Monday, January 18, 2016

Logical Fallacy and Sophistry

** since I don't have an EDITOR, I have to do my own editing, so please be patience**

Long before Trump/Fox News using fake news/propaganda, logical fallacy, sophistry, etc, to control MAGA that led to the controlling of the Republican Party; Asian Operatives did the same since the 1990s, and had full control of the Silicon Valley since 2001.  Now the DC metro, NoVa, Arlington VA and the Patent and Trademark Office.  

Unconsciously, White people believed they are too smart and far too superior, that these sterotype Asian indenture servants wouldn't dare to try anything on them.  And that all 4.8 billion Asians all over the world are the same and know each other.  Dems feels the same about Trump and MAGA.  This is called the Dunning Kruger Effect.

An example of logical fallacy, a highly revered Silicon Valley old privileged entitled White male Venture Capitalist Michael Moritz's justification of why so few women in the Silicon Valley, brainwashed with this propaganda from Asian Operatives:   "If women engineers are so smart and willing to work for lower wage, then every tech company would be full of women engineers." (speaking to Bloomberg's Emily Chang in 2016, that was amended🙄, on explaining why so few women in the Silicon Valley.  Why women engineers such as I are so screwed.  To come up with these insidious sophistries, one has to have a mindset of Sheev Palpatine turning Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side.  White males already owned the Silicon Valley; and did not see women as technically8competent or competent in anything.  99% of the Silicon Valley had never heard of Emulation in the 1990s -2000s.  That's why I was very impressed the USPTO put me in the right Patent class 😃).  And, if she is so smart, why can't she got a job? [A well organized and well planned smear campaign against accomplished women in Tech by Asian Operatives, just like the one done to Hillary(one of the most qualified Presidential candidates lost to the least qualified in history - Trump); as well the one done to me in the USPTO, and Arlington VA/NoVa];  Or women, Blacks and Hispanics are not qualified for the job (Asians had never seen a computer when arrived in America since the 1990s, now dominated the tech c-suite such as Google, Microsoft, Cisco, etc.  We were trained on mainframe and PC are nowhere to be found).  This is the same mindset as the affirmative action case plaintiffs who said "I believe that race is the least important part about a person. I believe your merit, your abilities, your ambitions, your skill — those are far far more important than race,” Xu said."  Qualified Supreme Court Justices would see this could applied to White males in America just as done in Japan, India, Taiwan/China.

It is akin to saying if American companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Uber and tech heavy weights are so good, why is that there are so few American tech companies in Asia; shouldn't they be dominated the Asian markets such as Japan, Russia, North Korea, Taiwan, China, India, etc, already if these tech companies are any good?  Since most of these heavy weight tech companies are no where to be seen in Asia, it must be true that they are just NOT as good as Asian tech companies and are inferior compare to Asian tech companies in Japan, Russia, North Korea, Taiwan, China, India, etc,.  Tech VCs ought to understand this logical fallacy.

To really stick it to these tech companies/Silicon Valley ... the Japanese in Japan, Chinese in China/Taiwan or Indians in India said that Americans are inherently inferior (just like white males in America toward people of color and women), can't work as hard or handle stress as well as the Japanese, Chinese, or Indian.  When these tech companies complained, the Chinese in China/Taiwan or Indians in India simply said that these spoiled and lazy Americans are just whining since they can't compete with Chinese/Indian.  Are you feeling my pain, Silicon Valley?  In reference to the comment "tech companies would have been full of women if women are smart".  In Asia, you white males are an inferior race.  Here in America, they used you as tools, just like Trump to MAGA and #GQP, a tool to attack Hillary, Liz Cheney, Biden, Dem, etc.

Well, now you understand what a rigged system is, especially against outsider in China/India; or women in tech in the Silicon Valley.  They are simply doing the same to outsiders in their homeland now in America since the 1990s and dominated the tech c-suite ie Google, Microsoft, etc.  I called them invaders and Operatives.  The H1b and illegal immigrants using falsified papers from Asia are doing the same to me and Americans they couldn't compete in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/Patent and Trademark Office.  The sad part is, Tech heavy weights are helping them to keep Americans down.  You can't make this stuffs up!!!  The males from India had full control of the Silicon Valley and now the Tech industry simply by saying people are starting tech startups companies in India, and talents are going to India or China; that misleading tech companies to promote South Asian males to top level management and demanded higher H1B quota.  Another words, appeal to the VC's greed.    

Michael Moritz was one of the ruling class in Silicon Valley/tech/STEM.  His view represented not just a few, but the whole ruling class infiltrated by Asian Operatives.  Why they dominated the tech c-suite such as Google, Microsoft, Cisco, etc, who couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when arrived in America in the 1990s.  We were forced to train them.  My Grad school college buddies (women and Americans of color) were trained on Mainframe in the 1980s are not represented anywhere in the Silicon Valley or the Tech industry.  I was going to build an Optical Computer in the late 1980s (a friend was doing research in Quantum Computer), hence I was pursuing a PhD in Applied Physics, a Master's in EE, and a 2nd Master's in Computer Science.  Am also a former EE adjunct Prof.  Yet, the Silicon Valley white males preferred to hire H1Bs from Asia, who had never seen a computer,  can barely speak legible English and treated us women as if we are street rats.  

Knowing how Microsoft ruined any new tech such as Mosaic, Linux, and any software startup before these, the only time I mentioned building an Optical Computer is here. 

When all else failed, they resulted to defamation such as she is a "slut, whore, nutcase, paranoia, communist, spy, no one wanted her; no one liked her, etc" to made woman into a public enemy #1 that resulted in harassment and threats everywhere we go, such as done to me here ~5 miles from the White House  There been 3 failed murders on me, and is going homeless.

It is most likely that when these Silicon Valley Westerners went to ASia such as China, and treated the natives the same they treated Asian Americans such as I, either as  a China-man or a simpleton (a reflection on the person being a redneck hillbilly), in a country that's been practicing tactics in the "Art of War" by Sun Tsu for thousands of years; and now in the Silicon Valley/Tech, as well the NoVa/DC metro.

The reason why propaganda is so effective is because it is what people wanted to hear.  For example, Trump is a birther, but smart enough to know it is not true; but makes Trump feels good by saying it as a black man is getting uppity.  Fox News and millions of Americans keep repeated it for the same reason.  The more outrageous the fake news Fox News make against people MAGA hated(ie Obama, Hillary, Dems, etc). the more white Americans watch Fox News.  This begun when Obama got elected as the POTUS, and millions white people started watching Fox News.  It is a feedback loop; now to the point supporting Putin's invasion of Ukraine.  

Have you heard of discriminations?  Racism? Sexism? HATE crime? Bigotry?  Apparently, these privileged entitled White males/hicks Silicon Valley VCs don't know what discrimination is.

These are run-of-mill discriminations, it is so obvious that even a blind man could see it, or this "not so smart woman engineer at the verge of going homeless the resulted of discriminations" could see this, then why all these male millionaires and billionaires geniuses in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry making 100s million$$$$$ if not billion$$$$$, not see this and willfully participated in ruined women's lives such as Ellen Pao and me?  Similarly, why someone such as Trump ran an empire in NYC, dealt with mafias, and yet a bither just like so many redneck hillbillies Tea Party?  It is obviously a pretext used by racists and sexists.  In the case of the Silicon Valley, it is also motivated by GREED!!!  Where most are snake oil salesmen, not the do-gooders they portrayed themselves to be.

Without discrimination laws, women would still be in the same position as in 3rd world Asia.  Yet still, males from 3rd world are still treated women just as they were in their 3rd world, including coerced women to have sex with them or threated to fired and make them into public enemy #1 just as in Ellen Pao's case. 

If I am a White male, I would've been a billionaire.  I would've been crazier then Elon Musk.  As a woman, I was targeted, demonized, ousted and make into public enemy #1 everywhere I went, from the Silicon Valley/tech industry, to NYC, and now the DC metro where I was targeted the first month I started the job with the Patent and Trademark Office by Tuan Nyugen and his countrymen/women that resulted in a wrongful termination, and 2 failed beheadings in Arlington, VA.

The discrimination was so bad, that when I succeed in finishing one of the most complex multi-million$$$ emulation project on time and within budget, the credits were given to males from Asia, who had never heard of emulation and I trained them, or couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when they arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s.  For most  Asian countries such as India, China, etc, only the rich and well-connected to the government can afford and/or allowed to go to college.  Another word, most of these males from Asia had never work a day in their life and spoiled by servants, and/or well-connected to the government that make them a government operative.  Since it is still a 3rd world sweatshop factory working culture, bad mouthing is a common practices as well using all the dirty tactics; similar to the novel Oliver Twist's childhood.

I had worked 3 jobs every summer since High School, and 20 years of working experiences when I got my Master's in EE.  I had also worked as an EE adjunct, Applied Physics researcher, worked in Wall Street and ran a motel/restaurant, but nevertheless, males in tech trust these spoiled males from Asia that had never worked a day in their lives, and complained that they can't find good talents.  This is how bad of judgement males in tech have.  The resulted is that they helped to ruined my life

Do these Silicon Valley genius elites know what is going on in their company or society; or they just don't care because they are getting richer everyday?  The best way to describe Silicon Valley when I was there in the 1990s to early 2000s was the novel "Lord of the Flies".  Susan Fowler's blog indicated it is still pervasive and gotten worst as the majority are scums got to top level management.

Just think, these are the people have full control of your computer and all the technologies around you, and the future of Artificial Intelligence.  Scary, isn't it?!

Another abhorring sophistry to explain why so few women in the SV and Tech industry:  "women stay home and have babies".  Anyone who has a degree in STEM knew it is hard work and a full commitment in order to get through all the courses; by saying such as if women worked so hard and had to endure all forms of harassment and abuses such as "if you don't do as I told, I will failed you" (meaning have sex with the lecturer), to get our STEM degree, then suddenly decided to give it all up, does this make sense to anyone??

Worst, by the smirk on these males that said such, especially those from Asia, as if to say:  women should stay home and have babies, now we make sure they stayed in the kitchen; by making women such as I into public enemy #1, using defamation/fake news/propaganda such as "no one wanted her; no one liked her; she needs a man; she liked to check man out; etc".  People from Asia then say "no one wanted to marry her", to not just ruined women's lives, but also to ensure inflicting maximum pain and suffering on women just like the Islamic terrorists have been doing to the West and women, with the help of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, and now the Patent and Trademark Office as well the DC metro.  Why would any woman wants to marry these sociopaths/psychopaths similar to Charles Manson, unless they have no other choice as these males from ASia have been doing to me to ensure such is the case, or become a prostitute.  Hence why they said I became a prostitute.

More abhorring sophistry "she is not working because she is lazy and collect unemployment insurance (UI)".  Whoever think or believed someone got an engineering or STEM degree is lazy, and stopped working just to collect a messily UI or welfare while given up an opportunity to make million$$$ if not billion$$$ in the Silicon Valley, should be taken out to the woodshed.  And in my case, because we were so poor, I had to work 3 jobs every summer since High School so I could continue my education.  

When all sophistries and logical fallacy failed, 3rd worlders from Asia then accused women of being a nutcase, paranoia, an outlier rather then the norm, etc.  All White trashes, racists and sexists needed is an excuse NOT to bother with the "women issue".

In  short, people in the tech industry used such insidious sophistry and logical fallacy are just simply EVIL; because there are so much power and money concentrated in the Silicon Valley, how else these mediocre tech talent get to top level management?  It is NOT because there are no qualified American candidates, but we are either being systemically targeted, demonized, ousted and make into public enemy #1.  And so only scums raise to the top. 

I've been saying this since 1999, that the Silicon Valley is the "Lord of the Flies" full of White Trash, racist, sexist, Asian version of the KKK.

Many of the people from Asia, young, old, male and female alike that targeted me, are anti-West and anti-America, thugs at best, eliminated Americans they can't compete such as I so they could get to top level management, stolen these tech companies trade secret which I warned since 2004, started a similar company in their homeland, while their country make it difficult or out right banned American companies.  But nevertheless, these Silicon Valley/Tech industry White sexists think they are the smartest people in the world, took Asian version of the KKK over my warnings, and now all their trade secrets are stolen.

White privileged males that's been running the Silicon Valley and Tech industry had never experienced discrimination, and know nothing about other/3rd world culture or Asian culture, and so women engineers such as I had to pay for their stupidity and discriminations; while they continue to make 100s of million$$$, women engineers such as I that excelled in tech jobs are make into public enemy #1 and at the verge of going homeless.

Now these White privileged males are experiencing such discrimination in Asia when they tried to do business in Asia, and whine how unfair they are being treated; in addition to their trade secrets are now completely stolen, which I had warned since 2004, and attacked relentlessly for such for years!  I had a bet with my alumni brothers in 2002 that China will be a world superpower in 20 years; when most Americans couldn't find China or Asia on the map.

I wonder if the Silicon Valley has connected the dots yet.

Oh well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can force the horse to drink.

You can take a 3rd worlder out of the 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder.

A Google engineer wrote that women may be unsuited for tech jobs. Women wrote back. 

My Response: 

Steve Jobs never learn to code, and worked mainly in the aesthetics of Apples’ products, does this make Jobs a woman?

This googler using propaganda that’s intended to keep women down, to make his argument over and over again; the same used to explain why so few women in the Silicon Valley/tech.

Similarly, when there are so few tech companies in China or India, the Chinese and Indian are saying Americans are just inherently inferior to compete in the Chinese and Indian market.  They just can’t handle the hard work and the stress.  Another word, Google is just not as good as the Chinese and Indian companies in China and India.

In the 1950s, women were told they were not suite for higher education because women are not wired to understand complex concepts, according to some researches done by males.  Today, women are half the MBA, JD, and MD student body today.

When women excelled in tech jobs over the males, we are systematically targeted, coerced to have sex (Susan Frowler) or threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 such as in Ellen Pao’s case; and in my case, threatened with physical harm by an Asian coworker Don Nguyen and an Asian gang where I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley.  Similarly, I was targeted by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the 1st month on the job with the Patent and Trademark Office, sexually harassed, abused and terminated despite outstanding accomplishments and may be the first woman have an apodictic patent case, then 2 failed beheadings on me here in Arlington Va meant to kill me (  This is to re-enforce the notion that women are NOT fit in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry. 


Wow, I didn’t know male “software engineers” are using their male part (“biologically differ”) for creating computer programs, no wonder there are so many bugs, or vaporware.  It is also apparent that not just one googler, but most in the Silicon Valley are using their male part for thinking as well .

These male CODERs that called themselves “software engineers” (LOL), just a bunch of glorified manual writers; essentially, "How To' manual writers writing instructions using a computer language on how to perform a task on a computer.  Most don't understand real science (here, knock yourself out with real science 

I had to take AI out of my resume in the 1990s to early 2000s to ensure a 2-page resume because these coders didn't know what AI was as it was taught in Graduate school; yet these coders concluded that I didn't know anything purely based on me being a woman.  Those males knew what AI was make sure I wouldn't be hired; and then they have the audacity to say they couldn't find qualified American engineer candidates, and needed more H1B cheap indenture servants from Asia, then forced us to train them as our replacement.  For those still don't get it, you know how Microsoft used to went after any company such as Linux that might challenge the company, the Silicon Valley basically tacitly ousting talents that might challenge their companies, why consequential Startups usually coming from outside of the Silicon Valley.  These Silicon Valley geniuses may not be the geniuses they portrait themselves to be, but they are well-verse in marketing and sharp elbows at best, often just a bunch of snake-oil-salesmen. 

Long before Sexual harassments were a known open secret in the Silicon Valley, there was the porn and child porn surfing in the office, openly, often in groups, in every company and companies where I went on an interview, I often saw porn on their desktop when I pass-by their cube.  And I’ve been posting about it since 2004, but was deleted in almost every website control by the Silicon Valley, with the exception of Craigslist. 

Discrimination and sexual harassments toward women and minorities weren’t as bad in the 1990s in companies where there were few to no H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia, mainly the Chinese from Taiwan and China, Vietnamese and Indian from Asia, which are differ from Asian-Americans grew-up in America. 

As I’ve been posting on social media since 2004 how women that excelled in tech jobs are systematically targeted and ousted.  We are sexually harassed on a daily basis, coerced to have sex or threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 such as in Ellen Pao’s case. 

My posts were deleted, including by Twitter, with the exception of Craigslist. 

Today, still the same argument to keep women down in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, but not in NASA; why? 

As one of the few women computer hardware engineers in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, I saw how the Silicon Valley manifested into today’s male dominated cesspool where women are just sex objects to these privileged males, and warned since 2004.  Unfortunately, my posts were deleted by most tech websites except craigslist, and I was kept silence.  Today, sexual harassment is an open secret and fewer and fewer women in the Silico Valley. 

Women are half the population, why are we, the women still a 2nd class citizen in America?  One of the most qualified Presidential candidates Hillary lost to the least qualified in the history of Presidential candidates, a male.   Women lost almost every battle we fought in Equal Rights and Opportunities; including women raped in Universities where schools said it didn't happened.  When women took legal action, we are dismissed or ruled against us by the San Francisco Bay Area jurors that were the same people sexually harassed and fired us such as in the Ellen Pao’s case; and even the EEOC and the Civil Court ruled against us.     Are we living in the Middle East run by Islamic Extremists?  How outrageous is this?    So much so that makes me puked every time.

Indian women are fighting the same fight as we are here for Equal Rights and Opportunities, but not women from the rest of Asia.

** since I don't have an EDITOR, I have to do my own editing, so please be patience**

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