Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3. Propaganda -The Making of the Manchurian Candidates

"No one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" by people from Asia, mostly illegals and H1Bs, that you had never met in your life went behind your back saying this about you, while acted like your best friend in front of you. 

 WHY?!   Are they a racist or sexist?  I am from NYC, and don't know anyone in the area.

Why are there no American asked "WHY"?  Because they were looking for an excuse to mask their discrimination, aka "implicit bias"?  Or it fits their stereotypical of a China man that is often an outcast in a White society? 

Who is this "no one"?  Did they ask everyone?

Why are they relentlessly badmouthing someone they had never met in their live, everywhere you went just like this UMD student Yang Shuping and this Duke U Chinese student Grace Wang?  Are you the one with issues or people from Asia you had never met in your life?

Asian American women harassed & threatened by Asian males for marrying non-Asian men

It does not take much to brainwash Americans, mostly Whites.  Most African Americans and immigrants, including those from South America working in the tech field knew what was going on.  Randy Schaffer (a typical white American male, he is 50+ years old) had to ask Reza Nabi(from the Middle East?) and Shawn Joseph why he (pointing to Tuan Nguyen who set across from Schaffer) is doing this to her (pointing to me), which Reza then answered "she is a woman and she is smart" (there is nothing new under the sun).  This was the 1st month we were in the Training Academy with the Patent and Trademark Office - a government entity, and our cubes were close together.

How propaganda uses to brainwash Americans may be too complicated for a typical White privileged male to understand.  Like Paris Hilton, most White American males believed they are smarter because they are rich/White.  This is true in the Silicon Valley as well the DC metro where most of the top government officials reside.  Why despite I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004, yet nearly all government entities and private companies have been hacked.  I am pretty sure Bush 43 was warned before 911 happened. 

So you might ask how screwed are we??

Asian operatives didn't even bother to make something up because they think Americans are so stupid, all they did was to say the antithesis of the truth about me, case in point: "she doesn't know anything" when I was the pioneer in the Emulation field and could've been crazier then Elon Musk, while all these people from Asia had never heard of emulation in their life, and often couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when they first arrived in the US in the 1990s.

To decode people from Asia's propaganda, the antithesis of "no one wanted her; no one liked her", I was well-liked/popular by many and especially by top level management, except people such as Paul Rodriguez and other racists and sexists such as these people from Asia.  The antithesis of anything such as "she needed a man; she is desperate; she is a slut, whore; etc" because White males shown romantic interests in me and asked them for information.  Because to most White males, all 4.3 billion Asians all over the world know each other.  It was meant to incite sexual harassment and abuses because these White males are interested in an Asian woman.  Then they accused the White males' romantic interest of checking males-from-Asia out despite most looks like Gollum from the movie "Lord of the Ring", meant to denigrate both (see why people from Asia think White males are stupid, they all knew I am from NYC, also one of the reasons why I was targeted).  Think about that, these Gollum like Asian males went around telling people the woman you are in love with is checking them out.  It is akin to accuse of a Holocaust survivor of checking a Nazi out.

Don't forget that most of these people from Asia came from countries not much different then North Korea, has never seen any other race in their lives or outside of the 100 miles of their birth place.

When I interviewed with companies outside of the Silicon Valley, it only takes one person from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen to email an Asian in the Silicon Valley to ask about me, and so the defamation/propaganda against me spread to this company, and so I was either not hired or fired soon if I was hired just as I was wrongfully terminated by the USPTO.

Then, to prevent people from talking to me to find out the truth and to isolate me, people from Asia just had to say "she no speak English; I don't understand what she say; etc" often with a very heavy accent.  So, mind you, I grew up in NYC, worked 3 jobs every summer since H.S. including in Wall St., also as an EE Adjunct Prof. I might speak with a NY accent, or that I might be a little out of practice as I was isolated since I started working in the Tech industry in the 1990s (20+ years, often just a few sentences in a year unless I had an interview) as nearly all Americans in the Tech industry, including the Silicon Valley, the USPTO and the DC metro, were completely brainwashed by people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, Hung Havan, etc.  So, even those who spoken to me in a normal conversation, but then after they were told by the people from Asia that "I don't understand what she is saying, etc", these Americans started having trouble of understanding me after the brainwashed.  You can't make this stuff up!  It is a sad, sad state of America.  Basically the people from Asia handled Americans as if handling retards, just check the USPTO or the Pentagon City area.  They laughed, ridiculed and a huge f***you gesture to these retards in their native tongue while watching these White Americans and a traitor (me) suffered in pain, demoted or fired (killed 2 birds with one stone); while they got promoted and now CEO of Google and Microsoft.  Which by the way, in 2002, I said that Asia will be a dominating force.

For me, the worst discriminations in America was that I either fired or not hired.  But discriminations by the people from Asia because they perceived me as an Americanized Asian woman, in America no less; they make me into a public enemy #1, not hired or fired soon such as by the Patent and Trademark Office, physical harm and rape threats everywhere I went in America, and 3 failed murders. 

The following had happened in the Silicon Valley and I posted in Craigslist multiple times since 2004.  Any non-Asian male that expressed any interested in me were targeted by people from Asia until they are brainwashed and turned again me.  So if you are smart enough to see through them, and didn't turned against me or still interested, you will be their next target.  People from Asia would psychologically torment you by telling you "she is a gold-digger, party girl, slut, pregnant; etc".  What kind of people would say such about a woman/me who was pursuing a PhD in Applied Physics?  If you are still unwilling to do harm to me while you were told the person you have deep affection is out with another male party every night; 3rd World males will then used photo-shopped pictures, take pictures in the bathroom, followed the woman to the bathroom, set the woman up as if the woman is performing a sex act on a male from Asia, etc, etc, etc.  Or in the USPTO, Hung Havan and Michele Choi set me up and recorded using their smartphone (a USPTO property) to make me come across as if I was  checking out Hung Havan, who looks like Gollum.  These 3rd World males will torment you until you have a mental breakdown, even if it took 1 year as with one of the cases in the Silicon Valley.  How many of you can handle this type of psychological torment?  If any of you believe anything these people from Asia said, you won't last very long before having a mental breakdown.  And that's why I kept a low and not be seen.

While I had no interest of using your affection to get ahead or lead you on to further my own career, but instead keep a distance.  It is an insulted to my ability and integrity if I were to use your affection or lead you on as if I am lesser, when I am far better at the job then most, if not all males, including your job, and had already proven, while you struggled.  As a MIT graduate and had make million$$$ in the Silicon Valley, you couldn't wrap your head around my emulation project that encompassed every part of your job in the chip development process. This is how far you were behind me, and why you struggled.  You got to where you are was mainly because you are a White male.  But because you subscribed to a misogynistic/racist (China man) view of an Asian woman, you think I couldn't do anything, or speak English because you are brainwashed by these males from Asia such as Raymond Tan; or that a China-man such as I should be flattered that a White male is interested.  This is why I didn't even want to talk to you, because I won't be able to control myself to insult you, a hillbilly redneck at best, in addition to I am definitely not the old world submissive and ignorant (China man) type of woman you a looking for.  Yet you still didn't get it for over a year, even when I said I already have a boyfriend and was in a committed relationship.  You are so brain-dead that Raymond Tan couldn't help himself but to torment you.  

I also believed in meritocracy and naïvely believed my accomplishments is enough (terminated by the USPTO despite maybe the 1st woman to have an apodictic first patent case, etc). 

If you are in the position to terminate me, people from Asia would tell you to threaten to fired me so I would have to beg for my job and would do anything you asked.  This is just a way of telling me this is still a man's world; just as the 3rd World where these males from Asia who told you to do to a woman/me.  I don't beg and I had been utterly disgusted with males like you that have such low morality.  You finally decided to fired me after Raymond Tan told you I was pregnant.    I was asked to come back 5 days later, and that group of males from Asia, including one Director Raymond Tan and a main perpetrator name Don Nguyen who often followed me inside the bathroom were fired by the CEO.  

I was so appalled and disgusted with the Islamic Extremist like treatment toward women, mainly by males from Asia in a 1950 Silicon Valley culture for nearly a decade  that I was sick for months, weight about 78lbs and almost died if 911 didn't happened, as many of the people I cared about were working in Wall Street at the time.  Soon after I was well enough to leave the house, I was threatened with physical harms by an Asian coworker, one of Raymond Tan's close associates in the company.  I moved to Palo Alto.   Months later, an Asian gang in Walmart/Mountain View parking lot was waiting for me and so I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley.  After the wrongful termination by the USPTO, I couldn’t get out bed for weeks. When I had to get out to find a lawyer, I fell on the street and hurt myself. I knew the people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, Hung Havan and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her friends will continue to do harm to me, hence the 2 failed attempt beheadings that was meant to kill me.  Cats have 9 lives, I am currently on my 5th life.  I am still suffering from PTSD and afraid to leave the house today.  These 3rd World males continue to practice their 3rd world oppression toward women here in America, the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO/EEOC and America's judicial system are all helping them, and becoming just like the Islamist extremists toward women, including 2 failed attempt beheadings on me.

To further isolated me and make me into public enemy #1, the people from Asia went after anyone who befriended or friendly toward me using insidious defamation and worked on the person, 24/7 if needed, until turned the person against me, since the 1990s soon I arrived in the Silicon Valley and everywhere I went since.  Case in point, Kakali Chaki's friend, one of Tuan Nguyen countrywomen in her 50-60s, started defaming me to Chaki after she saw Chaki was very friendly toward me.  Another case in point, as soon as Randy Shaffer befriended me in the Training Academy the first month we started the job, Tuan Nguyen started defaming me to Shaffer, then to Shawn Joseph and Reza Nabi who's office cubes were next to me; Nguyen, Shaffer, Joseph and Nabi then defamed me to the rest of the Class; Shawn Joseph also defamed me to the rest of the Training Academy; where the Training Academy defamed me to their Art Unit, then the rest of the UPSTO and the USPTO employees defamed me to the rest of the DC metro that make into public  enemy #1 everywhere I went since, including places where I volunteered.

Instead of focusing on doing a job, people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women or Hung Havan focusing on ruining other people's live such as me, where I focusing on doing a good job evidenced by my accomplishments.  Hence why 2 of the world's biggest software companies, Google's and Microsoft's CEO are males from Asia/India.  

I defined myself as an Asian-American as I grew up in NYC, instead of Chinese because I don't shared anything with the Chinese from Asia. We don't share the language, values, or common understanding. There is nothing we have in common from working with them in the Silicon Valley as they are no different then the Islamic Extremists toward women and the West.

If people you had never met in your life went behind your back saying "no one liked you; no one wanted you; you are a pedophile; or you needed a man if you are a woman; etc", are you one with issues or those you had never met in your life, especially they are from Asia?  Now what if you (an American) are in North Korea, and it started with one  N. Korean such as Tuan Nguyen, and then 2 N. Koreans, then 4, 8, 16 and so on, all behind your back.  Very soon, you are in a North Korea jail.  Well, these people came from Asia that was not much different then North Korea not too long ago; and they perceived me as Westernized/Americanized, a traitor.  The more people/Americans liked me, especially if White males expressed their romantic interests to these people from Asia and asked for my information (as if 3.5 billion Asians know each), the worst the insidious defamation and the harder they worked to defame me.  Some had worked 24/7 in the Silicon Valley to ensure everyone hated me.

In Houston, TX, few people cared what the people from Asia had to say as Texans treated them as a 3rd Worlders.  So they were not a problem for me despite a few did try to spread insidious defamation against me, including a PhD from Taiwan.  But others such as Jose caught on and did make some serious damages.  One should aware that I solved a PCI bus bug in their Networking chip design that's been plaguing the whole department for months, and the dept. was at the verge of being dismantled.  I solved this PCI bug the 1st week I was on the job with TI in the early 1990s.  The Networking products worth billions, and was competing with Cisco.

Without the insidious defamation instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the first month we all (200-300 new hired Patent Examiners) started the job in the UPSTO’s Training Academy, promulgated by classmates such as Shawn Joseph, Randy Shaffer and Reza Nabi (these three also acted on what they heard and sexually harassed Ms. Chu); and re-enforce by officemate Hung Havan and his cabal Nathan Hillery (a Union Rep.), Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and friends from India; I probably wouldn't be terminated in such a haste, as these people had full control of the USPTO using insidious defamation. But Paul Rodriguez would terminated me on the last day of my probationary term as he was setting me up from the get-go; as such, Ms. Chu had to work nearly 24/7 as evidenced by her computer log time, and hadn't seen daylight since she started the job. The USPTO continues to take these people's word at face value even after the USPTO learned their insidious defamation used by racist and sexist as a pretext to terminate me.

To justify their action, people from Asia using the pretext of "she doesn't like Asian", understand that I had never met any of these people from Asia in my life such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, and they targeted me the first month we were on the job in the USPTO, as well by most people from Asia in NoVA such as Sue Tsui in a place I volunteer.  The take-away from this is that they admitted they are targeting me in a well-organized and well-planned way all over the DC metro/the center of the World Power, the San Francisco Bay Area/Silicon Valley - the High Tech capital of the world, and NYC; another word, everywhere I went; by people from Asia, who I had never met in my life.

Insidious defamation such as "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" (why??  Are they a racist/sexist??) the 1st month I joined the USPTO in the DC metro, instigated by people I had never met in my life such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women.  Since I don't know anyone in the DC metro, who are these "no one"; and why are these people from Asia who I had never met in my life obsessively and relentlessly bad mouthing me with the intend to ruin me and to make me suffer to the point where I would kill myself?  The answer is because they perceived me as a Westernized/Americanized Asian woman, hence the "slut" and other such derogatory terms to describe the stereotypical American according to their Asian culture in  their homeland, which they continue to practice such prejudices toward Americans and Asian-Americans despite they are now in America, and not in their 3rd World Asia.

When Hung Havan said so-and-so likes anal or young girls/boys, he means he himself likes anal or young girls/boys.  When Hung Havan said you have AIDS/HIV, he means he himself has AIDS/HIV.

When Tuan Nguyen or his countrymen said women likes to check him out, begged him for sex, had naked pictures of coworkers (photoshopped), you should reported these people to authorities.  No one is safe with people like these working next to you.

If one of the reason of defaming me was "so that White men can't have her"; yes, they would ruined the Asian woman if a White male is interested in her, as indicated by their insidious defamation such as "she likes to check me/man out".  Just think this is the woman you are interested in and you were told she is a slut; no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc.

The USPTO employees and Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women spread insidious defamation to their families, friends, neighbors and neighborhoods such as in Arlington, VA.  As the result, I can't secure a job while being sexually harassed, abused, physical harm, and rape threats that resulted in a failed attempt beheading (see pic) on 6/2013 by coworkers I named above in the Patent and Trademark Office that was meant to kill me to make the EEOC case go away.  If any of these people get near me, I will call the police.  If I am threatened with beheading or physical harms again, I will get a gun and shoot to kill.  The second one happened on April 2015 that mistaken my neighbor as me and murdured her by stabbed and cut her throat with a "large wound to her neck".

Typical slanders/insidious defamation to incite resentment and abuses toward Ms. Chu is: "she is too smart, she is going to take your job away" (Society defined smart as someone who went to an Ivy League. I did not attend any Ivy Leagues such as MIT, Stanford, Harvard, etc., but a City College and worked 3 jobs every summer since High School.), "she wants to be a manager/Director/CEO" or "start her own Startup". If you are Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian or any nationality, they would say "Ms. Chu doesn't like Chinese/Vietnamese/Indian/any nationality". If you are an American, "Ms. Chu is a racist". If you hated Japanese, Korean, etc., they would say "Ms. Chu is Japanese, Korean, etc." If you hated American, "she thinks she is an American", or "she only likes white boys" (there are plenty of women from their parts of the world for them, why me – an American-Asian? A trophy girlfriend/wife. Partially also because if they can't have it, they destroy it so no one/White boys can't have it either. This is understood among those from their parts of the world, especially women).

To incite sexual harassment, termination and rape, "she needs a man; she likes to check man out; etc." (I am an Asexual, also the internet is full of human anatomy, in any shape or form. Additionally, I've been sexually harassed for decades and had my career ruined by males, checking males out would be akin to accuse of a Jewish checking out a Nazi); to re-enforce such notion to ensure Ms. Chu will be terminated, rape and now the slit of Ms.Chu's throat to kill her (this intend shared by anyone who accused Ms. Chu of checking him out), Hung Havan and Michele Choi used their smartphones to set Ms. Chu up such she would come across as if she was checking him out. Basically, people Ms. Chu had never met in her life such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen would do and say insidious things to incite hatreds, sexual harassment, abuse, termination, physical harm and rape toward Ms. Chu.

They, including Hung Havan called me a dyke/lesbian when I was working in the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). After I was terminated from the USPTO, the defamation has been that I became a prostitute, caught AIDS and will die soon. There were people spitted when they passed by me. And now they attempted to beheading me that was meant to kill me such the EEOC would go away. Currently (1/5/2015), the defamation to incite attacks on me been "she doesn't like immigrants/foreigners" by people I had never met in my life. I've been a volunteer to help the disadvantaged, including immigrants/foreigners. This is how far the people-from-Asia, particularly from the STEM field and the USPTO ex-coworkers will go to have me killed. I just hope there is justice for these people to get what they deserved. No one is safe with such evil working and living amount you, and the Tech industry is full of them.

In the Silicon Valley, the people-from-Asia accused me of being a spy in the 1990s and early 2000s. I didn't think much of it as we are just a bunch of common folks, surely when people heard such ridiculous accusation and see right away the deviance of these people. Who would say such thing to discredit others in America? Well, the CIA, FBI, McCarthyism and a common practice of any Asian country top government officials as a way to eliminate their opponents (a death penalty for spying). This is a well-organized, well-planned and widespread attack on me by people I had never met in my life. This is when I had to analyze the kinds of people-from-Asia I was working with in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s and early 2000s. The common characteristics are they grew-up in Asia (mainly Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian), and the core of the people-from-Asia were H1Bs. For someone to leave a dirt poor country, to attend college and work in America/High Tech, one must be well-off and well-connected, which is often well-connected to the government. Another word, the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry were infiltrated with spies; and now the DC metro (I hope this is not news for US top government officials). Hence the stealing of trade secrets and hacking.  People from Asia also employed the tactic of only hired their countrymen, systemically eliminated those they can't compete such as me to ensure their people promoted to top level management, hence now 2 of the world's most powerful software companies  Google and Microsoft's CEO are males from India.  I've warning of such, the stealing of trade secrets, systemically ousting women by the Silicon Valley/Tech, etc since 2004.

Anyone who partakes in promulgating these defamations also partake in inciting termination, sexual harassment, abuses, rape, psychological torture, the ruined of my life, the slit of my throat that was meant to kill me and the worst for me.

Insidious defamations (aka propaganda) meant to incite conscious and subconscious racist and sexist, particularly sexist in the Technical/STEM field as women are threatening the superiority of the last bastion of a male dominated world.  But since it is frowns upon and is illegal to discriminate against woman/Asian, so they needed an excuse; and insidious defamations (no one wanted her; no one liked her; slut; she needed a man; etc, when even an 8 years old knows is mean to say) gave them the excuse they needed; hence didn't even bother to check for facts and terminated me in a haste of 2 days.  These managements' pay grade is well above knowing who should be terminated and who should not; they can not claimed ignorance on this matterThey also knew they can get away with murder for males in the technical field, especially if is a White male committed wrong-doing toward a woman and/or a colored person. 

This is why I am in the DC metro.  The Silicon Valley (aka the Evil Empire) is run by sexist, blinded by prejudice against women, and  why so easily make into a Manchurian Candidate.  This is not just a danger to me, but to the future of America in light of all the hackings, and how people from Asia systemically eliminated competitions such they are the only one move into top level management, and now the 2 most powerful software companies in the world, Google and Microsoft are run by males from India.  I had being saying this since 2004.  How the people from Asia eliminated me from the USPTO, in particular, patent class 715, had also happened in the Silicon Valley, that started as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s.  In similar manner, defamed me all over the Silicon Valley/Tech industry just as they are doing to me in the DC metro.

These people will even use the excuse of "we think she is a terrorist sympathizer" to justify their attacks on me; but the attacks started in the 1990s as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley by mainly fresh-off-boat H1Bs as the core from Asia, long before 911.  They also had accused me of being a spy in the Silicon Valley, I LOL as we were just a bunch of common folks, and I can traced from elementary school to Graduate school via NYC's school system.  This is typical practices of high level politicians in any communist country such as Vietnam or China; to ensure their target is dead, preferably by the hand of people they are trying to eliminate; killing 2 birds with one stone.  They are the puppet master.

I been asking my father why has he been treating Mom so badly.  Typically, he would say "you know nothing ", typical of misogynist males answer, like most males from Asia.  Recently(Xmas of 2016), he finally open up and told me that his Chinese subordinates (immigrants from Asia) from 35+years ago told him that my Mom was having an affair with 3 other males.  So I said his subordinates had never seen or met Mom, why did they say this about someone they had never met in their lives? You not only ruined your life, but also Mom's too.  

My God, my father been abusing my Mom for 35+years because he took his Chinese subordinates words at face value, who had never seen nor met my Mom in their lives.  My Mom wanted to leave him many times, if she was financially capable.  Why I ensure I am self sufficient since High school.

This was what I put on my USPTO office door: "[The Emperor's New Clothes], just because someone said it, doesn't mean is true".  Talk is cheap, action speaks louder then words.

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