Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What do I mean by Transhumanist

Human is still so primitive, we spend most of our awaken moment thinking about reproductive urges, feeding, clothing and sheltering ourselves, no time to allow our mind to evolve, to pursuit our aspiration.

I call this the breeders era, mainly motivated by basic instinct to ensure the survival of our species.  As such, human are cruel; and consider how I have been treated by most human, I see most killings or the coming WWWIII is no different then whipping out rats.  But human have a potential to be great as evidenced by me.  And so I try to ensure the human race will continue so human can evolved to a higher form

If we live in a world where we could pursuit our aspiration, human will certainly can evolved to a higher form of being.

I wanted to create such world, where robot and other technologies do the mundane things, and free us human to pursuit, to think, to aspire; an aspiration era to come.

This will blow your mind, if you want to know what the future will be, watch Year Million.

Links on the Universe and Quantum Mechanics:

My interests in college were in Cold Fusion (consider radical in the
scientific field, and careers been ruined for researchers in this topic), Superconductivity, Artificial Intelligent (aka AI, I had written a program using C in the late 1980s when C wasn't used to program AI), Optical Computing and Computer Architecture.  This is why I said I would've been crazier then Elon Musk, for those who understand what all above, including Star Trek's Transporter means for the human race.  This is how I envisioned the world 'can be' in Year Million when I was pursuing a PhD in Applied Physics, an aspired Transhumanist to advance the human race.  You see why I said IPhone is just a gadget.

I was going to make enough money to fund my research in above; because no VC or anyone wanted to fund those crazy idea, especially by a woman.  One must remember I was targeted as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s as if I am a Black slave in a KKK town, or as if I am an American in North Korea, by current and past H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia.  Now if there such funding available for non-academic research.....

Human’s next challenge should be “to go where no human has gone before"; understand that earth will eventually destroy either by gravitational pulls into the Sun, asteroids, WWIII, etc; NOT to enable dirty old men get rich so they could grab women’s genital or watch naked teenage girls changing in beauty contests; or buy teenage girls as sex slaves and imported from India using H1B, by Indian dirty old businessmen in the Silicon Valley. 

Your Physics Professor didn't tell you that earth is being slowly pull toward the sun, and will eventual be destroy by the sun, if earth didn't destroy by an asteroid first?  You see why most scientists worth their salt have a different perspective on life, don't really care much about the superficial material world that held dare by the likes of Trump, except to fund our aspiration and innovation.  You are going to die and you can't take it with you.  Your molecules will scatter all over earth, and you might be breathing in one of Einstein's molecule now.

The eventual solution for the eventual destruction of earth is that we will be looking for habitable planets, and colonialized those planet, while those who chose to stay on a spaceship will do so as the spaceship flow through space aimlessly.

I posted on Washington Post's comment section


So that’s what Bannon is up to: small and decentralized government; another word, back to the old Wild Wild West era where only the strongest and the meanest survived.  This is just soooo old school, and would’ve been ahead of its time during the Clinton/Bush 41 Presidency; but is so outdated for today and the future.  If Bannon indeed read all those books, he should understand this.  Bannon should use this opportunity to prepare the population for the future where most jobs will be performed by robots.  If people said we needed to get rid of cars so horse owners can still make a living, does this make sense to you? 

The world is at a critical juncture, an inflection point of globalization and Digital Revolution (akin to the Industrial Revolution).  The last globalization ended in WWII, now added Digital Revolution to the mix.......

And please, don't raise girls as a princess, forcryingoutloud!!! 
Instead of the continuation of “survival of the fittest” since the beginning of life forms, human should evolve to the next level where human will focus on aspirations, where human are free and focus on innovation, creation, etc; instead of trying to survive and pay the bills.


So, what am I saying?  That citizen should have a mean to live on while doing creative things.  Some of the more advance countries in Europe are ahead of us, such as Switzerland “Every month, every Swiss person would receive a check from the government, no matter how rich or poor, how hardworking or lazy, how old or young. Poverty would disappear “.


Communism failed, and so will laissez faire economics/capitalism, even partially implemented had resulted in the 2008 Global Financial Systemic meltdown begun by Reagan that resulted in the current loss of the Middle Class, and worsen by globalization and the Digital Revolution, also contribute to the dismantle of Glass–Steagall that resulted in the 2008 Global meltdown.  Another word, laissez faire economics is saying that Wall Streeters such as Gordon Gekko will do the right thing for society.


De-regulation, akin to Google saying the growth is slowing, let’s go back to doing things during the startup days.  You see how scary that is?
Case in point of laissez faire economics/capitalism where there is no law or regulation, apply to sports such as Football where everything goes, who will win the Super bowl if there is no rules?  Or the Olympics where Russia used every means to win, and now caught cheating using drugs.


Countries such as Japan and South Korea where a few companies dominated the economy and the only game in town, citizen are essentially slaves to those companies; what happened when you realized you are just a slave?  I’ve worked for 2 Japanese tech companies in the Silicon Valley, one of the managers just came from Japan 6 months ago, could barely speak English, told me the word I used “concise” is not a word.  Did I mention most of the males in the Silicon Valley could barely walk and chew gum at the same time, those from Asia couldn’t tell a toaster from a computer, yet when I completed one of the most complex chip process projects on time and within budget, the males from Asia took the credit, I was fired, and scums rise to the top and the Silicon Valley are now full of scums in top level management, just like the novel “Lord of the Flies”.  Then tech talking heads keep saying they can’t find qualified American candidates, need more H1Bs, and been using sophistries and logical fallacy to justify why so women in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry. (


Countries with weak central government such as Mexico, India, etc, where a few men are filthy rich, and the rest of the population are dirt poor, because like Microsoft, they used their power to ensure they will dominated the market, especially those connected to the top government officials; unlike America where we had a strong Middle Class, and so we have the most Billionaires, and the most educated that led to the most aspired population (ie  Sci-Fi and TV shows such as Star Trek) that led to the most innovative country.


Microsoft had dominated the software since the 1980s.  It used it’s dominancy to destroy every software initiatives that might threatened Microsoft’s dominancy such as Linux and oh so many software startups, and lives destroyed in the process.  I didn’t want to go into software because there were so few jobs.


Europe was decentralized, and decided to form the European Union after realizing they can’t compete.  Also, Putin has been using divide and conquer in Europe.  If Bannon had read “The Art of War”, he should know this.


Bannon also should think about how a decentralized government similar to Europe competes with Russia and China. 


Neither Communism nor Laissez Faire economics/capitalism had taken human nature into consideration, therefore is dorm to fail. 


And Bannon’s boss’s antic of grabbing women’s genital is part of this “survival of the fittest” that is motivated by the most primitive instinct - to procreate to ensure the survival of our species.  


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