Tuesday, March 1, 2016

4. Death by thousand cuts

Death by a thousand cuts

Who is kinder, Islamic Extremists that shoot Malala Yousafzai in the head meant to kill her for advocating education for young girls, or people-from-Asia [mainly Chinese (from Taiwan and China), Vietnamese and Indian] that ruined  a woman's life (me) and make her into a public enemy #1 using insidious defamation, in a well-organized and well-planned way, for decades, everywhere she went in America, such she would suffer to the point where she has no choice but to kill herself, because she excelled in tech jobs over males-from-Asia in the Technical field that started in the Silicon Valley, and now in the DC metro/USPTO?

My production Performance just before wrongfully terminated by the Patent and Trademark Office

On my last day, when I went to say goodbye to Erica, Hung Havan was talking to Erica outside of her doorway. I attempted to walk inside to her office, Hung suddenly stretched his arm out such my chest/breast hit his arm.  I had to push his arm out of my way.   Erica asked him why he did this, he shrugs his shoulder as if to say "she is fired, what is she going to do?" Then Hung Havan stood in the middle of the hallway to block me from going to say goodbye to coworkers such as Kamini Shah, which left only one way of the hallway for me to go, and that is back to my office. I went back to my office, packed up and left the Agency for good. Hung Havan wouldn't dare to block me if I am a man for fear of beat to a pulp. 

Hung Havan had tried psychological abused and demeaned me in person, not just using slanders to incite others to do the same. This is when he learned I was doing 3 cases per bi-weekly and Productivity over 100% from PALM’s Examiner Calculator on 6/2011. I barked back loud enough for everyone to hear. Hung Havan had confirmed he has a dark side. Anyone who sees how much of a psychopath Hung Havan, Michele Choi, Tuan Nyugan and his countrymen/women, Nathan Hillery, and Susanne Lo and her friends-from-India are, it should send chills up his/her spinal; and I’ve been dealing with evils all my life.  I believed this is when he learned his friend Bill and Susanne Lo were dating.  They fight in Bill's office that can heard in the whole floor.

Nathan Hillery, a POPA Union Rep, elbowed my chest/breast outside of my office on his way home one night with his friend Bill (Susanne Lo's boyfriend), soon after I moved to Paul Rodriguez's AU2123.  Dwin Craig, my then AU2123 Primary,  screamed and yelled at me in front of Michele Choi after he opened a meeting room door and saw us on our way in.  This happened on the day an AU2123 examiner (an engineering Professor) passed an exam and promoted to GS11, he gave a party in that meeting room.  Someone/people must've reported both, and both thought I did; hence retaliated against me by getting me terminated.  I didn't reported them because as a probationary employee, and seeing the dysfunction all around, while classmates such Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women freely instigated insidious defamation without any regard, and learned most of the Asians in AU2128 originally had Paul Rodriguez as a SPE, I didn't want to give anybody any reason to terminate me.  So after Nathan Hillery degraded me, I bit my lip so hard that even today, there is still a dark spot on my lip.  I also didn't have the time to find out where to report these people as I was threaten with termination by Paul Rodriguez and Wendy Garber.  All three were actively misleading people into thinking I am Susanne Lo who was dating and marrying Bill; and all 3 were close associate of Bill and had helped them from termination, especially Nathan Hillery, Hung Havan and Susanne Lo often time seen in Bill's office.  I worked nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log and my accomplishments.

Michele Choi had elbowed me on the chest to push me out of her way after she looted mine office supply on my last day. Hung Havan used force to stop me from saying goodbye to Erica, a Chinese-American woman down the hall from my office.

All these people are still gainfully employed by the USPTO and protecting them, how many people had they physically harmed and life ruined?

Despite the people from Asia been defaming me using the antithesis of the truth, Americans will continue to take their words at face value.  That's why the Silicon Valley, Tech industry, USPTO and now the DC metro are control by these people from Asia.  Now that everywhere I went, I am being defamed, can't secured a job, sexually harassed, abused, and under physical harm and rape threats.

Around June, 2011, I asked Hung Havan, my then officemate, what remedy available as I believed Rodriguez was setting me up for termination.  I also asked Havan rather his friend/Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill had any enemy.  Havan answered that for him to be in his position, he must have at least some enemies.  Havan also checked my production and learned I was doing 3 cases per biweek.  But instead, Hung Havan started actively defaming me with the helps of his coterie Nathan Hillery - a Union Rep that helped Havan from termination, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her boyfriend Bill, as well her friends from India.  They usually do this in Susanne Lo's Indian friends' office near the pantry, where Dwin Craig (my Primary) often stood outside their office to listen in.  Before my termination, a few people, including managements had spoke to Hung Havan where he defamed me that finalized my termination.  Nearly all above had done physical harms to me, and are suspects for 2 failed attempt beheadings on me (~50K hospital bills with no insurance due to unemployment).  Another word, Hung Havan and his coteries as well Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women were the "Charles Manson" that uses insidious defamation to incite people to do harms toward me, including termination.  The termination was the result of "Death by a thousand cuts".  

This is what women have to endure working in the USPTO.  I was targeted and defamed the first month on the job by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life.  For the 8 months employed by the Patent and Trademark Office, I was threatened with termination by my supervisor Paul Rodriguez and Director Wendy Garber and had to work nearly 24/7.  Every time when I left my office, I had to endure the following sexual assaults.  My ex-officemate Hung Havan was instrumental in defaming me and set me up for termination with his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her friends and boyfriend Bill.

Women continue to be treated as a sex object, nothing more, especially in the technical field such as in the Electrical Art of the Patent and Trademark Office and the Silicon Valley.  FYI, I don't cook or clean, and never wanted to be a wife, nor can fulfill the role of traditional "wife".  I heard a different calling in life,  am an asexual and going to die.  I need a man as much as I need a disease, and I already have cancer

 If a probationary employee such as I reported sexual assault, she is most likely terminated because management are obviously nepotistic and always blamed it on the women, such as in this Bronze Star soldier Alyssa Bermudez's case wrongfully terminated by the TSA, and in my case, despite I worked 24/7 and kept a low key with accomplishments known to the then undersecretary - Mr. David Kappos, and I have no recourse because the whole system is rigged against little people such as you and I, including the judicial system such as the EEOC or the Federal Court. 

a. PETER D COUGHLAN (of AU2122 with Kakali Chaki as SPE) from the Artificial Intelligent Art Unit 2122, a BIG Caucasian guy whose office is in close proximity to my office, had been going around slandered me saying “she is a dyke”, etc This the result of discriminations toward me as a Chinese and a woman.

b. PETER D COUGHLAN and Dwin Craig both had asked me whether I am married; the first time an old guy asked me, I thought that was rude. Now after a few others like PETER D COUGHLAN and Dwin had asked me, I wondered if this is the culture here?

c. PETER D COUGHLAN also said to me that he had found a woman to replace me and not interested in me anymore, when I saw him talking to another woman on the hallway next to the Men’s bathroom near the elevator….. As it seems, this kind of sexual advances is very common with PETER D COUGHLAN or Dwin, and I would not be surprised if this is one of the reasons they terminated me. I also believed Dwin and PETER D COUGHLAN had done the same to other women who refused their sexual advances by checking all previous termination they involved in, as well women terminated in their Art Units.

d. Tuan Va of AU2193 with an office overlooking the hallway of the Pantry, whom I ran into quite often in the Pantry, I believed he was stalking me. At one point, every time when I go to the pantry at various time of the day, he followed right behind me. Once he stood extremely close against my buttock while I was looking for my lunch at the bottom of the refrigerator bending down, silently stood for as long as I was deciding what to eat for lunch. Since then, I had to use the pantry on the other side of the building for a while. I would check for porn in his computer. One person Tuan Va might slandered me to is Russell Guill of AU2123 as Russell behaved differently toward me after he spoke to Tuan Va.

e. One incident occurred while I was talking to Reza Nabi in our last training class (~7/2011) together on the topic of: Amendment Case (?), while Shawn Joseph stood on the side of the cube, and Tuan Nguyen sat next to Reza and between Reza and me. We were put together as a team. At the time, I was talking to Reza, who was writing the Amendment for a patent case on the computer. I sat across the cube from Reza where the class sat; Tuan suddenly stood up and walked toward me in a deliberate manner. The appearance of Tuan standing up while I sat on the chair make Reza’s face turned red as he knew exactly what that meant. Shawn’s face turned red as well and in an attempt to do the same as Tuan, which then stop and moved back to where he stood. Basically, it appears to the other 2 guys that a woman was perform a sex act at his genital. These males should be castrated. I was sick to my stomach as this is how these males from Asia degraded women, especially when an Asian woman dating a none-Asian male. This is very typical behavior of males from Asia working in the Silicon Valley – set women up as if women are doing a sex act for them; that’s why I stayed in my cube all the time, also didn’t want to see them surfing porn in their cube, which was very common. And finally, it is also a reflection of what is in one’s mind, and interpreted accordingly. What do you suppose these three would go around saying about me? Hence beget more sexual harassment, and so on.

Sexual harassments are far worst in the Silicon Valley, males from Asia were mostly in their 20s, never left their mother's house and was still dressed by his mother. People from Asia were 50%-98% of the tech companies I worked, and often stalked me, followed me inside the Women's bathroom after I was inside a stall. They surfed porn openly in groups, photoshopped women coworkers head to a naked picture, etc, etc, etc. Some had told me to go home (NYC) in English; cause they knew I don't speak their Asian language (mainly Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian). I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley after threatened with physical harms by an Asian coworker and an Asian gang. They are trying to do the same to me here in DC.

Everyone acted normal or unaware of my existence before comments made by pernicious individuals such as Tuan Nguyen, Shawn Joseph, Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi or Reza Nabi. If you wanted to know how Islamic Extremists radicalized Americans, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women would be a perfect example. I’ve been shunned and sexually harassed ever since the 2nd month I started the USPTO’s Training Academy. Even the last 2 old Caucasian male SPE trainers from my last 2 training academy classes were beginning to believe the slanders and started the sexual harassment, which prompted me to question the soundness of the psychological health of these people, included all levels of management who believed anything anybody said, without any basic commonsense whatsoever. I guessed critical thinking is a prohibited practice in the USPTO.

Why would these White old males that never been outside of the 100 miles of their home, think a perceived-teenager such as I would be interested in them? Because these White old males think they still live in the 1950s, the perceived-teenager is an Asian girl, a China man from their perspective.

And then I was called a "gold-digger" which I doubted anyone in the USPTO could afford to buy a gold bar. I was making over $100,000+ per year in the late 1990s, and make and lost a million$ during the Tech Meltdown of 2001, until the people from Asia finally over-run the Silicon Valley and ousted me, as they are doing to me in the USPTO and the DC metro.

People from Asia been spreading insidious defamation such as women begged them for sex, checking them out, no one liked her, no one wanted her, she needed a man, etc, etc, etc, since the 1990s as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley, NYC, now the USPTO and the DC metro. It is worst when White males expressed romantic interested in an Asian woman. Think about that, the woman you are in love with was checking these males from Asia out and begged them for sex. Any non-Asian male that expressed any interested in me or befriended me were the targeted of these people from Asia until they brainwashed non-Asian males to turn again me. So if you are smart enough to see through them, and didn't turned against me or still my friend, you will be their next target.

One must understand that most people in Asia had never seen a White person in their live, countries such as China and Vietnam were just like North Korea not long ago; and India was ruled under the British empire for a long time. They called Asian-American women dating non-Asian male whores, and portrait them as such; just as White women dating Black African in the 1950s.

As someone grew up in NYC, while worked 3 jobs every summer since High School to put myself through school, from running a motel/restaurant to temp in Wall Street; I also partied in places such as Studio54, Palladium, Underground; skied in Vermont that I drove there in H.S. friend's parents' BMW 725 at 125mph and lived in their Condo; had tried to start an Asian girl band but there wasn't a market, still love to wear black, etc...... In College, I aspired to be a scientist/Professor, and to be a Transhumanist to advance the human race. These old White males think they still live in the 1950s, and women in tech/Silicon Valley/STEM are still treated just as women were in the 1950s, a sex object.

Drugged young girls and raped them was very common in the "entertainment" industry. Bill Cosby was just one of most, including photographers. Japan had already been using day-rape drug in the late 1980s. A childhood friend, a pianist and a painter who was also an aspiring model/actress, had seen and knew quite a few. And yes, she is very HOT. For USPTO management that interpret HOT as floozy, it mealy means "appealing or liked by many". When men accused a woman of being a slut, often is because the woman refused to date or have sex with such loser. Did you ever see a guy accused of the woman he is having sex with a slut?? Again, common sense.


Mark Twin:

...nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people.
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.
Innocents Abroad 

Weeks before my termination and around the time an AU2123 Examiner gave a party on becoming a Primary; where Susanne Lo and friends-from-India were invited, along with Dwin Craig, Paul Rodrigues and Jason Procter, as well me.  For some reason, Paul Rodriguez insisted over and over again that I must attend this party, despite I told him I had a patent case due.  Also the day AU 2123 got our laptop, and Jason Procter came to pick up his new laptop.  I believed this is when Susanne Lo and friends-from-India learned Dwin Craig and Paul Rodrigues were my Primary and SPE and slandered me with them to incite them to terminate me, which Dwin and Paul already prone to do so as explained before.  Aside from asking Paul and Dwin what Susanne Lo and friends-from-India said about me in this party, also ask Jason Procter and others in the party. 

Days after this party, Hung Havan suddenly asked me how long will I last here, meaning when I will be terminated.  Hung Havan also said romantic relationship is prohibited in the office; I said “yeah, most companies have this policy”.  I said depends on the kind of people we have here; if there are more good people then bad people, I will last; otherwise I won’t last.  He knew then I was in the process of being terminated. (5/2016, and so my Civil Case is Dismissed.  EEOC ruled in favor of the UPSTO. Patent backlog getting worst, while these miscreant management will continue to say they can't find qualified American candidates and needed more H1Bs)   Days before the party, I overheard Hung Havan told Susanne Lo that Bill (in charge of COPA) and I were going to be married when Susanne Lo inquired about house purchasing with Hung, which was strange to me as Hung Havan knew Susanne Lo was Bill’s girlfriend; so I didn’t think much of it, surely nobody is going to believe something as asinine as this, or at least do some fact checking.  But this is just one example of Hung Havan’s defamation of me, the result of deep-seated hatred toward women outperform him.

Hung Havan was texting with someone on his new phone when he asked me this question. This new phone was the property of the USPTO, and was given to him by his friend Bill. He joined Nathan Hillary, Susanne Lo and her friends-from-India coterie around the time he got this new phone. Hung also used his PC’s Communicator to IMS (message) with his coterie. USPTO could easily check his PC and phone for details.
This party may sealed the faint of my termination as I left early to work on my patent cases as I had to meet 3 cases per bi-week quota.  A few hours later, I brought Michele Choi to the party room to pick up leftover food where we ran into Dwin Craig, he looked mad when he saw me and Michele Choi.  I knew he and Michele Choi had some sort of dispute.  Dwin may think I am a friend of Michele Choi, and believed the continuous character assassination of me by Nathan Hillary, Michele Choi, Hung Havan and Susanne Lo’s friends-from-India, as well many others as the result of the vilification of me; also held a grudge again Bill (in charge of COPA) who Nathan’s coterie misled people into believing Bill and I had some sort of relationship, whom I spoken to only a few times; in addition to Dwin’s bigotry/discrimination toward Chinese women, finally set in the process of terminated me with the help of Nathan, via the top level woman management, with the consensus of the TC2100 management as the result of misled information mostly from Nathan Hillary, Hung Havan and Michele Choi (all with questionable character and psychologically unstable).  Finalized after spoken to Hung and believed his defamation of me.  Again, I worked nearly 24/7 that resulted in 93% Productivity, hardly leave my office nor did I have the time to talk to anyone.

Soon after I told Hung Havan that I am going to be terminated, he was on the phone debating with someone whether to tell me “no one wanted her, no one liked her”. I have no idea this guy is so sadistic, scheming, manipulative and dangerous. This is probably due to the fact the Michele Choi told Hung “everyone wanted to talk to Mona”. Hung knew it is true because when he went out with me, same thing happened. Also, Hung said all his friends liked me, and now became my friends. I sensed he did not like that, so I kept a distance from his friends such as Erica (office nearby), Tigel(spelling?) a woman from Artificial Intelligent Art Unit, etc. The last time I spoke to Tigel, she acted differently. I am sure she heard the slandering of me, mostly from Hung. She is an ethical person.

In college, one of my engineering professors was a visiting professor from IBM. He threatened to fail me if I didn't compliance to him, meaning to have sex with him in order to pass the class.  Let's just say we traded some barbs in front of the whole class. Someone in the class told him I have a powerful Advisor. He later back off. I am sure he will threaten other women engineering student to have sex with him or give them a F grade. Engineering is still in the 1950s for women.

At least 2 engineering professors told me women are not wired to think technically, and that I should change major to liberal Art. I showed him by having above 90+ in tests, while the next closest grade was in 60+. One guy from Russia got higher grade then me. We were good friends.

In the Tech industry/Silicon Valley, some companies I worked for, White guys in top level would declare that they were in love with me soon I joined the company without even talking to me, often I was the one of the few or the only woman engineer.  I would have told them I am in a committed relationship had they spoken to me.  Obviously such declaration meant to say "I claimed her first", but males from Asia reacted differently.  As soon as such declaration make, males from Asia started working 24/7 relentlessly defaming me, and sexually harassed me; then joined by women from Asia.  Worst when they found out other White guys joined the company because of me.  The more people liked me, the worst this gets, until unbearable hostility that I had to leave the company or being fired; why I kept a low key and not be seen when I was in the USPTO.

If I married every Tom, Dick and Harry that said “I love her, born to love her or wanted to marry her“ (one's wife just had a baby! One even tried to buy me, my price was $1billion$, at the time when only 2 billionaires-Buffett and Gates, and no one had heard of Google when they were having lunch in the next table), I would've married at least a dozen times, just in the Silicon Valley alone where I was often the only woman engineer.  

The most interesting proposition and an offer I almost couldn't refuse, was one who wanted to be my "house-husband" (I LOL when I heard that in the early 1990s), and would help me achieve anything I want.  He obviously understood me very well and knew where I wanted to go, despite we only had a few casual conversations with mutually acquaintances; which also explained why he was so successful.  He would be a perfect life-partner.  But it wouldn't be fair for him as I wasn't ready to settle-down as I just got out of grad school 3+ years ago, and he had "been there, and done that".  At the time, he was the head of a European multi-national in Asia and lived in Hilton's penthouse.  

I discouraged any romantic interest by indicated in a committed relationship, or cold stern look because I did not want to see another suicide like this Physics Professor, despite I treated him like any other Professors.  Till this day, I am still haunted by what happened, been painstakingly not to lead anyone on; and avoided anyone who had shown any romantic interest.  

These males had done nothing to improve the human condition/society or to advance the human race (most religions intended to, but ruined by a few bad apples. Been practicing Zen since High School.). Most who had “interested” in me retaliated against me for not reciprocated their affection that added to the defamation, harassment, abuses, and with the intention to ruin my life, just as Ajit Nazre did to Ellen Pao, or Chi-Hua Chien that not only deliberately excluded women, but actively defamed/trolled women that excelled over him. Do you even want to be anywhere near such insidious people? I obviously had no interested in these morally bankrupted misogynistic charlatan millionaires that had make millions in Startups.  If there were more decent human beings then morally bankrupted life forms in the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO, I would still be working. Additionally, when I defended Ellen Pao during her trial, many of those sites such as Mashable wouldn't allow me to post; and the likes of Twitter pulled my tweet when I posted what the Silicon Valley/Tech had done to me. They had full control of your technology, hence all the hackings in the News lately (6/2015), think about that and the future of AI! 

In summary, people from Asia had never seen a white person in their lives and their homeland was no different then North Korea not long ago, are now living in America, targeted Asian-American women such as I for being Americanized.  Most White males in the STEM field had never left the 1950s, and still treated women engineers such as I as if we are still in the 1950s.

This is the 21st century's "The Emperor Has No Clothes", aka trolling, and can only happened in the Silicon Valley/Tech/STEM/USPTO's Electrical Art or any 3rd World where there are prejudices against women and/or minorities.  I specifically put a note on my office front door that I shared with Hung Havan said "The emperor's new clothes, just because someone said it, doesn't mean is true" because I knew people such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, Hung Havan, Michele Choi, etc, can't help themselves to defame/troll me.  Just as the people from Asia trolled me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s.  By 2001, 90% of the people from Asia in the Silicon Valley had partake in trolling me, where the core was the H1Bs from Asia. 

White Americans believed them without hesitation because they can not believe these "China men" dare to lie to them- White Americans.  And frankly, what do they care if they ruined a "China man"/woman's/me life.  It is just funny to them that they were able to do that.  These "China men" seeing these White Americans as imbeciles at best, as that's what they called them in their native tongue (barbarians); and refer to American women as slut, but if women refused to have sex with them, such woman will be fired and make into public enemy #1 using defamation such as they did to Ellen Pao.  And don't flattered yourself, they are here not because they "love America or our ideology", but for economic reason (this is a gold rush for them).  Also, one of the reasons they targeted me since the 1990s is "she likes Westerners".  This is a bad thing in their homeland Asia. 

As to why, it is obvious as soon as any of the wrong-doers tells you why, the truth, not sophistry; and it is right in front of you.  Don't forget, I had never met the likes of Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women in my life who trolled me relentlessly as soon as they saw me; similarly, as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, where most came from a country that was not much different then North Korea, which most Americans can not find their place of origin on the map, and culturally similar to the Islamic Extremist, meaning an extremely brutal and abusive environment and a different set of values; why the more Americans liked me, the worst the attacks; why I said since 2004 that the future of Tech will be run by people from Asia as they've been eliminating those they cannot compete such as I, and now CEO of the world's most powerful software companies Google and Microsoft (most of these people came from a political powerhouse in their homeland; most Americans are just common folks); why I warn of stealing of trade secrets since 2004; why OPM was hacked because you trust the likes of Hung Havan, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women instead of people like me; why a man wanted to buy me when he saw me in the Silicon Valley, my price was $1 billion dollars at the time when there were only 2 billionaires, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates;  why I was upgraded to the First Class flying from the East Coast to the West coast often; why I would have married at least a dozen times if I married every Tom, Dick and Harry millionaires in the Silicon Valley that asked me; and why so few people took me seriously.  Unfortunately, most White people are blinded by prejudices and don't see what is in front of them (most colored people knew what was going on because they are experiencing racism, sexism, bigotry, etc, everyday of their life, whether consciouly or subconsciously), as if all 4.5 billions of Asian are the same, and knows each other intimately.  If I am White, this would not have happened. You would assumed I am an American; but instead, you see me as a China man; worst, seeing me as one these sociopath/psychopath from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen or Hung Havan, instead of an Asian-American, who happens to be a Transhumanist.    If you practice Zen like I have, it would help you see the truth.

It is NOT a prank when the goal was termination and murder such as the 2 failed attempt beheadings on me, and I will die because of what's being done to me in the USPTO.  I knew some imbeciles will accept such cockamamie reasoning, or that "we killed her so she doesn't have to suffer."

Days before my termination, I ran into Nathan Hillery and his coterie Susanne Lo and her friends-from-India in the 5th floor pantry, outside of Dwin Craig’s office, and a door away from Susanne Lo's Indian friend's office. He came over to talk to me; I said something like “have you not notice? I am on my probationary period, the USPTO owned me the first year”. On his way out with his coterie, I overheard he said “she is his kryptonite”, “she is the weakest link”;  Albert  Decady (SPE)  was there.  I didn’t know what that means. Also “So my Union Rep. is a Teflon shield, they can’t touch me or fired me as long I am a Union Rep?” Few days later, I was notified I will be terminated.

“So my Union Rep. is a Teflon shield, they can’t touch me or fired me as long I am a Union Rep?” Nathan Hillery said this at least twice to Hung Havan in our office at different time, he knew nothing can be done to him no matter what he did as long he is a Union Rep, included set me up to be terminated. I am so disgusted with Union. 

When all dirty tactics didn’t work, in July, 2011 (Response to Supplemental ROI, page 10-11, 7/17 -7/28), Mr. Rodriguez asked Ms. Chu to re-do a case that’s already accepted for credit and refused to accept anything from Ms. Chu (chu production 1.pdf page 520) to justify his termination as indicated in their July 27-28 email,(chu production 1.pdf page 555-556, 610) which already decided to terminate Ms. Chu; that caused Ms. Chu productivity to drop drastically.  

Around 2-4 weeks before my termination, Hung Havan (ex-officemate, he and his coterie Nathan Hillery knew I was going to be terminated) suddenly out of nowhere said "when I met with Wendy Gerber for termination, I begged and cried for her to give me another chance. So if you are going to be terminated, begged her and she will give you another chance". I was thinking I met all stringent requirements and then some, if they fired me, it would to keep Asian women down, begging is not going to help me, nor would I beg for a job when I fully qualified and excelled in. This is why I call the Patent and Trademark Office a sweatshop worst then FoxConn. What kind of place is this Patent and Trademark Office full of sadomasochists?? Are we in some kind of labor camp? Now I heard "she is too proud to beg, so she was terminated".  The EEOC for an Asian-American woman is no different the Iran and North Korea court for Westerners.  The whole system is rigged against Asian-American woman, and that's why the Patent and Trademark Office as well the Silicon Valley can do whatever they like to women, including forcing women to have sex with them or become public enemy #1 just as Kleiner Perkin did to Ellen Pao.  Another word, the same as Islamic Extremists of the Middle East.  Yet talking heads continue to demand for more H1Bs because H1Bs are going to beg for their jobs, and be an indentured servant. Is this why the science and technology field demanded more H1Bs, they basically wanted indentured servants? No wonder the USTPO is a cesspool rivals the Post Office that coined the term "going postal".

In short, above people had the USPTO and I fighting each other using the same tactic as they had won the Vietnam War, while they get promoted, and will replace management that had or will be terminated, just as they had in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, many are now in top level management such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft (CEO), Intel, etc.  They already took over AMD and Cisco since the early 2000.  Despite I've been  warning of the stealing of trade secrets since 2004, most, if not all  US companies and government institutions such as OPM been hacked.  Yet Americans (of all colors and races) continue to  take these people from Asia at face value, and helped them to make me as public enemy #1 using propagandas.  They all knew they are far smarter then the Americans, who they called "imbeciles" in their native tongue, that's why they slandered me with the antithesis of the truth, didn't even bother to make up one, this is how stupid they think the American are, if you ever seen the smirk on their face. 

All above people could barely do their job, and had shown such pernicious intention toward Ms. Chu, in addition to the 2 failed attempt beheadings on Ms. Chu, yet they are all still gainfully employed, while Ms. Chu worked nearly 24/7 with unprecedented accomplishments, yet terminated in a haste of 2 days, why is that? 

As you can see, I never stood a chance, the whole USPTO were in complete control by above people; just as I was in the Silicon Valley where there were far more people from Asia, and full of misogynists like the Venture Capitalists in Ellen Pao's case.  The whole VC retaliated against Pao after the case, which is self-evidenced of the nature of these people in the Silicon Valley.  Another word, a bunch of charlatan using sophistries to sell snake oils.

So now everywhere I went in the DC metro, defamation followed, then physical harm and rape threats, as well beheading, including places where I volunteered.

People-from-Asia, who I had never met in my life, such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women instigated defamation of me the first month on the job in the Patent and Trademark Office with classmates in the Training Academy.  For the same reason as Afghan males defaced a woman journalist's Facebook to prevent her from being Westernized/Americanized, against their Muslim believes.  In my case, against the Asian culture/believes where  women are a 2nd class citizen, also an ingrained anti West sentiment.  To show-off their smart and cleverness, and the stupidity of Americans, they defamed me with the antithesis of the truth, didn't even bother to make-up something more reasonable.  Like the Afghan woman accused of burning the Koran and stoned to death, people from Asia only had to say "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" and watch the mobs sexually harassed, abused and terminated me.  This is worsen by 3rd world males that resembled Gollum promulgated "she check me out" as if they were more noteworthy then the famed people I crossed path with while growing up in NYC such as Robert De Niro, or in the Silicon Valley such that of Steve Jobs or the Google founders; as if they are Fabio Lanzoni or the Chippendale dancers.  As such, I've been under physical harm and rape threats everywhere I went, and now 2 failed attempt beheadings on me.   America and Americans after all, are not much different then those Muslim lunatics. 

In short, Asian-Americans, especially women, not only had to endure the typical racism and sexism in America, but also those from Asia that continue to practice their racism, sexism, bigotry, and hatreds toward people different from them as if they are still  in their 3rd world Asia.  The only thing people from Asia shared amount  themselves is that they all hated Westernized/Americanized Asians, especially women such as I that excelled in tech jobs over them.  Now that they are a influential group in the Tech industry, especially in the Silicon Valley and the USPTO's Electrical Art, they determined who gets fired or promoted.

They wouldn't have terminated me in a haste of 2 days if I am White and/or male, and more people would have objected to this decision.  As an Asian and a woman one at that, they knew they can get away as this is still a White men's world, just like Kim Jong-Un in North Korea; and they are as indicated by the EEOC ruling in favor of the USPTO.

Of course, I was not the only one they demonized, there was this management interested in teenage girls; or a supervisor that is a pedophile; another senior patent examiner addicted to porn; etc.  I wonder if they were terminated?  They called people in the USPTO "a bunch imbeciles", meaning  they can say whatever  they want, and the USPTO believed them and acted on it; as well will get away with murder because the USPTO are full of cretins, in addition to spend millions to defend them.  Well, look at them today; they are all still gainfully employed, if not promoted, and the UPSTO's army of lawyers are gunning for me, while the management rigged the system against me.  Also, Michele Choi, Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery wished to give their frenemy Bill a heart attack and died from it; they also said their frenemy Bill had a heart attack before.  I wonder if Nathan Hillery, Hung Havan, Susanne Lo and her friends from India, Michele Choi, or Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women promoted to be a Director yet?

After I filed an EEOC case against the Patent and Trademark Office, while applied for jobs, companies that initially expressed interests in hiring me called the USPTO, and were never call me back. One such company told me I was in the USPTO’s list of “will not hired back”, or to that effect.  
Worst, my Unemployment Insurance was cut abruptly soon after I filed the EEOC case against the Patent and Trademarks Office. 

My Primaries Jason Procter and David Silver had signed an affidavits saying I couldn't do my job.  Were they coerced into signing the paper by Director Wendy Garber and Paul Rodriguez?  

Arlington County refused the application for Disability and Medicare from INOVA hospital and Arlington Social Service filed on behalf of me, which is also USPTO’s retaliation against me. Essentially, the USPTO, back by the US government, is forcing me to either become homeless, a prostitute, or suicide as I have no way of supporting myself. 
The EEOC Administrative Judge (AJ) Nancy Graham of New Orleans ruled against me despite overwhelming evidence to support my case. AJ cited I resigned when clearly I was terminated with a termination letter and affidavits from all management sworn I did not resign. Such flagrant miscarriage of justice ruled by an EEOC kangaroo court, the whole system is rigged against women, and racism is still alive and well. 

As expected, the EEOC Appeal ruled against me (7/23/2015, Carlton M. Hadden) cited reasons that I already disputed in my Appeal with material facts and affidavits from USPTO management; in addition to a failed attempt beheading by the USPTO coworkers to make the EEOC case go away, where I provided with a police report, hospital bills (50+K) and gruesome photos of one you see as my icon.  The pervious ruling from AJ Nancy Graham was as if copy-and-paste from the Patent and Trademark Office's submission as indicated in my Appeal, which was based on Paul Rodriguez's sophistries.   The Office of Federal Operations(OFO)  Appeal ruling (7/23/2015, Carlton M. Hadden) cited basically the same, and added "constructive discharge not proven"  that's not even in my  case, but mentioned once when citing AJ Nancy Graham, because EEOC Director Carlton Hadden couldn't find a legitimate reason to rule against me, so he essentially make up one.  Such flagrant miscarriage of justice, over and over again, the same kinds of justice as those western journalists under Islamic laws, because I am a woman in the STEM field and/or a minority in America.

After I filed an EEOC case against the Patent and Trademark Office, an Asian-American woman appointed as the Director.  And again, after the flagrant miscarriage of justice done to me by AJ Nancy Graham, an Asian-American woman was appointed as the EEOC Chair, coincidence?  I think NOT, especially there are no other Asian-American woman in any position of importance in government, ever!!  Then suddenly, 2 Asian-American women promoted to such prominent position right after flagrant miscarriage of justice done to me, to cover-up their racism and sexism, just like Kleiner Perkin hired Mary Meeker as a partner after Ellen Pao filed a lawsuit.  Seems like one woman has to sacrifice herself so the next one could move up.  No matter, I intended to take my case all the way to the Supreme Court, and will be using all medias to show the miscarriage of justice toward women, as well women are being beheaded in America; that  Americans treated women just the same as ISIS/Islamic Extremists; that the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, as well the Patent and Trademark Office, back by the US government to ensure women such as I who excelled in Tech jobs have no mean of supporting oneself while being make into public enemy #1, that had to either become homeless, prostitute or suicide. 

Despite after a failed attempt beheading on me by my ex-workers from the USPTO to make the lawsuit go away, while still suffering PTSD from the wrongful termination and months of sexual harassments, abuses and physical harms in the USPTO; the Hospital, and later the Arlington Country Social Service applied for Disability for me, yet Arlington County said I am not qualified for Disability (2014), Medicare/Medicaid or any help, financially or otherwise, even though I paid into the system while employed like everyone else; while people that only speak Spanish and don’t speak English at all were qualified for Disability. This is the result of the USPTO using their influence to retaliate against me.

Essentially, I have no way of supporting myself, and forced to either married one of these males, become a prostitute, homeless or suicide, by the miscarriage of justice of the EEOC Appeal Court Carlton M. Hadden and AJ Nancy Graham, the Patent and Trademark Office/US government, and the Silicon Valley/Tech industry because I am a women excelled in tech jobs. After I was terminated from the USPTO, one of the defamations has been that I became a prostitute; particularly in the Arlington, VA area, where people work in the Intelligent field also partake in such defamation.

What happen if these people such as Hung Havan, Michele Choi, Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her friends from India, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women decide to call you a pedophile?  They share the same psychological profile as Jennifer Pan evidenced by a failed attempt beheading on me, and may had mistaken my neighbor as me stabbed her to death recently, "with large wound to her neck".  Remember, I was working nearly 24/7, deliberately kept a low key and not be seen so no one knows I am alive; additionally, had never met most of these people such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women in my life.  This also happened to me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, by people from Asia, who I had never met in my life. I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats by an Asian coworker and an Asian gang.

If any of these people I mentioned above are fired and citing me as the reason, they will come to harm me.  Physical harm threats by an Asian coworker and an Asian gang was the reason why I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley, and hadn't been able to secure a job in the Tech industry despite my outstanding accomplishments; and now the DC metro as well.  I was targeted the 1st month on the job in the USPTO by  people from Asia.  There was already a failed attempt beheading meant to kill me. 

Since you all now know there is no such thing as justice for Chinese-American women such as Ellen Pao and I, just like Western journalists in the courts of Iran, Egypt (journalists got pardon 9/23/2015, now US judicial system/EEOC is far worst then Egypt court, how low can US judicial system gets??) or North Korea court; and I am treated as if I am Malala Ysafzai by the Islamic Extremists; for all those who partook in making me suffered to the point where I would kill myself, and when I didn't, a failed attempt beheading on me to make the lawsuit against the Patent and Trademark Office go away, and again, that mistaken my neighbor as me and stabbed her to death recently.  Do onto others as you would have them onto you.   I cursed you all with the same, for you, your kids, your grandkids, and generations to come.

One can sense the disdain and hates toward me in this email.  I didn't say most of the stuffs here, nor did QZ Wang.  I mainly communicated either via email or Office Action with everyone to leave a paper trail as I already suspected Rodriguez was setting me up for termination after a bad performance review soon after my apodictic first case; in addition to worked nearly 24/7, and often 36 hours straight that can be verified via my computer log.  The only truth here is "takes most people 6 years.....2 years", but that's because I've worked 3 jobs every summer since High School; and the 11:30am.


The email above, basically, Wendy Garber and Paul Rodriguez hell-bent on terminated me regardless, despite I was one of the few people in the world that uniquely qualified for this patent class 703, and proven over and over again since the first month on the job; in defiance to the President of the United States, the Commerce Dept. and the Director of the USPTO's mandate to clear the patent backlog (Attorney General may consider press charges for treason).  

They knew I was perfectly capable of doing the job as indicated in the email;  an apodictic 1st case known to many Training SPEs as well the then Undersecretary/Director- Mr. David Kappos, where I may be the 1st woman to have such honor(an Asian woman one at that, that must've drive some racists and sexist nuts, and hell-bent in terminating me), yet Paul Rodriguez still gave Ms. Chu a very poor performance review after such outstanding accomplishment such to set Ms. Chu up for termination; met every stringent requirements, of which 2 consecutive 3 COPA cases per biweek demanded by Ms. Garber “the first pay period you fail to meet this requirement will likely be your last pay period.” in her affidavit for the June, 2nd, 2011 of the 6th month new employee evaluation meeting with Mr. Rodriguez, which Ms. Chu did meet 3 COPA cases-per-bi-week on the first pay period -June7 and again the following pay period June 22, according to Mr. Rodriguez’s Affidavit.  Mr. Rodriguez and Kieu Vu (email 6/3/2011-6/7/2011) already put COPA cases in Ms. Chu's docket soon after the meeting.  There was no production requirement for probationary employees as stated in both Paul Rodriguez and Ms. Garber's affidavits.  And a total of 19 cases with a mixture of COPA cases in 8 months since hired.  While 3 males from the same Training Class in the same TC2100 with less qualifications that did 3 cases per biweek with far less complex patent cases were promoted.

From the email, they defamed me to another supervisor QZ Wang who wanted to transfer me to his group before my termination, they also defamed me in this retention meeting to ensure I will be terminated. Union head Howard Locker asked Wendy Garber to wait until the end of my probationary period to no avail. They terminated me in a haste of 2 days, when typically given at least a week to 6 months for other employees. 

Michael Salley- an EEO counselor said he spoke to Paul Rodrigues, where Paul said my termination was based on consensus (Paul Rodriguez told me during our meeting that my termination was top level management decision). Now since I spent nearly 24/7 working as evidenced by my computer log time, and deliberately kept low key and not be seen:
   i. How do these people even know that I am alive?
   ii. Who are these people that Paul’s consensus based on?
   iii. If they don’t know me, why such resentment toward me?
   iv. Most, if not all these consensus people at one point or another was a Patent Examiner, why didn’t they see all the flaws on reasoning to terminate me?

If Paul Rodriguez allowed me to transfer, people would have find out all his poor performance review on me were false, and was deliberately setting me up for termination because I am a woman and Asian/Chinese.  So Paul Rodriguez must terminated me using all means to ensure no one knows what he was setting me up for termination, including defaming me to everyone and QZ Wang.

Consider how well orchestrated and effective my termination was despite all my efforts, and outstanding accomplishments known to many SPEs, even the then Undersecretary Mr. Kappos, both Ms. Garber and Mr. Rodriguez must've had terminated thousands of Patent Examiners.

They were looking to terminate me from the get-go but just needed a pretext to terminated me. I still don't know the pretext to get everyone, including QZ Wang to agree to terminate me, as I was working 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log time and kept low key. Rodriguez defamed me to QZ Wang to ensure I will be terminated. What kind of nefarious defamation did Rodriguez told? Rodriguez told me it was top level management wanted to terminate me, how do they even know me as I worked nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log time and kept a low key?  Seems like Rodriguez fabricated a bunch of lies to ensure I was terminated or used the defamation spread by my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her friends from India, and classmate Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women (all these are suspects for 2 failed attempt beheadings on me), didn't even want me to transfer to another group. What a bunch of racist and sexist. How are these people differ from the Islamic Extremists? 

Also, should noted that Michele Choi has been hated everywhere by everyone long before I joined the USPTO, she is still gainfully employed.  Susanne Lo been dating her boyfriend Bill long before I joined the USPTO, and was well-know by TC2100.  Her boyfriend Bill divorced his 2nd wife to married Susanne Lo before I joined the USPTO on Nov. 2010.

All above people defamed others as well, not just me, saying their frenemy only like teenage girl; Paul Rodriguez only helped good looking women and was a pedophile, another has a collection of porn in his computer; that a supervisor was having an affair with his underling, promoted her to GS-12 and gave her a very nice office;  an examiner didn't show up for work; Michele Choi accused many  people of stealing, while she looted my office supply on my last day, etc, etc, etc.  I couldn't believe the kinds of people I was working with, and basically put on my headphone and ignored them if I could; which Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery then moved to the office of Susanne Lo's friends from India in the same floor, near the Pantry, where I often see Dwin Craig standing outside of their office.  I am sure Dwin Craig had heard many of the defamations and may had partook in spreading them as well.    

Today, all these people are gainfully employed and promoted by the USPTO.  I am at the verge of being homeless, though the USPTO employees had been promulgated for years that I became a prostitute after termination which was their intention for terminating me.  These are the people you are working with that slit my throat meant to kill me such the lawsuit would go away, a 2nd attempted recently that killed my neighbor mistaken for me.  While the USPTO continue to put me in their "DO NOT HIRED BACK" list; a form of force prostitution of women excelled in STEM jobs by the USPTO/the US government, and the Silicon Valley/Tech Industry/STEM. 

On Aug. 11, 2011, I met with Paul Rodriguez and Wendy Gerber in her office. As soon I sat down, Wendy Gerber presented me with the termination letter, cited she wanted 3 cases per bi-week. Apparently, 2 consecutive 3 cases, an apodictic 1st patent case known to most Training SPE as well the then Director Mr, Kappos, Productivity-Last-4-Bi-weeks from 93%-105%, and 19 cases with a mixture of COPA cases in 8 months weren’t good enough, but male peers with far less accomplishments or qualification were promoted; while a woman with a Master's in EE, was an EE adjunct and an Applied Physics researcher with published paper, as well pursued a PhD at the same time pursued a 2nd Master's in Computer Science, in addition to extensive industry experiences in the field of patent Class 703, got terminated.  Why such discrepancy? It is obviously because I am Chinese and a woman. Wendy cited that I have the option of being terminated or resigned. So I shook Paul Rodriguez’s hand and thanked him for teaching me patent examining and thanked Wendy Garber for her time. I am always a professional.  The meeting took about 10 minute from entering the door to existing the door. 

BTW, Paul Rodriguez's experienced with me was that he set me up for termination from the get-go, by gave me a very poor performance review soon after an apodictic 1st case, demanded stringent requirements but not from my peers, also deliberately put COPA cases in my docket to ensure I couldn't meet the stringent requirements, then lied to everyone to ensure I will be terminated, etc, etc, etc (http://bit.ly/1LqKS36).  I also noted that my old Unit 2128, sister unit of Mr. Rodriguez's, was predominately Asian and women, but not Mr. Rodriguez's unit.  Most in AU2128 were originally had Paul Rodriguez as a SPE.  I was transferred into Mr. Rodriguez's AU2123 to compliance to diversity, after 5+ patent examiners transferred out of Paul Rodriguez's Art Unit.  As such, I avoided meeting with him in person, and communicated either via the Office Action or email so there's always a paper trail.  This email is so low, that reading this makes me sick to my stomach.  No wonder I was terminated, because this is obviously a bunch of racist and sexist I was working for and with.  These are the kinds of people the USPTO is retaining and wonder why such backlog for decades.  Nowadays, I just don't have the stomach to deal with these racist and sexist anymore, especially the likes of Sue Tsui.

While this email implied that my termination was because Ms. Garber and Mr. Rodriguez believed I was "smart"; but the pretext for my termination was low performance, and couldn't use their search tool (that searched only the USPTO's database), as I effectively used Google that search everything under the sun.  As such, Mr. Rodriguez forced me to use their search tool EAST and added that I had to add 3 to 5 more references to slow me down, to finally terminated me in a haste of 2 days; despite I met the stringent requirements nevertheless.

Would you call your Professor, CEO or Chief Technology Officer (CTO) "smart"?  I was an EE adjunct, had my research funding wasn't cut, many of the patent examiners and management would've been my student.  But since the Tech field doesn't like women in management, and Tech companies don't like to promoted women to management; racist and/or sexist don't like Asian and/or women telling them what to do or in a position higher then them; essentially, these would've been my students were forced to compete with their Professor;  and so some had said "I freaked them out".  Incompetent managers used me to force coworkers to perform by say "Mona can do it, why can't you?" and/or "Mona get less pay then you, and she has far more accomplishments then you"; etc.  If is a manager from Asia "a woman can do the job, why can't you"; etc.  You just knew this is NOT going to end up well. 

FYI, I always said that there is no such thing as genius, and anyone can be a genius if they work hard enough, such as working 24/7; preferably it is something you love.  I worked 3 jobs every summer since High School, meaning I already had 20 years of working experiences, from cashier, office clerk, to Wall St, then managed a Motel with a restaurant, before I got my Master's in EE.  Another word, we were so poor and face so much discriminations just as in the USPTO and the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, including from Asians for being poor, I had no choice but to get the job done or fired, all my life since High School.  I filed this lawsuit because I am just sick and tired of this racism and sexism I had to endure all my life.  

Some of my 20+ college buddies were some of the smartest people I know.   Most were either PhD candidates or Post-Docs/researchers in Physics/EE.  One is a Professor now and is doing research in nanotechnology.  Another one is a VP of a well known international bank.  The smartest one, whose Physics PhD entrance examine was 20 points above the closest candidate, he is working as a customer service Rep in a telecom company and is a Chinese-American guy.  And then there was a Physics PhD buddy worked as a NYC Taxi driver as he couldn't find a job in the late 1980s, a Hispanic/Latino guy.  Most of my African-Americans buddies did well in the STEM field.  

My motto is:  genius is 99% perspiration, and 1% inspiration.

Anyone who acts or thinks oneself is smart, is just a wannabe.  You never see Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking or any real genius act or think they are smart.  The reason they are a genius because they know they don't know, and therefore never think or act conceited, imperious or a pompous ass. 

The Patent and Trademark Office used to known as the pinnacle of intellectuals, now it is just a cesspool; and beheaded women who excelled in the job, just like the Islamic Extremists.  The really sad part is that the Patent and Trademark Office is part of the Commerce department, back by the US government.  So now the US government is in the same business as the Islamic Extremists beheading women.  When are they going to start burning women and/or minorities alive just like ISIS?

The EEOC for women and Asians is no different then Egyptian or Iranian court for Westerners, there is no such thing as justice for women excelled in jobs in the STEM field such as Ellen Pao and I.

BTW, I also know how to solve this persistence patent backlog problem as well.  Management hell-bent on terminated me knew this as well.  The Silicon Valley/Tech fired women engineers who could get their projects done on time and within budget, but kept those from Asia that could barely speak English, thug like behavior such that of Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, and couldn't tell a toaster from a computer.  Then complained they couldn't find qualified candidates.  This is true everywhere I went, including non-profits where I volunteered where people from Asia such as Sue Tsui defamed and berated me  the 1st  time I met her,  who had no technical background whatsoever, and had  destroyed many computers but blamed that on someone else.  This non-profit, like the USPTO, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry preferred people, mostly from Asia, can't do the job, and defamed those who could to get them fired.

Mona Chu grew up in a very poor immigrant family in New York City where they didn’t have enough to eat when she was a child. Ms. Chu’s father refused to apply for welfare. She was never taught to write in elementary school. She had to teach herself to write. Junior High was a disaster in an immigrant and drug infested neighborhood of the East Village where classes were often disrupted by kids only understand Spanish, and stick needles to Ms. Chu body. It was unknown whether the needles were contaminated with HIV. Ms. Chu had to work 3 jobs every summer since High School such she could continue with her education, where she had to endure job discriminations toward Asian, just as she had in the Silicon Valley/Tech and the Patent and Trademark Office for being a woman and/or Asian that excelled in tech jobs. She knew then that the only way out was education. 

Ms. Chu also learned that there are very few decent human beings in the world, that now proven over and over again, never expect kindness, and be grateful if someone doesn’t do harm to her. (Just think, if guns are readily available to people, it would be akin to putting matches in a gas station, a disaster waiting to happened, hence the shootings of Sandy Hook, Oregon Shooting, etc.) As such, Ms. Chu been volunteering and has been asking people she helped to “pay forward” instead of giving her money or thanked her, saying "hopeful their kids will live in a better world".

Ms. Chu’s father, however, assumed at least one of his kids will be killed by Asian gangs; he brought life insurances enough to pay for the funeral for all his kids, and basically left the kids alone. Other Asian immigrant parents were extremely strict to prevent their kids from turning bad.

While attending the City College of New York, Ms. Chu was inspired to be a Scientist/researcher/Professor, mainly to advance the human race and make the world a better place to live (people such as Ms. Chu heard a different calling in life, hence why money is only important as a mean to achieve such goal, and why Ms. Chu would've been crazier then Elon Musk), think Star Trek or transhumanism (ultimately, human will exist in the form of energy and will live forever, kind of like a ghost; but I digress). Her interests were in Cold Fusion, Superconductor, Artificial Intelligent, Optical Computing and Computer Architecture. Ms. Chu was pursuing a PhD in Engineering/Applied Physics while at the time pursued a 2nd Master’s in Computer Science, as well as an adjunct and as an Applied Physics Assistance researcher with published paper. Like most males from Asia, Ms. Chu’s father didn’t think women should be educated, and vehemently against her pursued a Master or a PhD in Science cited “no man is going to marry you”, etc. After her research funding was cut during the Bush 41 Presidency. Ms. Chu was draw to the Silicon Valley like the character Roy Neary in “Close Encounter of the Third Kind” to the Devils Tower.

In the Silicon Valley, Ms. Chu was one of the few computer hardware women engineers in the world in the 1990s. Even fewer yet, one of the handful of Emulation project/tech leads in the world; and the first person to take one of the most complex multi-million dollars projects in chip design process from scratch to completion on time and within budget. Using Football terms, I was the coach and the Quarterback for emulation projects, and won the Super-bowl on the 1st season; but my position and salary was of an engineer, not leadership, when women's salary in Tech was about half of her male counterpart. Male engineers later changed from the “1st person” to the “1st woman” to complete emulation project, then relegated to as the 1st woman in emulation; and erase all my outstanding accomplishments. Emulation was in its infancy (Beta) in the 1990s.
Ms. Chu was targeted and defamed as soon as she arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, by people she had never met in her life, mostly people from Asia, with current and past H1Bs engineers as the core, that lasted until 2004, where 90+% of the people from Asia in the Silicon Valley were involved in defaming Ms. Chu. After years of defamation, sexual harassment and abuses, Ms. Chu finally reported to management; few of those involved were fired, including some top level management. One such Asian ex-worker and later an Asian gang threatened Ms. Chu with physical harms, to which Ms. Chu had to abscond from the Silicon Valley in 2004.

Due to defamations by people from Asia, Ms. Chu couldn’t secure a job at the height of the Tech bubble of 2001 with all her outstanding accomplishments, where she was the only one in the world could run one of the most complex chip design process project - Emulation project at the time, while anyone could walk and chew gum at the same time could walk into any tech company and hired. Also, tech companies wouldn’t hire women at child bearing age or older women/people, hence why so few women not just in management, but the whole tech industry, especially in the Silicon Valley, as exposed by Ellen Pao vs. KPCB case.

Ms. Chu trained some of these males from Asia that couldn’t tell a toaster from a computer, where they also actively partook in the defamation of Ms. Chu, and were given the credit of finished the most complex emulation project, when Ms. Chu was the only one had extensive experiences in the emulation field. While the talking heads of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry keep saying they couldn’t find qualified American candidates, and needed more H1Bs.

Similarly, Ms. Chu was targeted and defamed the first month in the Patent and Trademark Office by people-from-Asia, who Ms. Chu had never met in her life, such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women instigated defamation with classmates such as Shawn Joseph, Randy Shaffer, Reza Nabi, and other classmates in the Training Academy.  

As time progresses, defamations such as Paul Rodriguez, the SPE Trainer played favoritism toward women, and only liked to talk and help women; or that good looking woman had it easy because guys like to help them, etc., beginning to promulgate the class; in reference to Ms. Chu talked to Mr. Rodriguez about patent cases; to which Ms. Chu had to keep a distance such not to create resentment toward either one. If Ms. Chu didn’t stop talking to Mr. Rodriguez, the next slander would be to accuse Mr. Rodriguez and Ms. Chu having an affair. Ms. Chu knew this because similar accusations had been made toward her when she was working in the Silicon Valley, by people-from-Asia; just like America in the Dark Age when witch-hunt was practiced.

Classmates such as Shawn Joseph then spread defamation to other Training Classes, where they spread to the rest of the Patent and Trademark Office. Officemate Hung Havan and his friends Michele Choi, Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her friends from India re-enforce and further the defamation. The USPTO employees and Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women spread to their families, friends, neighbors and neighborhoods such as in Arlington, VA. As the result, Ms. Chu can't secure a job while being sexually harassed, abused, physical harm, and rape threats that resulted in a failed attempt beheading (see pic) on 6/2013 by coworkers in the Patent and Trademark Office that was meant to kill Mona Chu to make the lawsuit go away. On 4/2015, a woman neighbor that looks very much like Ms. Chu was murder “stabbed to death "large wound to her neck area"”, Ms. Chu believed that was meant for her as the neighborhood is near the Pentagon, mostly occupied by Pentagon officials and veterans. There is no random crime here.

Basically, these people from Asia had not just control of the Silicon Valley – the High Tech Capital of the world, but also the DC metro – the US Capital and the center of the world power. They determined who gets fired or murder in Ms. Chu’s case, and who gets to top level management such as in Google, Apple, Intel, Microsoft, etc. Another word, the future. And via hacking, they now had the full profile of all government officials.

One should be mindful when comparing performance of Apples and Oranges. The only fair way of comparing Ms. Chu’s Productivity performance is by comparing with people from the same Class/Art Unit (2123 and 2128) in their 8th month evaluation, in addition to whether they have an air-tight first case or not. To compare with other Art Unit would be analogous of comparing apples and oranges. Case in point, in AU2123, one of the patent cases Ms. Chu had examined was on an atomic probe which scanned for the atomic shape as well the forces (electromagnetic as well gravitational forces) that broke Quantum Mechanic 101 law – introduced an external element changes the state of specimen under test. (This patent would be the building block of a Transporter from Star Trek if anyone is going to build one, and will.) Compare this to Ms. Chu’s other patent class 715 (GUI) cases where one, for example, a patent on the collage of icons, their border, the size and shape of the icons, similar to the display on iPhone. Need I say more? According to the Agency’s management, these 2 cases take the same amount of time to finish. That’s why patent Class 703 of Art Unit 2123 and Art Unit 2128 been problematic for such a long time.

When I tried to point out the rejection used for a patent case that didn't make sense, this is what happened.  I wonder if this is why Dwin Craig screamed and yelled at me?  Questioning our finding is very typical in the Engineering and the Science field; that's why I didn't realized I was not allowed to question them.  I can fully understand why there is no time for any intellectual discussion whatsoever due to the limitation of time allowed to finish a case as I didn't even have time to go to the bathroom, but this is a little extreme, of the tyrannical degree.  I should have written it up like everyone else and moved  on to the case.  But then I thought Dwin Craig deliberately gave me the wrong information as this re-do case gotten to be extremely bizarre due to this case was already accepted for credit,  Paul Rodriguez make me re-do the case all over again and refused to accept anything from me, as a way to set me up for termination.  This went on for over a month, hence the low production as well the sexual harassment and abuses as indicated below and in my EEOC Formal Complaint.

Paul Rodriguez knew Ms. Chu understands the patent class 703 as she explained every patent case she examined to him in the Training Academy in front of the Training Class of 14, just as Ms. Chu was an adjunct back in college teaching engineering class. Also, Ms. Chu overheard Paul Rodriguez told another person who asked “what is the secret of her air-tight first patent case”, and Paul Rodriguez answer “she understands the technology she was examining”, the guy gave a inconceivable expression on his face, and Paul Rodriguez just smiled.

 Harassment based on hostile work environment
  1. One of Susanne Lo’s friends-from-India gave me a body gesture of f@#k-you (whole body movement with an emphasis on hip movement forward/pelvic thrusts in the air like Michael Jackson) toward me near the elevator when I passed him by, with an euphoric and “couldn’t believe this is actually happening” look on his face.  He was talking to David Kim and a new hired of AU2128 at the time.  This was few days before my termination, as if he knew what’s going to happen to me.
  2. Days before Ms. Chu's termination, she ran into Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her AU2128 Indian friends in the pantry, on their way out, Nathan Hillery said to them “she is his Kryptonite”. Albert  Decady (SPE)  was there.  Also, Susanne Lo suddenly said good-bye to Ms. Chu with a smirk during one of AU2128's meetings where Ms. Chu was talking to Kamini Shah, 2 days before Ms. Chu's termination notification on 8/10/2011.  Susanne Lo had been cold and ignoring Ms. Chu whenever Ms. Chu greeted her.  Ms. Chu had an ominous feeling.  Susanne Lo knew Ms. Chu was going to be terminated 2 days before Ms. Chu's terimination notification by her Supervisor.   
  3. To enforce the notion of I checked out Hung Havan (5ft, 200lb, a fat Gollum at best) as a way to further the sexual harassment and abuses toward me, he tried to set me up such I come across as if I was checking him up.  For example, he would show me clips of his son on his smartphone placed on the desktop while he stood on the other end of the edge of the desk, someone such as his partner in crime Michele Choi would use her smartphone and recorded from afar as if I was checking Hung when he talked to me and I looked up, for the unsuspected simpleton eyes.  Havan asked me to look at his son's photos on his smartphone 3Xs.  I was finding it odd.  Hung Havan and Michele Choi’s intention was to have every single lowlife to sexually harass and abuse me, a woman who is outperformed them, to finally get me terminated.  Since Michele and Hung are close associates of Bill (in charge of COPA), he may have seen the clips, but I am fairly sure Michele already distributed to everyone she knows in the PTO.
  4. The likes of Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen set a bad precedent of defamed me that followed by Shawn Joseph, Randy Shaffer, Reza Nabi, and other lab 2 classmates, which is the source of a cesspool.  No one notice me prior to Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen defamations of me, as well Shawn Joseph’s defamation of me.  As time progresses, defamations such as Paul Rodriguez, the SPE Trainer played favoritism toward women, and only liked to talk and help women; or that good looking woman had it easy because guys like to help them, etc., beginning to promulgate the class; in reference to me talked to Paul about patent cases; to which I had to keep a distance such not to create resentment toward either one of us.  If I didn’t stop talking to Paul, the next slander would be to accuse Paul and I having an affair.  I knew this because similar accusations had been made toward me when I worked in the Silicon Valley, by people-from-Asia; just like America in the Dark Age when witch-hunt was practiced.
  5.  I realized how toxic the USPTO environment was when slanders and maligns already begun the 1st month I was in the Training Academy.  During one of the  class session, we all gather in front of the class room, Randy Shaffer said to me that Tuan Nguyen told him that I wouldn’t like someone like Randy Shaffer, a farmer from a country side.  At the time, I didn’t even know who Tuan Nguyen was until Randy pointed him out to me.  I said to Randy that farmers are the backbone of our country and an important component to our economy, we should be appreciative of people who worked hard, didn’t steal or rob for a living.  This is when I realized these people-from-Asia are no different than those I worked with in the Silicon Valley.  I tried to keep low key and not be seen since. 
  6. One incident occurred while I was talking to Reza Nabi in our last training class (~7/2011) together on the topic of:  Amendment Case (?), while Shawn Joseph stood on the side of the cube, and Tuan Nguyen sat next to Reza and between Reza and me.  We were put together as a team.  At the time, I was talking to Reza, who was writing the Amendment for a patent case on the computer.  I sat across the cube from Reza where the class sat; Tuan suddenly stood up and walked toward me in a deliberate manner.  The appearance of Tuan standing up while I sat on the chair make Reza’s face turned red as he knew exactly what that meant.  Shawn’s face turned red as well and in an attempt to do the same as Tuan, which then stop and moved back to where he stood.  I was sick to my stomach as this is how these males from Asia degraded women, especially when an Asian woman dating a none-Asian, as I was in the Silicon Valley.  This is very typical behavior of males from Asia working in the Silicon Valley – set women up as if women are doing a sex act for them; that’s why I stayed in my cube all the time, also didn’t want to see them surfing porn in their cube, which was very common.  And finally, it is also a reflection of what is in one’s mind, and interpreted accordingly.  What do you suppose these three would go around saying about me?  Hence beget more sexual harassment, and so on.
  7. When the likes of Tuan Nguyen, Susanne Lo’s friends-from-India and their countrymen attacked me in NYC, and as soon I arrived here in Washington DC and in SF Bay Area/Silicon Valley, it is no longer just a few people gone rogued; it is called a movement, akin to the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street; where social media played an integral part. When we ignored signs like this, 911 happened, and now the collapse of Middle East totalitarian states such as Egypt, Libra, etc. This is a danger to American workers and corporations/institutions, especially Chinese-American women such as me (low hanging fruit and a canary in the coalmine), apparently. This EEOC case originally filed in 2012. As of Oct. 2015, we know learned that nearly all government and military institutions been hacked such as the OPM that has every Federal employee’s personal file and finger prints.
Weeks before my termination and around the time an AU2123 Examiner (the only Asian and an Engineering Professor THANGAVELU KANDASAMY(?)) gave a party on becoming a Primary; where Susanne Lo’s friends-from-India were invited, along with Dwin Craig, Paul Rodrigues and Jason Procter, as well me which Mr. Rodriguez insisted I must attended as I often avoided being seen as a way to stay low key, and not being targeted for sexual harassements. Also the day AU 2123 got our laptop (an i7 CPU!! Finally something decent to work with. We were still using Pentium 4 in 2010, believe it or not!!), and Jason Procter came to pick up his new laptop.  I believed this is when Susanne Lo’s friends-from-India learned Dwin Craig and Paul Rodrigues were my Primary and SPE and defamed me with them to incite them to terminate me, which Dwin and Paul already prone to do so as explained before. (Aside from asking Paul and Dwin what Susanne Lo and friends-from-India said about me in this party, also ask Jason Procter and others in the party.) Days after this party, Hung Havan suddenly asked me how long will I last here, meaning when I will be terminated. I said depends on the kind of people we have here; if there are more good people then bad people, I will last; otherwise I won’t last. He knew then I was in the process of being terminated. Hung Havan also said romantic relationship is prohibited in the office, I said “yeah, most companies have this policy”. Days before the party, I overheard Hung Havan told Susanne Lo that Bill (in charge of COPA, also Susanne Lo's boyfriend) and I were going to be married when Susanne Lo inquired about house purchasing with Hung, which was strange to me as I knew Susanne Lo was Bill’s girlfriend, and I told Hung Havan I already have a boyfriend; so I didn’t think much of it, surely nobody is going to believe something as asinine as this, or at least do some fact checking, unless nefarious individuals use this as an excuse to terminate me. But this is just one example of Hung Havan’s defamation of me, the result of deep-seated hatred toward women outperform him.

This party may sealed the faint of my termination as I left early to work on my patent cases as I had to meet 3 cases per bi-week quota. A few hours later, I brought Michele Choi to the party room to pick up leftover food where we ran into Dwin Craig, he looked mad when he saw me and Michele Choi. I knew he and Michele Choi had some sort of dispute. Dwin may think I am a friend of Michele Choi, and believed the continuous character assassination of me by Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Hung Havan and Susanne Lo’s friends-from-India, as well many others as the result of the vilification of me; also held a grudge again Bill (in charge of COPA) who Nathan’s coterie misled people into believing Bill and I had some sort of relationship, whom I spoken to only a few times; in addition to Dwin’s bigotry/discrimination toward Chinese women, finally set in the process of terminated me with the help of Nathan, via the top level woman management, with the consensus of the TC2100 management as the result of misled information mostly from Nathan Hillery, Hung Havan and Michele Choi (all with questionable character and psychologically unstable). Finalized after spoken to Hung and believed his defamation of me. Again, I worked nearly 24/7 that resulted in 93% Productivity, hardly leave my office nor did I have the time to talk to anyone.

Dwin Craig looked mad and screamed at me in front of Michele Choi. Which Michele Choi may have reported Dwin Craig to an authority, and Dwin Craig initiated the process of terminating me out of retaliation thinking it was I who reported him.

The termination happened so suddenly and quickly, that I never had a chance to defend my case.  I was told by Paul Rodriguez, my SPE, on Aug. 10, 2011, that I will be meeting with Wendy Gerber on Aug. 11, 2011 to be terminated; effective date will be on Aug. 12, 2011.  I asked why, he cited poor performance, etc.  I said my production performance was at 93%, also 2 consecutive 3 COPA patent per biweek, and asked for more time.  He said this decision is from top management.  As soon I got back to my office, I sat down and still tried to finish a patent case.  That’s how sudden this news was, how entrenched I was in my patent examining job, and how crazy my working condition was.  I hadn’t seen day light for months after I started this job.  I only had time to visit my family once in NYC.  I requested for vacation to move my belongings from NYC, but only approved for one day.    


b.      My 1 year probation will end in Nov. 7. 2011, 3 more months, why such a hurry to get-rid of me?  It is not that I performed poorly.  I was one of the top performers at 93%, with an air-tight first case; and was at 103.88-119.81% at the time of termination.  This is also known to Mr. David Kappo – Director of the Patent and Trademark Office; disclosed to by the head of the Nov. 2010 Training Academy Andrea Wellington, when I was in the Training Academy (aka Boot-camp).  Mr. Kappo said "good, how do we find more people like her".  

1.      Who did Michele Choi show the video she recorded of Ms. Chu and Mr. Havan using her smartphone to?  What is their purpose of such video she and Hung Havan set Ms. Chu up for?
2.      Days before Mona Chu’s termination, around the beginning of August, 2011, Hung Havan told Mona Chu that he has been telling people Ms. Chu is just like his friend Michele Choi (who is hated everywhere by everyone, see Formal Complaint for details).  Why did Hung Havan say that when clearly he knew Ms. Chu is completely different from his friend Michele Choi?  Who did Hung Havan said this to besides Dwin Craig who Hung Havan knew Dwin Craig didn’t like Michele Choi because she sold him a defected product?
3.      Why did Hung Havan and Michele Choi tell Dwin Craig Ms. Chu thinks she is smart? 
4.      Why did Hung Havan and Michele Choi tell Dwin Craig Ms. Chu thinks she is smarter than her SPE and Primary? 
5.      Why did Michele Choi went around in the RND 4 floor near her office said she doesn’t understand what Ms. Chu is saying, when she had no problem communicating with Ms. Chu in person? 
6.      Why did Michele Choi tell people Ms. Chu argued with her SPE and Primary?  
7.      Why did Michele Choi tell people Ms. Chu thinks she is smarter than her SPE and Primary?
8.      How often did Mr. Craig see Nathan Hillery, Hung Havan and Susanne Lo gather in her AU2128 Indian friends’ office?  Every time when Ms. Chu passed by Susanne Lo’s AU2128 Indian friends’ office that is few door away from Dwin Craig’s office, Ms. Chu always saw Dwin Craig standing outside of their office with Susanne Lo and Nathan Hillery inside the office; Hung Havan joined them in late June 2011 and often after the July 4, 2011 weekend, when Hung Havan told Ms. Chu he is moving up. 
9.      What did Dwin Craig heard from Nathan Hillery, Hung Havan, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her AU2128 Indian friends regarding Mona Chu? Which he then told Paul Rodriguez, Wendy Garber, Zachery Clifton and other management that resulted in the consensus of Mona Chu’s termination.  Susanne Lo’s AU2128 Indian friends had moved to upper level just days before Ms. Chu termination.
10.  What did Dwin Craig said to Wendy Garber and Zachary Clifton as the reason to terminate Mona Chu?
11.  What did Zachary Clifton heard from Dwin Craig regarding Mona Chu that led to her termination?
12.  What did Wendy Garber heard from Dwin Craig regarding Mona Chu that led to her termination?
14.  What did Wendy Garber and Zachary Clifton heard from Hung Havan regarding Mona Chu that led to her termination?
15.  What did Wendy Garber and Zachary Clifton heard from Nathan Hillery regarding Mona Chu that led to her termination?
16.  What did Wendy Garber and Zachary Clifton heard from Susanne Lo and her Indian friends regarding Mona Chu that led to her termination?
17.  What did Paul Rodriguez told QZ Wang, the SPE of AU 2629 (chu production 1.pdf page 621) to convince Mr. Wang not to transfer Ms. Chu into his Unit?
18.  What did QZ Wang, the SPE of AU2629 heard from Paul Rodriguez on August 10/11, 2011 that decided not to transfer Mona Chu into his Unit?
 USPTO even tried to stop me from collecting Unemployment using falsify information after I filed an EEOC case against the USPTO.  My Unemployment Compensation stopped nevertheless using a specious reason.

So, how do I last this long without a job? 

Other then rent, I don't buy anything other then the necessities.  Cell phone is under $50 with free plan forever.

As for food:  50cents of rice which I would cook a huge pot of porridge that last me for days to a week.  Then I would buy $2 worth of ground beef, then cooked with soy source to put in the porridge.  I would buy a large quantity of Freeze vegetable whenever is selling at $1, or Progresso soup at $1 = 1 meal.  I also buy fresh fruits (strawberry, grape, etc) for housemates to share whenever it is on sale.

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