Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Biweekly report with Paul Rodriguez as a SPE

I am today's Emmett Till.  Lies were instigated by Asian Operatives as soon as they arrived in America/Silicon Valley in the 1990s, just as this male stomped an Asian woman passersby to death, or guy strike an Asian woman passersby on the street #StopAsianHate.and had never seen a computer.  I had never met them in my life.  They now dominated the tech c-suite such as Google, Microsoft, etc.  My Grad STEM friends - women, Blacks and Hispanics were train on Mainframes in the 1980s, but not represented in the Silicon Valley/STEM or the USPTO.  If I am a White male, I would've been one of the Silicon Valley billionaires.  Popular East Asian American women are attacked by Asian males.  Just think what it feels like if Emmett Till's is your child.

If looking at my productivity, only data, not opinions, I would be the best employee in all my employments, including most volunteering.  But because lies against me are how White supremacists/misogynists see people of color or women, I was fired in a haste of 2 days by the Patent Office, where everything has to be based on previous Art/facts.

Chinese from Taiwan have been doing this to other Asian Americans for decades such as in IBM, so they are the only one left to represent minorities as required for diversity.  They were the model minority.

Many of mine court case exhibits are deleted by Google/Blogger.  But you can find my case in these links.  

COPA=10+ yrs old patent cases b/c no one could do.  I was finishing 3 COPA cases per biweek and had to request Rodriguez for more via email just before I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days.  A total of 19 (per Rodriguez) mainly COPA patent cases in 8 months.

White supremists hell bent on firing me ... just like the 2 white supremists hell bent on murdering Emmett Till in the most horrific ways.

Summary:  For Asians arrived in America since the 1990s, educated women such as I who dare to challenge the superiority of males, I would've been gang-raped and burned alive in their homelands in Asia for being an Americanized Asian woman, where they are the ruling class just as KKK in America.  Asian Operative invaders are not here to building a good life, they don't need a reason to attack Americans.  Just as Russian invaded Ukraine, they don't need a reason to pillage, rape and murdered Ukrainians.  Asian Operative invaders such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women (think the 2 Lunar New Year shooters Huu Can Tran, using fake news instead of guns.  Same reason Nazi hated Jewish) re-enforced and perpetuated the negative image of Asian American for 30+ years, just as Fox News to MAGA; so when Trump said "China virus", all Asian Americans are under attack. #StopAsianHate  

My officemate Hung Havan with his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and friends from India were instrumental in spreading fake news that finally got me fired

In America, White people are controlled by Asian Operatives using fake news to crowd out us women, Blacks and Hispanics in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s.  Just as Trump controlling MAGA and the Republican Party.  Using similar Asian Operatives tactics, Trump using fake news and got him elected as the POTUS in 2016, and incited the Jan 6 insurrection by saying the election is stolen.   Just as USPTO believed "no one wanted/liked her, slut, whore, spy, communist, etc" instigated by Asian invaders, who I had never met in my life, and wrongfully terminated me in a haste of 2 days despite unprecedented accomplishments. Because that's the sterotype of people of color and women in America perpetuated in a White Supremacy and a patriarchy.

For women such as Ellen Pao (Harvard MBA and JD), Michelle Kwan, me, etc, and Americans of color that excelled in jobs in America, we are seen as getting uppity in a society where women and Americans of color have been gaslighting into believing as lesser; while tolerated as long we fit the stereotype of China men (Hillary broke the statues quo of pursuing the highest office/leadership in the land, MAGA coming out of the woodwork to attack her.  Tea Party, former MAGA, formed as soon as a Black man - Obama elected as POTUS.  One of the reasons for firing me in a haste of 2 days, is part of the backlash from a person of color elected as POTUS.  Not even Union POPA believed I am qualified for the job.).  In addition to many are incels in STEM, who believed they are entitled to having good looking women as their girlfriends(but shunned plain-looking women, like Trump), and the Silicon Valley was the incel capital of the world.   Why the Silicon Valley, tech industry and STEM , or the whole USPTO Electrical Art dept, had so few women or Americans of color when I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days despite unprecedented accomplishments.

Would you call your Professor, CEO, CTO, Founder, etc smart?  If I am a White male, I would've been one, if not one of the Silicon Valley billionaires.  But you don't see women or Americans of color in STEM c-suite (until recent years of 2022.  I've been fighting this since the 1980s).  Tech companies such as AMD, Intel, 3DFX, etc, would rather have their projects failed and the company go bankrupted such as 3DFX, then hired a woman such as I in leadership position despite I was the only person in the world could complete the Emulation project from inception to chip tape-out.  Essentially, forcing what would've been my students, or my students' students to compete with their Professor such as I in the USPTO or the Silicon Valley/Tech/STEM since the 1990s.  Paul Rodriguez (think Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio) and most of the Electrical Art management that wrongfully terminated me, would've been my students if they were Electrical Engineering major in college.  Asian has always been well represented in STEM.  

Like the crazies and deplorables chanting "lock her up" against Hillary; Asian Operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women chanting "no one wanted her; one liked her; slut; whore; etc" the 1st month I started my job, and everywhere I went in America for 30+ years.  At least Trump was a well-know celebrity and was the President of the United States; most Asian Operative invaders/Tuan Nguyen came from a town in Asia most Americans can't find on a map or verified their name.  But nevertheless, most Americans, including Silicon Valley and tech bros, the Patent and Trademark Office and Northern Virginia/Arlington where it has the most educated population in America, believed everything Asian Operatives said, who I had never met in my life, and not hired or fired me based on what they said, since the 1990s.  

You can see Trump and Fox news controlling MAGA using propaganda/fake news by inciting hates, with the help of GQP took control of the Republican party.

"Crowding out" was the term use in years 2000s in Silicon Valley.  It is now more obvious.  Why so few women, Blacks and Hispanics in Silicon Valley, tech industry and STEM such as the Patent and Trademark Office - USPTO.   While Asian Operatives, couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when arrived in America in the 1990s, (akin to Russians just arrived in America, could barely speak or write English, who you had never in your life, accused you of being a Nazi and a pedophile behind your back.  You are fired for low performance when your productive was at 119.81%.  Management who fired you and the Russians are promoted making $150K, while 3 failed murders on you and at the verge going homeless.  This have been happening to me since the 1990s, when massive new arrivals from Asia started.) who management forced us to train, now dominated the Silicon Valley/tech c-suite such as Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Cisco, etc. (This is their offspring.)  Now, every trade secret worth stealing is stolen; like taking candies from a baby.

Women and Americans of color such as I are being wrongfully terminated by the USPTO because of fake news instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the 1st month I started my job (I had never met any of these people in my life.  Most are 1st gen Asians and often just arrived in America.  As so with all the Asians in Arlington/NoVa, or 4.3 billion Asians in the world.  They attacked me as soon as they saw me; identified me as an American/New Yorker by my polished appearance and demeanor.  Always behind my back; only found out when I am being sexually harassed, abused, or wrongfully fired.  Like MAGA acting on Trump's fake news such as Election is stolen that resulted in Jan6 insurrection).  Who could barely speak or write English, now promoted and making $100+k as Patent Examiners. I am at the verge of going homeless and 3 failed murders on me here in Arlington VA.   Just like Trump - the least qualifed Presidential candidate in history, using dirty tactics and stole the election from Hillary - one of the most qualified Presidential candidates in history.  

Like MAGA under the control of Trump; very few in Silicon Valley weren't under the control of Asian Operatives.  One was Steve Jobs, who gave his protégé a tongue lashing, "she is from New York, you fcuking idiot, ...".  That was 2002/3 at the Stanford Shopping Mall.  There were plenty of people thought I was someone's mistress (fake news instigated by Asian Operatives from the shithole 3rd world using 'mistress' to show disdain for successful women.  White supremacist patriarchy contempt for women and people of color) because I lived in Palo Alto (Americans can't seem to associate Asian American women to Feminist.  People from Asia don't know what feminism is.).  I was making over $100+k since the late 1990s, until 2001 when Asian Operatives had control of the Silicon Valley.  A millionaire on paper before the Tech Meltdown of 2001.  If I am a White or Asian male, I would've been one of the Silicon Valley billionaires.  As an aspired Transhumanist since college in the late 1980s, I would've been crazier then Elon Musk.  

For those who said "she is a complete package/real deal" to questions "why are Asians hate her?", or fresh-off-the-boat asked "why white people liked her? or "why did so many white men are crazy about her?" (while Asian Operatives, who I had never met in my life, told people, "no one wanted her/liked her; slut, whore, communist, spy, etc", such as my officemate Hung Havan; classmate Tuan Nguyen, that got spread around the USPTO).  The real answer is these are Asian Operative invaders.  They are not here to build a good life.  Like Russian invaders don't need a reason to pillage, rape children and murdered Ukrainians going about their everyday lives.  Asian invaders don't need a reason to attack Americans such as I - an Asian American woman.

Today, NoVa and DC metro where top federal government officals reside, are also under the control of Asian Operatives; including those working in Intelligent Agencies.  Just as MAGA believed Trump who said the election is stolen, no matter what the truth is.  

Also why Thomas Jefferson High School, the #1 ranking High School in America, is 73% Asian students (how is this possible??).  Because Asian Operatives used dirty tactics just like Trump ( and his coteries now either in jail, pardoned, or indicted by New York DA ), to put their kids into high ranking schools using bribery, cheating on exams, using falsified papers, coercion, etc.  Their kids will continue to benefit the rest of their life; same as their parents in the SF Bay Area/Silicon Valley.  While I am at the verge of going homeless despite I trained Asian Operatives who couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when arrived in the 1990s.  They are now multi-millionaires and dominated the tech c-suite such as Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Cisco, etc.  Or using tourist visa to have babies in America, the best education in the world without paying any tax.

Like Russian Operatives helped Trump won the Presidency, Asian Operatives used propaganda/fake news/lies against Americans they can't compete.  Asian Operatives using Structural Discriminations/unconscious bias to crowd-out women and Americans of color b/c we are low-hanging fruits; including Asian American women such as Ellen Pao (MBA & JD from Harvard), me, etc.  Such as done to Emmett Till:

On August 28, 1955, while visiting family in Money, Mississippi, 14-year-old Emmett Till, an African American from Chicago, is brutally murdered for allegedly flirting with a white woman (she is 80+ years old today) four days earlier.

His assailants—the white woman’s husband and her brother—made Emmett carry a 75-pound cotton gin fan to the bank of the Tallahatchie River and ordered him to take off his clothes. The two men then beat him nearly to death, gouged out his eye, shot him in the head and then threw his body, tied to the cotton gin fan with barbed wire, into the river.  Milam and Bryant went on trial in a segregated courthouse in Sumner, Mississippi.  The all-white jury deliberated for less than an hour before issuing a verdict of “not guilty”.  https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-death-of-emmett-till  

I grew-up in NYC's Greenwich Village, the most progressive place on earth in the 1980s; targeted by Asian Operatives (mainly Chinese from Taiwan and China, Southeast Asians, South Asians; who I had never met in my life.  Most acted as if they had come from a shithole 3rd world); as soon as I arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1990s (worst then anti-Asian hate incited by Trump calling Covid a Chinese virus), aka Silicon Valley; then NYC; now the NoVa/DC metro; for 30 years.  Asian Operatives targeted me because I am New Yorker/an American/an Americanized Asian woman, a traitor to them.  They lied to Americans because American White males the ruling class = Milan and Bryant; as proven for the last 30 years.  That resulted in 3 failed murdered on me here in Arlington/NoVa/DC metro. I had to abscond from SF Bay Area due to physical harm and rape threats in 2003. Where these Asian Operatives came from, they are the dominate race/ruling class (but treated as a 2nd class citizen in America, just as they treated women in their homeland.  Women are much better at the job then these 3rd world males who couldn't tell a toaster from a computer), same as White Supremacist (aka Trump supporters MAGA and #GQP), and acting just like the KKK.  Males gang-raped and burned young girls alive, police refused to do anything.  Asian Operatives are worst then Trump, who is avaricious, lust for power, lust, and a mobster con man.  Yet still, MAGA are still supporting Trump, just like Americans under the control of Asian Operatives the last 30 years.  My court case was dismissed despite clear material facts.  Today, the Silicon Valley run by mobs, just like the Trump admin, control by Asian Operatives.

Lies/fake news instigated against me the first month I started my job in 2010 in the USPTO Training Academy, by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in life.  My training academy classmates spread to their Art Unit and the USPTO.  USPTO employees spread to their families, friends, neighbors and communities in NoVA.  My officemate Hung Havan instigated fake news/lies against me weeks before my wrongful termination on 8/2011; in Susanne Lo's Indian (dot) friends' office.  A few doors down from Paul Rodriguez's Primary Dwin Craig's office; who stood outside the office listen in with Jason Procter (also Rodriguez's Primary) inside the office listening to Hung Havan (Charles Manson, and I am Sharon Tate to Hung Havan).  Nathan Hillery, a Union Rep, was also a coterie of Hung Havan.  All took Hung Havan's insidious fake news/lies at face value and acted on what they heard.  Followed by Paul Rodriguez fake news/lies in an email written to Director Wendy Garber(Think women supporting Trump).  What did Paul Rodriguez told other SPEs?  Hung Havan told me Rodriguez is a pedophile; and Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill is a pervert.  Why I never want to be anywhere near them.  Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery, both elbowed my chest/breast (eyewitness by Bill when Hillery elbowed me, also reported by Bill.  And Havan eyewitness by Erica, an Asian American woman a few doors from my office near Bill's office), are the main suspects for the 3 failed murders on me.

There were plenty of 1st gen Asian women who also partook in instigating fake news against me.  There were also plenty of Asian American women who excelled in the job and exemplary employees.

Susanne Lo was dating coworker Bill long before I joined the USPTO, during and after I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days.  They fight in Bill's office often (I often think how unprofessional this is, yet management did nothing,.  This is an element of a toxic environment.  Most likely Lo's boyfriend Bill used me to make her jealous.  A Trump lite.  I have no way of knowing since I was new and worked ~24/7, then wrongfully terminated despite unprecedented accomplishments), just a few doors down from our office; so loud that can be heard by the whole floor.  We had to close our office door.  They spent hours in closed door all the time as if we don't know what they were doing(breeders🙄), in the Electrical room or her office.  Most 2100 SPE/managers such as Paul Rodriguez, Kamini Shah, etc, knew they were dating.  Michele Choi had been annoying coworkers such Nathan Hillary and Dwin Craig for years.  I was wrongfully terminated after 8 months I started the job, a former EE Adjunct Prof, a former Applied Physics Researcher/Scientist, and one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified for the Patent Class 703 as a pioneer in the field.  Despite unprecedented accomplishments, which I had to work nearly 24/7 as the resulted of threats of terminated by Director Wendy Garber.  I did met all requirements of 3 cases per biweek at Productivity of 103.89%-119.81% just before I was wrongfully terminated.  No requirement for all other Probationary Employees except me.

When I did, they put patent cases that's been around for over 10 years because no one could do those cases, aka COPA cases.  Yet I still met 3 COPA cases per biweek. 

Male peers with far less qualifications were promoted, while I was setup to be terminated. Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women could barely speak or write English, now promoted and making over $150K.  Male peers had weeks to month before finally terminated, I had 2 days.   Other people of color Patent Examiners such as Susanne Lo and Hung Havan were allowed to transfer out of Paul Rodriguez unit, to sister unit and other units, but not I.  But instead, in an email to Director Wendy Garber, Paul Rodriguez defamed me to the SPE to ensure I will be terminated, when he asked Rodriguez to have me transfer into his group.  All $200+ stored in my Smartcard were stolen by the USPTO; wiped clean.  USPTO stopped my Unemployment Insurance on my 3rd month.  Wendy Garber told a Contractor who wanted to hire me, that I wouldn't be allowed inside the USPTO.  Continuation of fake news to justify their wrongful termination of me, make me a public enemy #1 and 3 failed murders on me.

On my last day, when I went to say goodbye to Erica, Hung Havan was talking to Erica outside of her doorway. I attempted to walk inside to her office, Hung suddenly stretched his arm out such my chest/breast hit his arm.  I had to push his arm out of my way.   Erica asked him why he did this, he shrugs his shoulder as if to say "she is fired, what is she going to do?" Then Hung Havan stood in the middle of the hallway to block me from going to say goodbye to coworkers such as Kamini Shah, which left only one way of the hallway for me to go, and that is back to my office. I went back to my office, packed up and left the Agency for good. Hung Havan wouldn't dare to block me if I am a man for fear of beaten to a pulp.

In addition to sexual harassments.  These all shown HATREDs toward me.

Why I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2days by the USPTO despite unprecedented accomplishments; and in jobs and volunteering jobs since the 1990s in the Silicon Valley, STEM (ie USPTO), also the tech industry where I was the only person in the world could complete one of the most complex multi-million$$$ chip development tech emulation project on time and within budget.  A proven track record.  A company 3DFX hired my whole team except me - the project/tech lead, to do the same; failed miserably and the company went bankrupted.  My team, all males from Asia, claimed all the credits and instigated fake news/lies and got me fired, just as done by the USPTO.

The report says he also misstated his educational credentials on résumés he submitted to the Obama administration, claiming to have a postgraduate degree that he did not receive.

Asian Operatives by far more influential then Russian Operatives as Asian Operatives are your friends, neighbors, co-workers and in all levels of governments.  And you White people chose these Trump like Asian Operatives to work and live amount you, over a Harvard MBA and JD Ellen Pao, or an EE adjunct Prof. and a scientist such as I.  Why the human race hasn't advanced.

Asian Operatives, who I had never met in my life, radicalized people in NoVa/USPTO/Arlington to hate me, using fake news "slut; whore; no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" (Like Trump, fake news are the antithesis of the truth and/or projection; b/c Americans/White males and GOP women believed that, no matter how ridiculous.  Such as Covid-19 is a hoax while MAGAs died.   Resulted in women and Americans of color were fired.  Asian Operatives are promoted).   In short, like MAGA controlled by Trump, most Americans are controlled by Asian Operatives.

Just as Trump radicalized MAGA/Proud Boys by saying the election is stolen from them, that resulted in an insurrection while calling the Capitol police traitors, and failed attempt assassination on VP Pence, Speaker Pelosi and lawmakers.  While coerced  Republicans (GA and AZ governors, election officials) to steal the election for him.  Most likely this is how Trump stolen the 2016 Presidential election.

Just as MAGA hated Hillary, AOC, Speaker Pelosi, etc. 

Asian Operatives, who I had never met in my life, instigated fake news as soon as they saw me (such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the 1st month I started the job in 2010.  The USPTO employees then helped spread the propaganda since 2011.  The 1st day I walked into Harris Teeter Pentagon Row by an East Asian woman working on the sushi counter, in 2013.   In all my volunteerings, Asian Operatives would come for the sole purpose of spreading fake news to get me fired; even with the Arlington Democrats.  Etc).  In the same manner as violent anti-Asian attacks as soon as haters saw Asians; since Trump said "Chinese virus".  Even Rep. MT Greene, whom stalked AOC for years, or the movie "Fatal Attraction",  are saner than these 1st gen Asians.

The fake news make me a public enemy #1; wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days by the Patent and Trademark Office despite unprecedented accomplishments (see below), one of the few people in the world uniquely qualifed for Patent Class 703 as a pioneer in the field; and 3 failed murders on me here in Arlington VA.  I was banned by Arlington Nextdoor App for posting hate crimes against me.  And shadow-banned by all society media owned by Silicon Valley bros including Twitter and local media.  Why White people don't think there is discrimination, just like Trump supportersas there have been a concerted effect in erasing the history of Americans-of-color such as my ancestors - the Chinese.  This is just the continuation of enforcing "this is a white man's world" that I experienced since elementary school in NYC.

This been going on for 30 years, as soon as I arrived in the SF Bay Area/Silicon Valley in the 1990s.  Asian Operatives had control of White people, mainly White males since 2001; using Structural Discriminations/unconscious bias toward women and Americans of color that's been around since the beginning of time.  Just as Trump had control of MAGA, GQP, etc.  I had to absconded from the Silicon Valley/SF Bay Area in 2003 due to physical harm and rape threats by an Asian coworker and gangs.  

The same propaganda "slut; whore; no one wanted her; no one like her; etc" against me continues in NYC, particularly in all the Chinatowns.  Now NoVa and DC metro where Asian Operatives make me a public enemy#1 and 3 failed murders.  To ensure I can't secure any job, including volunteering jobs, fired soon if I did.  Americans of all colors and races acted on the fake news.

The USPTO management and White people will continue to defend Asian Operatives, by justifying the wrongful termination of me; just as the #GQP defended Trump and the Jan 6 insurrection. 

The crowding out of Americans is well organized, well planned and well executed; as evidenced since the 1st month I started my job with the USPTO in 2010 when Asian Operatives such as Tuan Nguyen started fake news against me.  Then saying "if she is so smart, why can't she get a job" since 2001, to ensured I was fired or not hired.  I am here in Arlington VA/NoVa to let all Intelligent Agencies and Federal employees to personally experienced the influenced of Asian Operatives.  Everything Asian Operatives' fake news against me are the antithesis of the truth and/or projection; just as Trump's fake news such as accused Dem stolen the election, while he coerced GA & AZ election officals to steal votes for him.

I am living in the world of MAGA for 30 years, controlled by Asian Operatives.  Just think what is like the world run by Trump and his #GQP; that Texas, Georgia, etc are ensuring a White Supremacist society.  Why 1st gen Asians dominated tech companies, while eliminating Americans, including Asian Americans such as I.  Women and Americans of color such as I are easy targets using Structural Discriminations, that Asian Operatives perfected the last 30 years.   

Below is my Production Performance 119.81%-103.88% just before I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days in 2011, by the Patent and Trademark Office - USPTO, without Due Process, when my peers had weeks to months before finally terminated; indicative of malfeasance. 

In addition to 19 patent cases that consisted mostly of COPA patent cases in my first 8 months; an apodictic 1st patent case that was known to most Training Academy SPEs and the then undersecretary Mr. Kappos (https://casesynopsis.blogspot.com/2016/03/why-such-sudden-surge-in-hiring-asians.html); the first woman to have an apodictic 1st COPA patent case, and was one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified as a pioneer in the Emulation field of patent class 703 (http://www.deepchip.com/items/0343-06.html).  As a hands-on project and tech lead (using Football terms, I was the Coach and the Quarterback), I was the only person in the world could complete one of the most complex chip development multi-million dollars bleeding-edge Emulation tech projects on time and within budget; while most had never heard of emulation in tech.

Director Wendy Garber - a "Karen", who didn't know what a P4 (Pentium 4) was, also demanded that I, a new hired, must meet the 3 COPA cases per biweek (a requirement for GS 15 and above?) and then threatened me with termination.  I did (total of 19 Patent cases in 8 months as a new hired) by working 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log.

Additionally, am a former EE adjunct Professor, a former Applied Physics researcher with published paper (https://www.osapublishing.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-32-21-3944), had already written an Artificial Intelligent computer program using C when C wasn't use for AI in the late 1980s (the dawn of Quantum Computer basic research which I thought there were too much unknown in Quantum Mechanics that will limited the progress for the foreseeable future.  I chose to build an Optical Computer; hence Applied Physics researcher in Lasers and Optics); was one of the engineers that built the computer in the 1990s and a pioneer in many computer fields.  Compare this to other Patent Class 703 or USPTO probationary employees in their first 8 months; none has this kinds of performance or qualifications.  Yet, 3 male peers were promoted as soon as we finished the Training Academy, I was setup by Paul Rodriguez to be terminated since the Training Academy by given me poor performance reviews after my apodictic 1st patent COPA case.  Other male peers had weeks to months before finally terminated.  

If you are a manager, do you NOT know how well each of your employee preformed?

Why would Director Wendy Gerber said in an email below "just because she's smarter then you, doesn't mean she should be retained :-)"?  

In the Silicon Valley, Asian Operatives would say "if she is so smart, what is she doing here?" to stir up suspicion on me.  Remember these are Asian Operatives who were sent by their governments to steal trade secrets in America.  Do you think a gov't like North Korea would allow a common folk to be educated or leave the country?  Most Asian countries were not much different then NKorea prior to 1999.  Asian Operatives were projecting and it worked; the same playbook Trump has been using.  Most of you often found 1st gen Asians/Asian Operatives to be 
indifference, cold, fridge or outright rude.  Do you think it is b/c they like you?  Just as Trump toward Obama, that we Americans of color knew since childhood.

Or, "if she is so smart, why can't she get a job".  Now you know Asian Operatives instigated fake news, in a well-organized and well-planned way, against me everywhere I went in America since the 1990s; just as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, did the first month I started my job with the USPTO.  Today, Asian Operatives dominated the C-suite in the Silicon Valley, the tech industry, and soon the USPTO.  Every trade secret worth stealing is stolen.  They make me a public enemy #1, the USPTO then wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days despite unprecedented accomplishments, and 3 failed murders on me here in NoVa.

This is after the then President Obama mandated the USPTO to clear the infamous backlog.

Those White management can not claimed ignorant as they are promoted to management at $200,000+/year.

If I am a White male or a male, I would've been promoted just as the 3 male peers in the Training Academy.  The Silicon Valley and the Tech industry would rather hired males from Asia that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, forced Americans such as I to train them; and promoted them such appeared as "diversity".  

Albert Einstein was a Patent Examiner.  The Patent Office was known as the pinnacle of intellectual.  Now a cesspool just like the Trump administration where good people either fired or left.  The same happened in the Silicon Valley where Asian Operatives in the role of  Russian Operatives/Fox News/Rush Limbaugh/Alex Jones, Venture Capitalist/Founders/CEO/VP/billionaires/millionaires in the role of Trump,  bros are the Republicans and the crazies and deplorable, and fake news are the antithesis of the truth such as Trump calling Main Street media fake news, not Fox News.  Where women have been systematically targeted and ousted just as Hillary.  Women have been vocally voiced on social media, one such using #MeTooSTEM on how they have been trolled and harassed, or the case of Gamergate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_controversy).  Books have been written such as by Ellen Pao's "RESET", and Emily Chang's "Brotopia".  This is the main reason why so few women; and 1st gen Asian males had never seen or heard of 'computer' when arrived in America in the 1990s, now dominated the c-suite.

The term for this kind of discrimination is:  Structural discrimination.  Just as in George Floyd murdered by the police.  Even with videos showing the beginning to the murdering of Floyd by the police; yet the police and their defenders making false claims to justify the murdering of George Floyd.  The polices weren't charged until days later, after protects from all over the world; not just in 50 States of America.  Or Colin Kaepernick's ruined career because Trump told the NFL to fired Colin Kaepernick, to please Trump's racist supporters.  This is zeitgeist of Structural discrimination in America.   If the USPTO management were the police, they would've murdered me instead of wrongfully terminated me in a haste of 2 days; and have been conducting a smear campaign against me since 2011 to justify their wrongdoing; that resulted in making me a public enemy #1 and 3 failed murders on me here in Arlington.  They have gotten away with murdered.

With my USPTO accomplishments, I shouldn't have any trouble finding a high paying patent examiner job in the private industry.  But when the hiring manager called the USPTO's Director Wendy Garber; I was not hired.  

USPTO's accomplishments is just child's play compare to my Tech industry accomplishments.  White males without proven track records were demanding $1 million in 2001, to do the same as I had done.  Amazon had a Q/A event in 2019 near HQ2 location.  When I walked by the long line, a male voice with an Indian accent screamed out loud "that's the woman no one wanted or liked, etc".  This happened in every tech company I interviewed in America, such as Intel (a CPU chip company) where the whole Emulation dept. were Indian males and not one White male in sight (2004-2007); and military contractors in the Mid West.  

People from Asia (mainly Chinese from Taiwan and China, Indian and Vietnamese), who I had never met in my life, instigated fake news against me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s; just as Asian Americans are being attacked by complete strangers on the street and in stores in America; in the midst of Coronavirus pandemic originated in China; also called a Chinese virus (more apt: China virus).  Like the Coronavirus attacked at close proximity, people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women instigated fake news as soon as they saw me, to incite attacks, raped and murdered me.  Does Coronavirus need a reason to sicken and kill you?  

As such, I've been on lockdown and social distancing for nearly 20 years.  My salary from $100+K/yr since the late 1990s to $0.   While being attack relentlessly as if I spread the Coronavirus b/c of the fake news instigated by Asian Operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, the 1st month I started my job, picked up by officemate Hung Havan and his coteries.  Also, under physical harms and rape threats, couldn't secure any job, fired soon if hired just as by the USPTO and most of the volunteer jobs; and 3 failed murders here in Arlington Va.

I've been warning the stealing of trade secrets by Asian Operatives since 2004.  Like Trump believed China on Coronavirus and non-experts saying is a flu and is a Dem hoax; most Americans, particularly the Silicon Valley so call geniuses (just as Trump called himself a stable genius) believed the Asian Operatives's fake news who they had never met in their lives; instead of believing me.  The USPTO management believed all the negativity said by Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill said about me, but not the positive such as "she is smart" that led to my wrongful termination in a haste of 2 days, without even bother to check my Productivity.  Today, every trade secrets worth stealing is stolen.  Your personal data is most likely being sold in the Dark web.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark; as I stated in my lawsuit.  Now manifested by the Trump administration, as if Lord Voldemort took over Hogwarts.

If the truth comes out, maybe people finally realized Asian Operatives/1st gen Asians are just as evil as Charles Manson and his followers; instigated fake news just as Alex Jones in Sandy Hooks hoax and Pizzagate; or Central Park Amy Cooper threatened a Black man to call the police with the understanding her lies will get the Black man in trouble and even murdered.  Such Americans learned not to be their Manchurian Candidates to do their evils, as well make sure these evil people won't ever harmed Americans of all colors and races.  One might also ask:  what wouldN'T these Asian Operatives do if this is what they are capable of Charles Manson like evils since the 1990s, done to people they had never met in their lives?  Would they have release the Coronavirus if they can get their hands on the virus?  Would they have steal trade secrets?  Again, they are the Asian version of the KKK/Alt-Right.

Today, 1st gen Asians are the majority if including the illegals in the San Francisco Bay Area.  They dominated the c-suite such as Google, Microsoft, Cisco, etc,  and had full control of the San Francisco Bay Area since 2001, and the tech industry soon after.  Why I have to come to the DC metro/Arlington VA, to led the Intelligence Agencies, policy makers and Federal Employees to personally experienced how much control Asian Operatives have in America.  They had already stolen every trade secret worth stealing.  

June 2020, Bolton's book revealed Trump urged Chinese leader to help with his re-election.  India just got accepted into the UN Security Council, but not Canada!  What did India promised Trump?  Trump helped the Japan Prime Minister Abe re-elected, what did Abe promised Trump?   

The main suspects for the 3 failed murders (https://bit.ly/2Kbqqwc) on me are Hung Havan (my ex-officemate) and his coterie Nathan Hillery (elbowed my chest/breast), Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill an her friends from India, as well Training academy classmate Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women.  These names were listed as main suspects in my police report after the first failed attempt murder in June 1, 2013 https://bit.ly/2VzqVFJ.


Someone doxxed me on Craigslist.org in 2013, by posting my personal information and threatened me if I continue to post why and how I was wrongfully terminated as a Patent Examiner in a haste of 2 days. Someone had to have employee information access in order to get my personal information.

Weeks after doxxing, on June 1, 2013, a failed attempted abduction, defile and beheading as shown on my profile pic took place. If I died, my court case against the patent office would go away. I was hospitalized for a week. I insisted to leave so I could file my court case on time as the deadline was just days away.

Like Trump supporters - the crazies and deplorables acted on Russian Operatives fake news, USPTO's White male management acted on Asian Operatives fake news.  Asian Operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, started a smear campaign against me (in the same manner as the Oscar nominated movie Parasite main characters gained employment and ousted long time employees) the 1st month I started my job with the USPTO in Nov. 2010, just as Trump's lawyer - Rudy Giuliani had done to Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch to get her fired.  Some thought it was funny to terminate me - a woman of color; had done so in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance; and had never stop to spread the fake news against me to justify their wrongdoings, in the Crystal City, Pentagon City and Arlington VA in general; and will continue to defend their action and Asian Operatives just as the Republicans defended Trump and Russian Operatives.  While Asian Operatives continue to spread fake news everywhere I went in NoVa and DC Metro to incite HATEs, physical harms and rapes; just as Alex Jones had in the Sandy Hooks Hoax where a victim's father killed himself, and Trump to anyone that spoke the truth; that resulted in 3 failed murders (Arlington County Police) on me ~5 miles from the White House in 2013, and again in 2017.  This is Domestic terrorism.

Without Trump, most of the crazies and deplorables are still hidden under a rock.  When these racist and misogynist saw Trump openly being a racist and a misogynist; it signal it is now ok to be a racist and misogynist.  It is like opening a Pandora box.  Similarly, without the Asian Operatives, most of the misogynists and white supremacists are hidden under a rock.  To stop this, companies and society must stomp out the first sign.

The same happened in the Silicon Valley (controlled by the Asian Operatives since 2001, in the same manner as Trump, Russian Operatives and Alex Jones control the Crazies and Deplorables; and the Republican Party as evident in the Impeachment), despite I was the only one in the world could complete one of the most complex multi-million$$$ emulation tech project.  If I am a male, I would've been one of the Silicon Valley billionaires.  As a woman engineer that excelled in tech jobs over the males, I was make into public enemy #1 to ensure I couldn't secure a job since 2001, while being sexually harassed, abused, under physical harm and rape threats everywhere I went, from SF Bay Area, NYC and now DC metro; that resulted in 3 failed murders on me ~5 miles from the White House.  How safe are you working and living amount these Asian Operatives?

These 1st gen Asians, had just arrived in America, who I had never met in my life, would steal the coronavirus virus from a lab and infected me with the virus.  After they learned how to create virus, they will infected people with the virus.

1st gen Asians had never seen or heard of computer when arrived in America in the 1990s, using falsified papers and scurrilous attacks to get Americans such as I fired just as done in the movie "Parasite".  Now dominated the c-suites in the Silicon Valley and tech industry.

I warned the stealing of trade secret since 2004 by people from Asia.  Now every US company and government institution had been hacked; and every trade secret worth stealing now stolen.

Most people had never heard of Ping Pong Comet Pizza in 'Pizzagate' had not for Alex Jones' instigation of fake news as Hillary's child sex trafficking center.  Just as no one had heard of thousands of new hired Patent Examiners from out-of-States such as I had not for Asian Operatives such as Tuan Nguyen (Training Class classmate) and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, instigated fake news against me the 1st month I started my job in the USPTO's Training Academy; that make me a public enemy #1 and led to 3 failed murders on me here Northern Virginia.  Just as a gunman drove for hours to rescue children from Ping Pong Comet Pizza that now known as Pizzagate.  Like Fox News viewers, most people in the USPTO, Northern Virginia - one of the most educated place in the country, Silicon Valley and Tech industry believed everything told by Asian Operatives/1st gen Asians, no matter how ridiculous, despite the truth said otherwise.  Asian Operatives had control of the Silicon Valley since 2001, then the Tech industry soon after.  Why are people, who I had never met in my life, obsessively bad mouthing me?

This is what today's patriarchy and White Supremacy look like - USPTO's Electrical Art, the bastion of patriarchy, consisted of mostly White male management just like the Republican Party under Trump during the Impeachment Hearing; the Republicans in Richmond, Virginia, refused to allow the Equal Rights Amendment ERA to ratify; or Democrat Governor blackface Ralph Northam.  While most White people refused to acknowledge misogyny and racism when I had to overcome since elementary school such as deliberately not teach me to write that forced me to acquire skills to survive (that only after 1st gen Asians/Asian Operatives became critical mass to make me a public enemy #1 that I couldn't secure any job; otherwise I would still be employed.); at the same time oppressing women and Americans of color, then using sophistries and logical fallacies to justify their wrongdoings as well why women and Americans of color such as I at the verge of being homeless, make into a public enemy #1 and 3 failed murders.  Those White males that said "I thought she is lazy" because I am a woman or a person of color (I worked 3 jobs every summer since High School such I could continue with my education; worked nearly 24/7 in every job, hence the outstanding accomplishments.  If I am a white male, I would've been a billionaire.  F'ing White trashes); or "we didn't know she's that smart" are misogyny, if not white supremacy that wrongfully terminated me in a haste of 2 days when all they need was to simply look at my productivity and resume that led to the hiring of me.  

My experiences are that misogyny and white supremacy are extremely common in NoVa; also the manifestation of Trump as the President, despite Hillary is one of most qualified Presidential candidates in history.  And, the Silicon Valley where women are systematically targeted, ousted, coerced to have sex or threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1; where all the billionaires are White males and millionaires are predominately males.  Sophistries and logical fallacies excuses are also commonly used by the Silicon Valley to explain why so few women, not just the USPTO or during the Impeachment Hearing by the Republicans.  If I am a White male, I would've promoted just as my 3 male peers, instead of terminated in a haste of 2 days.  All excuses to justify their malfeasance should be scrutinized as said by Trump or the Republican Party during the Impeachment Hearing.  Without facts to support their accusations of me or excuses, we should call them pedophiles.

Despite preponderance of evidents, the EEOC and the Federal court ruled against me, in support of the powerful USPTO with their army of lawyers.  Just as Attorney General Bill Barr and the GOP did everything in the Impeachment to support con man Trump.  

It is far worst for me because Asian Operatives/1st gen Asians,who I had never met in my life, instigated fake news against me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s; just as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women had the 1st month I started my job with the Patent and Trademark Office; that spread to the rest of the USPTO, where the White management terminated me in a haste of 2 days.  And everywhere I went in Arlington, NoVa, and the DC metro since, by 1st gen Asians and USPTO employees.

My USPTO accomplishments are child's play compare to my Tech industry accomplishments; yet I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats by an Asian coworker and an Asian gang, sexually harassed on a daily bases, also in the USPTO; and 3 failed murders on me here ~5miles from White House.  The main suspects are the USPTO employees contributed to my wrongful termination in a haste of 2days despite my unprecedented accomplishments, which I had to work nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log.  

If I didn't absconded from the Silicon Valley in 2003, I would've been kidnapped, forced into prostitution, and dead by now.  The culture was like Caligula's palace with sex parties who the bros called "progressiveness and open-mindedness" depicted in the book "Brotopia" by Emily Chang of Bloomberg: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/01/brotopia-silicon-valley-secretive-orgiastic-inner-sanctum  
Additionally, Ellen Pao (MBA and JD from Harvard) dared to written a book "RESET" on how the Silicon Valley discriminated against women and underrepresented group, as well the toxic culture and homogeneity: www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/551446/reset-by-ellen-pao/9780399591013/ 

I have been volunteering, including teaching computer skills to low income people, as the result of USPTO relentless defamation and make me a public enemy #1 to ensure I can't secure a job, as well Wendy Garber's refusal to let me work on patent class 703 when contractors contacted her.  Hiring managers saw my unprecedented accomplishments and wonder why I no longer worked for the USPTO, and called the USPTO such as Wendy Garber, Paul Rodriguez (a 'Ken"), etc, who had to justify their wrongful termination of me in a haste of 2 days by defamed me further; when the truth is they are racists, sexists, bigots and haters.  Jason Proctor and David Silver (a 'Ken') lied in their Affidavits to support Wendy Garber, just as Trump's toadies Sarah Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Manafort, etc, lied for Trump; and AG Bill Barr lied about the Mueller report to help Trump.  My Unemployment Insurance was cut soon after the contractor called Wendy Garber, despite I was told earlier my Unemployment Insurance will continue. 

Additionally, my then officemate Hung Havan told me ~2 weeks before I was told being fired, suddenly, out of the blue, said that if I was going to be fired, I should cry and beg Wendy Garber not to fired me.  I didn't cry nor beg.  I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance. 

Hung Havan & Michele Choi set me up in a video where Havan stood across the table showed me a young boy's pic (Havan a pedophile?), while Choi used her smartphone video me from behind my head with me sat across the table looking down at the pics and Havan stood facing me.  He maneuver a few times while look behind me, and repeatedly showing the pics. Imagine what this looks like if people didn't know it was a setup.

Choi's smartphone was #USPTO property given to her by her frenemy Bill - Susanne Lo's boyfriend

How safe are you working with these Charles Manson like sociopaths?  These are the kind of people you had chosen to work and live amount you.  This is why the world is in such chaos, your workplace is a 3rd world cesspool; scams; mass shootings (White males who are mostly White supremacists and violence against women, and had only recently started calling White supremacists because the world is run by
White male.  Or Trump supporters - Alex Jones, the crazies and deplorables, etc, helped Russian Operatives spread fake news against Hillary in a well planned and well organized way.  But you couldn’t believe these Asian Operatives (mainly Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian), who I had never met in my life, had just arrived in America in the 1990s, never seen a White person in their lives, and couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, out to ruin my life since the 1990s in the Silicon Valley where I was often the only woman, and 1 or 2 White males in the whole engineering dept., because they perceived me as a traitor because I am an Americanized Asian American woman?  Just as Tuan Nguyen, who I had never met in my life, targeted me the first month in the Training Academy.  If people you had never met in your life, just arrived in America, started attacking you, are you the one with issues?); jobs have been outsourced and offshored; nearly all trade secrets and Intellectual Properties were stolen, we are no longer a tech lead, China is (ie, 5G); Trump is your President, and you helped Asian Operatives make me a public enemy #1 resulted in 3 failed murders on me ~5miles from the White House. 

Directors of non-profits where I volunteered and managers of National chain stores of all colors and races in NoVa and DC Metro took known juvenile delinquents, who were repeating the fake news against me instigated in the USPTO, at face value.  These are not some Mid West redneck hillbilly Trump supporters - the Crazies and Deplorables MAGA or White Supremacists.  This is how much Asian Operatives have control over you, NoVa and DC metro.  You are Asian Operatives' tool.  

Asian Operatives had full control of the Silicon Valley and the tech industry since 2001.  They are now dominated the c-suites in the Silicon Valley such as Google and Microsoft, and the majority in the SF Bay Area if including illegals; just as the USPTO wrongfully terminated me in a haste of 2 days in 2011, indicative of malfeasance, and hired their countrymen/women in exponential rate; mostly could barely speak or write English. 

On June 1, 2013, just prior to the deadline to send in my EEOC Appeal, a failed beheading (Arlington County Police Dept Report number 130601031) that almost killed me.  If I am dead, the case against the USPTO and Wendy Garber would have gone away.  Most I post in this blog were also in my EEOC and Federal Court case complaints.  This is why Wendy Garber is one of the murder suspects.

Similarly in the tech industry, where hiring managers called to find out why someone with such accomplishments looking for a job, and got fake news from the 1st gen Asians/Asian Operatives, and parroted by the Manchurian candidiates.

When I sued as a Pro Se, the USPTO sent their army of ambulance chaser lawyers to defame me just as Trump's lawyers.  Just as AG Bill Barr and Rob Rosenstein didn't read the Mueller report and ruled no obstruction of justice; the EEOC, Eastern Court of Virginia - Alexandria and the Appeal court judges ruled against me without reading my case; or the USPTO terminated me in a haste of 2days despite unprecedented accomplishments.  Wendy Garber ensured I can't secure a job anywhere.  I have been treated by this patriarchy like the main character in the movie "12 Years A Slave" begun in the Silicon Valley, then NYC, except I have no place to escape to. 

Like Trump to his supporters - the crazies and the deplorables, and Alex Jones in Plazegate and Sandy Hooks hoax where a parent killed himself; it only took one male - Tuan Nguyen to make me a public enemy #1 in the USPTO and now the DC metro.  Manager and Director level White people took known juvenile delinquents, or complete strangers from Asia, South America, Africa or the Middle East, defamation against me at face value.  I kid you NOT!  It is a reflection on the people and society rather then me; just as Ralph Northam's Blackface is a reflection of the Governor and deep-rooted racism in Virginia; Silicon Valley (VCs, Head Honchos, Founders, males in position of power, etc) have been just like Trump and his ways of running everything; while White males continue to say there is no racism or sexism.

My ex-officemate Hung Havan told me Paul Rodriguez and Nathan Hillery are pedophiles, Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill is a pervert,  etc, but they are not terminated. 

For nearly 100 years, America White male lawmakers refused to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment for women to be protected by the Constitutions.  Half of the Virginia House Delegates, mostly White males, killed ERA ratification bill in 2019, to ensure women (Delegates' wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, friends, relatives, women constituents, women voters, women neighbors, etc) will NOT be protected from discriminations in this patriarchy.

Women are half the world population, yet a 2nd class citizen, continue to be enslaved in this patriarchy.  When will women wake up???!! 

Comparing a COPA patent case to a typical patent class 715 case:    

In AU2123 Patent Class 703, one of the patent cases Ms. Chu had examined was on an atomic probe which scanned for the atomic shape as well the forces (electromagnetic as well gravitational forces) that broke Quantum Mechanic 101 law – introduced an external element changes the state of specimen under test. (This patent would be the building block of a Transporter from Star Trek if anyone is going to build one, and will.) Compare this to Ms. Chu’s other patent class 715 (GUI) cases where one, for example, a patent on the collage of icons, their border, the size and shape of the icons, similar to the display on iPhone. Need I say more? According to the USPTO’s management, these 2 cases take the same amount of time to finish. That’s why patent Class 703 of Art Unit 2123 and Art Unit 2128 been problematic for such a long time.

Whoever owned this patent (Japan) will owned the Transporter invention for the next 20 years.  This case was filed at least 10 years ago.  IBM had similar technology since the 1990s, if not the 1980s, when I was pursuing my PhD to become a scientist - an aspired Transhumanist to advance the human race.

Can someone with no technical background such as Paul Rodrigues understands a patent breaks a Quantum Mechanics law?  The reason why COPA cases been around for such a long time is because no one could do these cases; but I could because of my unique background.  Yet Paul Rodriguez is a 2120 WQAS of TC2100 in 2017 making $200,000/year; akin to putting an Alt-Right in charge of diversity.  A woman such as I was terminated in a haste of 2 days by Paul Rodriguez, 3 failed murders ~5miles from the White House, and at the verge of homeless.

Knowing Quantum Mechanics was part of the education to pursue a PhD to become a scientist.  Anybody can be educated, not because one is smart.  If I was ever accused of being crazy or nutty (I like the term unconventional), I blamed it on the study of Quantum Mechanics; just look at Einstein.  You can not passed the class or understand Quantum Mechanics if you think normally (here is the most basic entry math), because you have to accept that you can be in 2 places at the same time, there are parallel universes like our, etc; after you convince yourself to accept above, then the Professor tells you that those may not be true if new findings proven otherwise.  I think my QM Professor really enjoyed his job.

The smartest of my 20+ college buddies, a Chinese guy, whose PhD entrance exam was 20+ point above the closest of all the CUNY PhD candidiates; last I heard, was working as a Customer Service for a TeleCom.  Another one got his PhD in Physics in 1989, was a NYC Taxi driver.  2 of the White males in the group, one is a Physics Prof in a prestigious university, another one is a VP of one of the biggest bank in the world.  Most of us worked at least one job so we could continue with our education, hence CUNY.

Would you call your CEO, CTO, CIO, Professor, Scientist,  etc, smart?   
If I am  a male, I would've been one of the Silicon Valley billionaires, and would've been crazier then Elon Musk.

This is why there were so very women in the Silicon Valley, tech industry and USPTO's Electrical Art dept; especially in management.

Instead of promote women to the position of her job skills, we are systematically targeted and ousted in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, just as I was by the USPTO of Patent Class 703 and 715,  as a way to keep women down; while women continue to be a 2nd class citizen in America despite we are half the population.  Misogynists and racists of USPTO management and Silicon Valley geniuses used 1st gen Asians/Asian Operatives' fake news as a pretext to oust women instead of promoting women; just as Trump gave voice to the crazies and the deplorables.  I am the canary in the coal mine of misogynist/sexist and racist.

Like Trump had full control of the Crazies and Deplorables, Asian Operatives had full control of the Silicon Valley, Tech industry, USPTO, and now the DC metro - the center of world power; particularly the Pentagon City and the Crystal City area; just as in the Manchurian Candidate.  The propaganda instigated by Asian Operatives in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s "no one wanted her; no one liked her; slut; whore; narcissistic (by sociopaths such as Hung Havan), etc, are now parroted all over the DC metro, and repeated whenever Asian Operatives saw me in the DC metro, just as I was in the USPTO by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, the 1st month I started my job with the USPTO.  USPTO employees and 1st generation Asians then promulgated in NoVa and DC metro.  This is how much control the 1st generation Asians have in America; far more then the mere Russian Operatives.

Asian Operatives used White males as their cheap tools by playing into their "implicit bias" toward women in STEM and Asian American women(Chinaman), even though Ellen Pao has a MBA and JD from Harvard.  I was an EE adjunct Prof, an Applied Physics researcher, etc.  Far worst treatments after learned we excelled in jobs over them, that challenged White males' superiority, not staying in our lane as a Bimbo, an indenture servant in this patriarchy, or a Chinaman and worked a minimum wage job.  Case in point, most classmates in the USPTO Training Academy were friendly toward me at the beginning, but didn't care for Tuan Nguyen, until he started bad mouthing me; then most shunned me and friendly toward Tuan Nguyen.  The likes of classmate Shawn Joseph also helped spread the bad mouthing to other Training Academy classes.

Who are the 1st generation Asians?  My uncle's 1st generation Asian Chinese restaurant coworkers, who had never met his wife, and learned of her existence when my uncle shared with them his joy - his wife was pregnant.  Soon after, his coworkers told my uncle his wife was having an affair.  Like most White male Silicon Valley geniuses, and the USPTO believed the fake news instigated by 1st gen Asians and acted since the 1990s that resulted in 3 failed murders on me ~5miles from the White House; my uncle lost his mind, forced his wife to have an abortion; and been abusing her for the last 40 years.  She now just wanted to die.

Another word, these 1st gen Asians are just like Alex Jones sociopath in Pizzagate that incited a White male gunman to kill, and relentlessly attack Sandy Hook parents, one parent now killed himself.  Or like Charles Manson sociopath incited his followers to kill.  And like Trump accusing others of sexual assaults on women, lying, corrupted, etc when they were the one committed those acts; didn't even bother to make something up; because like the crazies and deplorables, most Americans, including the Silicon Valley geniuses, the USPTO, DC metro, Crystal City and Pentagon City believed these 1st gen Asians/Asian Operatives' fake news.  Most 1st gen Asians are the Asian version of the KKK; and are conning, calculating, avaricious, and ruthless in the pursue of power; just as Trump got to where he is.

How many USPTO employees had also believed their Asian coworkers, and either had their lives and/or career ruined, or at least damaged?  Or like my uncle, still doesn't realized, still abusing his wife, and now is just a habit after decades of continuous abusing of his wife.

This is why most governments in Asia don't allowed free speech as well very strict laws.  But don't forget, the same social pariahs are also running the government.

If you are sociable such as greeting and talking to people, or friendly, you are a slut, whore and desperate.; while seeing friendly/nice people a pushover and to be prey on.   The West see 1st gen Asians as rude and frigid.  As a woman, you are NOT allowed to ask question, nor allowed to talk back to men.  This is another reason why 3rd world males don't like Americanized women such as I, and the Silicon Valley, tech, USPTO, DC metro, NoVa are helping these 3rd worlders to suppress women.  If you are successful, popular, getting ahead, valued by the company, or anything perceived as enviable or jealous, you will be targeted.  This is how petty these 1st gen Asians are.   The Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian have been the majority 1st gen Asians in the Silicon Valley and tech; all hated each other and trying to dominate by only hiring their own countrymen/women and eliminated others, including White males.  I was a low hanging fruit as a woman engineer in tech, so to speak, and a woman that challenged the superiority of males that make me a target by most (80% of the Silicon Valley are racist and sexist, and 99% of 1st gen Asians are racist and sexist) - a canary in the coalmine; and ousted as the 1st gen Asians gain dominancy; just as in the USPTO, and now the DC metro.  1st gen Indians are winning, but wasn't when I was there in the 1990s and early 2000s, most had just arrived in America, and had never touch or seen a computer.  Most 1st gen Asians shared the same hatreds toward Westerners and culture, see Americanized Asians such as I a traitor and make me an effigy of Americans.  And deep-rooted and entrenched misogyny.  So don't flatter yourself thinking they are here because...; they are here for economic reason only, and will do anything to enrich themselves, including stealing trade secrets.  Generally speaking, they are bitter and full of hatreds; and will hate you if you smile or appear to be happy.  These are a few things I learned from working with 1st gen Asians in the Silicon Valley. 

Asian Operatives are here for different reasons.  I noticed this soon after the Tiananmen Square massacre when Chinese Operatives followed the student activists in the college I was attending who shared our Grad student office.  He called China with our shared office phone that costed the dept. $500+ phone bills, and accused me and other Asians of making those phone calls.  We didn't even know China has telephone at that time because China was just like North Korea.  This was the late 1980s when most people in China didn't have phone except government officials.  Most Grad students in this office were my friends and done dinner parties in each other's home.  This guy is working in America somewhere, most likely the Silicon Valley/tech where so many Asian Operatives employed.  Asian Operatives hated Americanized Asians like me and see me as a traitor.  There was at least one military General level from Asia working in the Silicon Valley. 

I've been warning the stealing of trade secrets since 2004.

You can take a 3rd worlder out of the 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder.

If I didn't abscond from the Silicon Valley, I would've been kidnaped by an Asian gang, forced into prostitution, and dead by now.

These 1st generation illegals were shunned in Asia, a social pariah, and Asian governments are very happy to exile them to the West.  Those with verifiable college degrees, ie, H1B, are regime loyalists.  Educated women have been gang-raped, one with a metal rob that took out her internal organs.

Today (2019), 2 Muslim women elected to Congress.  2 of the world's biggest software companies' CEO are males from India and only hired their own countrymen in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry {Such as Intel's Emulation dept...}; while 1st gen Chinese are too busy killing Chinese Americans, espeically Chinese American women that excelled in the job over them; because they think they still live in their sheethole 3rd world homeland that was not much different then North Korea; where they HATE foreigners and see Americanized Asians as traitors.

Side Note:

{Such as Intel's Emulation dept., a Silicon Valley tech company, dominated by males from India that had never heard of Emulation or touch a computer; and Intel were paying them while their countrymen trained them on the job.  Intel would've sued me had this is not true years ago as I have been posting this in social media since 2007-8; and scurrilous attacks ensured as a way to gaslight the Silicon Valley, Tech, USPTO, NoVa, DC metro, Pentagon City and Crystal City, and it works.  Why males from India dominated the tech C-suite today; that begun in the early 2000s.  I was NOT hired when I was the only person in the world succeed in taken emulation from inception to completion on time and within budget since the late 1990s.  Asian males, mainly 1st gen Asian males often use the pretext of interview to find solutions to emulation problems, and how to run the project, particularly those employed by AMD since the late 1990s, as if that's enough when they don't have the substance to run one of the most complex bleeding-edge tech project.  Management often had never heard of Emulation (why I was surprised USPTO put me in the right Patent class), nor knew what it takes to do the job; just as the USPTO management didn't know Quantum Mechanics, nor when the QM law broken.  And so emulation projects rarely completed on time and within budget, or even begun at all.  The general consensus was - if a woman, in this case, a Chinaman, could do the job, it must be easy; akin to USPTO management thinks COPA cases must be easy since a new hired, a woman and a Chinaman could do an apodictic 1st patent COPA case and 3 COPA patents per biweek.  This was also how management managed emulation engineers.  Companies selling emulation tools (some cost million$$$) also bragged a woman succeed and defended using me when emulation project failed.

Then, when emulation continue to failed, instead of hiring me - a woman to managed the project, White management started massively hiring 1st gen Asian males in the early 2000s because they believed my success was because I was from Asia, when I grew up and educated in NYC public school all the way to graduate school and work 3 jobs every summer since High School; similar misunderstanding by the USPTO management and massively hiring 1st gen Asians since 2011, the year I was wrongfully terminated.  Emulation projects continue to fail while management continue to use "a woman could do the job, why can't you?".  None of the engineers nor management wanted a woman to run the project, especially 1st gen Asians and Asian males.  White males see me as a China man often use derogatory terms such as Dragon Lady (just like women were called bitch, slut, etc in all companies); and 1st gen Asians called Americanized Asian women such as Ellen Pao (MBA & JD from Harvard), me, etc, "slut, whore, etc".  So everybody hated me and wanted me out of the field using scurrilous attacks; just as the USPTO has since 2011.  Same reason why USPTO's Electrical Art has so few women in management when I was there, and make sure women with potential are terminated.  Just as I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2days despite all my accomplishments and one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified as a pioneer in the field; that begun by one 1st gen Asian male - Tuan Nguyen who I had never met in my life, targeted me the 1st month I started my job; that gave those with "implicit bias" a reason to oust me.  Just as Trump to his supporters - the crazies and deplorables coming out of the woodwork against Hillary.  Why I canvassed for Hillary as soon as she became the candidate, and worked multiple shifts at the last few days despite most people believed Hillary will win; because the Asian Operatives came after me using fake news since the 1990s in the Silicon Valley.  Like the crazies and deplorable, the Silicon Valley millionaire geniuses and the Tech industry all acted or parroted the fake news; as were the USPTO management and employees, still, today in Pentagon City, Crystal City, NoVa and the DC metro.

Intel flew me from the East coast to the West coast twice a year for years for Emulation job interviews where I didn't see one White male!!! Not one!!  All males from India have a very heavy accent.  I've been posting this phenomena as well as how women have been systematically targeted, ousted, coerced to have sex or threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 as done to me, and warned the stealing of trade secrets, on social media since 2004.  You see why so many wanted to kill me for years?  Now all my warnings are proven today, including 1st gen Asians have full control of the Silicon Valley, tech industry, NYC, USPTO, DC metro, NoVa, particularly the Pentagon City and Crystal City area.

Anytime when the hiring decision maker is a 1st gen Indian male, such as in Brookhaven, Long Island - NY, or MIT's Professional program, I knew I won't be accepted or hired, regardless.  These 1st gen Indian males make sure women are treated just as in their 3rd world sheethole homeland.  They were also instrumental in inciting hates against women, just as Trump and Alex Jones for the Crazies and the Deplorables.  Why so few women in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry.

Well-known serial rapists and sexual assaulters in the Silicon Valley as in this BuzzFeed article are not talked about, while women such as Ellen Pao (MBA & JD from Harvard), me, etc, that excelled in the job over the males are relentlessly targeted and ousted, still, today

No mention of Nathan Hillery - a Union Rep elbowed my chest/breast at my office entrance on his way home with his friend Bill.  I also saw Nathan Hillery kissing this Bill's girlfriend Susanne Lo in the kitchen while she was sitting on the counter.  I never touch that counter again.  Lo also spent hours in Bill's office either fighting that could be heard by the whole floor; even when we closed our office door.  Or in closed door in Bill's office for hours, then went home together.  I also saw Bill and Lo exiting the Electrical Room on my way to the kitchen; and thinking Bill was showing Lo what an ER looks like.  I assumed they were married to others at the time?  I am sure there were employees were dating each other long before they had and more after them.  All these people were my ex-officemate Hung Havan's close friends.  Nathan Hillery is making ~$200,000 today, also Paul Rodriguez making `$200,000 without any technical background nor even know what Quantum Mechanics was.  I worked ~24/7 evidenced by my computer log, with unprecedent accomplishments, yet terminated in a haste of 2days.  No wonder the infamous patent backlog; or the talking heads of the Silicon Valley saying they can't find qualified STEM American candidates, what they were really saying was White male or male candidates.  Would the USPTO management terminated the likes of Tuan Nguyen, Hung Havan, Paul Rodriguez, Nathan Hillery, etc by accuse them of being a pedophile?

No one should even know I existed as I don't know anyone in NoVa or the DC metro.  I should be just another stranger in a sea of strangers; just as thousands of USPTO new hired from out of States you had never heard of.  Additionally, I worked 24/7, often 36 hours straight as evidenced by my computer log, the result of threats by Director Wendy Garber that I must meet the 3 patent cases per biweek.  They then put COPA cases in my docket to ensure I won't be able to meet Wendy Garber's demand; then wrongfully terminated me in a haste of 2days despite I met the 3 COPA cases per biweek.  Defamation against me everywhere I went in the DC metro since, particularly the Pentagon City and Crystal City of NoVa.  A contractor tried to hire me to work on Patent Class 703, but had to get the consent from Director Wendy Garber.  The company called me back saying Wendy Garber rejected me from working.  The fact that anyone aware of my existence is the result of 1st gen Asians and Asian Operatives; just as the Russian Operatives did to Hillary, and echo by Alex Jones; as did to me by USPTO employees.  This is true everywhere I went; an indicative of how much control Asian Operatives have in America.  Case in point is the Asian woman Sushi maker in Harris Teeter of Pentagon City that started the fake news as soon as I walked in for the first time in 2013, and had never stop since.  Or Sue Tsu, a volunteer for Computer CORE started the fake news the first day I walked in as a volunteer in 2014; and various people did the same over the years I volunteered there.  I had never met any of these 1st generation Asians in my life.  Just as James Byrd dragged 3 miles on a highway where his body was ripped into pieces by people he cross path and offer him a ride.  I am here b/c I wanted the Intelligent Agencies to personally experience how much control the Asian Operatives have in America.  They already had full control of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry since the early 2000s, then NYC, USPTO and the early stage of NoVa, and the DC metro.  This is why most Asian countries don't have free speech and firmed control of the internet.  There are very few people from Asia can legally immigrant to America, so most are here illegally.

If people from Asia who you have never met in your life defamed you behind your back, are you the one with issues?

Will women treated in NoVa and DC metro as have been in the Silicon Valley in the book "Brotopia" by Emily Chang or "Reset" by Ellen Pao?

Meanwhile, every one of the male landlord had treated me with hostility because I refused to date them, or be his 3rd live-in girlfriend; who was 80+ years old at the time, and evicted me a month after I got out of the hospital from the failed beheading that almost decapitated me.  Another one is a 95+ years old Hispanic male that doesn't know what a Professor is and can barely speak English.  The term is Dunning-Kruger.  I had never been late or failed to pay my rent.   Like most males in the Silicon Valley, tech, Trump, and the world, males believed they are entitled to any woman, and when we refused, males used their position of power to retaliate and ruined our lives.  I am treated like a public enemy #1 everywhere I went in the DC metro, especially in the Pentagon City and Crystal City area, where I shopped such as the Harris Teeters.  This is how much control the Asian Operatives have in America.  
4/4/2019: "you will be kill soon" said by a 30ish Indian male with a thick Indian accent that took me a few minute to realize what he said.  Then echo by a White female about the same age.  Both were on bikes that crossing path with me near Reagan Airport at ~2pm.  Obviously they knew my schedule.  They were openly do whatever they wanted as they had full control of the Silicon Valley and tech since the early 2000s, and now the USPTO, DC metro, NoVa, especially the Pentagon City and Crystal City.  Dying is easy, it is living is hell in a 3rd world sheethole Asia for women. 

If any of you wonder why and how Trump got elected and the world is in such chaos?  Like the crazies and the deplorables, you had chosen to take these social pariahs' words at face value, and against me - an aspired Transhumanist, a former EE adjunct Prof, a former Applied Physics researcher, and was one of the engineers built the computer in the 1990s; who have been a volunteer computer instructor to lift people up since the wrongful termination in a haste of 2 days by the USPTO.  You chosen scums to raise to the top; put morally corrupt, incompetent, unqualified, racist and sexist such as Asian Operatives, 1st generation Asian social pariahs, Paul Rodriguez, Trump in position of power, and took pleasure in destroying people (crazies and deplorables) like me who pursued a PhD to advance the human race. 

I had warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004 (since 2010, I have been wondering if the USPTO realized they hold the trade secrets of the world, not just America's).  Now every US government agency and company been hacked, at least once.  While Asian Operatives dominated the C-suites in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, espeically in the 2 of the biggest software companies in the world, Google and Microsoft.

I didn't attend any Ivy league such as MIT, but a City college.  I had to work 3 jobs since High School so I could continue with my education (NYC High School).  Hack, I couldn't even afford to go to a State college.  My family was so poor we didn't have enough to eat when I was a child.  I was never taught to write in elementary school to set me up to work a minimum wage job the rest of my life.  Now I am at the verge of homeless, that fit the "implicit bias" of lazy people-of-color; the same "implicit bias" that the 2 Black guys sitting in Starbucks were handcuffed by polices after a White manager called.  I was an EE adjunct, TA and an Applied Physics researcher with published paper (https://www.osapublishing.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-32-21-3944) pursuing a PhD, at the same time pursuing a 2nd Master's in Computer Science where I written an Artificial Intelligent computer program using C. in the late 1980s.  If I am a white male, I would be making million$$$ a year.  F'ing white trash.

Just want to mention that I partied in Studio54, Palladium,  Underground, etc; ski in Vermont where I drove High School friend's parents' BMW 7xx at 125mph at night to get there, and stayed in their parents' Condo.  This is what it means to grew up in NYC.

If you want to learn about Physics, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, etc, check this PBS site.

This will blow your mind, if you want to know what the future looks like, watch Year Million.  This is how I see the future as a Transhumanist since college (Many of us went to the Silicon Valley with the same vision; kinda like the Close Encounter of the 3rd Kind).  Eventually, human will existed in an energy form - GOD like.  Earth will be destroyed, human will have to move to other planets.  I still haven't figured out how human escape the inevitable singularity of the universe as I stated in my other blogs.  But since humans are mostly evil, I am not going to; because evils will find a way to destroy earth and every living things in the universe, no need to wait for the singularity of the universe.  Why would I want to empower Trump like or worst humans (think the rich in India or now the Silicon Valley, Tech, USPTO, etc), which is 90% of the human race? 

Silicon Valley have been systematically targeted and ousted women such as Ellen Pao (author of "Reset"), Susan Fowler, me, etc; as well coerced women to have sex ("Brotopia" by Emily Chang), or threatened with termination and made into public enemy #1. Why so few women in the Silicon Valley.  The Silicon Valley, as I've been posting since 2004, is "Lord of the Flies".  It is not hard to conceive they will be Skynet of the movie 'Terminator' for our future.  They are still coming after me even though I left the Silicon Valley almost 20 years ago, evidenced by the Patent and Trademark Office employees Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, 1st gen Asians, Asian males, etc, now in the DC metro, particularly the Pentagon City/Crystal City area, using the same propaganda/fake news "no one wanted her; no one liked her; slut; whore; etc". 

Genius is 99% perspiration, and 1% inspiration. 

Male scientists were rock stars in Einstein's time; women scientists were either marginalized such as Einstein's first wife the brilliant Mileva Marić  or make into public enemy #1; not much has change today. 

Everything Paul Rodriguez said of me are defamations except "most people take 6 years to learn she can learn in 2-3 years", the result of worked 3 jobs since High School that equate to 20+ working experiences before graduation, in addition to the equivalent of 20+ years of High Tech experiences where I led multi-million$$$ emulation projects and a pioneer in the emulation field (http://www.deepchip.com/items/0343-06.html) of Patent Class 703; was one of the engineers that built the PC in the 1990s; a former EE adjunct and a former Applied Physics researcher with published paper (https://www.osapublishing.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-32-21-3944) pursuing a PhD, at the same time pursuing a 2nd Master's in Computer Science where I written an Artificial Intelligent computer program using C when C wasn't use for AI in the late 1980s; and an aspired Transhumanist. As such, I am one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified for this patent class 703.

I rarely speak to Paul Rodriguez in private, and preferred all communications via email or messaging; a habit from running multi-million$$$ emulation project that involved working with ALL departments in the computer chip development process. Also why I kept a low key and not be seen so that no one can accused me of doing or saying anything; you know, like working in a McCarthyism era or a communist country.  Additionally, most of you were told by Asian Operatives I don't speak English, despite I grew up in NYC and was an EE adjunct.  This is how much Asian Operatives in control of you, just like the Russian Operatives using fakes news to control Americans.  In additional to my then officemate Hung Havan (a Charles Manson like sociopath) also told me Rodriguez is a pedophile, a racist and a sexist, so I didn't want to go anywhere near Rodriguez. Previous manager Don knew this of Rodriguez and assigned me to sister Unit AU2128 with Ms. Shah at hiring.

Further prove of Paul Rodriguez is a racist and a sexist is that his Art Unit 2123 was predominately White males, while sister Art Unit 2128 was predominately people of color and women.

3 of my male peers with far less qualifications were promoted soon after the completion of the Training Academy.  I was setup by Paul Rodriguez to be terminated at the end of the probationary period.

If anyone wonders how a salesman-Paul Rodriguez, without any technical background got to be a supervisor that wrongfully terminated a pioneer in Patent Class 703 with an apodictic first patent case in a haste of 2 days, this is just one glaring example that's kept women out of the STEM field.

Furthermore, you have Director Wendy Garber and Paul Rodriguez without any understanding of what it takes to do the job, and so all involved in Patent Class 703 were doom. Any complain had been blocked using Patent Class 715 such as: they can do the job, why can't you?

As you can see, both Director Wendy Garber and SPE Paul Rodriguez (definite himself as European, mostly Irish; as Hispanic as Ted Cruz - a Tea Party) are token hired to meet diversity that meet the statue quo of can't do the job and incompetent as commonly believed (aka implicit bias) of people of color and/or female in tech; otherwise they would've been eliminated if dare to challenge the superiority of male patriarchy establishment as been done to me in the Silicon Valley and tech, and here by the Patent and Trademark Office. Both supported the patriarchy establishment (ie White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, NRA Spokesperson Dana Loesch); while did everything they could to eliminate women and people of color that they feel threatened their job security; why Rodriguez's Art Unit was predominately White males, while sister unit AU2128 was predominately women and people of color.  Just as 1st generation Asians (mainly Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian) that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, few I trained, make sure Asian Americans and Americans are not hired, or fired if they excelled in the job.  Why they are now dominated the executive suites and 2 of the world's biggest software companies CEOs, Google and Microsoft, are males from Asia.  While highly skilled women such as Ellen Pao (MBA and JD from Harvard, EE from Princeton), Susan Fowler, me, etc, are systematically targeted and ousted in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/STEM/USPTO.  Meanwhile, talking heads of the Silicon Valley/tech/STEM keep saying they can't find qualified American candidates. 

As one of the engineers that built your PC in the 1990s, for some reason, most, mainly White people, in the NoVa/DC metro don't think I could speak English nor know how to use a computer.  While as a volunteer teacher teaching computer skills to low-income/immigrants, most, mainly Whites, treated me as if I don't know how to use a computer.  NoVa is NOT some mid West hillbilly in the middle of nowhere place!!!  DC metro is the center of world power!!!  Asians dominated tech!!!(https://casesynopsis.blogspot.com/2016/03/why-such-sudden-surge-in-hiring-asians.html)

This took place after President Obama mandated the Patent and Trademark Office to clear the infamous patent backlog.  I believed both Paul Rodriguez and Wendy Garber were sore that a person of color became President.  This was the backlash that also gave rise to Alt-Right White Supremacists, and a birther - Trump became President who campaigned to undo everything President Obama did, including Obama Care.  If I was mediocre in my job that fit the statue quo of a Chinaman or women in tech, instead of challenging the superiority of a patriarchy or Whites, I wouldn't be targeted and ousted.  Also why people believed that I couldn't speak English despite I was an EE adjunct.  This is the same sentiment as a Black man can read/write in the movie "12 Years a Slave". 

Why I went canvassing for Hillary as soon Trump became a Candidate, despite suffering from severe PTSD as the resulted of hostility treatments in the USPTO such as sexual assaults, also terminated me in a haste of 2 days.  While canvassing in Crystal City, I was treated with hostilities, threatened to call the police, one tried to grab me, kicked-out numerous times, etc.  No other canvasser had similar treatment.  If Hillary won, there would be backlash against women. 

Unlike the main character in the movie, I have no place to go as Asian Operatives are in control not just in America, but all over the world.  I am in the DC metro so the Intelligent Agencies could personally experienced how much these Asian Operatives are in control, far exceed the Russian Operatives as Asian Operatives are living and working right next to you.  Asian Operatives, mainly H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Taiwan, China, the greater Vietnam, and the greater India, targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s when 90+% had partook in making me into public enemy #1, then the tech industry.  They targeted Americanized Asian American women using pernicious fake news such as "slut, whore, gold-digger, spy, thrift, etc" to ensure women will remain as a 2nd class citizen, even in America.  Why there are so few women in the Silicon Valley and Tech industry, while these Asian Operatives that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, few I trained, now dominated the executive and CEO suites, but highly skilled women such as Ellen Pao(MBA and JD from Harvard), Susan Fowler, me, etc were systematically targeted, ousted, coerced to have sex or threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1.  Asian Operatives have been exerting control over Asians for decades.

Like billionaires and millionaires of the patriarchy Silicon Valley/Tech, both Garber and Rodriguez with no technical background are now making ~$200,000/yr; while I am at the verge of homeless and 2 failed beheadings meant to kill me so the case against the USPTO for discriminations would go away.   

I did meet the requirement of 3 cases per biweek as indicated on Mr. Rodriguez’ Affidavit (ROI page 000116) on June 7 and June 22.  The meeting with Wendy Garber was on June 2, 2011.  Though she makes an extremely stringent requirement of Mona Chu must meet 3 cases per biweek and must be on the first biweek, which was the June 7, as indicated by Paul Rodrigues; and then again the following biweek of June 22.  Furthermore, according to the email on (chu production 1.pdf page 366) the patent cases assigned to Ms. Chu were of COPA cases, which mean the cases are deem as complex or extremely difficult to examine.  Mr. Rodriguez summarized what I was working on during the remain biweeks here (chu production 1.pdf page 610) for the month of July 2011 – August 10, 2011, though neglect to mention I also had training classes, worked on Amendment and Allowability for the first time, meetings, computer hang-ups, vacation, holiday, sick leaves, in addition to sexual harassments and hostile working environment as stated in my Formal Complaint, Response to Discovery.doc, and Response to Chu-Agency’s Identification of Dismissed Claims (11-30-12).doc. 

As for the Agency’s EAST search tool database which Mr. Rodrigues confined me to using, no Google, Yahoo or other commercial search engine allowed, shown Mr. Rodrigues either doesn’t know patent requirements or intentionally gave me a hard time to set me up for mine eventual termination.  I used all search tools that resulted in an air-tight case as my first case on 1/29/2011; that’s before any of the EAST search problem Mr. Rodriguez accused me of in 2/2011 (chu production 1.pdf page 143).  This EAST search problem is a way for Mr. Rodriguez to justify his termination of Ms. Chu as he was already setting up Ms. Chu to be terminated before the Probationary Period is over.  Mona Chu also finished a total of 19 cases for the first 8th month as a probationary employee using mostly Agency’s EAST search tool database shown Ms. Chu excelled in doing searches.  Yet Mr. Rodriguez still tried to justify his termination of Ms. Chu using such weak argument as he has no reason to terminate Ms. Chu other than discrimination toward Mona Chu as a Chinese and Female shown to be perfectly capable of doing 3 cases per biweek.

The following biweek, July 2 biweek, begun on June 21, my computer freezes again and again (chu production 1.pdf page 419), also one of my case was held on by Jason Proctor as it might belong to a different Patent Class (chu production 1.pdf page 443).  Again, these were COPA cases which were difficult to do that were assigned to me – a probationary employee, as opposed to straight GUI cases. Also, I took sick leave due to migraine headaches, working 24/7, and sexual harassments (chu production 1.pdf page 428).  We also had July 4 holiday off; hence only got one case counted instead of 2.  There were also continuing training classes during that time.  I don’t have the exact date as I don’t have my email or laptop from the Agency.

July 16 biweek, I begun a 703 case that was an oldest case and given me red flags, which means I need to get it done or penalized. Paul Rodrigues then complained to Wendy Garber (chu production 1.pdf page 473) saying Ms. Chu didn’t understand their discussion to do GUI cases only.  Mr. Rodrigues aware Ms. Chu had to work on Oldest 703 cases as he reminded Ms. Chu to do the Oldest case 703 case in June 21, 2011 (chu production 1.pdf page 410), new cases were 715 GUI cases assign after June 2, 2011.   I did asked Paul Rodrigues to remove my 703 case on (chu production 1.pdf page 416), he only removed one.  This was also when I started working on Amendments, which was completely new patent examining (chu production 1.pdf page 480-484) and had to study MPEP chapters 714 and 2145 as indicated by Mr. Rodrigues (chu production 1.pdf page 484), also continue attending training classes.

Sick leaves quite often due to migraine headache, worked nearly 24/7, sexual harassments and hostile working environment as stated in my Formal Compliant.  Hence the 2 case for the July 16 biweek.

July 30 biweek.  At least 3 days Training.

I seek help from Simon Ke with GUI searches, but instead Paul Rodriguez stopped me from getting help (chu production 1.pdf page 502) even though Simon assigned to help me. 

7/17 -7/28  worked on Amendment case #12438853 which Paul Rodrigues already accepted for credit, and now he wanted me to redo the whole case all over again, and refused to accept anything I submitted on July 18  (chu production 1.pdf page 520) and got back to me on July 25.  None of the suggestions by Dwin Craig (chu production 1.pdf page 531 July 26) or Jason Procter (chu production 1.pdf page 519 July 25) were helpful, and both seem to be very touchy about my questioning.  I moved this case to Allowance which is new to me and had to read up on how to do this type of cases, also consulted Dwin Craig (chu production 1.pdf page 555-556 July 27-28) where in Dwin’s email (P.S.) indicated Mr. Craig and Mr. Rodriguez already decided to terminated Ms. Chu, the whole July, 2011 was just to justify their termination.    On July 28, Mr. Rodriguez reject the recommended for Allowablity (chu production 1.pdf page 558 July 28) after all the works were done.  This is the result of as if Paul Rodriguez realized I was capable of doing 3 cases per biweek, this is to ensure I would fail to set me up for my termination.  Paul Rodriguez began his vacation.  He may have requested Ms. Garber to terminate me before he went on to his vacation.  Need email from the Agency on this.

7/21 Unit meeting, UL computer installation. (chu production 1.pdf page 509, 584) and Training.

7/22 took a vacation day to move my stuffs from NYC to DC.

Sick leaves (chu production 1.pdf page 572) quite often in the month of July due to migraine headache, worked nearly 24/7, sexual harassments and hostile working environment as stated in my Formal Compliant.

Notification of Termination on 8/10/2011 - this email (chu production 1.pdf page 610) was answering to Wendy Garber when Paul Rodriguez just got back from vacation, indicated Paul Rodrigues knew what I was doing on cases and understands why 0% production, but neglected to mention the 3 cases per biweek on June 7 and June 22 biweeks.  Additionally, didn’t  mention Training, worked on Amendment and Allowability for the first time, sick leave and vacation.  Ms. Chu also had to deal with sexual harassment and hostile working environment.  

On August 10, 2011, after I heard my termination notice from Paul Rodrigues, as soon I got back to my office; I sat down and still tried to finish a patent case.  That’s how sudden this news was, how entrenched I was in my patent examining job, and how crazy my working condition was.  I hadn’t seen day light for months after I started this job.  I only had time to visit my family once in NYC.  After an hour or two later, I realized I was terminated, I went home at 5 pm for the first time and got a good night sleep.  

On my last day, when I went to say goodbye to Erica, Hung Havan was talking to Erica outside of her doorway. I attempted to walk inside to her office, Hung suddenly stretched his arm out such my chest/breast hit his arm.  I had to push his arm out of my way.   Erica asked him why he did this, he shrugs his shoulder as if to say "she is fired, what is she going to do?" Then Hung Havan stood in the middle of the hallway to block me from going to say goodbye to coworkers such as Kamini Shah, which left only one way of the hallway for me to go, and that is back to my office. I went back to my office, packed up and left the Agency for good. Hung Havan wouldn't dare to block me if I am a man for fear of beaten to a pulp.

The USPTO management had violated the Human Rights toward employees.

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