.  As far as I am concern, they are ruining my life and trying to kill me.

I thought at the time that this Bill was using me to make Lo jealous, and didn't think much of this as I was threatened with termination that had to worked 24/7.  But now (2015-2016) heard this Bill's family are still misleading people into thinking I am Susanne Lo that is having a relationship with this Bill,  this is intentional such this Bill's enemy in the USPTO continue to target me.  This family, who I had never met in my life, are equally vicious as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women who I had never met in my life that targeted me the 1st month I started the job with the USPTO, or people from Asia who I had never met in my life that targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley.  They all (people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women; Hung Havan and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her boyfriend Bill, Bill's family and his enemies in the UPSTO or outside) make me into public enemy #1 such I am under physical harm and rape threats, 2 failed attempt beheadings; rigged the whole system against me, including the judicial system, can't secured any social service, hence no cancer treatment and will be homeless; and so I will die.  

If this Bill has any misunderstanding that I had any feeling toward him, it would be the doing of Hung Havan- my ex-officemate, who was a close associate of this Bill and Nathan Hillery, and often seen in this Bill's office, because I didn't even talk to this Bill after Hung Havan told me this Bill is a pervert and a dirty old man.  Hung Havan is the main suspect for the 2 failed beheadings of me.

After decades of relentless insidious defamation by the people from Asia that started as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s; also White males (in position of power often older) in the Silicon Valley and Texas Instruments that proclaimed out loud at work (not directly to me but often to the people from Asia to get info on me as if all 3.5 billion Asians all over the world knew each other, where they then spread around and told the guy that asked for my info "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc") they were "in love" with me (now I realized probably Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill too, but definitely his close associates/frenemies Nathan Hillery and Hung Havan that promulgated such defamation, who often seen with Susanne Lo in Bill's office, also Lo and Bill were seen going home together all the time often stopped by to talk to Hung Havan before going home, that shared the office with me) had make me into a target for their enemies and people from Asia, also the attention of management. 

Why I avoided those White males like a plague anytime when I heard such, as common sense said you don't do this at work as nothing good comes out of this, and these White males were not a youngling, so I knew something else was going on and definitely NOT love as you don't do this to anyone you love or care for their well-being; further prove was that these White males had never helped me in anyway, but instead worsen the attacks by actively partook in the ruined of my life.  Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill obviously understood this and had never admitted he was dating Susanne Lo, but instead continue to mislead people into thinking I was Susanne Lo that he was having a relationship with, so his enemies will come after me.  Now with the helps of the USPTO, they finally killed me.  Is this not enough for them??  They had accomplished the goal of keeping women as a 2nd class citizen.  You see why I said I need a man as much as I need a disease, both are capable of a long painful suffering death.  And again, why I will call the police if any of these people get near me and will get a gun shoot to kill. 

My advice to women is that make sure you are self sufficient as I did since High School, so you don't have to live a miserable life.  Back then, I didn't see these people-from-Asia hated the West and women just as Islamic Extremists/ISIS toward Malala Yousafzai who advocate for education for girls, that targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley, then NYC, USPTO and the DC metro, hence at the verge of going homeless as I couldn't secure a job anywhere due to the insidious defamation everywhere I went just as soon as I started my job with the USPTO by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, or places where I volunteered such as the Fairfax County Court, Computer CORE, etc; now Bikes for the World.

DO NOT continue to mislead people into thinking I am Susanne Lo that's dating this Bill, otherwise I will have to reveal what both of you did in the Electrical room.  I guess both of you got bored doing it in your own offices (Susanne Lo talks).


This Bill has 2 ex-wives and sons, he then brought Charles Manson like Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery into his family.  Now this family will be used as a tool for evil; and anyone around Hung Havan will be make into a Manchurian Candidate.  In addition to Hung Havan told me that this Bill who was a close associate of Hung Havan and spent the July 4, 2011 weekend in this Bill's vacation house, is a pervert and a dirty old man; why I had never asked him for help or any correspondence, electronic (ie: email - still don't know this Bill's last name; but will be certain to see Susanne Lo's email) or otherwise, only conducted in a professional level as a coworker, and never on a personal level.  He had never help me or say anything nice about me, and is still saying I am too old for him instead of admitted he was dating Susanne Lo.  What a loser!  Everything he had done to me makes me sick to my stomach because he has been using me as his punch-bag for his ex-wife and Susanne Lo that he believed they wronged him, aside from the fact that the guy was going through a bad case of mid-life crisis in 2011.  This is in addition to the defamation instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women since the 1st month on the job, who perceived me as an effigy of Americans and used me as their punch-bag for their anti-West sentiments.

This Bill was also going through a glaringly bad case of Mid-life crisis.  I was looking for a place or Art Unit to move away from these people when I was in the USPTO (hence the transfer to other Art Units such as GUI Patent Class 715, but failed due to the defamation by Paul Rodriguez), and termination did that, so I, even today, after the wrongful termination by the USPTO in 2011, the family is still misleading people into thinking I am Susanne Lo that is having a relationship with this Bill.  No wonder the USPTO is still coming after me in the lawsuit.

In short, without Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill, who his enemies and frenemies misled into thinking I am Susanne Lo; it would take the people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women at least a year to get me terminated.  By then, I would have become an exempt employee.  The main perpetrators in misleading are this Bill's close associates Nathan Hillery, Hung Havan, Michele Choi , his girlfriend and himself that continue after I was terminated.  All these people are also the main suspects for the 2 failed beheadings on me.  Their emails are proves.  

If I married every Tom, Dick and Harry that said “I love her, born to love her or wanted to marry her“ (one's wife just had a baby! One even tried to buy me, my price was $1billion$, at the time when only 2 billionaires-Buffett and Gates, and no one had heard of Google when they were having lunch in the next table), I would've married at least a dozen times, just in the Silicon Valley alone where I was often the only woman engineer, and they were at least a multi-millionaires
.  The most interesting proposition and an offer I almost couldn't refuse, was one who wanted to be my "house-husband" (I LOL when I heard that in the early 1990s), and would help me achieve anything I want.  He obviously understood me very well and knew where I wanted to go, despite we only had a few casual conversations with mutually acquaintances; which also explained why he was so successful.  But it wouldn't be fair for him as I wasn't ready to settle-down as I just got out of grad school, and he had "been there, and done that", unlike most imbeciles.  At the time, he was the head of Asia of a European multi-national and lived in Hilton's penthouse.  Then there were a few upgrades to First Class during flights from the East to West Coast, paid for by First Class passengers.  I was offended being brought as a sex object.  I thought companies flew me for interviews upgraded me; because companies had put me on their corporate jet to go on interviews.  There were people from Asia even in government military contractors, located in the middle of nowhere, and it only takes one to say "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" such as in the USPTO by Tuan Nguyen, so I didn't get the job; and the USPTO terminated me in a haste of 2 days despite outstanding accomplishments, including an apodictic first case that was known to the then Undersecretary Mr. David Kappos.  This is true not just in the Silicon Valley or the USPTO, but everywhere I went in the US; including the Fairfax County Court where I used to volunteer.  Why do Americans believe these people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen's word at face value? 

Even though these people had never met me in their life, yet they hated me as if I killed their mother because I am an Americanized woman where women are a 2nd class citizen in their 3rd world culture, Westerners are hated and so they hated me as a traitor.  They were using social media that begun in the Silicon Valley in the early 2000s to targeted me, long before Islamic Extremists using social media to radicalize/incite HATRED.  I posted this in 2004.

I discouraged any romantic interest by indicated in a committed relationship, or cold stern look because I did not want to see another suicide like this Physics Professor, despite I treated him like any other Professors. Till this day, I am still haunted by what happened, been painstakingly not to lead anyone on; and avoided anyone who had shown any romantic interest.

For those that assumed I must be dating this Middle age/old White man, who thought I was a teenager; no one would make such assumption if I am White.  Well, now you know you are a closet racist.

For those males that still wanted to keep women down as a 2nd class citizen,  I believed this is a coming-to-Jesus moment that women are far better at STEM then the males.


So while this is going on in the background, and I was working nearly 24/7 evidenced by my computer log due to the threat of termination by Paul Rodriguez and Director Garber; Susanne Lo’s boyfriend Bill continue to tell people in the USPTO that he was “in love with me”, but had never told me such, instead degraded me such as “she is too old”, because he thought I was a teenager when he first meet me.  How creepy is that?  He could have just simply admitted he was dating Susanne Lo long before I joined the USPTO and clear all misunderstanding.  This is a 70+-year-old man, not a teenager.  I believed it was Nathan Hillery helped spread this, a Union Rep. that had access to management.  He also had elbowed my chest/breast on his way home one night with Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill.  Someone had reported him and Hillery thought it was me, and retaliated against me.  I also wrote this in my EEOC complaint.  I also indicated Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery are malicious and not to be trusted in a social media. 

Hung Havan started maligning me in June 2011 after he learned I was doing 3 cases per biweek; he also started spending much of his time in Susanne Lo's Indian friend's office near Dwin Craig, where Susanne Lo and her friends, Nathan Hillery and others congregated, Dwin Craig often stood at the doorway listened in.  Havan told Susanne Lo her boyfriend Bill and I was going to be married when Susanne Lo came to ask him on info to buy a house with the help of her boyfriend Bill, and amount many other insidious defamations.  In my last day, Hung Havan blocked me by putting his arm in front of my breast/chest from saying goodbye to my office neighbor Erica (an Asian American woman down the hall from my office) Kamini Shah or Kakali Chaki down the hall.  So I knew my termination was the doing of Hung Havan's coterio Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her friends, and Michele Choi.

This Bill's frenemy Nathan Hillery can be heard in his office often and with Susanne Lo, sometime Hung Havan.  I had seen Susanne Lo had both of her arms around Nathan Hillery's neck in the pantry when no one else around.  Susanne Lo also seem to be romantically interested in Jason Procter - an AU2123 Primary, by the way she did not like the way Jason Practer looked at me; the same way every jealous girlfriend/wife acted.  One such coworker's wife even said she wanted to punch me.  I almost said if I wanted the guy, I would've gotten him long time ago.  He wasn't even qualified to have as a friend.  (psst, the people told you "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" knew this and they knew you are stupid.  They think you are so stupid that they didn't even bother to make-up something, instead told you the antithesis of the truth.  They played you people like a bunch of monkeys; why I kept a low key and not be seen so not make into a target.  They will abuse you like Hung Havan did to Lo's boyfriend Bill; and killed 2 birds/+me with all of your help.  They also did this in the Silicon Valley to show they are far superior and smarter)

Yet when this Bill has the opportunity to help me from termination despite I was terminated in a haste of 2 days, he never did, or help me in any way or form while I was employed.  So obviously he had never cared for my well-being (aka love).  He had helped Hung Havan, Michele Choi and most likely Susanne Lo too from termination since she and Hung Havan also had Paul Rodriguez as a SPE, a known racist and sexist.  And had helped Lo and her Indian friends to advance their careers.  Lo also told me it was her boyfriend that got her the nice office in the top floor.  Lo was purchasing a home just before my termination with the help of her boyfriend Bill in preparation to get married.  Lo came to the office I shared with Hung Havan to ask Hung Havan, the root of evil, for info on home purchasing; which Hung Havan told Lo that Bill and I are getting married.  Since I rarely talk to Bill as I was threatened with termination and had to work 24/7, while Lo and Bill were seemed together and going home together all the time, and busy in close door of their offices, electrical room, pantry, parking lot, and all over the USPTO campus; as Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery were a close associate of Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill; so I thought they were playing mind games with each other.

Hung Havan often seen in Lo's Indian friend's office near Dwin Craig, where Dwin Craig often stood outside listen-in to Havan, Lo, Nathan Hillery and a few others in that office.  Hung Havan told me he and his family spent their July 4 2011 weekend in this Bill's vacation home in the beach.  So why would this Bill keep telling people in the USPTO that “he is still in love with me”, which one should not do in a working environment anyway, and still today, continue to mislead people into believing I am Susanne Lo that he is having a relationship with, who I hadn't seen since my last week employed by the USPTO,  while he continue to date/married Susanne Lo all these years?  There are a few possibilities:

  1.  So this Bill’s enemies to come after me instead of Susanne Lo.  This Bill never admitted he was having a relationship with Susanne Lo, but instead degraded me further by say "I am too old for him" as a way to denial.
  2. So Susanne Lo continue to date him, because after he divorced his 2nd wife to marry Susanne Lo, Lo broke up with him.  Only after he started saying he was “in love with me” that Susanne Lo continue to date him again. 
  3. Bill knew that his close associates Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, his own family members and his girlfriend Susanne Lo were instrumental in my termination, and most likely the 2 failed attempt beheadings, by saying he is still “in love with me” so that people won’t think he took part in doing harms to me.
  4. He was instrumental in causing my termination, by saying “in love with me” to mask the fact that he was dating Susanne Lo.
  5. USPTO used him as a scapegoat by for my termination, by saying such to avoid being a scapegoat; while he continue with his relationship with Suanne Lo.
  6. Bill said such to cover-up it was him that caused my termination; which is true.  But in a normal circumstance, management wouldn't terminated a person just because of what he said.  My termination was the resulted of "consensus", the resulted of rampant defamation all around, from Tuan Nyugen and his countrymen/women in the patent Class 715 to my ex-officemate Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her friends, AU2123 Primaries, Paul Rodriguez, Wendy Garber, and a few others, possible this Bill's family members that misled by Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery into thinking I am Susanne Lo; despite I worked nearly 24/7 evidenced by my computer log with accomplishments to boot.
  7. A psychological torture by these sociopaths, by forcing a perceived Asian teenager to have a relationship with an old white male.  They had already contributed to ruined my life, that's not enough for them, so they continue to torment me. 
  8. I want people to learn at least this one thing from this tragedy......that before you should take a person's word at face value, you need to ask yourself whether you know deep down that this person shares your values, so that you can't be used like a cheap tool to do harm to good people, by sociopaths/psychopaths/evils.  (Litmus test:  do you go around bad-mouthing people, such of those from Asia you had never met in your life?  But the people from Asia had never met me are defaming me everywhere I went in the United States.) This is why I stay far away from people such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women.  They scared me.  Now you know why to consider what they had been doing to me in the USPTO, DC metro, NYC, Silicon Valley and the Tech industry. 

Management terminated me based on defamation of a woman that excelled in tech jobs, in a haste of 2 days.  Had management follow the normal termination procedure and look for material facts, I wouldn't have been terminated on August of 2011.  But Paul Rodriguez would have terminated me on my last day of my probationary period as he had been setting me up from the get-go.  He would have time to make a better case against me then.  This case should've settled soon after I filled with the EEOC, but didn't.  This partially due to this Bill continue to make such unfounded claims so that he and Susanne Lo continue to have a relationship at work.  Also, management figured that is just a China girl, what is she going to do?  Well, I can write a computer program that follows you for generations to come, and will be call Karma.

I would not have terminated in such haste of 2 days if I am White or male; unless management were just looking for a pretext to terminate a woman that excelled in tech jobs.  Management would at least look for material-facts; that's why they are using the excuse of "we didn't know she is really that smart" as the reason for my wrongful termination.  Additionally, the people I mentioned here such as Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo, Hung Havan often talk all day in her boyfriend Bill's office, yet they were not terminated.
Now (June 2016) seems like that my termination had a lot to do with this Bill, most likely the USPTO had deliberately misled into thinking I am Susanne Lo that was having an affair with this Bill.  Under the normal circurmstances, co-workers greeting each other was just that.  Remember, Susanne Lo and her boyfriend Bill spent lots times together in their office and went home together all the time; yet nothing.  I didn't talk to this Bill as I had to meet the 3 cases per biweek evidenced by my computer log, also Hung Havan told me he is a pervert and dirty old man; and only the usual coworkers greeting, that was greeted with  by a group of males as if in High School (I knew then that was something wrong).  I couldn't even recognize Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill amount a group of males stood around the hallway until I got close.

The main culprits are my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his coterie Nathan Hillery and his friends, Michele Choi and her friends, Susanne Lo and her friends from India, and some of this Bill's family members who found my termination was funny to them; typical of a imbecilic white privileged male.  Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I would not be surprise if these USPTO males terminated me just because it was funny to them; and is not the first time (why I said I need a man as much as I need a disease).  In the Silicon Valley where male engineers had very little interaction with women other then his mother, these males behaved just like young males in "The Lord of the Flies".

The root cause was the defamation instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, mainly in Patent Class 715; that promulgated through out the USPTO.  They were used by racists and sexists such as Paul Rodriguez and Wendy Garber as a pretext to terminated me, as Rodriguez had set me up for termination from the get-go, and has a history of discriminations.

All these people had shown such viciousness toward me are the main suspects for the 2 failed attempt beheadings to make the lawsuit go away.  The main suspect is Hung Havan.  There seems to be some people working behind the door.

I will provide as much details as possible in case I die.  My computer has more details.

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