Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Why such a sudden surge in hiring H1B from Asia?

*At the time when I wrote this, most Americans still see all Asians are from the same place and know each other, all ~4 billion Asians all over the world.  Most Americans couldn't find Asia on the map*

Why such a sudden surge in hiring Asians in the USPTO since 2011-2012?  

Today, Tech is the only place where Asians are thriving, such as Google and Microsoft's c-suites, beginning in the late 1990s in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry and now the USPTO, dominated by H1Bs from Asia that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer or owned a phone in the 1990s in their 3rd world Asia, most had never seen a White person in their lives.  Why is that?

Asian-Americans have always been at the bottom of the food chain and have been treated as China men, even lower then the Hispanic/Latino and African-Americans in America.  My uncle had a business degree from NYU in the 1960s, also played Football, but could only secured a customer service job with a phone company.  His peers hired by Wall Street.  Jeremy Lin is still discriminated against in the NBA today (today, 3rd worlders from Asia are also keeping us Asian-Americans down).  

White males in STEM only hired white people, and only hired 'minorities' from Ivy Leagues to meet the diversity requirements.  It doesn't matter how qualified we are.  One of my City College of New York acquaintance person of color successfully defended his PhD thesis, and was a Taxi driver.  The smartest guy amount us, a Chinese American, could've make tremendous contribution to the advancement of The Theory of Everything, got a job as a telecom customer service with a Master in Physics.  2 of my White male friends, one a Physics Professor in a well-known University, and the other is the President of a well-known international bank.  

In the early 1990s, when Networking field was at an early stage.  Few people had heard of Local Area Networking or PCI, I had and answered all the questions by Cisco (all white interviewers), but wasn't hired.  I wrote a letter to the then Cisco CEO Mr. John Chambers, whom I met in a symposium luncheon, essentially saying "in a keynote speech, you said Cisco hired the best and the brightest, I have an EE Master's degree, experiences in LAN field which is very rare, and answered all the questions; it's been over a month, yet nothing from Cisco.  Texas Instruments already sent me an offering letter 3 days after the interview".  One of the interviewers said I was the only person answered what metastable means in TTL.  I said thanks thinking I was an EE Adjunct Prof., I have to know in order to explain to my students.  Cisco's offer came a month after Texas Instruments moved me to Houston, Tx and worked there for over a month.  It wasn't right to quit and make all the people hired me look bad.  Though another guy did after his offer from Intel came.  He moved to Oregon from Houston, Texas.  Cisco had since massively hired Asians, who had since make an effort of not hiring me when I applied despite, again, the only person in the world could complete emulation project on time and within budget.  

One of the Texas Instruments interviewers was the IEEE802.3 Director asked vigor questions, and I also gave him proves, my published paper.  This IEEE802.3 Director hired me and compensated me fairly.  In return, I saved his chip dept in early 1990s; who's chip design team had a detrimental issue with their chip design, and was at the verge of dismantled.  I found the bug the 3rd day I was hired.  It was the first PCI bus bug found.   And today, those chips had make 100s million$$$ if not billion$$.  Since then, most engineers and managers in this dept. wouldn't hired me - a woman and a person of color, despite I saved their jobs and the dept..  Simply b/c I would be promoted and will be running the dept. and even the company.  These White supremacists and misogynists; including women engineers of all colors and races, and Asian women too, would rather see the company go bankrupted and lost their jobs, then having a woman and/or person of color in leadership position above them, telling them what to do.  Same sentiment as MAGA toward Hillary, or refused to vaccinate and died.

My manager, Ian Sherlock, was a f'ing racist, hired mostly women and people of color because he got monetary incentive for each hired, and Texas Instruments was very proud to meet the 'diversity' quota.  I left Texas seeing no future for women and as a person of color.

Then why the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry in the 1990s and early 2000s, as well the USPTO in 2011-2012 had such sudden enlightenment toward China men? 

After the Undersecretary of the Patent and Trademark Office Mr. Kappos told by the then Class Manager Andrea Wellington I got an apodictic first patent case in ~Jan/Feb, 2011 in the Training Academy's hallway; he then said to her "good, how do we find more of her".  The USPTO started hiring massive Asians beginning in 2011-2012, including 3rd worlders from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women, who were the root cause of my termination, make me into public enemy #1 and the suspects of 2 failed beheadings in Arlington VA meant to kill me because I am an Americanized Asian woman that excelled in the job over the males; now at the verge of being homeless. 

As usual, Americans see me, an Asian American woman grew up in NYC, a China man and a perpetual foreigner; while 1st gen Asians, particularly new arrivals, see me and attacked me as an American.

Noted that how out of touch and sheltered the UPSTO is, when Asian Americans (grew up in America, differ from 1st generation Asians), were known to excel in STEM academically and in the Tech industry, as well known as the model-minority(I hated this term, as it meant to pit us against other minorities). and Asians dominated the Tech field since the early 2000s.  My work-ethic is uniquely Taishanese-Chinese Americans.  The same work-ethic as my ancestors built the Transcontinental Railroad in 1865.  Americans see Asians as perpetual foreigners because they are poorly educated, under the governing of White Supremacists (today it is mainly Republicans or Karen/Ken).  History of Native Americans, Blacks and Chinese - my ancestors who were here since the 1800s, are erased from history.

The surge to hire should be WOMEN ENGINEERS, not 3rd world thug Asian Operatives from Asia that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer!!  This just shown how bias privileged White hicks toward women.  You brought thugs in to steal all your trade secrets and hacked every US company and government agency. 

Most 3rd worlders from Asia/Asian Operatives came from countries no different then North Korea not long ago in the 1990s, couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, most had never used a phone, could barely speak, read or write English; had never seen a White person nor left their 3rd world little town in their lives prior to moving to America.  Those with a college degree are either government operatives and/or rich with servants at home that had never work a day in his life (Asian Operatives); otherwise they are illegal immigrants using falsified papers.

In the 1980s-1990s, my colleagues and I were thinking about the Big Bang Theory.  
This was me in the late 1980s-1990s

The 1st gen Asians' homelands are shown at the bottom 2 pictures.

1st gen Asian in their homelandSilicon Valley defending these subhumans

If these 3rd world subhuman Asian Operatives didn't systematically targeted and ousted women, women would've been the executives such as the CEO of Google, Microsoft, etc.

While women make great progress in every fields, except STEM, particularly the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry; where there are fewer and fewer women since the 1990s; when 3rd worlders from Asia beginning to influence the Silicon Valley.  As the number of 3rd worlders from Asia/Asian Operatives increases, the number of women decreases, where women engineers such as I that excelled in tech jobs over the males have been systematically targeted, sexually harassed, abused, coerced to have sex, or threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1; and hunted down in the Patent and Trademark Office by the likes of Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, Arlington VA, NoVa, and the DC metro where 2 failed beheadings on me ~5 miles away from the White House.

1st gen Asian reached critical mass in 2001 in the Silicon Valley, followed by the tech industry  and STEM.  As such, they targeted me everywhere I went in America.  In the same manner as I was targeted the 1st month in the USPTO in 2010 by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, and everywhere I went in NoVa and the DC metro.  I am here so all the Federal employees and Intelligent Agencies personally experienced how far up the Asian Operatives' are influencing in America.

I grew up NYC; worked 3 jobs every summer since High School.  Took Calculus, Shakespeare and Plato in H.S, and can be found from elementary school to Grad school of NYC's public school system; a pioneer in the Patent Class 703 Emulation field with extensive High-Tech experiences and outstanding accomplishments, and an aspired Transhumanist pursuing a PhD in Applied Physics, also written an AI computer program using C programming language in the late 1980s when C wasn't use for AI. 

Similarly to the USPTO of massive hiring of Asians in the Tech industry that begun in the late 1990s/early 2000s, after I found the first PCI Bus bug the first week I was hired in 1994-5, and saved Texas Instruments' Networking chip dept. from dismantling, a 100s of billion$$$ industry that compete with Cisco,  (Back then, PCI Bus concept was so elementary I didn't understand why people had such a hard time understanding it.  So mind you, I was an Applied Physics researcher, had Quantum Mechanics as part of my training and was an EE adjunct,  hence why Emulation projects was successful.  TI should really transferred me into your VLIW processor unit that's been plagued by a timing issue.  I tried to get hired by Intel years later when Intel was building a VLIW CPU processor and I knew they will run into the same issue, and told the hiring manager so.  Also hand delivered my resume to Transmeta because I knew they will have the same timing issue alone with other emulation related issues.  Silicon Valley talking head keeping saying they couldn't find qualified American candidates; but 3rd worlders from Asia that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer where we were forced to train them were qualified for the job.  Another important find was that anytime when the decision maker is a male from India, whether in a tech company or a research institution such as MIT, I was not hired or accepted. ).  Despite all my accomplishments with Texas Instruments, manager Ian Sherlock continuously gave me poor performance reviews, just like Paul Rodriguez (identified himself as partially Irish of European descent, and mostly white males under his management) of the Patent and Trademark Office, as so with all my male managers, the worst are males from Asia; while my white male peers answering customer questions received bonuses and promotion as an Application engineer.  As such, when I was the only one succeed in completing the Emulation project from inception to completion on time and within budget with Trident Microsystems in the late 1990s, most thought it was being an Application engineer was the reason I succeed; and many companies, including AMD hired Application engineers to run Emulation project (You can't make this stuff up!!!), but I was never hired because AMD, Intel and every tech company didn't want women in leadership position, especially males from Asia (mainly males from India) such as AMD and Intel, .  

There was a surge of hiring of Asians and H1Bs from Asia (to most non-Asians, we are all the same) in the ensuing years by the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry; because they thought since I am a Chinese, I must be a recent immigrant from Asia.  Nearly all in Tech didn't know that my ancestors - Chinese were in America since the 1800s digging for gold, before the Chinese Exclusion Act (Since the Chinese Exclusion Act, some of my ancestors scattered all over Hong Kong, Southeast Asia such as Singapore and South America.  Today, the Exclusion Act practiced toward Asian-Americans is done by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia). 

Then, after I (an Asian-American woman engineer) was the first person to successfully completed an emulation project from inception to completion on time and within budget in 1997-8; for some reason, the emulation field dominated by 3rd worlders from Asia (mainly India) thereafter, where most couldn't tell a toaster from a computer or had owned or used a phone prior to arrival in the US as a H1B, and still couldn't wrap their heads' around emulation even in 2000s, but I was never hired by any of the companies that dominated by males from India, including Intel. 

Worst, the Silicon Valley and the tech industry trusted these Asian Operatives/thugs from Asia, as if they took the profile of me and applied to all people from Asia, who have been using fake news in the same manner as in Pizzagate, denigration of me just as done to Hillary, Senator Kirsten Gilibrand and all women that broke the statue quo, as well instigated similar conspiracy theory on the Parkland, FL High School student activities after the mass shooting, to oust and make me into public enemy #1 in the Silicon Valley, Tech industry, the USPTO and now Arlington VA/NoVa/DC metro.

These 3rd worlders from Asia/Asian Operatives (mainly H1B and illegal immigrants), who I had never met in my life, targeted me as soon as they arrived in the Silicon Valley in the mid 1990s (instigated by Chinese from Taiwan, followed by Asian Operatives from China, the greater Vietnam, the greater India, and the SouthEast Asia), after I left Texas Instruments with all my accomplishments; with the intention of making me into public enemy #1, by instigating fake news against me such as "no one wanted her; no one liked her; a slut; gold-digger; etc", to ensure I can't secure a job in America, not even by military contractors in the Mid West in the middle of nowhere; fired soon if I did just as by the USPTO, while being sexually harassed, abused, under physical harm and rape threat that now manifested into 2 failed beheadings (see pic) here in Arlington, VA, just ~5 miles away from the White House.

In short, these White privileged redneck hicks seeing all Asians are alike, they can't tell Asian-American from 3rd worlder from Asia.  It is akin to seeing KKK, redneck, white trash and trailer-trash are just the same as all White people just like Trump.  Well, actually, the 3rd worlders from Asia do see all White people the same, that's why they hate you so much just like North Korean, which in term HATED me for being an Americanized Asian.  If you are insulted, we Asian-Americans have been enduring such insult forever.


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