Many of mine court case exhibits are deleted by Google/Blogger. But you can find my case in these links.
We people of color experienced the same fragrant miscarriage of justice just as cops got away with murders. The Judicial system is full of Brett M. Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas, I found out going through the EEOC and the Federal court. Today, all these people plus 67 million Americans shown up as Trump supporters.
Today, I am living in the era of Emmett Till 1955, in addition to Asian Operative invaders attacking me for being an American, as well as people from all over the world continuing their 3rd world prejudices on women and other races.
My other blog:
Stop enslaving women
Let women free
Let women run the world
Peace and prosperity will followed
Let women free
Let women run the world
Peace and prosperity will followed
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (Shakespeare: NYC High School English; also Plato and calculus in HS), as I wrote in my EEOC Complaint in 2011.
You see Trump has been calumniating his oppositions relentlessly, including News media, especially Hillary, and now Obama for no reason; a billionaire bither that now manifested into a White Supremacist movement resulted in an insurrection on Jan 6, 2021. Also resulted in elimination of all his opponents and won the Presidency with helps of Russian Operatives using fake news; the least qualified and unprepared President in history. While Hillary is one of the most qualified and prepared Presidential candidates that lost the electoral college dominated by white males.
Similarly, Like Trump incited hates against his opponents (Hillery, GOP Presidential candidates, News Media and reporters), 1st generation Asians/Asian Operatives incited HATEs against me since the 1990s in the Silicon Valley; just like Trump supporters (MAGA, Proud Boys, Insurrectionists, etc). The Silicon Valley, Tech industry, NYC, Patent and Trademark Office, Arlington VA, Northern Virginia and the DC Metro have been acted on everything Asian Operatives said against me.
In short, most White people in some way are just like the MAGA/Proud Boys/Insurrectionists, when Trump or the 1st generation Asians/Asian Operatives inciting HATES, people find an outlet to release such impending energy that bottled up because of social convention abhor haters. In a way just as the Women's March, #MeToo, etc, movements for women who's been sexually assaulted, discriminated against, and deliberately kept down by this patriarchy establishment. This is America's Arab Spring.
People of color knew such hates. Those, mainly White people know the right from wrong didn't act; haters/White supremacists used that to further the hates against me. Just as the Russian Operatives instigated fake news, Trump supporters - Alex Jones, Crazies and Deplorables acted on the fake news after they heard the fake news. Similarly, Asian Operatives also self identified by instigated fake news against me as soon as they saw me such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women. 1st gen Asian able to identify me as an American/New Yorker by my polished appearance and demeanor.
Asian operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women (PBS's Vietnam War), who I had never met in my life, many had just arrived in America from 3rd world Asia either via H1B or illegally (consisted of criminals escaping law enforcement), have been doing the same scurrilous attacks on me just as Trump denigration of women such as Senator Kirsten Gillibrand slut-shamed her by accused her of using sex to extract campaign contribution (in my case, akin to accuse of Jewish using sex with Nazi, of me checking out these Asian version of the Nazi/KKK males, as part of the psychological torture that including making me into public enemy #1 everywhere I went in America). In addition to they don't like women excelled in the job over males (misogynists), and admittedly saying "no one liked her; no one wanted her; etc". Also as a way to psychologically torment me. This begun in the Patent and Trademark Office(USPTO) of Alexandria VA, the 1st month I moved from NYC to the DC metro to start my job in 2010; that resulted in my termination in a haste of 2 days by predominately male management, and 2 failed beheadings (see pic) on me here in Arlington, VA, just ~3 miles away from the White House.
As well as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s where it was +-100% male management, that resulted in physical harm and rape threats which I had to abscond from. Asian Operatives were far more ingrained in our society then Russian Operatives using fake news that helped Trump won the Presidency; as they are coworkers, friends and neighbors.
Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women could barely speak or write English, they are now promoted and making over $100K in the USPTO. Because of their fake news, I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days, 3 failed murders on me, make into public enemy #1 in Arlington/NoVa/DC metro, and is at the verge of going homeless. While a sudden surge of hiring 1st gen Asians who could barely speak or write English, but not Blacks and Hispanics Americans.
Generally speaking, people came from 3rd worlds (sheethole countries), uneducated, redneck hillbillies, racist (taught trait) and sexist (taught trait) do not like me; a feminist Asian American woman.
Today, 2 of the world's biggest software companies' CEO Google and Microsoft are males from India that also dominated the tech top level management, which most from Asia in the 1990s had never owned or used a phone, couldn't tell a toaster from a computer.
Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women could barely speak or write English, they are now promoted and making over $100K in the USPTO. Because of their fake news, I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days, 3 failed murders on me, make into public enemy #1 in Arlington/NoVa/DC metro, and is at the verge of going homeless. While a sudden surge of hiring 1st gen Asians who could barely speak or write English, but not Blacks and Hispanics Americans.
Generally speaking, people came from 3rd worlds (sheethole countries), uneducated, redneck hillbillies, racist (taught trait) and sexist (taught trait) do not like me; a feminist Asian American woman.
Today, 2 of the world's biggest software companies' CEO Google and Microsoft are males from India that also dominated the tech top level management, which most from Asia in the 1990s had never owned or used a phone, couldn't tell a toaster from a computer.
While I, one of the few women computer hardware engineers in the world in the 1990s, found the first PCI bus bug the first week I joined Texas Instruments in the early 1990s that prevented the whole dept from dismantle in the now 100s billion$$$ Networking field that competes with Cisco; a pioneer in Emulation, was the only person in the world could take one of the most complex multi-million$$$ Emulation project from inception to completion on time and within budget prior to year 2000. A former EE adjunct, a former Applied Physics researcher with published paper pursuing a PhD while at the same time pursuing a 2nd Master's in Computer Science where I written an Artificial Intelligence (AI) computer program using C when C wasn't even used for AI in the late 1980s (no one in the Silicon Valley/Tech was impressed even in 2000s because AI was taught in Grad school, and had to take it out of my resume.
Nor had these Silicon Valley geniuses gave me the credits I deserved, had taken my credits when they think they can get away with it, and is systematic as well by Asian Operatives. Along with scurrilous attacks on women and management such as the USPTO officials Patrick Ross as a way to eliminate competition; why Asian Operatives are now dominated the top level management. (ie, took credits of my accomplishments of succeed in Emulation project, hired to run Emulation project and failed miserable, and the company 3DFX hired them went bankrupt. These same Asian Operatives hired by other tech companies to run emulation project again; because this is how the Silicon Valley and Tech industry operated. While talking heads keep complaining they can't find qualified American candidates and need more H1B cheap "indenture slaves" from Asia).
As an aspired Transhumanist, a former EE adjunct Professor and a scientist, I am being sexual harassed and abused on a daily basis by the lowest common denominator, also under physical harm and had to abscond from the Silicon Valley, make into public enemy #1 to ensure I couldn't secure any job in America, including the Mid-West in the middle of nowhere and military contractors; fired soon if I was hired just as in the Patent and Trademark Office in a haste of 2 days by predominately male management, despite all my accomplishments and one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified for Patent Class 703 as a pioneer in Emulation.
Yet, the Silicon Valley, tech industry and the USPTO continue to say they couldn't find qualified American engineers to do the job, which the USPTO used as a excuse for their infamous patent backlog, and more H1Bs are needed. What the Silicon Valley, tech industry and the USPTO are saying is that they can't find qualified White male engineer in America, there are plenty of highly qualified women engineers being sexually harassed and abused on a daily basis, and got our lives ruined by them. This is also why there are so few women in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, not just in management.
Today, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi and their coterie, are happily employed and most had promoted into management, while I am treated as public enemy #1 in Arlington/NoVa/DC metro, couldn't secure any job, not even volunteering such as in the Fairfax County Court, Phoenix Bikes, etc, under physical harm and rape threats that now manifested into 2 failed beheadings here in Arlington VA, just ~5 miles away from the White House. Has Trump tried to cut any of his opponents throat yet?
Nov. 17, 2021: Just like Trump wanted happened to GOP who don't fall in line, ie Liz Cheney, incited Jan 6, 2021 insurrection chanting hang Mike Pence; #GQP Paul Gosar posted an anime video depicting him killing AOC and attacking President Biden with a swords.
Why I commented in WaPo during the 2016 election "a good defense is a good offense. Hillary needs to attack back"; and went canvassing for Hillary for months despite suffering from severe PTSD. But the Dems believed Americans are smart enough to see right through the defamations, as I had believed the Silicon Valley/Tech industry geniuses, and USPTO management were able to see attacks on me were defamation because there was absolutely no material fact to support Asian Operatives insidious lies as I worked nearly 24/7 evidenced by my computer log, eDan and accomplishments; and take appropriate action against the perpetrators. But instead, I was terminated in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance.
Why I commented in WaPo during the 2016 election "a good defense is a good offense. Hillary needs to attack back"; and went canvassing for Hillary for months despite suffering from severe PTSD. But the Dems believed Americans are smart enough to see right through the defamations, as I had believed the Silicon Valley/Tech industry geniuses, and USPTO management were able to see attacks on me were defamation because there was absolutely no material fact to support Asian Operatives insidious lies as I worked nearly 24/7 evidenced by my computer log, eDan and accomplishments; and take appropriate action against the perpetrators. But instead, I was terminated in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance.
It is 2018, and I am still waiting to clear being make into public enemy #1 by the Asian Operatives since the 1990s. Males don't want to admit they discriminated against women, and justified their actions by believing women are either not as skilled/smart or the woman is a slut or morally reprehensible, and contributed to further such believes to cover their wrong-doing, whether intentionally or unintentionally (implicit bias); as so by the USPTO employees in NoVa/Arlington VA, despite no material fact to support any of their claim, but preponderance material facts to support my accomplishments.
Don't forget, these are supposedly highly educated and geniuses billionaires of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry. They sold the world the image of do-gooders, and certainly don't wanted the world to see their dark side and realized they are nothing but an evil empire; just as the Olympics doctor Larry Nassar can't bare to hear 150+ young girls how he sexually abused them during the sentencing. These are the people have full control of your tech and Artificial Intelligence.
It is obvious now that some USPTO officials such as Patrick Ross (most likely, successful, nicest and well-liked all around person, hence seen as a push-over by Asian Operatives and 3rd worlders. Or praised by management and seen as a rising star. Most 3rd worlders understood this and chose to partake in spreading fake news in the form of "no one liked him/her or wanted him/her, etc", the antithesis of the truth. A way of saying white people/Americans are so stupid, you will believed anything anybody say; because White people/Americans think they are smarter simply because they are white or Americans (We are #1!! Americans are special!!). Additionally, this is why 3rd worlders from Asia keep a low key and didn't like attention, to avoid being targeted. As a note, it is not that I am smart, I use my common sense. When someone said "no one wanted or liked her", you ask why; that is using common sense, not smart, unless what is said meets your "implicit bias" such as toward women engineer, women and/or Asian women. Nor would you call your Professor smart, and would've been a CTO, CIO, CEO, etc, if I was promoted in a meritocracy environment. As a woman excelled in tech jobs, I have been make into public enemy #1 using fake news instigated by Asian Operatives and 2 failed beheadings.) had been punished for the wrong-doing of Vikrum Aiyer - the Chief of Staff of the USPTO, when Aiyer falsified these USPTO officials' name and used them as scapegoats. One way of understanding why someone in Vikrum Aiyer's position would do something like this is knowing what a thug is or Asian Operatives that harbor resentment toward the West. For USPTO managements that took thugs and Asian Operatives words at face value and terminated me in a haste of 2 days, a woman that excelled in the job; and to justify such act by saying "I don't know why they are doing this to her", "I thought she is a vixen" aka a bitch, "she doesn't look smart", because I am not a White male (note that most in STEM knew Asian women are over represented in the STEM field, says how deeply "implicit bias" the USPTO toward women); this been done to women since the dark age. These USPTO official scapegoats are either demoted or terminated, a ruined reputation and a career, that resulted in hardships for their families; while Aiyer is a VP on his way to be a CEO in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, joining the CEO of Google and Microsoft. In the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, males from India typically replaced fired or demoted disgraced White executive scapegoats; hence why tech top level management are disproportionally Vikrum Aiyer's countrymen - males from India.
Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, Hung Havan and his coterie Michele Choi, Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and Indian friends are promoted, also are the suspects of 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me, as well those in the Silicon Valley such as Aiyer's father's generated that ousted me, are multi-millionaires and in top level management; while I am at the verge of being homeless. In addition to every US company and government agency have been hacked. Aiyer's scapegoats - USPTO officials and I got our reputations, careers and lives ruined, simply because we worked with Asian Operatives in the USPTO; and in my case, 2 failed beheadings/cut-throat on me by suspect coworkers above. The instigation of fake news against me started in the late 1990s in the Silicon Valley, by Chinese from Taiwan (worst human being on earth, male and female 35+ years old alike, similar to the Nazi given the opportunity will killed successful White and women; consider what they have been doing to me since the 1990s, relentlessly). The Chinese from Taiwan instigated and promulgated the fake news against me in Trident Microsystems in the Silicon Valley in the late 1990s, where I succeed in completed one of the most complex chip development projects - emulation, and took the credit; hired by 3DFX, where the company went bankrupted. The Trident Microsystems Chinese from Taiwan, where they were 90+% of the engineering dept, had since spreading fake news against me everywhere I went in the Silicon Valley, Tech industry, and every company that hiring engineers, including the Mid West in the middle of now where, and military contractors. This worsen by the participation of people from China, the greater India and greater Vietnam (their kids are the likes of Vikrum Aiyer). The more H1B and illegal immigrants from Asia, the worse the hatreds toward me that resulted in the termination in a haste of 2 days by the USPTO, and 2 failed beheadings on me just ~5 miles away from the White house. Like the USPTO officials, I was simply working in the same company as these Asian Operatives such as Vikrum Aiyer.
90+% of 3rd worlders from Asia in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry partook in using fake news against me that started as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley the 1990s; just as they did to me as soon as I started my job with the Patent and Trademark Office. The Asian Operatives make me into public enemy #1, not just in the USPTO, but Northern Virginia and the DC metro, including walking in DC's Chinatown; that not only I am being sexually harassed, abused, treated like a criminal such as by Harris Teeters of Pentagon City, Target of Potomac Yard; but can't secure any job, not even volunteering such as for the Fairfax County Court, Phoenix Bikes, Computer CORE, etc. This is how much control they have in the world's center of power - White House, not just the Silicon Valley - High Tech capital, tech industry and every company in America that has one Asian Operative; why every US company and gov't agency been hacked.
Russian Operatives are nowhere as effective and pervasive in controlling Americans as people from Asia because they live and work right next to you in the Silicon Valley (High-Tech capital of the world), DC metro (center of world power), and NYC (Finance capital).
I am using "3rd worlders from Asia" because they act and think as if they are still in their 3rd world, and Americans must keep this in mind when dealing with them, just as one would with KKK, Redneck, White Trash, Trailer Trash, sex predators such as Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes, etc; and Islamic Extremists. They are so thuggish that one even make fun of my dressing wearing cropped pant and sandal shoes inside the USPTO campus; this is how trailer trash the USPTO was.
I wanted to thank Trump, Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Ross, the RNC and Trump supporting Judge Roy Moore (child molester), tech VC sex predators, hostility toward women on the internet such as in Gamergate, the #MeToo movement, Russian Operatives using fake news against Hillary and help Trump won the Presidency, and Pizzagate to finally manifested everything I've been posting since 2004 on how women have been treated and suppressed. Most Americans didn't believed people such as above existed, nor do they believed there is discrimination anymore after Obama elected President, and LGBTQ elected into office, etc, as if discrimination has just magically disappeared. This is why as unqualified and flawed as Trump is, but elected as a non-establishment; while one of the most qualified and prepared Presidential candidates - Hillary, a woman, was not. I still (2017) can't tell my neighbors in Arlington, VA/NoVa that women are systematically targeted, sexually harassed, abused, make into public enemy #1, threatened with rape and physical harms that manifested in 2 failed beheadings on me by coworkers, mainly Asian Operatives; as this have been happening to me in the USPTO, Arlington VA and NoVa since 2011 as well as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, under their nose and often with their help; including women. My post was taken down in Women in America are now treated as if we are in any 3rd world as more and more 3rd worlders practice their 3rd world culture of habitually cruel and inhumane treatment of women; especially in the Silicon Valley where 3rd worlders from Asia are a majority, and women such as Ellen Pao (EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard), Susan Fowler, me, and so many women have been systematically targeted, coerced to have sex, threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1. Young women in colleges were sexually assaulted but the college authorities did nothing. Worse, some coerced the victims to either dropped the claim or admitted the woman was the wrong-doer. What does it takes for women to rise up? We are half the world population!
Additionally, Under Trump Administration, highly qualified career government employees such as FBI Director James Comey are fired, just as I have been by the USPTO using similar tactics as Trump on the DHS deputy secretary Elaine Duke, and tech companies such as Trident Microsystems after I completed one of the most complex multi-million$$$ Emulation projects, and was the only person in the world could take such project from inception to completion on time and within budget. All the credits went to H1B males from Taiwan that couldn't wrapped their heads around emulation. Since then, I was never hired by H1bs from Asia (mainly males from India) who couldn't wrapped their heads around such project, and couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when they arrived in America; and ensured I couldn't get a job anywhere in America, from NYC, DC metro such as the USPTO or any government agency, and even the Mid West, including military contractors in the Mid West in the middle of nowhere. This is how much control the Asian Operatives have in America since the late 1990s, that I warned since 2004; and now every US company and government agency been hacked. Asian Operatives put Russian Operatives to shame.
FYI, Diversity Training is understood a cover for lawsuits, males knew companies don't punished or fired for sexual harassment or any wrong-doing. It doesn't applied to them. But women are fired by the USPTO, Silicon Valley and the Tech industry because a male such as Tuan Nguyen doesn't like me for excelled in the job over him, breaking the status quo; particular so in the Silicon Valley where is dominated by 3rd worlders from Asia with H1B Asian Operatives as the core.
Most people living in Arlington VA/NoVA/DC metro are working in Federal government agencies; the reason why I am in the DC metro and took a job with the USPTO, to make US gov't and the intelligent agencies personally experienced how Asian Operatives taking control as they had of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry since the early 2000s; including by posting in WaPo to provoke the intelligent agencies on Asian Operatives in America as well stop fighting the last war and focus on the Internet. Also using legal means to force the USPTO to investigate how they were radicalized by Asian Operatives to terminate me in a haste of 2 days, still nobody's home in the USPTO in 2017. Had the USPTO management did their job, none of these would happened to UPSTO officials such as Patrick Ross used as a scapegoat by an Asian Operative Vikrum Aiyer, and got their reputation ruined, in term career ruined, and their families struggling to make ends meet. I am sure there are more Americans got their lives ruined by the Asian Operatives in the USPTO consider the amount of Asian Operatives came after me. Not to mention the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry dominated by males from Asia, mainly India, often used the same dirty tactic as Vikrum Aiyer to eliminate American executives and replaced with their countrymen.
Most in the USPTO/Arlington/NoVa/DC metro where Federal employees reside have been used as tools radicalized by Asian Operatives to attack me as public enemy #1 by denigration of me since 2011(aka fake news/propaganda of "no one wanted her or liked her; she doesn't know anything; she is a prostitute, etc" that is all it took; when I don't know anyone in the DC metro, while my accomplishments in the USPTO, Tech and academically proven the antithesis is true. Like Pizzagate with absolutely nothing to support the fake news, and I am the Comet Pizza shop. You can't make this stuffs up!) , a habitual cruel and inhuman treatment of women in Asia, like every 3rd world culture. I also warned the stealing of trade secrets by people from Asia since 2004 because they attacked me mainly for being an Americanized Asian and as a woman, an anti-America sentiment and would undermine America and Americans every way they could. Now every US corporation and gov't agency been hacked.
So many women had sacrifice themselves to make this #MeToo and Women's March moment possible. It is obviously pervasive, and it is all over the world, a men's world. So why women in America, allowed men such as Harvey Weinstein, Charles Ross, Judge Roy Moore, etc, to keep women as sex slaves, and remained as a 2nd class citizen? Because living under the men's world, everything is controlled by men, in the government, judicial system, the media, corporations, etc, and rigged against women. Women have been silenced in this men's world, my posts were deleted by all tech sites, including Twitter when I posted a VC using sophistries to justify why so few women in the Silicon Valley, often by NYTimes, and WaPo attempted to do the same. But don't forget it is also women hired by the likes of Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Ross, HR, token women and token minorities in corporations and the judicial system, etc, to make sexual harassment possible and lasted for decades longer.
Remember, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, spread fake news attacked me behind my back; not I attacked them; and re-enforced by my ex-officemate Hung Havan, Michele Choi and their coterie, then echo by Asian Operatives in the USPTO/NoVa/Arlington VA, while I was busy working 24/7 as evidenced by my outstanding accomplishments, my computer log and eDan. I knew this because people such as SPE Kakali Chaki suddenly acting viciously or males such as Randy Schaffer sexually harassed me, and the USPTO suddenly viciously terminated me. If Nguyen and Havan are White, would that sound an alarm? There are ~3 billions of Asians on earth, half the world population, which is akin to saying all ~2 billion White people on earth know each other. If people from Asia you had never met in your life, often illegal immigrants or H1B, spread fake news against you behind your back where you are one of the few, if not the only woman in tech and were praised by upper management, are you the one with issues? Similarly, do you think those murdered by Islamic terrorists done something to deserve such? Then why do you think I had done something to deserve attacks from Asian Operatives? They are no different then Islamic Extremists, except they manifested by undermining America such as stealing trade secrets, create chaos, hatreds, etc. Islamic terrorists are kinder, they just wanted to kill you; but Asian Operatives wanted you suffered to the point where you have to kill yourself. Asian Operatives have been targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, long before 911.
Nov. 2017, in light of the pervasiveness of sexual harassment toward women, I was sexually harassed on the daily basis in the Silicon Valley by 3rd world males such as Tuan Nguyen from Asia, and often when I left my office in the Patent and Trademark Office. It is so painful seeing so many women's lives being ruined in the hands of males, that make me re-live my ordeals in the Silicon Valley, the USPTO, and still today (2017) treated as enemy #1 every where I went in Arlington, VA/NoVa/DCmetro; in addition to 3rd world males from Asia shared the same sentiment toward women just as the Islamic extremists, hence the 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me by suspect coworkers from the USPTO Hung Havan, Michele Choi and their coterie (both were close associates of Bill, Susanne Lo's boyfriend, and both were helped from termination as well transferred to another Unit by Bill; while I was threatened with termination and had to work 24/7), coworkers Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, here in Arlington VA, ~5 miles from the White House.
It is obvious now that some USPTO officials such as Patrick Ross (most likely, successful, nicest and well-liked all around person, hence seen as a push-over by Asian Operatives and 3rd worlders. Or praised by management and seen as a rising star. Most 3rd worlders understood this and chose to partake in spreading fake news in the form of "no one liked him/her or wanted him/her, etc", the antithesis of the truth. A way of saying white people/Americans are so stupid, you will believed anything anybody say; because White people/Americans think they are smarter simply because they are white or Americans (We are #1!! Americans are special!!). Additionally, this is why 3rd worlders from Asia keep a low key and didn't like attention, to avoid being targeted. As a note, it is not that I am smart, I use my common sense. When someone said "no one wanted or liked her", you ask why; that is using common sense, not smart, unless what is said meets your "implicit bias" such as toward women engineer, women and/or Asian women. Nor would you call your Professor smart, and would've been a CTO, CIO, CEO, etc, if I was promoted in a meritocracy environment. As a woman excelled in tech jobs, I have been make into public enemy #1 using fake news instigated by Asian Operatives and 2 failed beheadings.) had been punished for the wrong-doing of Vikrum Aiyer - the Chief of Staff of the USPTO, when Aiyer falsified these USPTO officials' name and used them as scapegoats. One way of understanding why someone in Vikrum Aiyer's position would do something like this is knowing what a thug is or Asian Operatives that harbor resentment toward the West. For USPTO managements that took thugs and Asian Operatives words at face value and terminated me in a haste of 2 days, a woman that excelled in the job; and to justify such act by saying "I don't know why they are doing this to her", "I thought she is a vixen" aka a bitch, "she doesn't look smart", because I am not a White male (note that most in STEM knew Asian women are over represented in the STEM field, says how deeply "implicit bias" the USPTO toward women); this been done to women since the dark age. These USPTO official scapegoats are either demoted or terminated, a ruined reputation and a career, that resulted in hardships for their families; while Aiyer is a VP on his way to be a CEO in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, joining the CEO of Google and Microsoft. In the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, males from India typically replaced fired or demoted disgraced White executive scapegoats; hence why tech top level management are disproportionally Vikrum Aiyer's countrymen - males from India.
Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, Hung Havan and his coterie Michele Choi, Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and Indian friends are promoted, also are the suspects of 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me, as well those in the Silicon Valley such as Aiyer's father's generated that ousted me, are multi-millionaires and in top level management; while I am at the verge of being homeless. In addition to every US company and government agency have been hacked. Aiyer's scapegoats - USPTO officials and I got our reputations, careers and lives ruined, simply because we worked with Asian Operatives in the USPTO; and in my case, 2 failed beheadings/cut-throat on me by suspect coworkers above. The instigation of fake news against me started in the late 1990s in the Silicon Valley, by Chinese from Taiwan (worst human being on earth, male and female 35+ years old alike, similar to the Nazi given the opportunity will killed successful White and women; consider what they have been doing to me since the 1990s, relentlessly). The Chinese from Taiwan instigated and promulgated the fake news against me in Trident Microsystems in the Silicon Valley in the late 1990s, where I succeed in completed one of the most complex chip development projects - emulation, and took the credit; hired by 3DFX, where the company went bankrupted. The Trident Microsystems Chinese from Taiwan, where they were 90+% of the engineering dept, had since spreading fake news against me everywhere I went in the Silicon Valley, Tech industry, and every company that hiring engineers, including the Mid West in the middle of now where, and military contractors. This worsen by the participation of people from China, the greater India and greater Vietnam (their kids are the likes of Vikrum Aiyer). The more H1B and illegal immigrants from Asia, the worse the hatreds toward me that resulted in the termination in a haste of 2 days by the USPTO, and 2 failed beheadings on me just ~5 miles away from the White house. Like the USPTO officials, I was simply working in the same company as these Asian Operatives such as Vikrum Aiyer.
90+% of 3rd worlders from Asia in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry partook in using fake news against me that started as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley the 1990s; just as they did to me as soon as I started my job with the Patent and Trademark Office. The Asian Operatives make me into public enemy #1, not just in the USPTO, but Northern Virginia and the DC metro, including walking in DC's Chinatown; that not only I am being sexually harassed, abused, treated like a criminal such as by Harris Teeters of Pentagon City, Target of Potomac Yard; but can't secure any job, not even volunteering such as for the Fairfax County Court, Phoenix Bikes, Computer CORE, etc. This is how much control they have in the world's center of power - White House, not just the Silicon Valley - High Tech capital, tech industry and every company in America that has one Asian Operative; why every US company and gov't agency been hacked.
Russian Operatives are nowhere as effective and pervasive in controlling Americans as people from Asia because they live and work right next to you in the Silicon Valley (High-Tech capital of the world), DC metro (center of world power), and NYC (Finance capital).
I am using "3rd worlders from Asia" because they act and think as if they are still in their 3rd world, and Americans must keep this in mind when dealing with them, just as one would with KKK, Redneck, White Trash, Trailer Trash, sex predators such as Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes, etc; and Islamic Extremists. They are so thuggish that one even make fun of my dressing wearing cropped pant and sandal shoes inside the USPTO campus; this is how trailer trash the USPTO was.
I wanted to thank Trump, Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Ross, the RNC and Trump supporting Judge Roy Moore (child molester), tech VC sex predators, hostility toward women on the internet such as in Gamergate, the #MeToo movement, Russian Operatives using fake news against Hillary and help Trump won the Presidency, and Pizzagate to finally manifested everything I've been posting since 2004 on how women have been treated and suppressed. Most Americans didn't believed people such as above existed, nor do they believed there is discrimination anymore after Obama elected President, and LGBTQ elected into office, etc, as if discrimination has just magically disappeared. This is why as unqualified and flawed as Trump is, but elected as a non-establishment; while one of the most qualified and prepared Presidential candidates - Hillary, a woman, was not. I still (2017) can't tell my neighbors in Arlington, VA/NoVa that women are systematically targeted, sexually harassed, abused, make into public enemy #1, threatened with rape and physical harms that manifested in 2 failed beheadings on me by coworkers, mainly Asian Operatives; as this have been happening to me in the USPTO, Arlington VA and NoVa since 2011 as well as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, under their nose and often with their help; including women. My post was taken down in Women in America are now treated as if we are in any 3rd world as more and more 3rd worlders practice their 3rd world culture of habitually cruel and inhumane treatment of women; especially in the Silicon Valley where 3rd worlders from Asia are a majority, and women such as Ellen Pao (EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard), Susan Fowler, me, and so many women have been systematically targeted, coerced to have sex, threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1. Young women in colleges were sexually assaulted but the college authorities did nothing. Worse, some coerced the victims to either dropped the claim or admitted the woman was the wrong-doer. What does it takes for women to rise up? We are half the world population!
Additionally, Under Trump Administration, highly qualified career government employees such as FBI Director James Comey are fired, just as I have been by the USPTO using similar tactics as Trump on the DHS deputy secretary Elaine Duke, and tech companies such as Trident Microsystems after I completed one of the most complex multi-million$$$ Emulation projects, and was the only person in the world could take such project from inception to completion on time and within budget. All the credits went to H1B males from Taiwan that couldn't wrapped their heads around emulation. Since then, I was never hired by H1bs from Asia (mainly males from India) who couldn't wrapped their heads around such project, and couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when they arrived in America; and ensured I couldn't get a job anywhere in America, from NYC, DC metro such as the USPTO or any government agency, and even the Mid West, including military contractors in the Mid West in the middle of nowhere. This is how much control the Asian Operatives have in America since the late 1990s, that I warned since 2004; and now every US company and government agency been hacked. Asian Operatives put Russian Operatives to shame.
FYI, Diversity Training is understood a cover for lawsuits, males knew companies don't punished or fired for sexual harassment or any wrong-doing. It doesn't applied to them. But women are fired by the USPTO, Silicon Valley and the Tech industry because a male such as Tuan Nguyen doesn't like me for excelled in the job over him, breaking the status quo; particular so in the Silicon Valley where is dominated by 3rd worlders from Asia with H1B Asian Operatives as the core.
Most people living in Arlington VA/NoVA/DC metro are working in Federal government agencies; the reason why I am in the DC metro and took a job with the USPTO, to make US gov't and the intelligent agencies personally experienced how Asian Operatives taking control as they had of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry since the early 2000s; including by posting in WaPo to provoke the intelligent agencies on Asian Operatives in America as well stop fighting the last war and focus on the Internet. Also using legal means to force the USPTO to investigate how they were radicalized by Asian Operatives to terminate me in a haste of 2 days, still nobody's home in the USPTO in 2017. Had the USPTO management did their job, none of these would happened to UPSTO officials such as Patrick Ross used as a scapegoat by an Asian Operative Vikrum Aiyer, and got their reputation ruined, in term career ruined, and their families struggling to make ends meet. I am sure there are more Americans got their lives ruined by the Asian Operatives in the USPTO consider the amount of Asian Operatives came after me. Not to mention the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry dominated by males from Asia, mainly India, often used the same dirty tactic as Vikrum Aiyer to eliminate American executives and replaced with their countrymen.
Most in the USPTO/Arlington/NoVa/DC metro where Federal employees reside have been used as tools radicalized by Asian Operatives to attack me as public enemy #1 by denigration of me since 2011(aka fake news/propaganda of "no one wanted her or liked her; she doesn't know anything; she is a prostitute, etc" that is all it took; when I don't know anyone in the DC metro, while my accomplishments in the USPTO, Tech and academically proven the antithesis is true. Like Pizzagate with absolutely nothing to support the fake news, and I am the Comet Pizza shop. You can't make this stuffs up!) , a habitual cruel and inhuman treatment of women in Asia, like every 3rd world culture. I also warned the stealing of trade secrets by people from Asia since 2004 because they attacked me mainly for being an Americanized Asian and as a woman, an anti-America sentiment and would undermine America and Americans every way they could. Now every US corporation and gov't agency been hacked.
So many women had sacrifice themselves to make this #MeToo and Women's March moment possible. It is obviously pervasive, and it is all over the world, a men's world. So why women in America, allowed men such as Harvey Weinstein, Charles Ross, Judge Roy Moore, etc, to keep women as sex slaves, and remained as a 2nd class citizen? Because living under the men's world, everything is controlled by men, in the government, judicial system, the media, corporations, etc, and rigged against women. Women have been silenced in this men's world, my posts were deleted by all tech sites, including Twitter when I posted a VC using sophistries to justify why so few women in the Silicon Valley, often by NYTimes, and WaPo attempted to do the same. But don't forget it is also women hired by the likes of Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Ross, HR, token women and token minorities in corporations and the judicial system, etc, to make sexual harassment possible and lasted for decades longer.
Remember, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, spread fake news attacked me behind my back; not I attacked them; and re-enforced by my ex-officemate Hung Havan, Michele Choi and their coterie, then echo by Asian Operatives in the USPTO/NoVa/Arlington VA, while I was busy working 24/7 as evidenced by my outstanding accomplishments, my computer log and eDan. I knew this because people such as SPE Kakali Chaki suddenly acting viciously or males such as Randy Schaffer sexually harassed me, and the USPTO suddenly viciously terminated me. If Nguyen and Havan are White, would that sound an alarm? There are ~3 billions of Asians on earth, half the world population, which is akin to saying all ~2 billion White people on earth know each other. If people from Asia you had never met in your life, often illegal immigrants or H1B, spread fake news against you behind your back where you are one of the few, if not the only woman in tech and were praised by upper management, are you the one with issues? Similarly, do you think those murdered by Islamic terrorists done something to deserve such? Then why do you think I had done something to deserve attacks from Asian Operatives? They are no different then Islamic Extremists, except they manifested by undermining America such as stealing trade secrets, create chaos, hatreds, etc. Islamic terrorists are kinder, they just wanted to kill you; but Asian Operatives wanted you suffered to the point where you have to kill yourself. Asian Operatives have been targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, long before 911.
Nov. 2017, in light of the pervasiveness of sexual harassment toward women, I was sexually harassed on the daily basis in the Silicon Valley by 3rd world males such as Tuan Nguyen from Asia, and often when I left my office in the Patent and Trademark Office. It is so painful seeing so many women's lives being ruined in the hands of males, that make me re-live my ordeals in the Silicon Valley, the USPTO, and still today (2017) treated as enemy #1 every where I went in Arlington, VA/NoVa/DCmetro; in addition to 3rd world males from Asia shared the same sentiment toward women just as the Islamic extremists, hence the 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me by suspect coworkers from the USPTO Hung Havan, Michele Choi and their coterie (both were close associates of Bill, Susanne Lo's boyfriend, and both were helped from termination as well transferred to another Unit by Bill; while I was threatened with termination and had to work 24/7), coworkers Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen, here in Arlington VA, ~5 miles from the White House.
The USPTO employees and many in Arlington VA/NoVa and the Pentagon City such as Harris Teeters, Target in Potomac Yard, including those in the Intelligence and government agencies, are radicalized by Asian Operatives to do harms to me here in Arlington, VA and had done so since 2013; for being an Americanized("traitor") Asian American woman that excelled in the job over the males that begun in the 1990s in the Silicon Valley where Asian Operatives shared the same sentiment toward the West and women just as the Islamic Extremists; by making me into public enemy #1 using fake news/propaganda in the same manner as the Russian Operatives, to ensure I can't secure a job anywhere, fired soon if I was hired just like the USPTO that terminated me in a haste of 2 days without Due Process, while being sexually harassed, abused, and under rape and physical harm threats, that now manifested in 2 failed beheadings meant to kill me by suspects coworkers Hung Havan, Michele Choi and their coterie, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, etc; and recently, a bike accident that could've killed me if I didn't wear a helmet. All incidents happened in Arlington, VA; why I feared Asian Operatives, Privileged White male hicks (like Paris Hilton thinks she is rich, therefore she is smarter then everyone else. They are the gunman in Pizzagate that terminated me and helped with spreading the fake news to make me into public enemy #1, where others tried to harm me, including run me down with his car if he can get away with it here in NoVa) and 3rd worlders more then radicalized Islamic Extremists. Where is my Human Rights? Women don't have Human Rights in America as if we are in 3rd world Asia because like the Silicon Valley, Asian Operatives are in control.
There are far more Americans radicalized by the Asian Operatives then ISIS/Islamic extremists, and far more insidious then the Russian Operatives because Asian Operatives are in every aspects of American society (Arlington/NoVa/DC metro/Silicon Valley/Tech) and governmental entity (USPTO/Judicial system/Local and Federal government), and are systemically targeted women and Americans they can't compete, especially if you are a rising star and/or a triple threat, particularly in the Silicon Valley where people from Asia are a majority if including illegal immigrants. Had the Asian Operatives didn't target me, I would've been the first woman self-make billionaire and the first Asian billionaire in the world in a meritocracy environment. This is one of the reasons why Asian Operatives targeted me, aside from being a woman and an Americanized Asian well-liked by none-Asians. Both categories are severally under represented in America; and China has the most self-made women billionaires and more millionaires then America today (2017). Also radicalized the USPTO since 2011 where I was viciously and wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days, as well make me into public enemy #1 in Arlington VA/NoVa/DC metro/, and the Silicon Valley/Tech industry. Asian Operatives told their own people "you can say whatever you want, no one knows she is smart, and white people are stupid anyway"; as such, antithesis of the truth, aka fake news were instigated and promulgated against me, and didn't even bother to make something up. Americans, particularly the USPTO where most employees are patent examiners trained to look at facts, in the same capacity as lawyers; and the Silicon Valley where most think they are geniuses, believed these Asian Operatives everything they were told just as Trump believed Putin; and Trump voters believed Trump that won him the Presidency. You see why I went canvassing for Hillary despite suffering from severe PTSD.
I've been warning the stealing of trade secrets by people from Asia since 2004; as such, Asian operatives attacked me relentlessly, called me crazy, nutcase, paranoia, etc and followed by Americans. Now every US company and government institution had been hacked, and had control of the Silicon Valley, Tech industry, USPTO, Arlington VA/NoVa/DC metro using the same fake news/propaganda tactics as Russian Operatives that got Trump elected, as well terminated me and make into public enemy #1 here in the USPTO and Arlington VA, by Asian Operatives. It has been like taking candies from a baby; you can't make this stuff up no matter how crazy you are. Yet still in 2017, Mark Zuckerberg called the FBI/CIA crazy when they told him Russian Operatives using fake news to influence the Presidential election.
China with over a billion population, now (Nov 2017) has more millionaires then the U.S, when common folks didn't even have or used a phone in the early 1990s. Yet Privileged White hicks, especially those in the Silicon Valley, USPTO, Arlington VA/NoVa, believed everything these Asian Operatives that had never left their little 3rd world nor seen a White person, just arrived in America, told them "she doesn't know anything; no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" since the 1990s , when I had over 20+ years of working experiences in NYC before graduation that worked 3 jobs since High School; from working as an EE adjunct, Applied Physics researcher pursuing a PhD, written an AI in C in the late 1980s, worked on Wall St as well ran a motel and a restaurant, etc; not to mention outstanding accomplishments in tech and the USPTO. Anytime when I praised by management, or males pay special attention to me (hence the no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc), I knew I will be attacked whenever there is a 3rd worlder - particularly those from Asia, Trailer trash, White trash, redneck, racist or sexist. This basically 90+% of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry. China set their national goal to be the leader in AI and Quantum Computing. It is today's nuclear bomb race. Take a wild guess who will win?
China with over a billion population, now (Nov 2017) has more millionaires then the U.S, when common folks didn't even have or used a phone in the early 1990s. Yet Privileged White hicks, especially those in the Silicon Valley, USPTO, Arlington VA/NoVa, believed everything these Asian Operatives that had never left their little 3rd world nor seen a White person, just arrived in America, told them "she doesn't know anything; no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" since the 1990s , when I had over 20+ years of working experiences in NYC before graduation that worked 3 jobs since High School; from working as an EE adjunct, Applied Physics researcher pursuing a PhD, written an AI in C in the late 1980s, worked on Wall St as well ran a motel and a restaurant, etc; not to mention outstanding accomplishments in tech and the USPTO. Anytime when I praised by management, or males pay special attention to me (hence the no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc), I knew I will be attacked whenever there is a 3rd worlder - particularly those from Asia, Trailer trash, White trash, redneck, racist or sexist. This basically 90+% of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry. China set their national goal to be the leader in AI and Quantum Computing. It is today's nuclear bomb race. Take a wild guess who will win?
To the USPTO women management, women in the judicial system, women in position of power, etc, in light of how rampant sexual harassment toward women have been as in #MeToo, Harvey Weinstein's case, Charlie Rose, etc, while women in the Silicon Valley have been enduring on a daily basis; why are you suppressing women such as I to ensure women remaining as a 2nd class citizen? Just think, women such Ellen Pao (EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard), Susan Fowler, me and so many women engineers could do tech jobs males could NOT, that could shattered the believes women are "biologically differ", therefore inferior that's been keeping women down since the beginning of time, and is still being promoted in the Silicon Valley by the likes of the Googler James Damore. This is why so few women in the Silicon Valley, tech industry and the Electrical Art/Patent Class 703 of the Patent and Trademark Office, because we are systematically targeted and ousted; today's witch hunt. Also why Trump was elected and not Hillary. I knew this and commented in Washington Post the Democrat needed to have a White male Presidential candidate; and went canvassing for Hillary after she became the candidate despite suffering from a bad case of PTSD; where I was treated with hostility during canvassing by some 35+ White males.
In the 1950s, women were told "not wired to understand complex concept, therefore not fit for college". Today, 50+% of MBA, JD, MD, etc are women. Tech is the future.
2 of the world's biggest and the most powerful software companies, Google and Microsoft's CEOs are males from Asia, when most common folks in these 3rd world Asia didn't have a phone in the 1990s and couldn't tell a toaster from a computer; yet they are dominating the executive suite in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry today, and soon the USPTO after the massive hiring of 3rd worlders from Asia since the 2011-2012. Nevertheless, most of my accomplishments in the Silicon Valley as one of the few women hardware engineers in the world were given to these 3rd world males who I trained, because I am a woman. In the same manner as the USPTO promoted 3 male Training Class peers that examined simple patent cases for new hired; despite I've done an apodictic first patent, a COPA case, that was known to the then Undersecretary Mr. Kappos and many Training SPE, but was setup for termination by required stringent requirements, none for my peers; then deliberately put difficult and complex COPA cases that's been around for over 10 years in my docket to ensure I couldn't meet the stringent requirements. I did meet the stringent requirements and then some, by working nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log. I was terminated in a haste of 2 days nevertheless despite all my accomplishments while employed by the USPTO, and one of the few people in the world unique qualified for this patent class 703 as a pioneer in Emulation. While I had already written an Artificial Intelligent(AI) computer program using C when C wasn't even used for AI in the late 1980s; also as an Applied Physics researcher and an aspired Transhumanist, is at the verge of homeless the resulted of fake news instigated by these Asian Operatives that radicalized Americans just as ISIS radicalized Muslims.
You can take 3rd worlder out of the 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder.
My housemates most likely radicalized as well as they suddenly viciously trying to do everything they could to evict me from an apt I found and helped moved, also damaged my portable closets as well blamed me for the damages done in the kitchen; just like males from Asia in the Silicon Valley I trained that took my accomplishments and got me fired; and like the USPTO suddenly terminated me in a haste of 2 days in the midst of me working 24/7, often 36 hours straight due to threats by Director Garber and supervisor Paul Rodriguez, hadn't seen daylight for months. Privileged White hicks with "implicit bias" toward women and/or Asian acted, just like the radicalized Islamic Extremists that had done mass killings all over the world using gun, explosive and automobile.
(Housemate Randall doesn't know how to do Google search, nor have a computer or a college degree; barely walk and chew gum at the same time; heard him in a mocking hostility voice of wicked witch of the West saying "no one wanted her" in his room along loud enough for me to hear outside. A Republican that would have acted like those radicalized by Russian Operatives that yelled "locked her up", and creator of Hillary's beheading effigy on display. Also, the Real Estate Agent from Africa didn't want to deal with a woman, and only wanted to deal with a male - White male housemate. Neither knows what they were doing by evicting me. But this is a man's world after all, and will get away just like the USPTO, Silicon Valley and the Tech industry. The only time anyone had seen my housemate and I together prior to this eviction was when housemate came to pick me up after a surgery in Inova Hospital, where one of the caretakers was a 35+ woman from Asia, where she spoke to my caretaker, whom then moved me to a less comfortable location, and had spoke to my housemate privately. After that, Randall housemate was not friendly anymore, and gotten worse as time passes; then eviction within a month while I was still recovering from the surgery. Like most in the USPTO, Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, Housemate (small town Mid West Republican White male 30+ years old, often have this strange 12 years old boy laughter alone in his room) is someone with "implicit bias" toward women (Roy Moore supporters) and non-Whites (see me as a stereotypical of a China man like most Mid Westerners or those lived a sheltered life. I could often tell by the way they have trouble understanding me - a China man in their mind, despite I grew up in NYC.). Also the type if told the sky is green, he would believed it despite he is staring at a blue sky. If a stranger told him everybody hated blue sky, he started hating blue sky and acted on his hatred, despite he appeared innocuous most of his life, but has a dark side that is capable of heinous act when someone pushed him; in this case, highly likely my other housemate Tiblets Gebrekristos, a refugee from Africa, despite I brought clothing and food from NYC for her every time, as well all housemates in the previous group housing. This is also the description of most of the Islamic terrorists or mass killings before they were radicalized and acted, or the gun man in Pizzagate trying to rescue "child sex slaves". This is true for many privileged white hicks in the Silicon Valley and the USPTO/Arlington VA/NoVa, including those in management, that radicalized by 3rd worlders from Asia, and further by 3rd worlders from South America, Middle East and Africa here in Arlington, VA. They took one-sided words of 3rd worlders from Asia and the refugee from African at face value, without even verifying what they said, or with me, a former EE adjunct, Applied Physics researcher, an aspired Transhumanist with outstanding accomplishments in the Tech industry as well the USPTO. This is why I've been advocating to stop illegal immigration, slow down immigration from 3rd worlds and H1B because Americans are radicalized by 3rd worlders to do harms to educated women and incited hates amount coworkers that excelled in the job over them that resulted in the ruined of everything that took my whole life to build, make me into public enemy #1 everywhere I went and 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me. This is why I wanted to move away in August 2017 as soon as Tiblet accused me of damaged the kitchen counter top after I texted housemates over and over again not to do so as we have to pay for the damages, but instead she screamed, yelled and accused me of making the damages to Randall behind my back, and again after damaged my portable closets; that clearly showed her dark side after 5 years of being housemate. I knew Randall is radicalized when he was unfriendly toward me after he picked me from the hospital. If any one of these housemates has any grateful genes in them, they wouldn't be evicting me since Sept 2017.
The landlord were told a completely different story. Both housemates didn't say I told them in August 2017 I will be moving out in early 2018.
Or, another housemate is a refugee from Africa likely self radicalized, capable of evil (I was worried when I first met her she might not be able to survive our working environment, now people need to steer clear of her). Every time when people shown liked me in front her, she didn't like that at all. I think that's why she started the bad-mouthing of me to our neighbors in the old group house, and the Real Estate Agent who completely focus on me the first we meet, ignoring Tiblets and Randall. This kind of attention is nothing new, happened everywhere I went such as the Silicon Valley and the USPTO, and is unwanted. I found most 3rd worlders hated me for getting so much attraction, especially when people shown preference over me. Or by her countrymen from our previous group house, that was radicalized by Asian Operatives just as many 3rd worlders in Arlington VA; decided to have her countrymen from Africa, the Real Estate agent, who didn't like me, to evict me. The only way to stop her is to bicker with her constantly from all the things she've done, which is just so beneath me. The human race is so primitive, ie the Silicon Valley, Tech industry, USPTO, etc, akin to the "Lord of the Flies", and all the mass killings are a manifested of such, that I have very little expectation. I will never help any of these people ever again, that's for sure. Why I changed from a 2 years lease to a one year lease. Most new immigrants preferred to live amount their own people in a new world, but she absolutely doesn't want to, why she live amount us. FYI, when dealing with foreign entities, don't assumed they know or behaved like a typical American. To compensate for their ignorance and insecurity, they will act viciously to the point that is cruel and inhumane, such as radicalized Islamic extremists.
You can take 3rd worlder out of the 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder.
My housemates most likely radicalized as well as they suddenly viciously trying to do everything they could to evict me from an apt I found and helped moved, also damaged my portable closets as well blamed me for the damages done in the kitchen; just like males from Asia in the Silicon Valley I trained that took my accomplishments and got me fired; and like the USPTO suddenly terminated me in a haste of 2 days in the midst of me working 24/7, often 36 hours straight due to threats by Director Garber and supervisor Paul Rodriguez, hadn't seen daylight for months. Privileged White hicks with "implicit bias" toward women and/or Asian acted, just like the radicalized Islamic Extremists that had done mass killings all over the world using gun, explosive and automobile.
(Housemate Randall doesn't know how to do Google search, nor have a computer or a college degree; barely walk and chew gum at the same time; heard him in a mocking hostility voice of wicked witch of the West saying "no one wanted her" in his room along loud enough for me to hear outside. A Republican that would have acted like those radicalized by Russian Operatives that yelled "locked her up", and creator of Hillary's beheading effigy on display. Also, the Real Estate Agent from Africa didn't want to deal with a woman, and only wanted to deal with a male - White male housemate. Neither knows what they were doing by evicting me. But this is a man's world after all, and will get away just like the USPTO, Silicon Valley and the Tech industry. The only time anyone had seen my housemate and I together prior to this eviction was when housemate came to pick me up after a surgery in Inova Hospital, where one of the caretakers was a 35+ woman from Asia, where she spoke to my caretaker, whom then moved me to a less comfortable location, and had spoke to my housemate privately. After that, Randall housemate was not friendly anymore, and gotten worse as time passes; then eviction within a month while I was still recovering from the surgery. Like most in the USPTO, Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, Housemate (small town Mid West Republican White male 30+ years old, often have this strange 12 years old boy laughter alone in his room) is someone with "implicit bias" toward women (Roy Moore supporters) and non-Whites (see me as a stereotypical of a China man like most Mid Westerners or those lived a sheltered life. I could often tell by the way they have trouble understanding me - a China man in their mind, despite I grew up in NYC.). Also the type if told the sky is green, he would believed it despite he is staring at a blue sky. If a stranger told him everybody hated blue sky, he started hating blue sky and acted on his hatred, despite he appeared innocuous most of his life, but has a dark side that is capable of heinous act when someone pushed him; in this case, highly likely my other housemate Tiblets Gebrekristos, a refugee from Africa, despite I brought clothing and food from NYC for her every time, as well all housemates in the previous group housing. This is also the description of most of the Islamic terrorists or mass killings before they were radicalized and acted, or the gun man in Pizzagate trying to rescue "child sex slaves". This is true for many privileged white hicks in the Silicon Valley and the USPTO/Arlington VA/NoVa, including those in management, that radicalized by 3rd worlders from Asia, and further by 3rd worlders from South America, Middle East and Africa here in Arlington, VA. They took one-sided words of 3rd worlders from Asia and the refugee from African at face value, without even verifying what they said, or with me, a former EE adjunct, Applied Physics researcher, an aspired Transhumanist with outstanding accomplishments in the Tech industry as well the USPTO. This is why I've been advocating to stop illegal immigration, slow down immigration from 3rd worlds and H1B because Americans are radicalized by 3rd worlders to do harms to educated women and incited hates amount coworkers that excelled in the job over them that resulted in the ruined of everything that took my whole life to build, make me into public enemy #1 everywhere I went and 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me. This is why I wanted to move away in August 2017 as soon as Tiblet accused me of damaged the kitchen counter top after I texted housemates over and over again not to do so as we have to pay for the damages, but instead she screamed, yelled and accused me of making the damages to Randall behind my back, and again after damaged my portable closets; that clearly showed her dark side after 5 years of being housemate. I knew Randall is radicalized when he was unfriendly toward me after he picked me from the hospital. If any one of these housemates has any grateful genes in them, they wouldn't be evicting me since Sept 2017.
The landlord were told a completely different story. Both housemates didn't say I told them in August 2017 I will be moving out in early 2018.
Or, another housemate is a refugee from Africa likely self radicalized, capable of evil (I was worried when I first met her she might not be able to survive our working environment, now people need to steer clear of her). Every time when people shown liked me in front her, she didn't like that at all. I think that's why she started the bad-mouthing of me to our neighbors in the old group house, and the Real Estate Agent who completely focus on me the first we meet, ignoring Tiblets and Randall. This kind of attention is nothing new, happened everywhere I went such as the Silicon Valley and the USPTO, and is unwanted. I found most 3rd worlders hated me for getting so much attraction, especially when people shown preference over me. Or by her countrymen from our previous group house, that was radicalized by Asian Operatives just as many 3rd worlders in Arlington VA; decided to have her countrymen from Africa, the Real Estate agent, who didn't like me, to evict me. The only way to stop her is to bicker with her constantly from all the things she've done, which is just so beneath me. The human race is so primitive, ie the Silicon Valley, Tech industry, USPTO, etc, akin to the "Lord of the Flies", and all the mass killings are a manifested of such, that I have very little expectation. I will never help any of these people ever again, that's for sure. Why I changed from a 2 years lease to a one year lease. Most new immigrants preferred to live amount their own people in a new world, but she absolutely doesn't want to, why she live amount us. FYI, when dealing with foreign entities, don't assumed they know or behaved like a typical American. To compensate for their ignorance and insecurity, they will act viciously to the point that is cruel and inhumane, such as radicalized Islamic extremists.
The Court of Appeal 4th Circuit Court denied my Appeal (No. 17-1664 (1:15-cv-01375-CMH-MSN) ). I am filing a Petition for Rehearing, I am sure will suffer the same faith as Appeal; the system is rigged against women after all. The Asian Operatives influenced the Fairfax County Court when I volunteered there, so is the Eastern District Court of Virginia, also make me into public enemy #1 here in Arlington/NoVa/DC metro; so is not surprising of the Appeal court, because it only took one Asian operative such as in the USPTO by Tuan Nguyen to radicalized the whole USPTO and now the DC metro. Those in the USPTO that had a party after got me wrongfully terminated, of the Hung Havan, Susanne Lo and coterie, can have another party again; as well celebrated by all Asian Operatives, racist, sexist, bigots and haters of the world. But nevertheless, justice will be served one way or another.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (Shakespeare: NYC High School English; also Plato and calculus in HS), as I written in my EEOC Complaint in 2011. What the Patent and Trademark Office(USPTO), the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry did to me for being an Americanized Asian woman engineer that excelled in tech jobs over the males(few who understood what I did and willing to give credit where credit is due referred to me as a "major geek"), incited by perverts, child molesters, Asian operatives and Asian version of the KKK since the 1990s, who I had never met in my life, just as in Pizzagate (I am the Ping Pong Comet Pizza (an effigy), the HATE targets are Americans in place of Hillary in Pizzagate, who these Asian operatives such as Tuan Nguyen hates because I am an Americanized Asian woman that excelled in the job over these 3rd world males, and non-Asians in general have an affinity toward me, hence the "no one liked her; no one wanted her; she needed a man; she is a slut; she is a prostitute; she begged men for sex; etc" {I worked nearly 24/7}, in the same manner as inflamed Ping Pong Comet Pizza as a child sex trafficking ring by Hillary, which in term people started to shun me, especially by 3rd worlders from all over the world), Gamergate (these same trolls promulgated fake news that contribute to Hillary's lost), etc; now a majority in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, will send chills up your spines.
This is not an outlier or a Black Swan, it is a well-organized, well-planned, and is systematically targeted and ousted women that excelled in tech jobs over the males that I warned since 2004; everywhere I went just as in this UMD Chinese student, Duke Chinese student, etc, by Asian operatives and Asian version of the KKK where propaganda have been used to control their citizens for decades just as in North Korea; from the Silicon Valley, tech industry, NYC, now the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro. They are still continue to publically lynching me here Arlington, VA using insidious fake news/defamation to make me into public enemy #1, and 2 failed beheadings meant to kill me.
There are fewer women in the Silicon Valley, and more White males are now brain-washed via propaganda/fake news, instigated by Asian operatives, to believe women are "biologically differ", therefore inferior, to ensure women remain as a 2nd Class citizen just as in their 3rd world, per Googler James Damore; and relentless sexual harassments and abuses as well coerced to have sex or threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 such as in Ellen Pao, Susan Frowler, me, a Chinese-American childhood friend that worked for IBM in the early 1990s, and so many more women. My friend had to move back to NYC because of the relentless attacks on her by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Taiwan and China working for IBM in the Silicon Valley at the time. Asian operatives employed every sophistry and logical fallacy to ensure the continuation suppression of women in tech, then repeated by White trashes; just as Russia using fake news to influence the US Presidential election that resulted in Hillary's lost.
Foreign/Asian operatives' job are to understand America and Americans, and to create chaos and undermine America every way they could. Asian Operatives planned on moved back to their homeland eventually after they make enough money and created as much destructions as they can while they are here. The Silicon Valley and the USPTO hired these Asian Operatives, in term put Americans' lives such as I in danger, and every one working and living amount them. These Asian operatives, perverts and child molesters from Asia now have full control of the Silicon Valley - the High Tech capital of the world, as well the DC metro - the center of world power, still today 9/16/2017.
Internet trolls(losers) of the Pizzagate, Gamergate, etc, that honed their fake news/propaganda skills to inflame certain parts of the population with "implicit bias" that now gave rise to the Alt-Right and Trump's Presidency, and Hillary's lost to this Social Media war. NFL players taking a knee to protest Police brutality toward minority, but instead interpreted by parts of America as disrespect to the flag and military, that also promulgated by President Trump, a billionaire who is also a bither. This is a good example of "Implicit bias". In addition to sociopaths and losers piled on to make other people's lives just as miserable as their.
If America, in particular, the Democratic Party, doesn't take this social media war seriously, Alt-Right will take full control of the country just as Nazi had; I would love to see these Alt-Rights to go after the Asian operatives in the DC metro and the Silicon Valley. As a reminder, the last globalization begun with the Silk Road and ended in WWII. We currently is not only going through a globalization, but also a Digital Revolution, the equivalent of an Industrial Revolution. Consider what these Asian operatives (H1B and illegal immigrants from Asia) have been doing to me since the 1990s, and many Americans are experiencing similar by H1Bs from Asia, or bad illegal immigrants that consisted of criminals escaping punishments from their homeland, but can't complain because they might call a racist; which also allowed Indians to hire only their countrymen in companies such as Google, Microsoft, Intel, etc, a hidden resentment.
My recommendation is to aggressively limited illegal immigrants and deport bad actors, and limited legal immigrants because there are already so many illegal immigrants, until Americans such as the Silicon Valley/Tech fully understand what they are dealing with, as well Americans need to adjust to this new world order (most Americans such as the UPSTO, or the DC metro still very uncomfortable with me, when I grew up in NYC, not from a foreign place); despite is too late as every company and gov't institution have been hacked, and Asian operatives had full control of SV/Tech and now the DC metro. The most humane way of solving the world refugee/illegal immigration crisis is to create an International Economic zone in each continent loosely model after China's Special Economic zone, but should be modified according to the local culture and tweaked until it works, then expand; because most don't want to leave their homeland if they have a choice (I always provide a solution to anything I am against). China was a rich Super Power for centuries long before the Silk Road, just as US today, but had an Open Door policy that allowed the West the freedom to roam, which the Chinese called savages and treated with contempt, just as the West treated Asians the last 200+ years. The West + Japan pillaged China's wealth and invaded China that condemned China into decades of wars and famine, look where China been the last 100+ years. Europe also plunged into WWI and WWII, likely fought over the spoils of China (the more you know, the more you know you don't know).
I had nothing to lose, even after a few attempts to do physical harms and killed me since 2002. And never ever judged me based on your own low standards. Do you feel safe with these Asian operatives working and living next to you? Asian operatives succeed because they were able to brainwash Americans as Manchurian candidates such as Hung Havan toward Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill and his family to do harms to me. I believed the Asian operatives are using me to dry-ran their propaganda to test how to influence Americans, in term influenced America, just as Russia using fake news to influence the election that contributed to Trump won, and Hillary lost. (of course, I've been saying this since 2004 because the Silicon Valley Asian operatives accused me of being a spy and targeted me in a well-organized and well-planned way everywhere I went since the 1990s, which got me suspicious because common folks don't do this nor accused others of being a spy. Additionally, there were Chinese operatives followed the Tiananmen Square Activists to the US and one shared our Grad students office in college. He did not like me from the get-go because I am Americanized, surrounded by non-Asians and most of the people in the Dept were friendly toward me despite there were very few Asians back then, and nobody liked him or even wanted to talk to him. Against, their insidious fake news typically are the antithesis of the truth; a way to say how stupid the Americans are; their answer to how special Americans are, just as the Russians have been hacking us left and right, and using insidious fake news to get Trump elected. There was also this creepy sleazy energy about the guy just like Gollum. He make phone calls to China that resulted in nearly $1000 phone bills in the 1990, and accused me and the Activist of making those calls. The general public in China didn't have access to a phone in the 1990 (couldn't tell a toaster from a computer), as I learned years later. Most Grad students stopped going to our office since, including me. These Asian Operatives turned the place into a cesspool everywhere they went, from the Silicon Valley (now a glorified Foxconn sweatshop), the USPTO, and now the DC metro. I wanted every US company to understand when you hired foreign operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women by the USPTO, none of us are safe because they have radicalized the USPTO employees and . The Activist was cautious but like all other students. The Silicon Valley Asian Operatives had changed their propaganda after people laughed at their face when they accused me of being a spy. I also warned the stealing of trade secrets, and Asian operatives called me all sorts of name, from crazy to paranoia, to discredit me, and it works; they had hacked every US company and gov't institution).
Who do you trust, one spread insidious fake news, or one stated verifiable facts? For those who's been believing anything anybody said about me but should've discern it is trash-talking, the answer is one with verifiable facts.
I've been warning the stealing of trade secrets since 2004, amount many other warnings such as WWIII on the table after the 2008 Global Financial Meltdown, the losing of the Middle Class; women have been systematically targeted and ousted in the Silicon Valley/Tech just as Islamic extremists done to girls/women, etc. After I filed an EEOC complain in 2011, the USPTO should realized they had make a mistake of wrongfully terminated me; my 50 pages of the EEOC Complaint explained that this is a well planned and organized by Asian Operatives that begun in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s. If the USPTO investigated my claims, as I worked nearly 24/7 evidenced by my computer log/eDan; especially toward Tuan Nguyan and his countrymen/women, as well Hung Havan, Michele Choi, Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend(emails backup before they deleted) and her friends, they would realized there are legitimate reasons, in hoped the USPTO would alerted the FBI out of abundant of precaution to investigate, the results should alerted the Intelligent Agencies, US companies, and the general public of the influence of foreign Operatives, and in term cleared my name. Then all the hackings of all US companies and gov't institutions would've prevent, aside from the fact that I warned of such since 2004. Since that didn't happen, I do the next thing.....
I chose to live in the Pentagon City area since 2013 because I wanted the Intelligent Community to experience for themselves how much control the Asian operatives have in the DC metro, as they already had full control of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry since the early 2000s. I didn't know anyone in the DC metro nor the Silicon Valley as I am from NYC. Through out the years, fake news such as "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" (the first thing pop into one's head should've been WHY, is he a racist/sexist, then do you know her, and what facts do you based that on? But instead most used that against me as the resulted of "implicit bias". If I am White and/or male, would Americans have believed what they said?), "she needed a man; she is a slut; etc" meant to incite sexual harassment and rape, and other fake news meant to make me into public enemy #1 have been promulgated through out Arlington/NoVa/DC metro everywhere I went, from supermarkets such as Harris Teeters in the Pentagon City since 2013, the first day I walked in, by the Chinese woman sushi maker, who I had never seen in my life, using fake news just like Pizzagate such Harris Teeters treated me as a thief, and still got nothing on me after so many years; all they prove is they are just stupid racist/sexist tools used by these Asian Operatives, while treated me as a public enemy #1 for years that probably spread to other business, in addition to sexually harassed by a male employee that followed me to the courtyard. I will sue HT if any action done against me or prove of defamation.
Similarly, 3 similar Chinese/Asian women to the Sushi Chinese woman did the same to me when I first walked into Shoppers in Seven Corner prior to 2013; they were most likely the employees there. To places where I volunteer such as the Fairfax Country Court, Computer CORE, Bikes for the world, Phoenix bikes, etc. Today 10/19/2017, when I was shopping in an Asian grocery store, a dirty Asian old man of 70+ year old probably of Tuan Nguyen's countrymen told the shop owner that "she is a prostitute" in their Southeast language. Other then places I mentioned above, I don't go anywhere because it is not safe for me; and I worked nearly 24/7 when I was employed since the 1990s; therefore no one should know me anywhere in the world; and yet I was a target of fake news everywhere I went in the DC metro, due to the influence of Asian operatives originated from the Patent and Trademark Office.
The same happened as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s. The Intelligent Agencies been told by the Silicon Valley that they are crazy the Russian influenced the 2016 election; because like Paris Hilton who thinks she is smarter then everyone because she is rich, the Silicon Valley males believed they are the smartest people on earth, especially those glorified manual writers called coders/programmers. This just tells you how arrogant the Silicon Valley really is, a bunch of privileged white hicks. I've been warning the stealing of trade secrets by people from Asia since 2004, now every American company and gov't institution been hacked. As a New Yorker that had family members, childhood friends and college buddies worked in Wall Street during 911, I've been following the "see something, say something" since 2004, yet the Asian operatives managed to took control of the Silicon Valley, but also now the DC metro, nevertheless.
Why are you, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO/NYC/NoVa/DC metro/USPTO helping these Asian version of the KKK, foreign operatives, perverts and child molesters from Asia, of male under 40 years and female 30+ years old alike, to ruin an aspired transhumanist woman engineer's life? Deliberately, in a well-organized and well-planned way, everywhere I went in America, that begun as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, by 3rd worlders from Asia who I had never met in life; in similar manner as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, attacked me the 1st month I started the job with the USPTO; then re-enforced by my ex-officemate Hung Havan, his coterie and anyone with "implicit bias" toward women in Tech or Asian-American/women. If they are White, you would call them a racist, sexist, bigot and White Trash, why are you NOT hold them to the same standard?
Irma, Harvey and the 7.1 earthquake in Mexico are natural disasters that destroy millions of lives; Asian version of the KKK, perverts and child molesters from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen, Hung Havan and his coterie have been deliberately destroying my live since the 1990s, and many of you are helping them. Instead of creating and better the world, these people from Asia spent every minute of their lives on ruining high achievers such as Ellen Pao and I. If I am a male in the Silicon Valley, I would've been a billionaire; but as a woman that excelled in tech jobs over the males, we are systematically targeted, coerced to have sex, or threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 such as in Ellen Pao (EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard), Susan Frowler and me. Today, the same 3rd world H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia dominated the top level management in the Silicon Valley and Tech industry, that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer in the 1990s when they arrived in the America, and 2 of the world's biggest and the most powerful software companies, Google and Microsoft's CEO are males from Asia; while an Applied Physics researcher, an EE adjunct and an aspired Transhumanist such as I is at the verge of homeless the resulted of fake news instigated by these 3rd worlders from Asia.
If people from 3rd world Asia (equivalent to White trash/Trailer Trash/KKK) you had never met in your life hated you and relentlessly attacked you, it is NOT you that has issues. Like Islamic Extremists' hatreds toward Americans, foreign operatives from Asia wanted to destroy me as soon as they saw me, because I am an effigy of Americans that they used as their punch-bag. They can't harmed a White man, but they can easily harmed me. This is why such anti illegal immigrant sentiment, in addition to racism and rampant sexism that put Trump in office, why I knew this and went canvassing for Hillary for months. Immigrants that deliberately do harms to Americans of all colors and races will only divided Americans. As such, I support most of Trump's immigration policy. Like Islamic Extremists and bad cops gave their own communities a bad name; I do not want these perverts, child molester Asian operatives to give us Asian Americans a bad name.
To prevent future foreign operatives influence on America and American citizen, and as a way to help me is to let as many people know what these Asian operatives are doing to me, using the same tactics as Pizzagate, Gamergate, Russia's social media war using fake news against Hillary; do use my blogs.
To ensure the USPTO won't be setting up patent examiners for termination such as they did to me, and treating patent examiners worst then Foxconn 3rd world sweatshop factory workers in China, please SHARE this blog ( with other patent examiners; because the whole system is rigged against you. Case in point, why is the Inspector General looking into time-sheet abuse when patent examiners are following the quota system? It is most likely patent examiners were making so much noise about bad management that management had to direct the attention back to patent examiners. The wrong-doers basically can say whatever they want as I wasn't there to defend myself. One excuse was because the UPSTO doesn't trust people excelled in the job, hence systematically terminated anyone that excelled in the job. That is to say, if you can do the job, you are terminated. As such, I make sure everything said and done were in written form, either via email or eDan; a habit from running a multi-million$$$ emulation project where I worked with all chip development groups. Otherwise, I worked nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log that account for every minute while employed by the USPTO .
only mandate the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has from the President of
the United States for over a decade been to clear the patent
backlog. I am (Mona Chu) one of the few people in the world
uniquely qualified for this Patent Class 703 patent examiner position as a
pioneer in Emulation with
extensive High Tech industry experiences where I was the only few
women computer hardware engineers in the world in the
1990s, and was the first engineer to find a PCI Bus bug. Also
in my resume: I was an EE adjunct pursuing a PhD in Applied Physics and as
a researcher with published
paper, while at the same time pursuing a 2nd Master's in Computer
Science where I written an Artificial Intelligent (AI) computer
program using C language when C was not yet use for AI in the late
1980s; in addition to as a TA, also held a temp job. I was aspired
to be a scientist/professor and an aspired transhumanist
to advance
the human race. I had proven my qualifications over and
over again since the first month on the job in the UPSTO, and by having an
apodictic/airtight first patent case that may be the first woman to have such
honor, as well was known to the then Undersecretary Mr. David Kappos
and many SPE Trainers; in addition to met the stringent requirement of 3 COPA
patent cases per biweek. I was terminated in a haste of 2 days because the USPTO knew the judicial system are full of Roy Moore that rigged against women and minorities. Had I had more then 2 days, I would have spoke to the Training Class Manager Andrea Wellington and the then Undersecretary Mr. Kappos for help. Why are we not protected?
The USPTO, mainly, supervisor Paul Rodriguez (White male) and Director Wendy Gerber (White) terminated me in a haste of 2 days under the pretext of "low performance" despite my Productivity was at 119.9% - 90% (Exhibit 130, p6, #pp18, #pp19) at various times, 2 consecutive 3 COPA cases on June 7 and June 22, 2011, and a total of 19 COPA patent cases in 8 months which I had to work nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log and eDan, but no production requirement for other probationary employees; while 3 male classmates were promoted examining regular patents as soon as we finished the Training Academy. The termination letter also used a pretext of "you failed to understand the technology" when I am a pioneer in the Emulation field, explained every patent case to Rodriguez in front of the class in the Training Academy, and already had an apodictic first patent case; also knew when a patent broke a Quantum Mechanics law.
an email below, SPE Paul Rodriguez and Director Wendy Garber defamed me to another supervisor QZ
Wang who wanted to transfer me to his group before my
termination. They also defamed me in the retention meeting to
ensure I will be terminated.

Everything Paul Rodriguez said of me are defamations except "most people take 6 years to learn she can learn in 2-3 years", the result of worked 3 jobs since High School that equate to 20+ working experiences, in addition to 20+ years of High Tech experiences where I led emulation projects, on top of my education background such as Quantum Mechanics, Applied Physics research pursuing an Applied Physics PhD, and an aspired Transhumanist. I rarely speak to Paul Rodriguez in private, and preferred all communications via email or messaging; a habit from running multi-million$$$ emulation project that involved working with ALL departments in the computer chip development process. Also why I kept a low key and not be seen so that no one can accused me of doing or saying anything; you know, like working in a McCarthyism era or a communist country. In addition to Hung Havan (a Charles Manson like sociopath) also told me Rodriguez is a pedophile, a racist and sexist. Previous manager Don knew this of Rodriguez and assigned me to sister Unit AU2128 with Ms. Shah at hiring. If anyone wonders how a salesman without any technical background got to be a supervisor, while a pioneer in Patent Class 703 with an apodictic first patent case wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days, this is just one glaring examples that's kept women out of the STEM field. Additionally, you have Director Wendy Garber and Paul Rodriguez without any understanding of what it takes to do the job, and so all involved in Patent Class 703 were doom. Any complain had been blocked using Patent Class 715 such as: they can do the job, why can't you?
Union head Howard Locker asked Wendy Garber to wait until the end of my probationary period to no avail. They terminated me in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance; when typically given at least a week to 6 months for other employees; while most of my classmates, coworkers, officemate Hung Havan and his coterie knew my termination long before me. 2+months later, when a company interested in hiring me as a consultant for Patent Class 703 called the USPTO, the company told me I was on USPTO's "do not hired back" list, and Wendy Garber didn't allow me to work in site. My Unemployment Insurance was cut abruptly with only 3 months of UI, soon after the company called USPTO, and after I filed an EEOC. Then 2 failed beheadings here in Arlington, VA, meant to kill me; the first failed beheading happened on 6/1/2013 was just days before the EEOC Appeal. If I died, this EEOC case against the USPTO would have gone away.
Jason Procter, on 3/8/2012, signed as witness against me on my EEOC case; and David Silver on 3/19/2012; I wanted to know if they indeed signed those Witness Affiants against me or forgery by the USPTO; because everything said about me are lies; a contempt of court. Again, why would the USPTO went to such length hell-bent on terminating a lowly patent examiner as if I am the worst human being on earth as demonized by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen and women/as if I am the Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Pizzagate, and everywhere I went in Arlington/Alexandria/NoVa/DC metro where I don't know anyone (I am from NYC); when all I did was working 24/7 to meet the stringent requirements demanded by Director Garber and SPE Paul Rodriguez as evidenced by my computer log, eDan and an aspired transhumanist? The Silicon Valley/Tech industry has been doing the same to women such as Ellen Pao (has an EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard) and I that excelled in tech jobs since the 1990s, then using all sorts of logical fallacy and sophistries to justify why so few women in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry today. Something is rotten..... I am the canary in the coal-mine (aka the chosen one, lol).
Today (8/6/2017), according to this Googler, there are now far more White males are believing women are "biologically differ" that prevent women from being good in tech, therefore explained why so few women in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry; when the truth of the matter is that women that excelled in tech jobs are systematically targeted, ousted and make into public enemy #1 such as Ellen Pao and me that begun as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, instigated by Chinese from Taiwan, partook by Chinese from China, then Indian, Vietnam, and all other 3rd worlders from Asia; today, partake by privileged white hicks such as that Googler. Just like Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women that targeted me the first month I started the job with USPTO, using defamation/fake news that Nguyen first spread to those he perceived as racist, sexist and stupid classmates to help him promulgated his insidious fake news to other classmates, followed by my officemate Hung Havan and his coterie, then the USPTO employee, and now insidious fake news against me are all over Arlington/NoVa/DC metro, just like Pizzagate. Another word, the Silicon Valley is now a 3rd world Asia with current and past H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia as the majority, where they used logical fallacy and sophistries to brainwash those already have "implicit bias" toward women (White privileged redneck hicks, often old from the "Mad Men" era) or a weak mind (White privileged hicks). Case in point, that Googler and the USPTO management that terminated me in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance. This is why when women excelled in the job, we are targeted and ousted, to re-enforce their propaganda that women are inferior, a 2nd class citizen just like in their 3rd world Asia. These 3rd worlders from Asia used every dirty tactics on women, including coercing women to have sex, or threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 such as in Ellen Pao, Susan Frowler and me; and the Silicon Valley billionaires are protecting these 3rd worlders from Asia and have been advocating for more H1Bs from 3rd world Asia. The transformation of the Silicon Valley to the dark side is now completed - a 3rd world Asia, and is an evil empire to suppress women just like 3rd world Asia or the Islamic extremist Middle East. An invasion without military as the majority in the Silicon Valley are either current and past H1B or illegal immigrants from 3rd world Asia. Every US company and institution are now hacked and got their trade secret stolen. 3rd worlders from Asia now also had full control of the DC metro - the US capital and the capital of the world, using the same tactic as Pizzagate, just like 3rd worlders had full control of the Silicon Valley - the High Tech capital of the world since the early 2000s.
For those who believed I am not working is because I am lazy......I worked 3 jobs every summer since High School. I was pursuing an Applied Physics PhD, as a researcher, an adjunct, while at the same pursuing a 2nd Master in Computer Science. I would be making million$$$ a year and a billionaire if I am a male. Stop judging me with your White privileged hick racist view of me.
Why are women excelled in tech jobs in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO/Arlington/NoVa/DC metro subjected to publically lynching by terminating us and make us into public enemy #1, the same treatment as in the Dark Age, Middle East under Islamic Extremist, or 3rd world Asia?
This is how I knew Hillary, one of the most qualified Presidential candidates, will lost to the least qualified Presidential candidate Trump. As such, I went canvassing for Hillary as soon as Trump became the candidate, despite suffering from severe PTSD.
In short, the USPTO did not keep us employees safe, not only had the management did not enforced professionalism as if the USPTO is a 3rd world sweatshop factory cesspool, but hired foreign operatives and allowed foreign operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women to do tremendous harms to me for being an Americanized Asian woman (educated, independent, American ideology and values, and dare to excel in tech jobs over the males) in America just as they did to this UMD Chinese student, using fake news/propaganda to incite every low life to sexually harass and abuse me, to ensure I can't secure a job anywhere in America, fired soon if I did such as they incited the USPTO to ruin everything that took my whole life to build, make me into public enemy #1, 2 failed beheadings on me, and rigged the whole judicial system against me; especially when these government entities employed 3rd worlders from Asia and influenced by them such as in the USPTO.
Essentially, the USPTO make me an example by publically lynching me, a first woman that had an apodictic first patent case, met the stringent requirements of 3 COPA patent cases over and over again, and excelled in the job over the males and challenged the male superiority; as many of the patent examiners, including most of my classmates, knew my termination long before I did; which was done in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance. Just like the Silicon Valley/Tech industry have been doing to me and most women since the 1990s, incited by 3rd worlders from Asia (mainly Taiwan, China, Vietnam and India, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women in the USPTO, just as in Pizzagate), a woman engineer dared to excel in the technical field and challenged the superiority of males in tech. The lynching continues today by continue to promulgate fake news to make me a public enemy #1 everywhere I went in Arlington/Alexandria/NoVa/DC metro, also put me in the USPTO's "do not hired back" list such I can't secure any job, while being sexually harassed, abused, under physical harms and rape threats everywhere I went that manifested in 2 failed beheadings.
I wouldn't have been terminated in less than a year if it weren't for Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, and my office mate Hung Havan and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill (Trump lite, also a cheap tool for Hung Havan such as signed time-sheets, helped transferred to another AU from AU2128, etc; which prompted me to suspect Asperger or severe Mid life crisis, when dragged my good name to he and Susanne Lo's affair. There were plenty of never married millionaires and billionaires in the Silicon Valley available had I interested in a privileged white hick. I don't understand why a "professional working environment" allowed this kinds of unprofessional relationship.) and her friends from India. I was the target of fake news by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the first month we started the job, in similar manner as Pizzagate, also the sexual harassments and abuses, and is the root cause of my termination as well being make into public enemy #1 in the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro. If they are White, you would have called them KKK, racists, sexists, bigots and trailer-trashes. Why have we not hold these 3rd worlders to the same standard? Without my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his coteries that emboldened Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women's fake news/propaganda that started the first month we started the job, it would take Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen at least a year to get me terminated. Additionally, I was setup to be terminated by Paul Rodriguez from the get-go and would have terminated me on my last day of my probationary period. Rodriguez (~$176,000 per year) didn't have any technical background and was a salesman. Director Garber (~$210,000 per year) of the Electrical Art didn't even know what a P4 (Pentium 4 CPU) was.
How you treated me tell me who you are, where you've been, what you know. For example, a redneck hillbilly sees me as a China-man. Those believed Tuan Nguyen's fake news against me and acted on such are stupid Trailer-trash, that's why you are chosen, and told you are a stupid Trailer-trash by acting on the fake news. The treatment by people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen's cruelty, hatreds toward me despite they had never met me in my life for being an Americanized Asian woman (a traitor), tactics and the effectiveness of propaganda that had full control of the Silicon Valley/Tech and now the USPTO and NoVa/DC metro that make me into public enemy #1 everywhere I went in the US are NOT common folks, nor do common folks in most Asian countries in the 1990s to 2000s allowed or afforded to go to college (think North Korea and India); unless they used falsified papers. They are government operatives. Hence why I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004.
How you treated me tell me who you are, where you've been, what you know. For example, a redneck hillbilly sees me as a China-man. Those believed Tuan Nguyen's fake news against me and acted on such are stupid Trailer-trash, that's why you are chosen, and told you are a stupid Trailer-trash by acting on the fake news. The treatment by people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen's cruelty, hatreds toward me despite they had never met me in my life for being an Americanized Asian woman (a traitor), tactics and the effectiveness of propaganda that had full control of the Silicon Valley/Tech and now the USPTO and NoVa/DC metro that make me into public enemy #1 everywhere I went in the US are NOT common folks, nor do common folks in most Asian countries in the 1990s to 2000s allowed or afforded to go to college (think North Korea and India); unless they used falsified papers. They are government operatives. Hence why I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004.
In short, the USPTO did not keep us employees safe, not only had the management did not enforced professionalism as if the USPTO is a 3rd world sweatshop factory cesspool, but hired foreign operatives and allowed foreign operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women to do tremendous harms to me for being an Americanized Asian woman (educated, independent, American ideology and values, and dare to excel in tech jobs over the males) in America just as they did to this UMD Chinese student, using fake news/propaganda to incite every low life to sexually harass and abuse me, to ensure I can't secure a job anywhere in America, fired soon if I did such as they incited the USPTO to ruin everything that took my whole life to build, make me into public enemy #1, 2 failed beheadings on me, and rigged the whole judicial system against me; especially when these government entities employed 3rd worlders from Asia and influenced by them such as in the USPTO.
Essentially, the USPTO make me an example by publically lynching me, a first woman that had an apodictic first patent case, met the stringent requirements of 3 COPA patent cases over and over again, and excelled in the job over the males and challenged the male superiority; as many of the patent examiners, including most of my classmates, knew my termination long before I did; which was done in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance. Just like the Silicon Valley/Tech industry have been doing to me and most women since the 1990s, incited by 3rd worlders from Asia (mainly Taiwan, China, Vietnam and India, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women in the USPTO, just as in Pizzagate), a woman engineer dared to excel in the technical field and challenged the superiority of males in tech. The lynching continues today by continue to promulgate fake news to make me a public enemy #1 everywhere I went in Arlington/Alexandria/NoVa/DC metro, also put me in the USPTO's "do not hired back" list such I can't secure any job, while being sexually harassed, abused, under physical harms and rape threats everywhere I went that manifested in 2 failed beheadings.
Why such a sudden surge in hiring Asians in the USPTO since 2011-2012, or H1Bs from Asia that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer since the 1990s? Asian-Americans have always been at the bottom of the food chain and been treated as China men, even lower then the Hispanic/Latino and African-Americans in America. My uncle had a business degree from NYU in the 1960s, also played Football, but could only secured a customer service job with a phone company. His peers hired by Wall Street. Jeremy Lin is still discriminated against in the NBA today. Today, 3rd worlders from Asia are also keep us Asian-Americans down. Why the Tech industry and the USPTO had such sudden enlightenment toward China men? Today, Tech is the only place where Asians striving beginning in the late 1990s in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, and now the USPTO, why is that?
After the Undersecretary Mr. Kappos told by the then Class Manager Andrea Wellington I got an apodictic first patent case in ~Jan/Feb, 2011 in the Training Academy's hallway; he then said to her "good, how do we find more of her". The USPTO started hiring massive Asians beginning in 2011-2012, including 3rd worlders from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women, who were the root cause of my termination, make me into public enemy #1 and the suspects of the 2 failed beheadings meant to kill me because I am an Americanized Asian woman that excelled in the job over the males. I grew up NYC; worked 3 jobs every summer since High School; took Calculus, Shakespeare and Plato in H.S, and can be found from elementary school to Grad school of NYC's public school system; a pioneer in the Patent Class 703 Emulation field with extensive High-Tech experiences and outstanding accomplishments, and an aspired Transhumanist pursuing a PhD in Applied Physics, also written an AI computer program in the late 1980s. Most 3rd worlders from Asia came from countries no different then North Korea not long ago, couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, could barely speak, read or write English; had never seen a White person nor left their 3rd world little town in their lives prior to moving to America. Those with a college degree are either government operatives and/or rich with servantS at home that had never work a day in his life; otherwise they are illegal immigrants using falsified papers. Similarly in the Tech industry that begun in the 1990s, after I found the first PCI Bus bug and saved Texas Instruments' Networking chip dept. from dismantling, a 100s of billion$$$ industry that compete with Cisco, the first week I was hired in 1994-5 (Back then, PCI Bus concept was so elementary I didn't understand why people had such a hard time understanding it. So mind you, I was an Applied Physics researcher and had Quantum Mechanics as part of my training, hence why Emulation projects was successful. TI should really transferred me into your VLIW processor unit that's been plagued by a timing issue. I tried to get hired by Intel years later when Intel was building a VLIW and I knew they will run into the same issue, and told the hiring manager so. Also hand delivered my resume to Transmeta because I knew they will have the same timing issue alone with other emulation related issues. Silicon Valley talking head keeping saying they couldn't find qualified American candidates; but 3rd worlders from Asia that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer where we were forced to train them were qualified for the job. Another important find was that anytime when the decision maker is a male from India, whether in a tech company or a research institution such as MIT, I was not accepted. ); despite all my accomplishments with Texas Instruments, manager Ian Sherlock continuously gave me poor performance reviews, just like Paul Rodriguez of the Patent and Trademark Office(identified himself as partially Irish of European descent, and mostly white males under his management), and all males, the worst are males from Asia; while my white male peers answering customer questions received bonuses and promotion as an Application engineer; as such, when I was the only one succeed in completing the Emulation project from inception to completion on time and within budget with Trident Microsystems in the late 1990s, most thought it was being an Application engineer was the reason I succeed; and many companies, including AMD hired Application engineers to run Emulation project (You can't make this stuff up!!!), but I was never hired because AMD and every tech company didn't want women in management position, especially males from Asia such as AMD. There was a surge of hiring of Asians and H1Bs from Asia (to most non-Asian Americans, we are all the same) in the ensuing years by the Tech industry; because they thought since I am a Chinese, I must be a recent immigrant from Asia. Nearly all in Tech didn't know that my ancestors - Chinese were in America since the 1800s digging for gold, before the Chinese Exclusion Act (Since of the Chinese Exclusion Act, some of my ancestors scattered all over Hong Kong, Southeast Asia such as Singapore and South America. Today, the Exclusion Act practiced toward Asian-Americans is done by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia). Then I was the first person to successfully completed an emulation project from inception to completion on time and within budget in 1997-8. For some reason, the emulation field dominated by 3rd worlders from Asia (mainly India) since, where most couldn't tell a toaster from a computer prior to arrival in the US as an H1B, and still couldn't wrap their heads' around emulation even in the early 2000s, but I was never hired by any of the companies, including Intel. In short, these White privileged redneck hicks seeing all Asians are alike, they can't tell Asian-American from 3rd worlders from Asia. It is akin to seeing KKK, redneck, white trash and trailer-trash are just the same as all the White people, just like Trump. Well, actually, the 3rd worlders from Asia do see all White people the same, that's why they hate you so much just like North Korean, which in term HATED me for being an Americanized Asian. If you are insulted, we Asian-Americans have been enduring such insult forever.
Would you call your CEO, CTO, CIO, Professor, etc, smart? Instead of promote women to the position of her job skills, we are systematically targeted and ousted in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, and now the USPTO of Patent Class 703 and 715, as a way to keep women down; while women continue to be a 2nd class citizen in America despite we are half the population. If I am a male, I would've been a billionaire, and would've been crazier then Elon Musk. If my aspiration was to make lots of money like most people from Asia, I would've killed myself when they ruined life, as that was people from Asia's intention to make me lost all hopes and suffered to the point where I have to kill myself.
What happened when the majority of the population are people from 3rd world Asia as in the Silicon Valley? That Googler James Damore is what happened to American youth brain-washed to 3rd world mentality. From my own experiences, I had over 20+ college buddies from the Physics, EE and Computer Science PhD, Post Grad to Graduated students, none of them ever see me less, including the only one immigrant from Hong Kong. They knew I did well in classes we took together. This was in the 1980s and earlier 1990s. But the Silicon Valley/Tech industry remained in the 1950s when I started working in the earlier 1990s, it got worst in companies dominated by 3rd world factory workers from Asia such as the Trident Microsystems, that instigated by Chinese from Taiwan; a common practice in the Silicon Valley where they surf porn in groups at work, using photoshop to add women's head to naked photos to degrade women, called women slut, and make women that excelled in the job into public enemy #1. It was like working in a prison with rapist and murders; that resulted in the ruined of everything that took my whole life to build because I am an Americanized Chinese woman, as if America is still their 3rd world Asia, in the Silicon Valley that is still stuck in the 1950s, and now the USPTO. It is unbelievable that Americans take thugs' such as Tuan Nguyen's words at face value, while the Silicon Valley and the USPTO spent million$$$ protecting them when we women took legal action. When you acted on the fake news, you are essentially helping the Asian version of the KKK to lynch a person who refused to be a racist/sexist/bigot/hater from 3rd world Asia just like them and hated America and Americans as they are. What happen when they learned the ins and outs of a computer, or in management position that have access to trade secrets? Why I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004.
I've been warning sexual harassment, abuses and discrimination against women by the Silicon Valley/Tech industry since 2004, but my posts were deleted in all tech sites, now including the WaPo's Technology section. Think about that, the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry will control everything you see and hear, and they've been censoring me since 2004. I had already seen it coming when I was working in Trident Microsystems between 1997-8 where 90+% were 3rd world sweatshop factory workers from Taiwan, mainly male engineer under 40 years old and female sweatshop factory workers above 30+ years old from Taiwan who I had never met in my life as I was working 24/7 just as I was in the USPTO, that instigated fake news such as "no one wanted her; no one liked her; she doesn't know anything (these 3rd worlders had never seen a white person or left their 3rd world little town before they illegally immigrated to the US; a young Taiwanese woman got her college degree in America had tried to warn me about her countrymen/women in Trident Microsystems before she left the company. As an Asian American, I didn't took her seriously as I grew up in America and didn't understand the viciousness of these people from Taiwan. I grew up in NYC and an aspired Transhumanist pursuing a PhD in Applied Physics; but to white privileged hicks, all Asians are alike.); she checked men out (males from Taiwan and China were surfing child porn in groups openly, especially teenage white girls; I was the only woman hardware engineer in the whole company); she begged men for sex (how long before you are raped and murdered in the "Lord of the Flies" Silicon Valley? I refused to leave the DC metro, now 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me.); etc," to incite HATEs against me for being an Americanized Asian woman (an educated woman; western ideology because I don't want to be a 2nd class citizen in a 3rd world Asia; had mostly non-Asian friends and was dating a White male from college, a German, and didn't realized these 3rd worlders from Taiwan were just the Asian version of the KKK; accepted as an American in society in general; etc. Remember, I knew as little about these 3rd worlders from Asia as you do because I grew up in NYC with very few Asians in America. Most of my K12 school had about a hand full of Asians), then partake by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from China, India and Vietnam, as well all others from 3rd world Asia, including males from Japan; in every Chinese restaurants and tech companies I went to in the Silicon Valley, then every tech companies in the US, and now the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro. Today 2017, most White privileged redneck hicks such that Googler. After massive well-organized and well-planned like this UMD Chinese student since the 1990s from the Silicon Valley to ensure I couldn't secure a job and make into public enemy #1 everywhere I went in the US, these 3rd worlders from Asia then say "if she is so smart, why can't she get a job". Eventually, I will be full of bitter and hatreds as they do toward these White privileged hicks/Americans.
But it was Hung Havan (sociopath such that of Charles Manson, pervert at best, most likely a child molester, elbowed my chest/breast on my last day and blocked me from saying good-bye to my coworkers in front Erica, a Chinese-American woman just few doors down from my office), and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and friends from India; in addition to Tuan Nguyen (sociopath, pervert at best, most likely a child molester) and his countrymen/women (sociopaths, pervert at best, most likely a child molester) defamed me using fake news to incite HATEs such the USPTO's management would terminate me; and management that have "implicit bias" toward women in tech acted on the fake news, to put in the motion of terminated the first woman that has an apodictic first patent case; in the same manner as the gunman acted on the fake news in Pizzagates, or Alt-Right and sexist that voted for Trump. The insidious defamation/fake news meant to incite hates toward me were instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the 1st month I started the job with the USPTO, who I had never met in my life, and came from a 3rd world not much differ from N Korea and had never seen a White person in their lives. I didn't know Tuan Nguyen was inciting hates until I was shunned, sexually harassed and abused when the same classmates such as Randy Schaffer and Reza Nabi were very friendly at the beginning (same happened in the Silicon Valley, friends just turned against me); but it would take Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who can barely speak, read or write English, at least a year to incite enough people to get me terminated, especially when I had already kept a low key and not be seen; until my officemate Hung Havan and his coterie also incited hates against me with TC2100 management. But Paul Rodriguez would've terminated me, an Asian and a woman in tech, on my last probationary day as he was setting me up for termination from the get-go.
After an apodictic first patent case, Paul Rodriguez gave me a poor performance review, and again in the 6th month review that didn't match my performance. As such, in the 6th month review, I requested to transfer to Patent Class 714 GUI, Director Wendy Garber said that I must meet the stringent requirement of 3 case per biweek on the first pay period, which was 5 days away. Although she did not said this during the meeting, but pencil this in in her notebook after I filed an EEOC case. To ensure I couldn’t meet the stringent requirements of 3 cases per biweek for a probationary employee, Paul Rodriguez and his co-conspirators, one - Kieu Vu (email 6/3/2011-6/7/2011) deliberately put difficult and complex (PhD and Post Doc in STEM) COPA patent cases in my docket.

Comparing a COPA patent case to a typical patent class 715 case:
In AU2123 Patent Class 703, one of the patent cases Ms. Chu had examined was on an atomic probe which scanned for the atomic shape as well the forces (electromagnetic as well gravitational forces) that broke Quantum Mechanic 101 law – introduced an external element changes the state of specimen under test. (This patent would be the building block of a Transporter from Star Trek if anyone is going to build one, and will.) Compare this to Ms. Chu’s other patent class 715 (GUI) cases where one, for example, a patent on the collage of icons, their border, the size and shape of the icons, similar to the display on iPhone. Need I say more? According to the USPTO’s management, these 2 cases take the same amount of time to finish. That’s why patent Class 703 of Art Unit 2123 and Art Unit 2128 been problematic for such a long time.
Whoever owned this patent (Japan) will owned the Transporter invention for the next 20 years. This case was filed at least 10 years ago. IBM had similar technology since the 1990s, if not the 1980s, when I was pursuing my PhD to become a scientist - an aspired Transhumanist to advance the human race.
Can someone with no technical background understand a patent breaks a Quantum Mechanics law? The reason why COPA cases been around for such a long time is because no one could do these cases; but I could because of my unique background. Knowing Quantum Mechanics was part of the education to get my Master's in EE - MEEE to become a scientist, differ from MSEE which was less technical. Anybody can be educated, not because one is smart. If I was ever accused of being crazy or nutty (I like the term unconventional), I blamed it on the study of Quantum Mechanics; just look at Einstein. You can not passed the class or understand Quantum Mechanics if you think normally, because you have to accept that you can be in 2 places at the same time, there are parallel universe like our, etc; after you convince yourself to accept above, then the Professor tells you that those may not be true if new findings proven otherwise. I think my QM Professor really enjoyed his job.
Would you call your CEO, CTO, CIO, Professor, Scientist, etc, smart? Instead of promote women to the position of her job skills, we are systematically targeted and ousted in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, just as I was by the USPTO of Patent Class 703 and 715, as a way to keep women down; while women continue to be a 2nd class citizen in America despite we are half the population. If I am a male, I would've been a billionaire, and would've been crazier then Elon Musk.
If you want to learn about Physics, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, etc, check this PBS site.
This will blow your mind, if you want to know what the future will be, watch Year Million. This is how I see the future as a Transhumanist.
Genius is 99% perspiration, and 1% inspiration.
Male scientists were rock stars in Einstein's time; women scientists were either marginalized such as Einstein's first wife the brilliant Mileva Marić or make into public enemy #1; not much has change today.
Whoever owned this patent (Japan) will owned the Transporter invention for the next 20 years. This case was filed at least 10 years ago. IBM had similar technology since the 1990s, if not the 1980s, when I was pursuing my PhD to become a scientist - an aspired Transhumanist to advance the human race.
Can someone with no technical background understand a patent breaks a Quantum Mechanics law? The reason why COPA cases been around for such a long time is because no one could do these cases; but I could because of my unique background. Knowing Quantum Mechanics was part of the education to get my Master's in EE - MEEE to become a scientist, differ from MSEE which was less technical. Anybody can be educated, not because one is smart. If I was ever accused of being crazy or nutty (I like the term unconventional), I blamed it on the study of Quantum Mechanics; just look at Einstein. You can not passed the class or understand Quantum Mechanics if you think normally, because you have to accept that you can be in 2 places at the same time, there are parallel universe like our, etc; after you convince yourself to accept above, then the Professor tells you that those may not be true if new findings proven otherwise. I think my QM Professor really enjoyed his job.
Would you call your CEO, CTO, CIO, Professor, Scientist, etc, smart? Instead of promote women to the position of her job skills, we are systematically targeted and ousted in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, just as I was by the USPTO of Patent Class 703 and 715, as a way to keep women down; while women continue to be a 2nd class citizen in America despite we are half the population. If I am a male, I would've been a billionaire, and would've been crazier then Elon Musk.
If you want to learn about Physics, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, etc, check this PBS site.
This will blow your mind, if you want to know what the future will be, watch Year Million. This is how I see the future as a Transhumanist.
Genius is 99% perspiration, and 1% inspiration.
Male scientists were rock stars in Einstein's time; women scientists were either marginalized such as Einstein's first wife the brilliant Mileva Marić or make into public enemy #1; not much has change today.
When Ms. Chu shown she could do the 3 cases per biweek (ROI page 000116) on June 7 and June 22, 2011, Mr. Rodriguez hastened Ms. Chu’s termination (chu production 1.pdf page 555) before her 1 year probationary period is over on Nov, 9, 2011, by making every effort to make her job difficult ( Response to Supplemental ROI #8 page 8- 19) from confined to use only Agency’s EAST tool that only searched the Patent database (aka USPTO's search engine ROI page000145) after Ms. Chu shown effectively using Google that searched not just the Patent database, but also everything on the web; to not allowed helps from Simon Ke (chu production 1.pdf page 497, Response to chu eeoc or Chu-Agency's Discovery Responses (1-9-13) #1 page 5), to demand Ms. Chu to add 3 to 5 more references to each patent case, in addition to the already difficult and complex COPA cases on Ms. Chu’s docket (chu production 1.pdf page 366). All my works can be verified via eDan where my works were reviewed by SPE or Primaries. So the USPTO terminated women that could do the job.
As such, I had to work nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log and accomplishments that accounted for every minute while employed by the USPTO; yet I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days on 8/2011 where Paul Rodriguez cited "weak technical knowledge" in the Patent Class 703 where I am a pioneer and one of the few people in the world unique qualified, without Due Process, Procedural or otherwise, just an order from the King, indicative of malfeasance; while male peers that met 3 cases (not COPA cases) per biweek were promoted.
The termination meeting on Aug. 11, 2011 with Paul Rodriguez and Wendy Garber took place in her office. As soon as I set down, Wendy Garber presented me with the termination letter that terminated me under the pretext of "low performance" and "weak technical knowledge" in the field of emulation where I was a pioneer. Apparently for a probationary employee, 2 consecutive 3 COPA cases per biweek, an apodictic 1st patent case known to most Training Academy SPEs as well the then Undersecretary Mr. Kappos, Productivity-Last-4 biweeks from 93%-119.8%, and 19 cases with a mixture of COPA cases in 8 months weren't good enough, but male peers with far less accomplishment and qualification were promoted. Why such a discrepancy for women? Wendy Garber cited that I have the option of being terminated or resigned. So I shook Paul Rodriguez's hand and thanked him for teaching me patent examining and thanked Wendy Garber for her time. I am always a professional. The meeting took about 10 minutes from entering the door to existing the door. My last day was Aug, 12, 2011, the next day.
During the termination meeting, Ms. Chu pointed out to Paul Rodriguez her Productivity (based on the number of cases done, not performance which is based on the opinions of the supervisor) was at 93%, how is that low performance? To which Paul Rodriguez then told Ms. Chu it was top level management’s decision. Paul Rodriguez told Michael Salley- an EEO counselor my termination was based on consensus. He told a SPE QZ Wang some nefarious lies as indicated in the email below such QZ Wang wouldn’t transfer Ms. Chu to his Art Unit to ensure Ms. Chu's termination. It is obvious Paul Rodriguez had equally defamed Ms. Chu on this "retention decision" meeting to get everyone to agreed to terminate Ms. Chu just as he had to QZ Wang. Union VP Howard Locker asked Wendy Garber to wait until the end of the probationary period to no avail. Wendy Garber and Paul Rodriguez hell-bent on terminating Ms. Chu. Wendy Garber said on her email “just because she is smarter then you, doesn’t mean she should be retained. :)”, what was the premise for her to say such thing? Paul Rodriguez can’t even keep his lies straight. I was terminated in a haste of 2 days, when other probationary employees gave at least a week to months.
I was supposed to beg and cry (this is so inhuman that I had a hard time putting this out there) to Director Wendy Garber (White) for my job because I am an Asian woman in tech; despite I am one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified for the job and proven over and over again as stated above. Around 2-4 weeks before my termination, Hung Havan (ex-officemate, he and his coterie Nathan Hillery, my classmates and patent examiners I didn't know knew I was going to be terminated way ahead of my supervisor Paul Rodriguez told me 2 days before my last day) suddenly out of nowhere said "when I met with Wendy Gerber for termination, I begged and cried for her to give me another chance. So if you are going to be terminated, begged her and she will give you another chance". So when Ms. Chu didn’t beg, Director Gerber (White) finalized the termination to let Ms. Chu know that this is still a White men’s world. Hung Havan also said out of nowhere that "dating amount coworkers is a firing offense" in May/June 2011, months before my termination on 8/11/2011; I said "this is also true in the private sector" (correction: dating amount management and subordinate is prohibited). (All these were in my 2012 EEOC Compliant which the Administrative Judge ruled in USPTO's favor and affirmed after Appeal; then the Federal Court dismissed my case in 2016; proven our judicial system is rigged against little guys and women engineers, a kangaroo court nevertheless). I was working 24/7 to meet the 3 COPA cases per biweek, and didn't have time to inspect further everything Hung Havan had said. I also asked Havan whether his friend Bill (Susanne Lo's boyfriend) has lots of enemies? I composted an email asking Bill to stop dragging me into his affair with Susanne Lo; but since I didn't know his last name, I sent it to Hung Havan to ask him to send it to his friend Bill. Havan asked me to send it myself. It was never send.
A contractor with the USPTO was interested in hiring me in 2012, and called Wendy Garber as I will be working on site and on Patent Class 703. The contractor told me Wendy Garber said no and I was on their "do not hire back" list. I could not get a job since. My Unemployment Insurance (UI) stopped abruptly soon after I filed my EEOC complaint, just 3 months of UI. As such, Wendy Garber is likely one of the suspects that behind the 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me, and so is Paul Rodrigues. Garber and Rodriguez should make it known if they were not the one decided to terminated me, if they don't want to pay for someone else's deed for generations to come. Justice will be served one way or another. It seems that my case is too complicated for judges to understand, either that or the USPTO had rigged the whole system, including the EEOC and the Federal Court to rule against me. I am now (5/2017) Appealing my case in the 4th Circuit Appeal court.
Why would the USPTO management spend such effort terminating a lowly entry level probationary patent examiner that worked 24/7 and kept a low key, if there is nothing nefarious going on?
The only mandate the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has from the President of the United States Obama for over a decade been to clear the patent backlog. I am (Mona Chu) one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified for this Patent Class 703 patent examiner position as a pioneer in Emulation and as a project/tech lead for multi-million dollars bleeding-edge emulation project (using football terms, I was the Quarterback and the coach that won the Superbowl on the first season with a newly formed team), and was the only one in the world could take such complex project to completion on time and within budget [like meeting 3 COPA cases per biweek, only a few had ran such project understand what this means. The accomplishment of 3 COPA cases per biweek is just child's play compared to the accomplishment of the Emulation project. Males from Asia took my Emulation accomplishment the same manner as Tuan Nguyen and Hung Havan (sociopaths just like Charles Manson, thugs at best) of the USPTO using fake news against me; like Trump gave Alt-Right a voice and his supporters attacking reporters and Muslims, the USPTO with "implicit bias" toward woman in tech or Asian, acted on fake news that terminated me in a haste of 2 days; the same fakes news promulgated by people from Asia in this manner as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s .....they failed miserably when they were hired to run similar emulation project for a different company 3DFX, and were all fired, including the PhD manager, and the company 3DFX went bankrupted. Wouldn't you pay a million$$$ for such proven capability to save your billion$$$ company?], hence why I was hired into Patent Class 703. In addition to extensive High Tech industry experiences where I was the only few women computer hardware engineers in the world in the 1990s (often the only woman hardware engineer and sexually harassed on a daily basis by males from Asia), and was the first engineer to find a PCI Bus bug.
Academically, I was an EE adjunct pursuing a PhD in Applied Physics and as a researcher with published paper, while at the same time pursuing a 2nd Master's in Computer Science where I written an Artificial Intelligent (AI) computer program using C language when C was not yet use for AI in the late 1980s; in addition to as a TA, also held a temp job. I was aspired to be a scientist/professor (all these were in my resume) and a Transhumanist (scientist using technology to advance the human race).
I had proven my qualifications over and over again since the first month on the job in the UPSTO, and by having an apodictic/airtight first case that was known to the then Undersecretary Mr. David Kappos and many SPE Trainers, as well met the stringent requirement of 3 COPA patent cases per biweek on the first pay period of that meeting of June, 2011, which was 5 days away, demanded by my supervisor Paul Rodriguez (a salesman with no technical background. I overheard Rodriguez talking to his assistance Simmon Ke in the Training Academy's training classroom how they couldn't believed a woman could produced an apodictic first patent case), and the Director of Electrical Art Wendy Gerber (didn't even know what a P4 - Pentium4 was) that threatened me with termination; but no requirement for my peers.
Male coworkers in the same Training Class with far less qualifications were promoted as soon as we got out of the 3-4 months Training Academy, where nearly all SPE Trainers and the then Undersecretary/Director of the USPTO Mr. David Kappos knew I already had an apodictic first patent case reviewed by my first-line SPE Kamini Shah, not Paul Rodriguez. But instead, Paul Rodriguez gave me a very poor performance review soon after to set me up for the eventual termination, and put me on stringent requirements, where his Art Unit 2123 had only one woman and one Asian who was a Professor, while sister Art Unit was predominantly Asian and women that used to have Paul Rodriguez as a SPE. A group of people transferred out of this Unit when I assigned to this Unit.
Like KKK, redneck hicks and misogynists, 3rd worlders that hated Western culture or women of substance will HATE me as soon as they see me; on top of other complex issues such as racism, sexism, bigotry, hatred, 3rd world culture practices, etc; which is too complex for the privileged to understand. Like the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, when women had no interested in dating or have sex with 3rd world males from Asia such as in Ellen Pao's case (who has an EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard), they smeared us and make us into public enemy #1, then the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO fired us, which indirectly forcing women to have sex with these 3rd world males such as Ajit Nazre, or Tuan Nguyen. If we reported these 3rd worlders, we are either under physical harm or killed such as the 2 failed beheadings on me. Whatever excuse the USPTO managements used to terminated me has to pass the smell test of "I worked nearly 24/7 evidenced by my computer log, eDan and outstanding accomplishments". Americans are afraid of reporting these 3rd worlders because they might be accused of racism by these 3rd worlders, as they've been doing to me. If White people did what they did, they would've been called a racist, sexist, bigot or hater; but we don't hold 3rd worlders to the same standard.
Like the Hispanic/Latino community plagued by criminals that got here illegally, or Muslim community plagued by Islamic terrorists, Asian communities are now plagued by criminals that got here illegally.
3rd worlders from Asia, male and female alike, young and old, mostly current and past H1bs and illegal immigrants escaping from criminal punishment in their homeland; that promulgated fake news/propaganda to demonize me are racist, sexist, bigot, haters, child molesters, perverts and sociopaths. They not only sexually harassed and abused women, but also spread fake news/propaganda against Americans they can't compete for jobs, and only hired their own countrymen/women in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry (Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, Google, etc), as evidenced in USPTO's patent class 715; that's why 3rd worlders from Asia are a majority, and while I am one of the few people in the world, or the only person could do job, yet I am at the verge of homeless. Please help spread this out so people aware of who they are dealing with. This begun with Chinese from Taiwan H1Bs male engineers under 40 years old, and illegal immigrant 3rd world sweatshop factory workers, mostly 30+ years old women working in Trident Microsystems between 1997-1998 instigated the fake news behind my back while I worked nearly 24/7 (only 2 white guys, and I was the only woman hardware engineer in over 100+ engineers. It has been over 20 years that H1Bs from 3rd world Asia demonized me to ensure I can't secure any job anywhere while being attacked as public enemy #1); just as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women did while I had to worked 24/7 on COPA cases. They were coworkers at the time who I had never met in my life, just as Tuan Nguyen that I had never met in my life instigated fake news against me with classmates in the USPTO's Training Academy, behind my back because no one told me(classmates knew my termination before I did), only realized when I was sexually harassed by Tuan Nguyen, Shawn Joseph, Reza Nabi and others; that spread to the Silicon Valley, the Tech industry, and everywhere I went since, from NYC to now the NoVa/DC metro; that instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the first we started the job in the USPTO's Training Academy. First the fake news/propaganda spread from classmates such Shawn Joseph to the Training Academy, where they spread to the USPTO employee, employees and Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women spread to their family, friends, relatives, neighbors, etc; and now the NoVa/DC metro. People with "implicit bias" and HATEs acted on or used the fake news to do harms. I was startled at the viciousness, hatreds and pervasiveness by these 3rd worlders from Asia in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, especially those from Taiwan, just like Americans after 911 by Islamic terrorists; they see me as their World Trade Center. This is why I've been against H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia. They should be deported back to their miserable 3rd world where they belong instead here attacking Americans for being an American in America. If you can't live like a civilized human being in America, and continue to practice your 3rd world antics such coercing women to have sex and oppression of women, you should be deported.
The rule of thumb is that anytime when a 3rd worlder disparaged a woman, especially a woman of substance, you should assumed the obvious that such person is just practicing his/her 3rd world culture in this 1st world out of malicious intent. Case study in the USPTO Training Academy where no one knows each other at the beginning, everybody likes everybody, and I make a few friends; then Tuan Nguyen whom I had never spoken to started spreading fake news/propaganda against me; Randy Schaffer whom I befriended turned against me, and Shawn Joseph spread fake news to classmates and other Training Classes, where they spread to the rest of the USPTO, and the employees, especially those from Asia spread to the rest of the NoVa/DC metro. Chinese from Taiwan targeted me in similar way when I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s; followed by 3rd worlders from Asia. If a White person did that, s/he would called a racist, sexist, bigot, hater or a White trash; why do we NOT hold other races to the same American standard and values? If they choose to live in America, they should uphold the same American standard, values and not discriminated against women or others differ from them; or live like salvages such those of Islamic extremists that had 2 failed beheadings on me. Like the Silicon Valley where sexual harassment and coerced young women to have sex has been an open secret, most of these 3rd worlders from Asia are sociopaths, perverts and child molesters; yet people came after me, who worked 24/7, had outstanding accomplishments and pioneers in some of the fields in the High Tech industry. You see why there is no place for a law abiding citizen such as I, a woman excelled in tech jobs in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry when the place is in full control by 3rd worlders for Asia; and now the USPTO. America doesn't need these 3rd worlders from Asia child molesters to force women to have sex with them, or threatened to terminate us and make us into public enemy #1. They should be deported.
7/26/2017, "she is too old for him", 2 Southeast Asian old women (Tuan Nguyen's countrywomen?) laugh out loud in such delight while saying it when they saw me. Again, I don't know anyone in the NoVa/DC metro other then worked in USPTO for 8 months, and didn't see daylight until termination while worked nearly 24/7 to meet the 3 COPA cases per biweek as threatened by Director Garber and SPE Rodriguez with termination. Who are these people? ["him" and the 2 Southeast Asian old women. I suspected this "him" is Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill (Trump lite), who habitually blamed others for his own fault. I don't know the guy, a coworker at best. It is like this guy saw a woman on TV and say she is too old for me. I don't think he understands how creepy this is. I was constantly inundated with this kinds of unwanted attention, especially in the Silicon Valley where millionaires think I would be impressed; sometimes in front of their girlfriends or wives to make their girlfriend/wife jealous. These women should lose these losers; you are not living in a dark age anymore, be your own master. What does it take to tell creeps such as Harvey Weinstein to fcuk-off? This Bill and Susanne Lo have been dating, and Bill may have divorced his 2nd wife to marry Lo long before I joined the USPTO on 11/2010, during and after I was terminated, and should've been married soon after my termination as Lo was consulting Hung Havan on buying a house with the helps of her boyfriend Bill just 2-3 weeks before my termination, {at which point, Havan told Lo that Bill and I was getting married, I thought Havan was just screwing with Lo because Hung Havan had been playing/psychologically abusing this Bill for months because the guy was so stupid; this was in my EEOC complaint}; and Bill was going to adopt Lo's little boy; which is all this Bill has to say to clarify the misunderstanding; but instead he said "she is too old for me" because he thought I was a teenager, also because Lo cited Bill was too old as the reason why she didn't want to marry Bill and fights ensued in Bill's office which can be heard from my office and all offices nearby, and often; as often as they spent hours in each other's office in close doors, or the Electrical room. Apparently, I was this Bill's punching-bag for perceived wrongs done to him by Lo (their relationship is like the movie Fatal Attraction) and his ex-wives, just as the 3rd worlders from Asia see me an effigy of Americans and unleashed their hatreds toward me, and I don't even know him or these 3rd worlders, a coworker at best. Lo's boyfriend Bill's family, who I had never met in my life, went around misleading people into thinking I am Susanne Lo and spreading fake news such as "no one wanted; no one liked her; etc" as well; the viciousness of that family that continue to want to ruin my life and have me killed. Without this Bill and Hung Havan's coterie, it would take Asian Operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women at least a year to incite enough people to terminated me; without his family, the USPTO probably realized they had make a mistake soon after I was wrongfully terminated; my 50 pages of the EEOC explained that this is well planned and organized by Asian Operatives that begun in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s in hoped the USPTO alerted the FBI out of abundant of precaution to investigate, the resulted should alerted the Intelligent Agencies and the general public of the influence of foreign Operatives, and cleared my name. Additionally, they are just cheap tools for Asian operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, Hung Havan and Michele Choi, and will continue to be used as Manchurian Candidates. I also think they had something to do with my 8/17/2017 bike accident that resulted in a broken clavicle, 5 stitches on the head with blood all over the place, all my left torso bones were in pain and hurt when I moved; so I was bed-bound for days. I would've been dead if I didn't wear my helmet. This Bill and his family illustrated how people I had never in my life make me into a target. Like Tuan Nguyen and all other 3rd world perverts and pedophiles from Asia saying things to denigrate me in every possible ways, who I had never met in my life, and are the suspects for the 2 failed beheadings, along with Hung Havan and his coterie, which Lo and Bill were part of. Lo and Bill spent hours in closed doors in each other's office, went home together all the time; fought loudly often in Bill's office because Lo changed her mind about marriage, that can be heard from my office and all the offices near this Bill's office. If ever my name dragged into their affair was most likely Bill used me to make Lo jealous, and to mislead his enemies to come after me while his family also partake in doing harms to me, just like the 3rd worlders from Asia, who I had never met any of these people in my life, and Bill was just a coworker at best. He had helped Hung Havan, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her friends from termination, also helped with their promotion. He had never help me or looked after my interests in any way. He and his coterie were instrumental in my termination. There was a guy terminated soon after I befriended; I think some people knew why such as Michele Choi. This also had happened in my previous employments, one where a guy I befriended was threatened with physical harms, the guy moved back to Japan. All his enemies came after me once his declaration of his love/lush-interest toward me, completely disregard my input as if a China man such as I should be flattered a White male such as him is interested in me, nor do any of them knows the meaning of "love" as they did everything to ruined my life, in the process almost killed me such as this "bike accident"; the equivalent of throwing me to the wolves, and he had lots of enemies, the worst one was his prestige Jose; etc. After his new girlfriend learned about me, I got a speeding ticket going at 25 mph; etc. Also had derailed my career such as bad-mouthed me whenever I wanted to transfer, etc, as if I am their worst enemy, instead of helped me, or look after my interests; as such, I see it as I am their worst enemy. Why would anyone in their right mind want to be anywhere near a person/people wanted to make your life miserable and ruined your life? This is what most males in the Silicon Valley do to women in a male dominated Silicon Valley where they reigned over us women as if we are living under the Islamic Extremist Middle East, or emperor Trump, aka the evil empire. Women such as I are put under a manager purely because they are a male, despite these males are still dressed by their Mom, servants and can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, and used defamation as a weapon to defend their incompetency and cluelessness, often blamed women for their failures because women are an easy target. I was so disgusted. (Another scenario is that those that misled management into believing I am Susanne Lo that was dating Bill and terminated me, wanted to continue to misleading the public and therefore management, including misleading Bill's family into believing I am Susanne Lo that was dating Bill, by pointing me out to his family when they saw me; such that no one finds out what they did, also wanted to use Bill as a scapegoat and frame him for my termination, if ever people realized Bill was dating Lo all along. If I am dating Bill, wouldn't his family come and say hi to me if they saw me, instead standing far away and just point me out to their friends around them?). Or confused me with Susanne Lo due to old age since we both are Asian and used me as a punching-bag for all the wrongs he perceived Lo and his wives did to him, or like many White trash that a China man should be flattered that a white male is interested in me, and punished a China man for not, as so with some of my landlords; otherwise why didn't he just say he was dating Susanne Lo before, during and after I was terminated? Also, every one of Susanne Lo's love-interests, including Jason Procter and even Nathan Hillery {ran into them in the Pantry where Lo was sitting on the kitchen countertop with her arms around Hillery's neck. After that, I never put anything on any countertop again. I had also ran into Lo and Bill coming out the Electrical room} were interested in the new Queen Bee, including the one she got tired of - Bill, were not interested in her. Lo's friends she had help from termination via her boyfriend Bill (why so many SPEs hated Bill) coined the term "Queen Bee" and rubbed that in her face {(Lo had been the Queen Bee before this new Queen Bee). The same guy gave me a body fcuk-you the Monday before my termination. Lo was sure popular being coined as a Queen Bee; no wonder no one liked me or wanted me and terminated me in a haste of 2 days while I worked 24/7 with outstanding accomplishments. Do you know any guy called someone who had sex with him a slut? Only women refused to date or give losers the time of day are called sluts and all sorts of denigrating names. This is just common sense, and would have taken differently if I am White. Additionally, every place I rented a room here in NoVa, as long these White privileged hick landlords believed that a China man such as I should be flattered that a White male is interested in me, when I shown I am not flattered nor interested, hostility ensured and I had to move or evicted. There were plenty of Tom, Dick and Harry breeder multi-millionaires in the Silicon Valley where I met the likes of Steve Jobs and Google guys were having lunch in the next table, and would've been a billionaire if I am a White male; but as a woman, we are systematically targeted, ousted and make into public enemy #1 just as I was in the USPTO. Why do you think all these 3rd world sweatshop factory workers (=White trash) hated me so much?
For those who know what a triple threat is, even the Silicon Valley full of geniuses hated triple threats such as Ellen Pao who has an EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard, those who don't would repeat what the 3rd worlders from Asia told them "if she is so smart, why can't she get a job?", while these 3rd worlders from Asia deliberately went around defaming me to ensure I can't secure any job, and treated as public enemy #1 everywhere I went and shopped, including places where I volunteered in NoVa such as the Fairfax County court, Computer CORE, Bikes for the world, Phoenix Bikes, etc. Nathen Hillery even elbowed my chest/breast on his way home with Bill, Hung Havan and Michele Choi also elbowed my chest/breast on my last few days with the USPTO. All I wanted to say is that I don't have time nor the patient to play your breeder's game, stay away from me. People with "implicit bias" wanted to terminate me using any pretext and did in a haste of 2 days before others had the time to find the truth. Their relationship can be verified by their email backup since 2009 (they most likely deleted those emails now, but the USPTO should backup their email server each day and stored them for decades if not forever), and people near Bill's office since 2009-2010. I worked 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log, eDan and accomplishments]
Why are these 2 3rd world women from Asia so happy that someone had degraded me? Are their lives really that miserable? Why are these self-defined ankle-biters make an aspired Transhumanist a public enemy #1, who is a complete stranger to them? How miserable would they be if people praised me, or would they jump off the building if I am one of the Silicon Valley billionaires? Similarly, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women bad-mouthing me relentlessly in the USPTO, when something bad happened to me, they were very happy. I heard there was a party after my termination. Similarly in the Silicon Valley that instigated by Chinese from Taiwan, then China, followed by Vietnamese and Indian. Which reminded me, that Saturday after 911, in Central Park of Fremont - near San Francisco, there was a sudden surge of Chinese from Asia as if they were celebrating Chinese New Year. I rarely see a Chinese in that Park prior to that Saturday as I've been going there for months to rollerblade. They came after 911 because I am their effigy of Americans. They wanted to see me in pain because they all knew I was from NYC. Days later, one of my 3rd world coworker from Asia - Don Nguyen came to beat me up because they were fired after I reported their sexual harassment, which all levels of management had seen it for over a year. I out ran him on my rollerblades. But he did damaged my car. I moved soon after, then an Asian gang was waiting for me in a Walmart parking lot next to my car. I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley, and couldn't secure any job despite my outstanding accomplishments since. This is why I called the Silicon Valley a glorified Foxconn - a sweatshop factory. Finally a job with the USPTO in 2010, then Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women relentlessly targeted me using fake news the first month, and terminated despite all my accomplishments in 8 months. I posted this in social media since 2004, also warned the stealing trade secrets. Only now the Silicon Valley kind of addressing the sexual harassment. What do I think? Like the Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese from 3rd world Asia crowding out each other and Asian Americans in the Silicon Valley, that begun with women engineers such as I because we are easy targets, and only hired their own countrymen; Tuan Nguyen and his SouthEast Asians are crowding out other Asians here in NoVa/DC metro, especially Asian-Americans and/or Chinese as if they are still in their 3rd world practicing racism, sexism, bigotry and hatred
On the Thursday of June 2017, a bunch of privileged white males, who I had never met or seen in my life, between the age of 20s to 30s, were laughing when they saw me in Crystal City Farmer's market. One said "we wouldn't fired you if we knew you are smart", then " rigged....." and couldn't stop laughing. (I had an apodictic first patent case that was known to most SPE trainers and the then Undersecretary Mr. David Kappos that was announced by the Training Class manager Andrea Wellington while my some of classmates and Training classmates present in the hallway. I explained every patent case to the then SPE Trainer Paul Rodriguez in front of the whole Training Class just as I had when I was an EE adjunct in college. Director Wendy Garber on email below indicated she was aware I was "smart"; yet I was setup to be terminated and did in a haste of 2 days; while 3 male classmates were promoted as soon as we got out of the Training Academy in March, 2011). So these were the USPTO management with "implicit bias" toward women in tech and/or seeing an Asian-American as a China man, and terminated me in a haste of 2 days, because it was funny to them to fired the first woman to have an apodictic first patent case in the history of the USPTO; just like in the Silicon Valley where males from 3rd worlds, mostly perverts and child molesters; and White privileged redneck misogynist hicks/White trash, have this hidden hatreds toward women, especially when we refused to date them. I was ready for this group of white males to attack me, as they had shown they are haters.
Women engineers are not human to these males in the USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech, that incited hates by 3rd worlders from Asia, and acted on by White privileged redneck hicks, just like Trump voters. There were so many incidents where these White privileged redneck hicks continue to act on fake news after the wrongful termination, aside from promulgating fake news against me, such as one saw me coming, and started doing push-ups on the grass in a park, or downward facing dog yoga post by some old white guy in his 50s-70s, all in front of their USPTO's coworkers, etc; just like the gunman from Pizzagate. This is why it is not safe for me to go anywhere in Arlington/Alexandria/NoVa/DC metro. Like the gunman acted on the fake news in Pizzagate, the USPTO management had already acted on what they heard without facts, rigged the judicial system against me, I am now in Appeal, 2 failed beheadings to silenced me and to make the case go away. This is why I was so afraid Trump might win the Presidency and went canvassing for Hillary despite suffering from PTSD. Such insidious defamation/fake news also promulgated to all the jobs I applied soon after my wrongful termination, including places I volunteered such as the Fairfax County court where I was well-liked until Asians started bad mouthing me, even after I told the woman manager women are being discriminated and gave her my blogs; and most likely the Eastern District Court of Alexandria where I filed my Civil Case. One company interested in hired me as a consultant for Patent Class 703 told me I was on USPTO's "do not hired back" list and Director Wendy Garber did not want me on site. After I filed my EEOC, my Unemployment Insurance was cut abruptly, the doing of the USPTO. If I am able to secure a job, I would be fired soon just as the USPTO did, or in the Silicon Valley/Tech Industry, regardless of accomplishments or as a pioneer, because of the 3rd worlders from Asia, who I had ever met in my life, that targeted me just like this UMD Chinese student as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, and every where I went since, including in the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro.
In short, these 3rd worlders anti-west from Asia sociopaths, perverts and child molesters not only had control of the Silicon Valley/ Tech industry, but also the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro by making me a target in the same manner as this UMD Chinese student everywhere I went, since I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, using social media such as, using insidious defamation such as "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" (whenever you heard this, ask WHY? Who are these "no one", are they racist, sexist, haters?), that repeated by Nguyen and his countrymen/women the first month I started my job with the USPTO, just like Pizzagate. Every time when CEOs or VPs praised my accomplishments, the attacks worsen and more people joined the attacks, including those that had befriended me; that's why I kept a low key. This is common knowledge amount high achievers. The more losers or 3rd worlders, usually it only takes one to instigate the attack, the worst such attacks gets. Of course, if you are not one, then you wouldn't know this. In the USPTO, the undersecretary Mr. David Kappos when Class Manager Andrea Wellington told him I had an airtight first patent case in the Training Academy hallway, to which Mr. Kappos then replied "Good, how do find more people like her", while Tuan Nguyen and a few other classmates as well other academy classmates present. Most SPE Trainers knew I had an airtight first patent case. All these classmates knew I was being terminated before I did, a public lynching for woman excelled in the job.
I am still perplexed as to how do they know me because I worked nearly 24/7, kept a low key and not be seen in the USPTO, and didn't know anyone in the DC metro. It also said there were a large number of USPTO management, mainly males, were involved in my termination. There were a large number of people knew I was being terminated before I did, such as my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his coterie such as Susanne Lo, my training class classmates, and a guy I didn't know gave me a body fcuk-you of thrust his hip toward me that Monday (days before I was told), Susanne Lo also said "bye" to me with a smirk after I spoke to Kamini Shah (she knew too), when often Lo ignored me when I greeted her. It was a public lynching for the first woman to have an apodictic first patent case in the history by the USPTO. I thought by NOT working in the Silicon Valley (aka The Lord of the Flies, the evil empire that suppressed women, etc) where people from Asia are the majority that make the Silicon Valley a glorified Foxconn sweatshop factory, I would at least be able to work with humans; but instead the same bunch of white privileged redneck hicks, has "implicit bias" toward women and terminated women that excelled in TC2100 for entrainment or as a sick cruel joke as if the USPTO is a frat house (Since their parents didn't teach them right from wrong, maybe they should be send to N Korea to learn what is like to be discriminated. Most of the H1Bs with a college degree from Asia came from 3rd worlds such that of N Korea and were the government enforcers, that's why there is no humanity in them), just like the Silicon Valley that wanted me to know this is still a man's world.
For an Asian American to grew up in the 1980s (Vincent Chin), we had even less chance of making it then the African American. Today, 3rd worlders, especially those from Asia are relentlessly attacking Americanized Asian women, especially when we excelled jobs. The judicial system is still a travesty of justice just like N Korea as evidenced by ruled against my case from the EEOC to the Federal Court despite overwhelming evident. My father brought life insurance for me and my siblings when we were in elementary school to pay for the funerals because that's how dire our futures were; consider what has been happening to me, my father will be using the life insurance because 3rd worlders from Asia don't like educated and independent women with American ideology (Americanized), and continue to ensure women remain as a 2nd class citizen in America just as in Asia. I had to work 3 jobs every summer since H.S. to put myself through school, while Hispanic/Latino (mainly Puerto Ricans, also some of my childhood friends were PR) did everything they could to get me fired; but no where as vicious as the people from Asia, who are the most racist, misogynistic and rudest people I had ever encountered, not just ensured I can't secure any job, but make into public enemy #1 to make me suffered to the point where I have to kill myself. This is coming from someone grew up in NYC at the bottom of the food-chain as an Asian female, where people from all over the world live and work.
My H.S. job experiences was one of the reasons why I pursued science (I didn't have a competitive edge in getting an MBA or Law with other predominately Caucasian students b/c I was never taught to write in elementary school. My teacher read newspapers most of the time and told people I was "slow". I taught myself to write), to avoid working in low skill jobs with low barrier of entry level. My father instead vehemently against me pursuing higher education, especially when I was pursuing a Master's and PhD in EE or Applied Physics because Asian culture doesn't believed women should be educated, and told me no man will wanted to marry an educated women. I chose education. In college, at least 2 of my EE Professors told me women are not wired to understand technology. I got the 2nd highest grade in one of the Professor's Thermodynamic final exam, the highest grade was a Russian. A visiting "scholar" from IBM didn't know much, taught a material science class whom I traded barbs a few time in class on the topic of GaAs which he didn't know much about and gave false information to the class, but a research topic for one of my colleagues. He threatened to give me a F unless I visited him in his office. I was thinking "sure, you think I was born yesterday? I am a NYer, you want sex and will threatened to fail me". Someone told the visiting "scholar" who my mentor was. He back away. A suicide Physics Professor said that he was in loved with me. I survived all these got my Master's in EE, but like Islamic extremists shot Malala Yousafzai in the head meant to kill her for advocating education for girls, there were 2 failed beheadings on me for being a woman excelled in tech jobs over the males; by 3rd worlders, mainly from Asia, the snake oil millionaires and billionaires of the Silicon Valley/Tech, and White privileged redneck hicks of USPTO. These white privileged redneck hicks could killed me just for fun. They are also suspects for the 2 failed beheadings to silenced me and make this case to go away. Justice will be served one way or another, for generations to come, as with all involved. The sad part is, most of the USPTO management probably didn't even know what a nanobot or computer virus is.
(Russian students kept a distance from us. Amount 20+ of my college buddies, 3 were PR, many were Europeans and Eastern Europeans EE/Physics PhD students. We kept in touch via a Unix messaging app in the 1980s. There was this Mid-Eastern guy name Jihad wanted to be a Nuclear physicist with our research group. We didn't know what Jihad means back then; heck, like most Americans, I couldn't find Mid-East on the map back then. Needless to say, my mentor asked him to do Quantum Tunneling after someone told him what jihad means (Jihad asked me if I know the meaning of his name), gave him a PhD within 2 years and sent him home. Common practice for my mentor was that we had to do 5+ years of research, 10 published papers in acclaimed publications and passed the dissertation before he gives us a PhD. There were also 2 students from China soon after Tiananmen Square massacre joined the Physics dept. One was a student protestor, and the other was a Chinese government spy following the student protestor. The Chinese spy had caused lots of griefs for us. He used our office phone to call China and told the school administrator we did. There were very few phones in China in the 1980s, only in government offices, just like N Korea today. We Americans didn't know that because phones were so common amount us. Our textbooks and valuables were missing since he moved into our office. We stopped staying in our shared office or go anywhere near the office, and were no longer shared jokes and talks about the latest news on Physics and innovations or potlucks like we used to. I am sure there were a lot of Chinese spies came after the student protestors. I expected to make lots of friends in the Silicon Valley as I had in college because we were pure geeks that loved tech and innovation, but 3rd worlder sweatshop factory workers from Asia, mainly the Chinese (from Taiwan, originally from mainland China and equally vicious if not more so, not native Taiwanese), then followed by Chinese from China, Vietnamese and Indians, targeted me, an aspired Transhumanist, as soon as I arrived in the SV in the 1990s, just like the Chinese spy, in the same manner as Tuan Nguyen (Vietnamese/Cambodia/Laos) and his countrymen/women targeted me the first month I started my job with the USPTO. Here in Arlington/Alexandria/NoVa, 3rd worlders from all over the world also partake in acting on the fake news that instigated in the USPTO, followed by the security and the Intelligent agencies. Like in the Silicon Valley, if any management and I were friendly, such as Paul Rodriguez in the Training Academy, Tuan Nguyen would have accused Paul and I having an affair to incite hate toward both of us. Any time when I see any one of these 3rd worlders from Asia, I treated the place like we are in the McCarthyism era as I had in the USPTO. These 3rd worlders from Asia created a hostile working environment and a cesspool where ever they go. Today, the Silicon Valley is just a glorified Foxconn - a 3rd world sweatshop factory, where the majority are 3rd worlder sweatshop factory workers from Asia if including illegals. Did I mention that I've warning the stealing of trade secrets since 2004? From how the UMD Chinese student being attacked relentlessly for speaking favorably toward America, there is a well-organized and well-planned way to keep the Chinese students in-check).
I am afraid of these people from Asia since college and the Silicon Valley. They are sociopaths just like Charles Manson, perverts and most are pedophiles. If you know what is good for you, you would too. But instead, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO/NoVa/DC metro took these 3rd worlders' word at face value, and helped them to ruin an aspired transhumanist's life. Why? Because Silicon Valley males are mostly snake oil salesmen. They are the evil empire in Star Wars.
In comparison to 3rd worlders from Asia, where certain countries similar to N Korea, such as China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao, etc, often only the government officials were allowed to go to college, and their kids are call Princings. This is why they are so well verse in propaganda that use to targeted me. When I voiced how they've targeted me, they told Americans "she is a racist", etc. Remember, they attacked me, not I attacked them, I didn't even know them. I also said they are child molesters, why aren't they fired and jailed? This is how well they controlled the Silicon Valley/tech industry and the USPTO. Other 3rd world Asian countries such as India, Singapore, etc, often the rich and connected to the governement could afford to go to college. None of these 3rd worlders have ever work a day in their prior to graduation from college, and often a house full of servants.
By now, after 6 years, I hoped the USPTO realized everything said about me are the antithesis of the truth (she doesn't know anything; no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc), by foreign operatives that had never seen a white person or outside of their little 3rd world, often couldn't tell a toaster from a computer; because that's how stupid they think the Americans are, and to show they are smarter and superior then the Whites; why N Korea building a nuclear bomb aiming at America. They targeted me as soon as they saw me because they perceived me as an Americanized woman, a traitor; just like the KKK targeted an African-American. They are the Asian version of the KKK (mainly the Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian) grew up in N Korea like anti-West environment and now the majority and complete control of the Silicon Valley/tech. Similarly, closet White supremacists and misogynist ("implicit bias") see me, an Asian and a woman (quadruple whammy: Asians, particularly 3rd worlders from Asia see me as (1) Americanized and a (2) woman; Americans see me as an (3) Asian minority getting uppity. Both hated me because I am a (4) woman breaking the statue quo of excelled in the job) as getting uppity. Unlike the Asian version of the KKK grew up in an anti-West society, Americans grew up in a society preaching diversity, yet we still have this "implicit bias". This is why I knew Trump had a chance to win and went canvassing for Hillary despite suffering from PTSD. Trump won. This is in compliance to Physics law of equal and opposite forces: the brazen or antics of some recent immigrants gave rise or excuse for resentment of immigrants. Both sides of the KKK targeted me, and so despite my outstanding accomplishments, I am at the verge of going homeless. I not only going to advocate for equal rights and opportunity for women, and now advocate Trump to deport H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia, and make their lives a living hell as they've been doing to me as public enemy #1 since the 1990s, as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley.
These fake news instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women who are sociopaths, perverts, most likely child molesters, most are fresh-off-the-boat that can barely read or speak English; most likely illegal immigrants using falsified paper, and if they indeed have a college degree, they are a foreign government officials because common folks are not allowed or can't afford to go to college in their homeland. These people from Asia did the same to women such as Ellen Pao, Susan Fowler and me in the Silicon Valley. People from ASia have been the majority in the Silicon Valley for years, most were illegal immigrants using falsified paper that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer and we were forced to train them; there are fewer and fewer women in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry because women are systematically targeted and ousted, just as they did to me in the Silicon Valley, the Tech industry and now the USPTO. I am the carney in the coalmine. Those are still in it are coerced to have sex or threaten with termination and make into public enemy #1, or being sexually harassed and abused every time when we walked out of our office, just as I was in the Silicon Valley and the USPTO. This is what the Silicon Valley, Tech industry and now the USPTO turned into, a 3rd world sweatshop factory such that of Foxconn.
If the Vietnam war is fought today, Americans will lose it again, and many Americans will died at these Americans' hand.
3rd worlders from Asia had started this vicious cycle of attacking Asians, which they and their kids will be the target.
I just want to make it clear that people need to make the distinction between Asian-Americans grew-up in America and those from Asia (anti-West).
Like the Silicon Valley/Tech, the USPTO chose these sociopaths, perverts at best, most of them are child molesters from Asia, over an aspired transhumanist. These 3rd world sweatshop factory workers don't care if a male is a pervert or a child molester, but attacked a woman for being educated, independent and pursuing a higher purpose as oppose to being a housewife (aka Americanized). You can take a 3rd worlder out of a 3rd world, but you can't take a 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder. Do you think your kids or women are safe with sociopaths, perverts and child molesters from Asia; or you, consider they were psychologically abused Susanne's boyfriend Bill until he died from a heart attack, so they could take his job?
The USPTO and the Silicon Valley also called me a disgruntled employee, that's like calling James Comey and Preet Bharara, who I respected for their work ethic, disgruntled employees; because not just I voiced how women have been systematically targeted and ousted, and so were Americans that the H1Bs from Asia couldn't compete, and only hired their own people; hence they are now the majority in the Silicon Valley if including illegals; also I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004 (something is rotten...). What do you expect when you put anti-American sweatshop factory workers from 3rd worlds, to compete with American scientists, engineers and programmers? They are inciting HATEs in our society, that resulted in 2 failed beheadings on me, just as the Islamic extremists incited terrorism; but instead, the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO chose sweatshop factory workers over American scientists, engineers and programmers because we are women; then talking head keep saying they can't find qualified American candidates, and need more cheap labor indenture servants from Asia.
The likes of Hung Havan (my ex-officemate) called me paranoia, nut-job, narcissistic, etc. Now mind you, I had never talked about Schrödinger's cat, Quantum Entanglement, or Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle (Quantum Mechanics 101, anyone got her/his MEEE in a US college should know this) with him, otherwise I would've been lock-up by now being a woman and all, with all these crazy talks. I wouldn't dare to talk about such in the Silicon Valley full of people from 3rd worlds, mostly from Asia and coders/programmers that had no idea what Quantum Mechanics is, combine with "implicit bias" toward women in tech; they might even try to cut my head off.....oh wait, they already did, twice! Or at least disparaged me by saying "I don't know what she is talking about", which those with "implicit bias" toward Asian assumed I don't speak English, even if is by a fresh-off-the-boat said this; but I digress. Nevertheless, the EEOC counselor took Havan's words at face value. Hung Havan and Michele Choi set me up to record using her USPTO smartphone from certain angle such that look's like I was checking out Havan, when Havan showed me his son's pic placed on the table top and Havan stood on the other end of the table. I noticed this because they had tried for 3 times, which got me suspicious. I am sure this was not the only time they did this. Both had used the video to ruin my reputation, incited sexual harassments, abuses, rape, physical harms, and was instrumental in my termination; and now murder.
Hung Havan had defamed and incited hates toward me with his coterie Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her friends from India, in an office near Dwin Craig (my Primary), which Craig often stood outside and listened in, and Jason Procter (my Primary) all took Hung Havan's insidious defamation/fake news and acted on what they heard. How do all these people had so much free time when I had to work 24/7? (I bet it has a lot to do with Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill, whom also helped them from termination, promoted Lo's friends from India. He had never help me, misled people into thinking I am Susanne Lo he was dating long before I joined USPTO, and spent hours in each other's office in closed doors. I was terminated and still don't know his last name). Hung Havan should be jailed with the rapist and murders as the main suspect for 2 failed beheadings meant to kill me, and incited rapes toward me; also for defamation, lying and misleading USPTO management that was instrumental in my termination where management had "implicit bias" toward women in tech acted on what they heard. Nathan Hillery, a close associate of Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill, wanted his job and Hung Havan was supposed to help him; most likely Havan put that idea in Hillery. They and Michele Choi were to psychologically abused (psychopath such that of Charles Manson) and played Lo's boyfriend Bill until he has a heart attack and died (all these were in my EEOC Complaint in ~50 pages. Similarly, the people from Asia have been doing the same to me by making me a public enemy #1, in a well-planned and well-organized way, just as in this UMD student as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, and every where I went since such as here in the NoVa/DC metro where Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women incited hates against me the first month in the USPTO in 2010, that I would have to kill myself). Nathan Hillery and Michele Choi are 2 other main suspects. Additionally, all 3 had elbowed my chest/breast.
If Hung Haven, Nathan Hillery or Michele Choi weren't so closed to this Bill, they wouldn't be able to do anything to him. Similarly, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women incited classmates to sexually harass, abuse, hate, termination and make me into public enemy #1; followed by Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery and Michele Choi, that now not only I was terminated, but also make into public enemy #1, that I would have to kill myself or someone was incited to kill me just as Pizzagate. Like Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria in Pizzagate, I was sexually harassed, abused, under physical harms and rape threats everywhere I went, that now manifested in 2 failed beheadings. Havan probably has child porn in his computer, like most males from Asia that surf porn in groups openly in the Silicon Valley. Males from Asia also followed us - women, into the bathroom when we were inside a stall, and other unspeakable sexual harassment acts; similar to Michele Choi and Hung Havan using their smartphone to record in an angle that appeared to be performing a sex act, photoshopped a naked picture, etc, etc, etc. All these were done behind my back, how safe are you? People like these should be ban from a workplace, and yet the Silicon Valley, now the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro are full of people such as Havan, Choi, Nguyen and his countrymen/women used every mean to denigrate women in such way as if the woman is performing a sex act on a man in the work place, and this can be you.
Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, incited hates by instigated insidious defamations against me (no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc, same defamation as in the Silicon Valley and everywhere I went) the first month we started the job with the USPTO in the Training Academy in Nov. 2010, that promulgated through out the USPTO and now Arlington/NoVa/DC metro. They also had lots of free time to spend on the smear campaign against me, while I had to work 24/7. Like their countrymen/women in the Silicon Valley used the same insidious defamation (no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc) to oust me in a well-planned and well-organized way; they can barely read or speak English, couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, some were trained by me, yet they are gainfully employed, and their countrymen/women in the Silicon Valley are millionaires and in top level management, while with all my outstanding accomplishments, I am at the verge of going homeless. Obviously these people only served their own self interests, and not the company's, and why companies dominated by people from Asia such as Cisco has gone the way of India. If people from 3rd world Asia have a college degree, then they are foreign government officials or family, evidenced by highly trained in using propaganda/defamation, because common folks were not allowed or can't afford to go to college in most 3rd world Asian countries, very much similar to N. Korea. Otherwise they are illegal immigrants using falsified paper. I like to see these criminals deported back to their 3rd world Asia. They gave us Asian-Americans a bad name. What they are doing to me will be done back to their children now they started this malicious cycle of attacking Asian, as they have been doing to me.
For those that acted on the insidious defamation and partook in the process of terminated me, and now saying they can't believed how evil Hung Havan and his coterie, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, well, you terminated me in a haste of 2 days because you believed I am that evil, so why such "implicit bias" toward me? Obviously because I am a woman, aka "witch hunt" and burned me alive, still, in the 21st century in the USPTO, no less!
Similarly, I was targeted using propaganda/insidious defamation/fake news by people from Asia similar to North Korea, who I had never met in my life, as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s in the same manner as this UMD Chinese student, for being an Americanized Asian woman, another word, for being an American in America. I worked nearly 24/7 with outstanding accomplishments. As the resulted, I was sexually harassed on a daily basis, abuse, and ousted, far worse then the USPTO. I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats by an Asian coworker and an Asian gang. These people from Asia discriminated against Asian-American women just as Vincent Chin's murders had, and the Silicon Valley/Tech are protecting and defending these bigots and sexist as one of their own. Since I refused to leave Arlington/NoVa/DC metro, not only the people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen had make me into public enemy #1, but 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me by the listed USPTO suspects. Insidious defamation/fake news followed everywhere I went in US since, where ever there is a person from Asia, particularly tech companies, and now the USPTO/Arlington/NoVa/DC metro. There are fewer women in the Silicon Valley, and people from Asia are in top level management and are the majority if including illegal immigrants. This is how much the people from Asia had control of not just the Silicon Valley - the high tech capital of the world, but America in general, and now the DC metro where the center of world power located. People from Asia used Americans like cheap tools to do their dirty deeds, and are the one being demoted or fired if they acted on the people from Asia said. These people from Asia in the Silicon Valley are now in top level management and are multi-millionaires, and those Americans' careers were ruined, while I am at verge of homeless.
I also wanted to show how pervasive "implicit bias" toward women in the technical field, not just by tech companies, but society in general, including our judicial system; and worsen by people from 3rd world culture, especially those from Asia that now had control of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/NoVa/DC metro/USPTO, evidenced by fewer women in Tech, while women such as Ellen Pao (EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard), me (I was often the only woman engineer in the whole dept of 100+ male engineers where 90+% were from Asia, and was sexually harassed on a daily basis. What do you suppose this would do to a person's psyche? Then the same happened again in the USPTO, instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the first month) and Susan Frowler are coerced to have sex, threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 using propaganda/insidious defamation/fake news promulgated by their countrymen/women from Asia in America to ensure women remain as a 2nd class just as women are in their homeland. The Silicon Valley, aka a glorified Foxconn, has been dominated by coders - glorified "How To" manual writers for computers using a computer language, that assumed "implicit bias" toward women in STEM, of women are not wired to understand tech, even though they couldn't wrap their head around my projects - Emulation, nor could they understand real science such as Quantum Mechanics. Also like Trump, they think they are smarter because they are rich; and women are sex objects, just like all breeders. Do you want your daughters, sisters, wife, and young girls to coerce to have sex by males from Asia in order to keep her job or reputation? Additionally, the systematically targeting and ousting of Americans by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia they can't competed for American jobs, hence the top level management in the Silicon Valley are full of males from Asia, the stealing of trade secrets, that now every American institution is hacked; which I warned since 2004.
Like Trump gave voice to the sexist and Alt-Right that voted for him where many were women, and had led to violence toward Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics and reporters; people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women of the USPTO had gave voice to people with "implicit bias" toward women to keep women down, worsen by 3rd worlders from all over the world in the DC metro as if they are still in their 3rd world homeland. What will this do to young women if they think people won't liked them or wanted them and fired them if they are smart, especially young girls like your daughters; or coerced to have sex in order to keep their by males from 3rd world Asia that's been happening in the Silicon Valley, as I warned since 2004? This is what I am most concerned about (please talk to your daughters and sons, because it is really that widespread before the 1st attempt beheading on me in June 2013, because of social medias. The school culture had changed since you were in K12. They are taught or incited to hate by other kids; just as Tuan Nguyen incited hate toward me because I am an Americanized Asian woman that excelled in the job over the males. Their kids will be like Hung Havan and Michele Choi grew up in America, but still full of hates), that these people from Asia had already keep women that excelled in tech jobs down and out of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, and now the USPTO. After young women overcome all the obstacles and got their Master's and PhD in STEM; when they got their job in the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO, these young women are coerced to have sex, threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 by 3rd world males, especially those from Asia such as they did to Ellen Pao, Susan Frowler, me and 2 failed beheadings on me here in Arlington VA. Americans are now Manchurian candidates brain-washed by sophistries to keep women down. You took essentially N. Korean like Asian sweatshop factory workers' words at face value and helped ruined the life of an aspired transhumanist (me); in term, helped keep your daughters and future generation of women down.
They are so brazen because the people from Asia have been doing this since the 1990s when I just arrived in the Silicon Valley, and gotten away with it that, and now had full control of the Silicon Valley and are millionaires and billionaires; while I trained them when most couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, and I am at the verge of homeless; just like Trump that said grabbed women's p*#@sy, shoot someone on 5th Ave, and all the rhetoric, now rewarded by elected to be the President of United States, and been a billionaire by behaving badly. They obviously have nothing to worry about because males from Asia such as Hung Havan used Dwin Craig, Jason Procter and Wendy Garber, then Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women used the USPTO like cheap tools, got me terminated, while Hung Havan, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women continue to gainfully employed and promoted. I want to see these people from Asia exposed and make into public enemy#1 as they've been doing to me since the 1990s. This is why China has such strict laws with very limited Rights.
A litmus test of "implicit bias": if I am a White male, would I have terminated in a haste of 2 days with all my accomplishments and Director Wendy Garber even said "she is smart"? An unequivocal hell NO! I would've promoted just like my 3 other male classmates. Anyone who believed there is no discrimination is "implicit bias", because any time when I walked out of my resident in Arlington, VA, I experienced "implicit bias". A good day for me is when I didn't experience "implicit bias". Even the judicial system is bias against women in tech such as me despite overwhelming evident, Ellen Pao, and many more women in tech. Same happened in the Silicon Valley (aka glorified Foxconn, the Lord of the Flies ie Uber, fret house, evil empire, snake oil salesmen, etc) and the Tech industry, where if I am a White male, I would've been a billionaire. I would've been crazier then Elon Musk. This is why most people can't fathom this could happen because people look at this through their own lenses, and most are White males or from a privileged background. On the other hand, these 3rd world sweatshop factory workers from Asia shown their anti-West and HATE by targeted me as soon as they saw me and by instigated insidious defamation/propaganda against me, who they had never met in their lives; with the understanding that only the rich and well-connected to the government were allowed to go to college in these 3rd world such as India or N Korea like Asian countries. That's why they are so well-verse in using propaganda to control the USPTO/Arlington/NoVa/DC metro/Silicon Valley/Tech, just like N Korea or most of the communist Asian countries. Your actions tell me who you are, where you came from and what you know.
If the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) wasn't so busy rigging the system against me, when I filed an EEOC case in 2011, as the case was meant to alert ("see something, say something" as promulgated by the NYPD after 911) the USPTO top level management how people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women are organized in a well-planned way ousting Americans they can't compete in the Silicon Valley (now just a glorified Foxconn; a woman such I can not survive amount these 3rd world factory workers) and the Tech industry (hence the 2 of the world most powerful software companies CEO - Google and Microsoft, are males from Asia, and people from Asia are now the majority in the Silicon Valley if illegal immigrants are included), and now the USPTO such as the Patent Class 715, using tactics such as Trolling, Witch hunt, Fake News, Pizzagate, Gamersgate, a WaPo journalist, bither, etc; on targets such as Ellen Pao (has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard), me, and most women in the Silicon Valley; that a large number of people loosely associated (in my case, people from Asia with H1Bs and illegal immigrants using falsified papers, as the core) to target a person, often they had never met the target or each other in their lives, using Fake News/defamation/propaganda (in my case: no one wanted her; no one liked her; slut, prostitute, needed a man; doesn't know anything; etc, meant to denigrate me, make me into public enemy #1, and incite sexual harassment, abuses, fired, rape and physical harms on me - an Americanized Asian woman, a traitor in their view, that excelled in jobs over the males from Asia; low lives at best) with the intention to ruin my life, and succeed with the helps of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO/NoVa/DC metro and Arlington, VA. Again, I accept the job in the DC Metro and am still here in the Pentagon area is mainly to let the Intelligent Communities to see for themselves with their own eyes, how pervasive and brazen the influence by people from Asia is, that now had full control of the Silicon Valley since 2002, why every US institution been hacked. I am not even safe in places where I volunteered such as the Fairfax County Court; and may also been influencing the Alexandria District Court where I submitted my Federal Case against the USPTO and dismissed with overwhelming evident. How many government institutions are under the influence of people from Asia?
These are the same tactics used against Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidency election, mainly by Russia and Alt-Right (aka KKK) in favorite of Trump, and Hillary lost despite she is the most qualified. Yet people trusted Trump over Hillary considered everything Trump had said and done, because Hillary is a woman; just as males in the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO trusted fresh-off-the-boat males from Asia that couldn't tell a toaster from computer where many were illegal immigrants using falsified papers escaping punishments from their homeland, despite I was an Applied Physics researcher, an EE adjunct and grew-up in NYC. You see why I had to canvass for Hillary despite suffering from PTSD? Obama is a male, despite he is an African-American. The worst part, women that "make-it" didn't think there is discrimination against women, and that women such as I are just simply didn't have any skills.
Eventually, someone will tried to do harm to the target as in all above cases; and in my case, 2 failed beheadings on me here in Arlington, VA. The main suspects are USPTO employees Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, Hung Havan and his coteries Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and Indian friends, Paul Rodriguez and Wendy Garber, that had shown vicious intentions toward me.
You see why so many suicides in Foxconn. These same 3rd world sweatshop workers practiced the same tactics and using social media came after me with the same vicious intentions that I would kill myself, helped by the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO/NoVa/Arlington/DC metro.
You can take a 3rd worlder out of the 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder.
I will be campaigning and advocating to deport these anti-American from Asia, especially H1Bs from Asia. They are given us Asian-Americans a bad name.
Why are Americans so easily control by fake news or sophistries used by the Russians, and people from India, China, or Vietnam who are now the majority in the Silicon Valley if including illegal immigrants from Asia? Most from Asia had just arrived in the US not long ago, often illegally over-stayed their visa, then using falsified paper to work. Many are criminals escaping punishment, as evidenced by attacking me who they had never met in their lives. You don't go around bad-mouthing someone you saw on the street!!! Whatever they say about me, please put in the context of I moved from NYC to the DC metro 2 days prior to starting the USPTO job, worked nearly 24/7 evidenced by my computer log (computer doesn't lie) and outstanding accomplishments, was an EE adjunct an Applied physics researcher aspired to be a Transhumanist and a pioneer in emulation; and deliberately kept a low key; so no one should even know I was alive other then the nearby coworkers and classmates. As a resident of Arlington, VA, I rarely leave my resident due to fake news against me instigated in the USPTO that make me into public enemy #1 that resulted in 2 failed beheadings, and the suffering of PTSD.
You should realized that people from Asia is not going to tell you the real reason for such relentless attacks on me is because I am an Americanized Asian woman, an anti-American sentiment. That's why they attacked me as soon as they saw me, who I had never met in my life. And, if you believed they told you the reason for a well-organized, well-planned and relentless attacks everywhere I went in the US, instigated as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s where I was one of the few Asian-Americans in the midst of H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia, is "she is a genius", shouldn't you take what I said seriously, especially everything I warned since 2004 became true?
Since 2004, I warned the stealing of trade secrets, now every American institution, including gov't entities are hacked. Similarly, I've been posting that people from Asia are systematically ousting Americans they can't compete such as I, and only hired their own people, and now 2 of the world biggest software companies Google and Microsoft are males from Asia, and people from Asia are a majority in the Silicon Valley - the High Tech capital of the world. Since I don't know anyone here in the DC metro - the center of the world power and the White House that is under the full control of the people from Asia, evidenced by I am treated as public enemy #1, anyone promulgating fakes news against me are out of malicious intention to keep women down.
The question is, how safe are you from people from Asia working and living next to you, consider what they did me, who I had never met in my life?
Like the Hispanic/Latino community plagued by criminals that got here illegally, or Muslim community plagued by Islamic terrorists, Asian communities are now plagued by criminals that got here illegally.
3rd worlders from Asia, male and female alike, young and old, mostly current and past H1bs and illegal immigrants escaping from criminal punishment in their homeland; that promulgated fake news/propaganda to demonize me are racist, sexist, bigot, haters, child molesters, perverts and sociopaths. They not only sexually harassed and abused women, but also spread fake news/propaganda against Americans they can't compete for jobs, and only hired their own countrymen/women in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry (Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, Google, etc), as evidenced in USPTO's patent class 715; that's why 3rd worlders from Asia are a majority, and while I am one of the few people in the world, or the only person could do job, yet I am at the verge of homeless. Please help spread this out so people aware of who they are dealing with. This begun with Chinese from Taiwan H1Bs male engineers under 40 years old, and illegal immigrant 3rd world sweatshop factory workers, mostly 30+ years old women working in Trident Microsystems between 1997-1998 instigated the fake news behind my back while I worked nearly 24/7 (only 2 white guys, and I was the only woman hardware engineer in over 100+ engineers. It has been over 20 years that H1Bs from 3rd world Asia demonized me to ensure I can't secure any job anywhere while being attacked as public enemy #1); just as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women did while I had to worked 24/7 on COPA cases. They were coworkers at the time who I had never met in my life, just as Tuan Nguyen that I had never met in my life instigated fake news against me with classmates in the USPTO's Training Academy, behind my back because no one told me(classmates knew my termination before I did), only realized when I was sexually harassed by Tuan Nguyen, Shawn Joseph, Reza Nabi and others; that spread to the Silicon Valley, the Tech industry, and everywhere I went since, from NYC to now the NoVa/DC metro; that instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the first we started the job in the USPTO's Training Academy. First the fake news/propaganda spread from classmates such Shawn Joseph to the Training Academy, where they spread to the USPTO employee, employees and Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women spread to their family, friends, relatives, neighbors, etc; and now the NoVa/DC metro. People with "implicit bias" and HATEs acted on or used the fake news to do harms. I was startled at the viciousness, hatreds and pervasiveness by these 3rd worlders from Asia in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, especially those from Taiwan, just like Americans after 911 by Islamic terrorists; they see me as their World Trade Center. This is why I've been against H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia. They should be deported back to their miserable 3rd world where they belong instead here attacking Americans for being an American in America. If you can't live like a civilized human being in America, and continue to practice your 3rd world antics such coercing women to have sex and oppression of women, you should be deported.
The rule of thumb is that anytime when a 3rd worlder disparaged a woman, especially a woman of substance, you should assumed the obvious that such person is just practicing his/her 3rd world culture in this 1st world out of malicious intent. Case study in the USPTO Training Academy where no one knows each other at the beginning, everybody likes everybody, and I make a few friends; then Tuan Nguyen whom I had never spoken to started spreading fake news/propaganda against me; Randy Schaffer whom I befriended turned against me, and Shawn Joseph spread fake news to classmates and other Training Classes, where they spread to the rest of the USPTO, and the employees, especially those from Asia spread to the rest of the NoVa/DC metro. Chinese from Taiwan targeted me in similar way when I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s; followed by 3rd worlders from Asia. If a White person did that, s/he would called a racist, sexist, bigot, hater or a White trash; why do we NOT hold other races to the same American standard and values? If they choose to live in America, they should uphold the same American standard, values and not discriminated against women or others differ from them; or live like salvages such those of Islamic extremists that had 2 failed beheadings on me. Like the Silicon Valley where sexual harassment and coerced young women to have sex has been an open secret, most of these 3rd worlders from Asia are sociopaths, perverts and child molesters; yet people came after me, who worked 24/7, had outstanding accomplishments and pioneers in some of the fields in the High Tech industry. You see why there is no place for a law abiding citizen such as I, a woman excelled in tech jobs in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry when the place is in full control by 3rd worlders for Asia; and now the USPTO. America doesn't need these 3rd worlders from Asia child molesters to force women to have sex with them, or threatened to terminate us and make us into public enemy #1. They should be deported.
7/26/2017, "she is too old for him", 2 Southeast Asian old women (Tuan Nguyen's countrywomen?) laugh out loud in such delight while saying it when they saw me. Again, I don't know anyone in the NoVa/DC metro other then worked in USPTO for 8 months, and didn't see daylight until termination while worked nearly 24/7 to meet the 3 COPA cases per biweek as threatened by Director Garber and SPE Rodriguez with termination. Who are these people? ["him" and the 2 Southeast Asian old women. I suspected this "him" is Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill (Trump lite), who habitually blamed others for his own fault. I don't know the guy, a coworker at best. It is like this guy saw a woman on TV and say she is too old for me. I don't think he understands how creepy this is. I was constantly inundated with this kinds of unwanted attention, especially in the Silicon Valley where millionaires think I would be impressed; sometimes in front of their girlfriends or wives to make their girlfriend/wife jealous. These women should lose these losers; you are not living in a dark age anymore, be your own master. What does it take to tell creeps such as Harvey Weinstein to fcuk-off? This Bill and Susanne Lo have been dating, and Bill may have divorced his 2nd wife to marry Lo long before I joined the USPTO on 11/2010, during and after I was terminated, and should've been married soon after my termination as Lo was consulting Hung Havan on buying a house with the helps of her boyfriend Bill just 2-3 weeks before my termination, {at which point, Havan told Lo that Bill and I was getting married, I thought Havan was just screwing with Lo because Hung Havan had been playing/psychologically abusing this Bill for months because the guy was so stupid; this was in my EEOC complaint}; and Bill was going to adopt Lo's little boy; which is all this Bill has to say to clarify the misunderstanding; but instead he said "she is too old for me" because he thought I was a teenager, also because Lo cited Bill was too old as the reason why she didn't want to marry Bill and fights ensued in Bill's office which can be heard from my office and all offices nearby, and often; as often as they spent hours in each other's office in close doors, or the Electrical room. Apparently, I was this Bill's punching-bag for perceived wrongs done to him by Lo (their relationship is like the movie Fatal Attraction) and his ex-wives, just as the 3rd worlders from Asia see me an effigy of Americans and unleashed their hatreds toward me, and I don't even know him or these 3rd worlders, a coworker at best. Lo's boyfriend Bill's family, who I had never met in my life, went around misleading people into thinking I am Susanne Lo and spreading fake news such as "no one wanted; no one liked her; etc" as well; the viciousness of that family that continue to want to ruin my life and have me killed. Without this Bill and Hung Havan's coterie, it would take Asian Operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women at least a year to incite enough people to terminated me; without his family, the USPTO probably realized they had make a mistake soon after I was wrongfully terminated; my 50 pages of the EEOC explained that this is well planned and organized by Asian Operatives that begun in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s in hoped the USPTO alerted the FBI out of abundant of precaution to investigate, the resulted should alerted the Intelligent Agencies and the general public of the influence of foreign Operatives, and cleared my name. Additionally, they are just cheap tools for Asian operatives such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, Hung Havan and Michele Choi, and will continue to be used as Manchurian Candidates. I also think they had something to do with my 8/17/2017 bike accident that resulted in a broken clavicle, 5 stitches on the head with blood all over the place, all my left torso bones were in pain and hurt when I moved; so I was bed-bound for days. I would've been dead if I didn't wear my helmet. This Bill and his family illustrated how people I had never in my life make me into a target. Like Tuan Nguyen and all other 3rd world perverts and pedophiles from Asia saying things to denigrate me in every possible ways, who I had never met in my life, and are the suspects for the 2 failed beheadings, along with Hung Havan and his coterie, which Lo and Bill were part of. Lo and Bill spent hours in closed doors in each other's office, went home together all the time; fought loudly often in Bill's office because Lo changed her mind about marriage, that can be heard from my office and all the offices near this Bill's office. If ever my name dragged into their affair was most likely Bill used me to make Lo jealous, and to mislead his enemies to come after me while his family also partake in doing harms to me, just like the 3rd worlders from Asia, who I had never met any of these people in my life, and Bill was just a coworker at best. He had helped Hung Havan, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her friends from termination, also helped with their promotion. He had never help me or looked after my interests in any way. He and his coterie were instrumental in my termination. There was a guy terminated soon after I befriended; I think some people knew why such as Michele Choi. This also had happened in my previous employments, one where a guy I befriended was threatened with physical harms, the guy moved back to Japan. All his enemies came after me once his declaration of his love/lush-interest toward me, completely disregard my input as if a China man such as I should be flattered a White male such as him is interested in me, nor do any of them knows the meaning of "love" as they did everything to ruined my life, in the process almost killed me such as this "bike accident"; the equivalent of throwing me to the wolves, and he had lots of enemies, the worst one was his prestige Jose; etc. After his new girlfriend learned about me, I got a speeding ticket going at 25 mph; etc. Also had derailed my career such as bad-mouthed me whenever I wanted to transfer, etc, as if I am their worst enemy, instead of helped me, or look after my interests; as such, I see it as I am their worst enemy. Why would anyone in their right mind want to be anywhere near a person/people wanted to make your life miserable and ruined your life? This is what most males in the Silicon Valley do to women in a male dominated Silicon Valley where they reigned over us women as if we are living under the Islamic Extremist Middle East, or emperor Trump, aka the evil empire. Women such as I are put under a manager purely because they are a male, despite these males are still dressed by their Mom, servants and can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, and used defamation as a weapon to defend their incompetency and cluelessness, often blamed women for their failures because women are an easy target. I was so disgusted. (Another scenario is that those that misled management into believing I am Susanne Lo that was dating Bill and terminated me, wanted to continue to misleading the public and therefore management, including misleading Bill's family into believing I am Susanne Lo that was dating Bill, by pointing me out to his family when they saw me; such that no one finds out what they did, also wanted to use Bill as a scapegoat and frame him for my termination, if ever people realized Bill was dating Lo all along. If I am dating Bill, wouldn't his family come and say hi to me if they saw me, instead standing far away and just point me out to their friends around them?). Or confused me with Susanne Lo due to old age since we both are Asian and used me as a punching-bag for all the wrongs he perceived Lo and his wives did to him, or like many White trash that a China man should be flattered that a white male is interested in me, and punished a China man for not, as so with some of my landlords; otherwise why didn't he just say he was dating Susanne Lo before, during and after I was terminated? Also, every one of Susanne Lo's love-interests, including Jason Procter and even Nathan Hillery {ran into them in the Pantry where Lo was sitting on the kitchen countertop with her arms around Hillery's neck. After that, I never put anything on any countertop again. I had also ran into Lo and Bill coming out the Electrical room} were interested in the new Queen Bee, including the one she got tired of - Bill, were not interested in her. Lo's friends she had help from termination via her boyfriend Bill (why so many SPEs hated Bill) coined the term "Queen Bee" and rubbed that in her face {(Lo had been the Queen Bee before this new Queen Bee). The same guy gave me a body fcuk-you the Monday before my termination. Lo was sure popular being coined as a Queen Bee; no wonder no one liked me or wanted me and terminated me in a haste of 2 days while I worked 24/7 with outstanding accomplishments. Do you know any guy called someone who had sex with him a slut? Only women refused to date or give losers the time of day are called sluts and all sorts of denigrating names. This is just common sense, and would have taken differently if I am White. Additionally, every place I rented a room here in NoVa, as long these White privileged hick landlords believed that a China man such as I should be flattered that a White male is interested in me, when I shown I am not flattered nor interested, hostility ensured and I had to move or evicted. There were plenty of Tom, Dick and Harry breeder multi-millionaires in the Silicon Valley where I met the likes of Steve Jobs and Google guys were having lunch in the next table, and would've been a billionaire if I am a White male; but as a woman, we are systematically targeted, ousted and make into public enemy #1 just as I was in the USPTO. Why do you think all these 3rd world sweatshop factory workers (=White trash) hated me so much?
For those who know what a triple threat is, even the Silicon Valley full of geniuses hated triple threats such as Ellen Pao who has an EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard, those who don't would repeat what the 3rd worlders from Asia told them "if she is so smart, why can't she get a job?", while these 3rd worlders from Asia deliberately went around defaming me to ensure I can't secure any job, and treated as public enemy #1 everywhere I went and shopped, including places where I volunteered in NoVa such as the Fairfax County court, Computer CORE, Bikes for the world, Phoenix Bikes, etc. Nathen Hillery even elbowed my chest/breast on his way home with Bill, Hung Havan and Michele Choi also elbowed my chest/breast on my last few days with the USPTO. All I wanted to say is that I don't have time nor the patient to play your breeder's game, stay away from me. People with "implicit bias" wanted to terminate me using any pretext and did in a haste of 2 days before others had the time to find the truth. Their relationship can be verified by their email backup since 2009 (they most likely deleted those emails now, but the USPTO should backup their email server each day and stored them for decades if not forever), and people near Bill's office since 2009-2010. I worked 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log, eDan and accomplishments]
Why are these 2 3rd world women from Asia so happy that someone had degraded me? Are their lives really that miserable? Why are these self-defined ankle-biters make an aspired Transhumanist a public enemy #1, who is a complete stranger to them? How miserable would they be if people praised me, or would they jump off the building if I am one of the Silicon Valley billionaires? Similarly, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women bad-mouthing me relentlessly in the USPTO, when something bad happened to me, they were very happy. I heard there was a party after my termination. Similarly in the Silicon Valley that instigated by Chinese from Taiwan, then China, followed by Vietnamese and Indian. Which reminded me, that Saturday after 911, in Central Park of Fremont - near San Francisco, there was a sudden surge of Chinese from Asia as if they were celebrating Chinese New Year. I rarely see a Chinese in that Park prior to that Saturday as I've been going there for months to rollerblade. They came after 911 because I am their effigy of Americans. They wanted to see me in pain because they all knew I was from NYC. Days later, one of my 3rd world coworker from Asia - Don Nguyen came to beat me up because they were fired after I reported their sexual harassment, which all levels of management had seen it for over a year. I out ran him on my rollerblades. But he did damaged my car. I moved soon after, then an Asian gang was waiting for me in a Walmart parking lot next to my car. I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley, and couldn't secure any job despite my outstanding accomplishments since. This is why I called the Silicon Valley a glorified Foxconn - a sweatshop factory. Finally a job with the USPTO in 2010, then Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women relentlessly targeted me using fake news the first month, and terminated despite all my accomplishments in 8 months. I posted this in social media since 2004, also warned the stealing trade secrets. Only now the Silicon Valley kind of addressing the sexual harassment. What do I think? Like the Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese from 3rd world Asia crowding out each other and Asian Americans in the Silicon Valley, that begun with women engineers such as I because we are easy targets, and only hired their own countrymen; Tuan Nguyen and his SouthEast Asians are crowding out other Asians here in NoVa/DC metro, especially Asian-Americans and/or Chinese as if they are still in their 3rd world practicing racism, sexism, bigotry and hatred
On the Thursday of June 2017, a bunch of privileged white males, who I had never met or seen in my life, between the age of 20s to 30s, were laughing when they saw me in Crystal City Farmer's market. One said "we wouldn't fired you if we knew you are smart", then " rigged....." and couldn't stop laughing. (I had an apodictic first patent case that was known to most SPE trainers and the then Undersecretary Mr. David Kappos that was announced by the Training Class manager Andrea Wellington while my some of classmates and Training classmates present in the hallway. I explained every patent case to the then SPE Trainer Paul Rodriguez in front of the whole Training Class just as I had when I was an EE adjunct in college. Director Wendy Garber on email below indicated she was aware I was "smart"; yet I was setup to be terminated and did in a haste of 2 days; while 3 male classmates were promoted as soon as we got out of the Training Academy in March, 2011). So these were the USPTO management with "implicit bias" toward women in tech and/or seeing an Asian-American as a China man, and terminated me in a haste of 2 days, because it was funny to them to fired the first woman to have an apodictic first patent case in the history of the USPTO; just like in the Silicon Valley where males from 3rd worlds, mostly perverts and child molesters; and White privileged redneck misogynist hicks/White trash, have this hidden hatreds toward women, especially when we refused to date them. I was ready for this group of white males to attack me, as they had shown they are haters.
Women engineers are not human to these males in the USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech, that incited hates by 3rd worlders from Asia, and acted on by White privileged redneck hicks, just like Trump voters. There were so many incidents where these White privileged redneck hicks continue to act on fake news after the wrongful termination, aside from promulgating fake news against me, such as one saw me coming, and started doing push-ups on the grass in a park, or downward facing dog yoga post by some old white guy in his 50s-70s, all in front of their USPTO's coworkers, etc; just like the gunman from Pizzagate. This is why it is not safe for me to go anywhere in Arlington/Alexandria/NoVa/DC metro. Like the gunman acted on the fake news in Pizzagate, the USPTO management had already acted on what they heard without facts, rigged the judicial system against me, I am now in Appeal, 2 failed beheadings to silenced me and to make the case go away. This is why I was so afraid Trump might win the Presidency and went canvassing for Hillary despite suffering from PTSD. Such insidious defamation/fake news also promulgated to all the jobs I applied soon after my wrongful termination, including places I volunteered such as the Fairfax County court where I was well-liked until Asians started bad mouthing me, even after I told the woman manager women are being discriminated and gave her my blogs; and most likely the Eastern District Court of Alexandria where I filed my Civil Case. One company interested in hired me as a consultant for Patent Class 703 told me I was on USPTO's "do not hired back" list and Director Wendy Garber did not want me on site. After I filed my EEOC, my Unemployment Insurance was cut abruptly, the doing of the USPTO. If I am able to secure a job, I would be fired soon just as the USPTO did, or in the Silicon Valley/Tech Industry, regardless of accomplishments or as a pioneer, because of the 3rd worlders from Asia, who I had ever met in my life, that targeted me just like this UMD Chinese student as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, and every where I went since, including in the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro.
In short, these 3rd worlders anti-west from Asia sociopaths, perverts and child molesters not only had control of the Silicon Valley/ Tech industry, but also the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro by making me a target in the same manner as this UMD Chinese student everywhere I went, since I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, using social media such as, using insidious defamation such as "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" (whenever you heard this, ask WHY? Who are these "no one", are they racist, sexist, haters?), that repeated by Nguyen and his countrymen/women the first month I started my job with the USPTO, just like Pizzagate. Every time when CEOs or VPs praised my accomplishments, the attacks worsen and more people joined the attacks, including those that had befriended me; that's why I kept a low key. This is common knowledge amount high achievers. The more losers or 3rd worlders, usually it only takes one to instigate the attack, the worst such attacks gets. Of course, if you are not one, then you wouldn't know this. In the USPTO, the undersecretary Mr. David Kappos when Class Manager Andrea Wellington told him I had an airtight first patent case in the Training Academy hallway, to which Mr. Kappos then replied "Good, how do find more people like her", while Tuan Nguyen and a few other classmates as well other academy classmates present. Most SPE Trainers knew I had an airtight first patent case. All these classmates knew I was being terminated before I did, a public lynching for woman excelled in the job.
I am still perplexed as to how do they know me because I worked nearly 24/7, kept a low key and not be seen in the USPTO, and didn't know anyone in the DC metro. It also said there were a large number of USPTO management, mainly males, were involved in my termination. There were a large number of people knew I was being terminated before I did, such as my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his coterie such as Susanne Lo, my training class classmates, and a guy I didn't know gave me a body fcuk-you of thrust his hip toward me that Monday (days before I was told), Susanne Lo also said "bye" to me with a smirk after I spoke to Kamini Shah (she knew too), when often Lo ignored me when I greeted her. It was a public lynching for the first woman to have an apodictic first patent case in the history by the USPTO. I thought by NOT working in the Silicon Valley (aka The Lord of the Flies, the evil empire that suppressed women, etc) where people from Asia are the majority that make the Silicon Valley a glorified Foxconn sweatshop factory, I would at least be able to work with humans; but instead the same bunch of white privileged redneck hicks, has "implicit bias" toward women and terminated women that excelled in TC2100 for entrainment or as a sick cruel joke as if the USPTO is a frat house (Since their parents didn't teach them right from wrong, maybe they should be send to N Korea to learn what is like to be discriminated. Most of the H1Bs with a college degree from Asia came from 3rd worlds such that of N Korea and were the government enforcers, that's why there is no humanity in them), just like the Silicon Valley that wanted me to know this is still a man's world.
For an Asian American to grew up in the 1980s (Vincent Chin), we had even less chance of making it then the African American. Today, 3rd worlders, especially those from Asia are relentlessly attacking Americanized Asian women, especially when we excelled jobs. The judicial system is still a travesty of justice just like N Korea as evidenced by ruled against my case from the EEOC to the Federal Court despite overwhelming evident. My father brought life insurance for me and my siblings when we were in elementary school to pay for the funerals because that's how dire our futures were; consider what has been happening to me, my father will be using the life insurance because 3rd worlders from Asia don't like educated and independent women with American ideology (Americanized), and continue to ensure women remain as a 2nd class citizen in America just as in Asia. I had to work 3 jobs every summer since H.S. to put myself through school, while Hispanic/Latino (mainly Puerto Ricans, also some of my childhood friends were PR) did everything they could to get me fired; but no where as vicious as the people from Asia, who are the most racist, misogynistic and rudest people I had ever encountered, not just ensured I can't secure any job, but make into public enemy #1 to make me suffered to the point where I have to kill myself. This is coming from someone grew up in NYC at the bottom of the food-chain as an Asian female, where people from all over the world live and work.
My H.S. job experiences was one of the reasons why I pursued science (I didn't have a competitive edge in getting an MBA or Law with other predominately Caucasian students b/c I was never taught to write in elementary school. My teacher read newspapers most of the time and told people I was "slow". I taught myself to write), to avoid working in low skill jobs with low barrier of entry level. My father instead vehemently against me pursuing higher education, especially when I was pursuing a Master's and PhD in EE or Applied Physics because Asian culture doesn't believed women should be educated, and told me no man will wanted to marry an educated women. I chose education. In college, at least 2 of my EE Professors told me women are not wired to understand technology. I got the 2nd highest grade in one of the Professor's Thermodynamic final exam, the highest grade was a Russian. A visiting "scholar" from IBM didn't know much, taught a material science class whom I traded barbs a few time in class on the topic of GaAs which he didn't know much about and gave false information to the class, but a research topic for one of my colleagues. He threatened to give me a F unless I visited him in his office. I was thinking "sure, you think I was born yesterday? I am a NYer, you want sex and will threatened to fail me". Someone told the visiting "scholar" who my mentor was. He back away. A suicide Physics Professor said that he was in loved with me. I survived all these got my Master's in EE, but like Islamic extremists shot Malala Yousafzai in the head meant to kill her for advocating education for girls, there were 2 failed beheadings on me for being a woman excelled in tech jobs over the males; by 3rd worlders, mainly from Asia, the snake oil millionaires and billionaires of the Silicon Valley/Tech, and White privileged redneck hicks of USPTO. These white privileged redneck hicks could killed me just for fun. They are also suspects for the 2 failed beheadings to silenced me and make this case to go away. Justice will be served one way or another, for generations to come, as with all involved. The sad part is, most of the USPTO management probably didn't even know what a nanobot or computer virus is.
(Russian students kept a distance from us. Amount 20+ of my college buddies, 3 were PR, many were Europeans and Eastern Europeans EE/Physics PhD students. We kept in touch via a Unix messaging app in the 1980s. There was this Mid-Eastern guy name Jihad wanted to be a Nuclear physicist with our research group. We didn't know what Jihad means back then; heck, like most Americans, I couldn't find Mid-East on the map back then. Needless to say, my mentor asked him to do Quantum Tunneling after someone told him what jihad means (Jihad asked me if I know the meaning of his name), gave him a PhD within 2 years and sent him home. Common practice for my mentor was that we had to do 5+ years of research, 10 published papers in acclaimed publications and passed the dissertation before he gives us a PhD. There were also 2 students from China soon after Tiananmen Square massacre joined the Physics dept. One was a student protestor, and the other was a Chinese government spy following the student protestor. The Chinese spy had caused lots of griefs for us. He used our office phone to call China and told the school administrator we did. There were very few phones in China in the 1980s, only in government offices, just like N Korea today. We Americans didn't know that because phones were so common amount us. Our textbooks and valuables were missing since he moved into our office. We stopped staying in our shared office or go anywhere near the office, and were no longer shared jokes and talks about the latest news on Physics and innovations or potlucks like we used to. I am sure there were a lot of Chinese spies came after the student protestors. I expected to make lots of friends in the Silicon Valley as I had in college because we were pure geeks that loved tech and innovation, but 3rd worlder sweatshop factory workers from Asia, mainly the Chinese (from Taiwan, originally from mainland China and equally vicious if not more so, not native Taiwanese), then followed by Chinese from China, Vietnamese and Indians, targeted me, an aspired Transhumanist, as soon as I arrived in the SV in the 1990s, just like the Chinese spy, in the same manner as Tuan Nguyen (Vietnamese/Cambodia/Laos) and his countrymen/women targeted me the first month I started my job with the USPTO. Here in Arlington/Alexandria/NoVa, 3rd worlders from all over the world also partake in acting on the fake news that instigated in the USPTO, followed by the security and the Intelligent agencies. Like in the Silicon Valley, if any management and I were friendly, such as Paul Rodriguez in the Training Academy, Tuan Nguyen would have accused Paul and I having an affair to incite hate toward both of us. Any time when I see any one of these 3rd worlders from Asia, I treated the place like we are in the McCarthyism era as I had in the USPTO. These 3rd worlders from Asia created a hostile working environment and a cesspool where ever they go. Today, the Silicon Valley is just a glorified Foxconn - a 3rd world sweatshop factory, where the majority are 3rd worlder sweatshop factory workers from Asia if including illegals. Did I mention that I've warning the stealing of trade secrets since 2004? From how the UMD Chinese student being attacked relentlessly for speaking favorably toward America, there is a well-organized and well-planned way to keep the Chinese students in-check).
I am afraid of these people from Asia since college and the Silicon Valley. They are sociopaths just like Charles Manson, perverts and most are pedophiles. If you know what is good for you, you would too. But instead, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO/NoVa/DC metro took these 3rd worlders' word at face value, and helped them to ruin an aspired transhumanist's life. Why? Because Silicon Valley males are mostly snake oil salesmen. They are the evil empire in Star Wars.
In comparison to 3rd worlders from Asia, where certain countries similar to N Korea, such as China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao, etc, often only the government officials were allowed to go to college, and their kids are call Princings. This is why they are so well verse in propaganda that use to targeted me. When I voiced how they've targeted me, they told Americans "she is a racist", etc. Remember, they attacked me, not I attacked them, I didn't even know them. I also said they are child molesters, why aren't they fired and jailed? This is how well they controlled the Silicon Valley/tech industry and the USPTO. Other 3rd world Asian countries such as India, Singapore, etc, often the rich and connected to the governement could afford to go to college. None of these 3rd worlders have ever work a day in their prior to graduation from college, and often a house full of servants.
By now, after 6 years, I hoped the USPTO realized everything said about me are the antithesis of the truth (she doesn't know anything; no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc), by foreign operatives that had never seen a white person or outside of their little 3rd world, often couldn't tell a toaster from a computer; because that's how stupid they think the Americans are, and to show they are smarter and superior then the Whites; why N Korea building a nuclear bomb aiming at America. They targeted me as soon as they saw me because they perceived me as an Americanized woman, a traitor; just like the KKK targeted an African-American. They are the Asian version of the KKK (mainly the Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian) grew up in N Korea like anti-West environment and now the majority and complete control of the Silicon Valley/tech. Similarly, closet White supremacists and misogynist ("implicit bias") see me, an Asian and a woman (quadruple whammy: Asians, particularly 3rd worlders from Asia see me as (1) Americanized and a (2) woman; Americans see me as an (3) Asian minority getting uppity. Both hated me because I am a (4) woman breaking the statue quo of excelled in the job) as getting uppity. Unlike the Asian version of the KKK grew up in an anti-West society, Americans grew up in a society preaching diversity, yet we still have this "implicit bias". This is why I knew Trump had a chance to win and went canvassing for Hillary despite suffering from PTSD. Trump won. This is in compliance to Physics law of equal and opposite forces: the brazen or antics of some recent immigrants gave rise or excuse for resentment of immigrants. Both sides of the KKK targeted me, and so despite my outstanding accomplishments, I am at the verge of going homeless. I not only going to advocate for equal rights and opportunity for women, and now advocate Trump to deport H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia, and make their lives a living hell as they've been doing to me as public enemy #1 since the 1990s, as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley.
These fake news instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women who are sociopaths, perverts, most likely child molesters, most are fresh-off-the-boat that can barely read or speak English; most likely illegal immigrants using falsified paper, and if they indeed have a college degree, they are a foreign government officials because common folks are not allowed or can't afford to go to college in their homeland. These people from Asia did the same to women such as Ellen Pao, Susan Fowler and me in the Silicon Valley. People from ASia have been the majority in the Silicon Valley for years, most were illegal immigrants using falsified paper that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer and we were forced to train them; there are fewer and fewer women in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry because women are systematically targeted and ousted, just as they did to me in the Silicon Valley, the Tech industry and now the USPTO. I am the carney in the coalmine. Those are still in it are coerced to have sex or threaten with termination and make into public enemy #1, or being sexually harassed and abused every time when we walked out of our office, just as I was in the Silicon Valley and the USPTO. This is what the Silicon Valley, Tech industry and now the USPTO turned into, a 3rd world sweatshop factory such that of Foxconn.
If the Vietnam war is fought today, Americans will lose it again, and many Americans will died at these Americans' hand.
3rd worlders from Asia had started this vicious cycle of attacking Asians, which they and their kids will be the target.
I just want to make it clear that people need to make the distinction between Asian-Americans grew-up in America and those from Asia (anti-West).
Like the Silicon Valley/Tech, the USPTO chose these sociopaths, perverts at best, most of them are child molesters from Asia, over an aspired transhumanist. These 3rd world sweatshop factory workers don't care if a male is a pervert or a child molester, but attacked a woman for being educated, independent and pursuing a higher purpose as oppose to being a housewife (aka Americanized). You can take a 3rd worlder out of a 3rd world, but you can't take a 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder. Do you think your kids or women are safe with sociopaths, perverts and child molesters from Asia; or you, consider they were psychologically abused Susanne's boyfriend Bill until he died from a heart attack, so they could take his job?
The USPTO and the Silicon Valley also called me a disgruntled employee, that's like calling James Comey and Preet Bharara, who I respected for their work ethic, disgruntled employees; because not just I voiced how women have been systematically targeted and ousted, and so were Americans that the H1Bs from Asia couldn't compete, and only hired their own people; hence they are now the majority in the Silicon Valley if including illegals; also I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004 (something is rotten...). What do you expect when you put anti-American sweatshop factory workers from 3rd worlds, to compete with American scientists, engineers and programmers? They are inciting HATEs in our society, that resulted in 2 failed beheadings on me, just as the Islamic extremists incited terrorism; but instead, the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO chose sweatshop factory workers over American scientists, engineers and programmers because we are women; then talking head keep saying they can't find qualified American candidates, and need more cheap labor indenture servants from Asia.
The likes of Hung Havan (my ex-officemate) called me paranoia, nut-job, narcissistic, etc. Now mind you, I had never talked about Schrödinger's cat, Quantum Entanglement, or Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle (Quantum Mechanics 101, anyone got her/his MEEE in a US college should know this) with him, otherwise I would've been lock-up by now being a woman and all, with all these crazy talks. I wouldn't dare to talk about such in the Silicon Valley full of people from 3rd worlds, mostly from Asia and coders/programmers that had no idea what Quantum Mechanics is, combine with "implicit bias" toward women in tech; they might even try to cut my head off.....oh wait, they already did, twice! Or at least disparaged me by saying "I don't know what she is talking about", which those with "implicit bias" toward Asian assumed I don't speak English, even if is by a fresh-off-the-boat said this; but I digress. Nevertheless, the EEOC counselor took Havan's words at face value. Hung Havan and Michele Choi set me up to record using her USPTO smartphone from certain angle such that look's like I was checking out Havan, when Havan showed me his son's pic placed on the table top and Havan stood on the other end of the table. I noticed this because they had tried for 3 times, which got me suspicious. I am sure this was not the only time they did this. Both had used the video to ruin my reputation, incited sexual harassments, abuses, rape, physical harms, and was instrumental in my termination; and now murder.
Hung Havan had defamed and incited hates toward me with his coterie Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her friends from India, in an office near Dwin Craig (my Primary), which Craig often stood outside and listened in, and Jason Procter (my Primary) all took Hung Havan's insidious defamation/fake news and acted on what they heard. How do all these people had so much free time when I had to work 24/7? (I bet it has a lot to do with Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill, whom also helped them from termination, promoted Lo's friends from India. He had never help me, misled people into thinking I am Susanne Lo he was dating long before I joined USPTO, and spent hours in each other's office in closed doors. I was terminated and still don't know his last name). Hung Havan should be jailed with the rapist and murders as the main suspect for 2 failed beheadings meant to kill me, and incited rapes toward me; also for defamation, lying and misleading USPTO management that was instrumental in my termination where management had "implicit bias" toward women in tech acted on what they heard. Nathan Hillery, a close associate of Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill, wanted his job and Hung Havan was supposed to help him; most likely Havan put that idea in Hillery. They and Michele Choi were to psychologically abused (psychopath such that of Charles Manson) and played Lo's boyfriend Bill until he has a heart attack and died (all these were in my EEOC Complaint in ~50 pages. Similarly, the people from Asia have been doing the same to me by making me a public enemy #1, in a well-planned and well-organized way, just as in this UMD student as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, and every where I went since such as here in the NoVa/DC metro where Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women incited hates against me the first month in the USPTO in 2010, that I would have to kill myself). Nathan Hillery and Michele Choi are 2 other main suspects. Additionally, all 3 had elbowed my chest/breast.
If Hung Haven, Nathan Hillery or Michele Choi weren't so closed to this Bill, they wouldn't be able to do anything to him. Similarly, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women incited classmates to sexually harass, abuse, hate, termination and make me into public enemy #1; followed by Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery and Michele Choi, that now not only I was terminated, but also make into public enemy #1, that I would have to kill myself or someone was incited to kill me just as Pizzagate. Like Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria in Pizzagate, I was sexually harassed, abused, under physical harms and rape threats everywhere I went, that now manifested in 2 failed beheadings. Havan probably has child porn in his computer, like most males from Asia that surf porn in groups openly in the Silicon Valley. Males from Asia also followed us - women, into the bathroom when we were inside a stall, and other unspeakable sexual harassment acts; similar to Michele Choi and Hung Havan using their smartphone to record in an angle that appeared to be performing a sex act, photoshopped a naked picture, etc, etc, etc. All these were done behind my back, how safe are you? People like these should be ban from a workplace, and yet the Silicon Valley, now the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro are full of people such as Havan, Choi, Nguyen and his countrymen/women used every mean to denigrate women in such way as if the woman is performing a sex act on a man in the work place, and this can be you.
Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, incited hates by instigated insidious defamations against me (no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc, same defamation as in the Silicon Valley and everywhere I went) the first month we started the job with the USPTO in the Training Academy in Nov. 2010, that promulgated through out the USPTO and now Arlington/NoVa/DC metro. They also had lots of free time to spend on the smear campaign against me, while I had to work 24/7. Like their countrymen/women in the Silicon Valley used the same insidious defamation (no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc) to oust me in a well-planned and well-organized way; they can barely read or speak English, couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, some were trained by me, yet they are gainfully employed, and their countrymen/women in the Silicon Valley are millionaires and in top level management, while with all my outstanding accomplishments, I am at the verge of going homeless. Obviously these people only served their own self interests, and not the company's, and why companies dominated by people from Asia such as Cisco has gone the way of India. If people from 3rd world Asia have a college degree, then they are foreign government officials or family, evidenced by highly trained in using propaganda/defamation, because common folks were not allowed or can't afford to go to college in most 3rd world Asian countries, very much similar to N. Korea. Otherwise they are illegal immigrants using falsified paper. I like to see these criminals deported back to their 3rd world Asia. They gave us Asian-Americans a bad name. What they are doing to me will be done back to their children now they started this malicious cycle of attacking Asian, as they have been doing to me.
For those that acted on the insidious defamation and partook in the process of terminated me, and now saying they can't believed how evil Hung Havan and his coterie, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, well, you terminated me in a haste of 2 days because you believed I am that evil, so why such "implicit bias" toward me? Obviously because I am a woman, aka "witch hunt" and burned me alive, still, in the 21st century in the USPTO, no less!
Similarly, I was targeted using propaganda/insidious defamation/fake news by people from Asia similar to North Korea, who I had never met in my life, as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s in the same manner as this UMD Chinese student, for being an Americanized Asian woman, another word, for being an American in America. I worked nearly 24/7 with outstanding accomplishments. As the resulted, I was sexually harassed on a daily basis, abuse, and ousted, far worse then the USPTO. I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats by an Asian coworker and an Asian gang. These people from Asia discriminated against Asian-American women just as Vincent Chin's murders had, and the Silicon Valley/Tech are protecting and defending these bigots and sexist as one of their own. Since I refused to leave Arlington/NoVa/DC metro, not only the people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen had make me into public enemy #1, but 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me by the listed USPTO suspects. Insidious defamation/fake news followed everywhere I went in US since, where ever there is a person from Asia, particularly tech companies, and now the USPTO/Arlington/NoVa/DC metro. There are fewer women in the Silicon Valley, and people from Asia are in top level management and are the majority if including illegal immigrants. This is how much the people from Asia had control of not just the Silicon Valley - the high tech capital of the world, but America in general, and now the DC metro where the center of world power located. People from Asia used Americans like cheap tools to do their dirty deeds, and are the one being demoted or fired if they acted on the people from Asia said. These people from Asia in the Silicon Valley are now in top level management and are multi-millionaires, and those Americans' careers were ruined, while I am at verge of homeless.
I also wanted to show how pervasive "implicit bias" toward women in the technical field, not just by tech companies, but society in general, including our judicial system; and worsen by people from 3rd world culture, especially those from Asia that now had control of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/NoVa/DC metro/USPTO, evidenced by fewer women in Tech, while women such as Ellen Pao (EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard), me (I was often the only woman engineer in the whole dept of 100+ male engineers where 90+% were from Asia, and was sexually harassed on a daily basis. What do you suppose this would do to a person's psyche? Then the same happened again in the USPTO, instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the first month) and Susan Frowler are coerced to have sex, threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 using propaganda/insidious defamation/fake news promulgated by their countrymen/women from Asia in America to ensure women remain as a 2nd class just as women are in their homeland. The Silicon Valley, aka a glorified Foxconn, has been dominated by coders - glorified "How To" manual writers for computers using a computer language, that assumed "implicit bias" toward women in STEM, of women are not wired to understand tech, even though they couldn't wrap their head around my projects - Emulation, nor could they understand real science such as Quantum Mechanics. Also like Trump, they think they are smarter because they are rich; and women are sex objects, just like all breeders. Do you want your daughters, sisters, wife, and young girls to coerce to have sex by males from Asia in order to keep her job or reputation? Additionally, the systematically targeting and ousting of Americans by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia they can't competed for American jobs, hence the top level management in the Silicon Valley are full of males from Asia, the stealing of trade secrets, that now every American institution is hacked; which I warned since 2004.
Like Trump gave voice to the sexist and Alt-Right that voted for him where many were women, and had led to violence toward Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics and reporters; people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women of the USPTO had gave voice to people with "implicit bias" toward women to keep women down, worsen by 3rd worlders from all over the world in the DC metro as if they are still in their 3rd world homeland. What will this do to young women if they think people won't liked them or wanted them and fired them if they are smart, especially young girls like your daughters; or coerced to have sex in order to keep their by males from 3rd world Asia that's been happening in the Silicon Valley, as I warned since 2004? This is what I am most concerned about (please talk to your daughters and sons, because it is really that widespread before the 1st attempt beheading on me in June 2013, because of social medias. The school culture had changed since you were in K12. They are taught or incited to hate by other kids; just as Tuan Nguyen incited hate toward me because I am an Americanized Asian woman that excelled in the job over the males. Their kids will be like Hung Havan and Michele Choi grew up in America, but still full of hates), that these people from Asia had already keep women that excelled in tech jobs down and out of the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, and now the USPTO. After young women overcome all the obstacles and got their Master's and PhD in STEM; when they got their job in the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO, these young women are coerced to have sex, threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 by 3rd world males, especially those from Asia such as they did to Ellen Pao, Susan Frowler, me and 2 failed beheadings on me here in Arlington VA. Americans are now Manchurian candidates brain-washed by sophistries to keep women down. You took essentially N. Korean like Asian sweatshop factory workers' words at face value and helped ruined the life of an aspired transhumanist (me); in term, helped keep your daughters and future generation of women down.
They are so brazen because the people from Asia have been doing this since the 1990s when I just arrived in the Silicon Valley, and gotten away with it that, and now had full control of the Silicon Valley and are millionaires and billionaires; while I trained them when most couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, and I am at the verge of homeless; just like Trump that said grabbed women's p*#@sy, shoot someone on 5th Ave, and all the rhetoric, now rewarded by elected to be the President of United States, and been a billionaire by behaving badly. They obviously have nothing to worry about because males from Asia such as Hung Havan used Dwin Craig, Jason Procter and Wendy Garber, then Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women used the USPTO like cheap tools, got me terminated, while Hung Havan, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women continue to gainfully employed and promoted. I want to see these people from Asia exposed and make into public enemy#1 as they've been doing to me since the 1990s. This is why China has such strict laws with very limited Rights.
A litmus test of "implicit bias": if I am a White male, would I have terminated in a haste of 2 days with all my accomplishments and Director Wendy Garber even said "she is smart"? An unequivocal hell NO! I would've promoted just like my 3 other male classmates. Anyone who believed there is no discrimination is "implicit bias", because any time when I walked out of my resident in Arlington, VA, I experienced "implicit bias". A good day for me is when I didn't experience "implicit bias". Even the judicial system is bias against women in tech such as me despite overwhelming evident, Ellen Pao, and many more women in tech. Same happened in the Silicon Valley (aka glorified Foxconn, the Lord of the Flies ie Uber, fret house, evil empire, snake oil salesmen, etc) and the Tech industry, where if I am a White male, I would've been a billionaire. I would've been crazier then Elon Musk. This is why most people can't fathom this could happen because people look at this through their own lenses, and most are White males or from a privileged background. On the other hand, these 3rd world sweatshop factory workers from Asia shown their anti-West and HATE by targeted me as soon as they saw me and by instigated insidious defamation/propaganda against me, who they had never met in their lives; with the understanding that only the rich and well-connected to the government were allowed to go to college in these 3rd world such as India or N Korea like Asian countries. That's why they are so well-verse in using propaganda to control the USPTO/Arlington/NoVa/DC metro/Silicon Valley/Tech, just like N Korea or most of the communist Asian countries. Your actions tell me who you are, where you came from and what you know.
If the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) wasn't so busy rigging the system against me, when I filed an EEOC case in 2011, as the case was meant to alert ("see something, say something" as promulgated by the NYPD after 911) the USPTO top level management how people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women are organized in a well-planned way ousting Americans they can't compete in the Silicon Valley (now just a glorified Foxconn; a woman such I can not survive amount these 3rd world factory workers) and the Tech industry (hence the 2 of the world most powerful software companies CEO - Google and Microsoft, are males from Asia, and people from Asia are now the majority in the Silicon Valley if illegal immigrants are included), and now the USPTO such as the Patent Class 715, using tactics such as Trolling, Witch hunt, Fake News, Pizzagate, Gamersgate, a WaPo journalist, bither, etc; on targets such as Ellen Pao (has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard), me, and most women in the Silicon Valley; that a large number of people loosely associated (in my case, people from Asia with H1Bs and illegal immigrants using falsified papers, as the core) to target a person, often they had never met the target or each other in their lives, using Fake News/defamation/propaganda (in my case: no one wanted her; no one liked her; slut, prostitute, needed a man; doesn't know anything; etc, meant to denigrate me, make me into public enemy #1, and incite sexual harassment, abuses, fired, rape and physical harms on me - an Americanized Asian woman, a traitor in their view, that excelled in jobs over the males from Asia; low lives at best) with the intention to ruin my life, and succeed with the helps of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO/NoVa/DC metro and Arlington, VA. Again, I accept the job in the DC Metro and am still here in the Pentagon area is mainly to let the Intelligent Communities to see for themselves with their own eyes, how pervasive and brazen the influence by people from Asia is, that now had full control of the Silicon Valley since 2002, why every US institution been hacked. I am not even safe in places where I volunteered such as the Fairfax County Court; and may also been influencing the Alexandria District Court where I submitted my Federal Case against the USPTO and dismissed with overwhelming evident. How many government institutions are under the influence of people from Asia?
These are the same tactics used against Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidency election, mainly by Russia and Alt-Right (aka KKK) in favorite of Trump, and Hillary lost despite she is the most qualified. Yet people trusted Trump over Hillary considered everything Trump had said and done, because Hillary is a woman; just as males in the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO trusted fresh-off-the-boat males from Asia that couldn't tell a toaster from computer where many were illegal immigrants using falsified papers escaping punishments from their homeland, despite I was an Applied Physics researcher, an EE adjunct and grew-up in NYC. You see why I had to canvass for Hillary despite suffering from PTSD? Obama is a male, despite he is an African-American. The worst part, women that "make-it" didn't think there is discrimination against women, and that women such as I are just simply didn't have any skills.
Eventually, someone will tried to do harm to the target as in all above cases; and in my case, 2 failed beheadings on me here in Arlington, VA. The main suspects are USPTO employees Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, Hung Havan and his coteries Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and Indian friends, Paul Rodriguez and Wendy Garber, that had shown vicious intentions toward me.
You see why so many suicides in Foxconn. These same 3rd world sweatshop workers practiced the same tactics and using social media came after me with the same vicious intentions that I would kill myself, helped by the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO/NoVa/Arlington/DC metro.
You can take a 3rd worlder out of the 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder.
I will be campaigning and advocating to deport these anti-American from Asia, especially H1Bs from Asia. They are given us Asian-Americans a bad name.
Why are Americans so easily control by fake news or sophistries used by the Russians, and people from India, China, or Vietnam who are now the majority in the Silicon Valley if including illegal immigrants from Asia? Most from Asia had just arrived in the US not long ago, often illegally over-stayed their visa, then using falsified paper to work. Many are criminals escaping punishment, as evidenced by attacking me who they had never met in their lives. You don't go around bad-mouthing someone you saw on the street!!! Whatever they say about me, please put in the context of I moved from NYC to the DC metro 2 days prior to starting the USPTO job, worked nearly 24/7 evidenced by my computer log (computer doesn't lie) and outstanding accomplishments, was an EE adjunct an Applied physics researcher aspired to be a Transhumanist and a pioneer in emulation; and deliberately kept a low key; so no one should even know I was alive other then the nearby coworkers and classmates. As a resident of Arlington, VA, I rarely leave my resident due to fake news against me instigated in the USPTO that make me into public enemy #1 that resulted in 2 failed beheadings, and the suffering of PTSD.
You should realized that people from Asia is not going to tell you the real reason for such relentless attacks on me is because I am an Americanized Asian woman, an anti-American sentiment. That's why they attacked me as soon as they saw me, who I had never met in my life. And, if you believed they told you the reason for a well-organized, well-planned and relentless attacks everywhere I went in the US, instigated as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s where I was one of the few Asian-Americans in the midst of H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia, is "she is a genius", shouldn't you take what I said seriously, especially everything I warned since 2004 became true?
Since 2004, I warned the stealing of trade secrets, now every American institution, including gov't entities are hacked. Similarly, I've been posting that people from Asia are systematically ousting Americans they can't compete such as I, and only hired their own people, and now 2 of the world biggest software companies Google and Microsoft are males from Asia, and people from Asia are a majority in the Silicon Valley - the High Tech capital of the world. Since I don't know anyone here in the DC metro - the center of the world power and the White House that is under the full control of the people from Asia, evidenced by I am treated as public enemy #1, anyone promulgating fakes news against me are out of malicious intention to keep women down.
The question is, how safe are you from people from Asia working and living next to you, consider what they did me, who I had never met in my life?
How the hell someone such as Wendy Garber doesn’t even know what a P4 (Pentium 4 CPU) is, poor judgement and incompetent, a closet racist and sexist got to be the Director of TC2100? A racist and sexist salesman without any technical background such as Paul Rodriguez with a history of poor performance, got to be a SPE of patent class 703??? Similarly, the Silicon Valley/tech industry systematically targeted and ousted women such as Ellen Pao, me, Susan fowler, etc, that excelled in the job, while put the likes of Marissa Mayer - ex-CEO Yahoo, Wendy Garber, via nepotism (and this is how I feel about nepotism), in management to meet the diversity demands. This also to re-enforce the "implicit bias" that women are affirmative hired, aka a token, otherwise women are not fit in tech. The likes of Garber understood in order for them to keep the job, they have to do as told. Also, someone like me is a threat to their job security, also see as getting uppity by White supremacist, hence an Asian woman such as I must begged for the job.
Both terminated a pioneer in the field of emulation of patent class 703 in a haste of 2 days citing I am "weak technical knowledge" (implying being a woman must NOT good technically) and must begged in order to get the job back, according to Hung Havan advised just weeks before the termination, out of nowhere. How many lives and careers did these 2 ruined, and how many more before the USPTO terminated these 2? Hence why the huge backlog, while talking heads continue to say they can't find qualified American candidates and need more H1B cheap labors.
Both terminated a pioneer in the field of emulation of patent class 703 in a haste of 2 days citing I am "weak technical knowledge" (implying being a woman must NOT good technically) and must begged in order to get the job back, according to Hung Havan advised just weeks before the termination, out of nowhere. How many lives and careers did these 2 ruined, and how many more before the USPTO terminated these 2? Hence why the huge backlog, while talking heads continue to say they can't find qualified American candidates and need more H1B cheap labors.
I suspected the reason for Wendy Garber and the UPSTO management finally decided to terminated me, aside from "implicit bias" because if I am a male or white, this wouldn't have happened, was mainly due to the defamation from Tuan Nguyen's and Kieu Vu's (put COPA cases in my docket) countrymen/women in the Patent Class 715, after I requested to transfer to Patent Class 715; and the Patent Class 715 SPEs agreed, as I explained below that the "jig is up", in addition to believed in the defamation instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women. As you can see, Patent Class 715 were dominated by the countrymen/women of Tuan Nguyen and Kieu Vu. And they knew an Americanized Asian woman such as I could easily do 3 cases per biweek with my hands tie behind my back and blindfolded, as Michele Choi had already went around telling everyone; also why Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women targeted me the first month we were on the job. If I am a male, I would have been promoted just like my 3 other Training Academy male classmates from the Patent Class 715, where I had an apodictic first patent case that was known to most of the SPEs and the then Undersecretary Mr. David Kappos; but instead, I was setup to be terminated by Paul Rodriguez after the apodictic patent case. In addition to the defamation/fake news instigated against me by Hung Havan and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and friends from India, and acted on by my Primaries Dwin Craig, Jason Proctor and other SPEs that misled them into thinking I am Susanne Lo that was dating with Bill, whom I still don't know his last name, a coworker at best.
The same had done to me, an Americanized Asian woman, in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry using defamation by people from Asia; why I ended up in the Patent and Trademark Office when I was one of the few people in the world, if not the only one could run Emulation project- one of the most complex chip process and a multi-millions dollars project, successfully from scratch. The people from Asia also has been defaming me everywhere I went in the DC metro since the wrongful termination of August 12, 2011.
The same had done to me, an Americanized Asian woman, in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry using defamation by people from Asia; why I ended up in the Patent and Trademark Office when I was one of the few people in the world, if not the only one could run Emulation project- one of the most complex chip process and a multi-millions dollars project, successfully from scratch. The people from Asia also has been defaming me everywhere I went in the DC metro since the wrongful termination of August 12, 2011.
Paul Rodrigues never had the skills to do the job as a patent examiner or as a SPE, he had continuously shown discriminations toward Asians and women, yet he's been gainfully employed by the USPTO for over 15 years. A woman such as I excelled in the job, and promptly terminated by the USPTO, while the USPTO rigged the whole system against me for filing a case against them; while the infamous backlog persisted, and the low quality of the patents reviewed by the likes of Paul Rodriguez, a salesman with no technical background, is now used by the so call "patent trolls" as a way to profit from.
Without my ex-officemate Hung Havan (check his computer for child porn also) and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill(Trump lite) and friends from India, it would take Tuan Nguyen (check his computer for child porn, most males from Asia obsessed with young teenage girls) and his countrymen/women at least a year to get USPTO's management to terminate me. But Paul Rodriguez would terminated me on my last day of my probationary period as he was setting me up from the get-go, and as he did with many Asians and women used to had him as a supervisor. One of the reasons why I wanted to transfer out of his AU2123 Unit.
Additionally, in my last day, Hung Havan blocked me by putting his arm in front of my breast/chest from saying goodbye to my office neighbor Erica (an Asian American woman down the hall from my office) Kamini Shah or Kakali Chaki down the hall on my last day. So I knew my termination was the doing of Hung Havan and his coterio Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her friends, and Michele Choi. Wendy Garber had asked Hung Havan- my then officemate, regarding me that finalized her decision to terminate me. Hung Havan is also the main suspect for the 2 failed attempt beheadings meant to kill me to make this lawsuit go away. Hung Havan should have killed himself in Chicago when he got the chance, and do humanity a favor.
There are fewer women in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry now despite I’ve been voicing since 2004 how women excelled in jobs are systematically targeted and ousted, because women’s voice are make silenced and not heard, including by Twitter; a concerted effort including using sophistries and logical fallacy to keep women down and out of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/STEM and the USPTO's Electrical Art. When women break the statue quo and challenged the male superiority, and no longer a wall flower or remain a 2nd class citizen such as Hillary Clinton, Ellen Pao (has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and JD from Harvard), me, Susan Fowler, etc, are coerced to have sex, threatened with termination and make into public enemy #1 such as in Ellen Pao's case; while men got away with bad behaviors (think Bill O'reilly) and became millionaires and billionaires. They had make me into public enemy #1 using fake new, 2 failed beheadings and at the verge of homeless. Like Fox News, if there were more then 30+% of people had some humanity in the male dominated Silicon Valley (aka Lord of the Flies, Evil Empire or Frat house) or the USPTO, this wouldn't have happened to us women.
In essence, these Silicon Valley CEOs, executives, Venture Capitalists, millionaires and billionaires, held women down to be raped by H1Bs and illegal immigrants using falsified papers from Asia, who couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, and trained by us as our replacement; and the USPTO management held women down to be raped by the likes of Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery (both had elbowed by chest/breast), Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women; Then spent million$$ defending these males from Asia against women took legal action, and beheaded women such as I.
Are women not human because we are NOT a male?
Just think, these are the same people have full control of your electronics.
This is also true for the Patent and Trademark Office's Electrical Art; where my Training Class of the Training Academy had about 3-4 decent people (1 Chinese-American and 1 Caucasian woman, and 1-2 White male(s)), out of 15 (consisted of few males from various 3rd worlds and 1 Muslim woman; a sort of microcosm of males in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s. Today, people from Asia are a majority in the Silicon Valley if including illegal immigrants). Like Trump gives the voice for the Alt-Right, calling reporters the enemy and now reporters are under attack and physical harms; Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women are the voice for the HATERs (racist, sexist and anti-American from 3rd worlds). The few decent classmates knew Tuan Nguyen was up to no good when he instigated fake news to make me into public enemy #1, and spoke up against Tuan Nguyen, but they were a minority; the rest either tacitly colluded with Tuan Nguyen or helped him (ie, Shawn Joseph) promulgated fake news to the rest of the Training Academy; that eventually promulgated to the whole USPTO, and now NoVa/DC metro.
Many of my training Academy classmates, and many others knew I was being terminated before Paul Rodrigues told me to terminate me in a haste of 2 days. Hung Havan and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi and Susanne Lo also knew way ahead of me. All these people knew I was good at the job. One guy I had never met even gave me a f&#k-you body gesture by thrusting his hip forward that Monday. Essentially, by making such publicized termination of me, the USPTO was doing a public lynching of a first woman that had an apodictic first patent case, met the stringent requirements of 3 COPA patent cases over and over again, and excelled in the job over the males and challenged the male superiority; the lynching continues today by continue to promulgate fake news to make me a public enemy #1. A message to all USPTO employees, women and young girl all over the world, this is a man's world; this is what happened to women if you dare to excel in the job over the males and challenged their superiority, especially males from Asia. Women from Asia knew this, but happily partake in the lynching or do their own lynching of accomplished women, especially the good looking ones. When I filed a lawsuit, the USPTO tried to behead me. The first time didn't killed me, they tried against and killed the wrong person. Similarly, I was targeted as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia just like this UMD student Yang Shuping and this Duke U Chinese student Grace Wang using emails and; and had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats from an Asian coworker and an Asian gang. Where is the humanity in the USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech industry? This is an exemplary case study of "implicit bias" toward women in STEM, that shown how women are targeted and make into public enemy #1 and 2 failed beheadings on me meant to kill me.
What are the chances the wrongful termination was just an oversight or whatever pretext used by the USPTO, and not the real reason of keeping women down, of the first woman to have an apodictic first patent case that was known to many SPE Trainers and the then undersecretary Mr. David Kappos? Supervisor Paul Rodriguez gave me a poor review soon after the apodictic first patent case to set me up for the eventual termination; Director Wendy Gerber and supervisor Paul Rodriguez demanded 3 cases per biweek on the first pay period of the meeting in June 2011, which was 5 days away. I took the opportunity to request to transfer to Patent Class 715 dominated by Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women because I sensed that Rodriguez was setting me up for termination by making everything difficult and gave me poor performance when I did according to as he told. Tuan Nguyen's countryman and Paul Rodriguez then put COPA cases in my docket (see email above) to ensure I couldn't meet the stringent requirements, but I did nevertheless; which Rodriguez then demanded 3-5 more references added to on top of 3 references for each COPA patent case, and I still met the 3 COPA case on the following pay period. Soon after, I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days citing low performance when my Productivity was at 95%-119.8%, and weak technical knowledge when I am a pioneer in the field and an apodictic first patent case, on top of all the accomplishments. 2+months later, when a company interested in hiring me as a consultant for Patent Class 703 called the USPTO, the company told me I was on USPTO's "do not hired back" list, and Wendy Garber didn't allow me to work in site; and my Unemployment Insurance was cut abruptly soon after the company called USPTO, and I filed an EEOC, with only 3 months of UI. Then 2 failed beheadings here in Arlington, VA, meant to kill me; the first failed beheading happened on 6/1/2013 was just days before the EEOC Appeal. If I died, this EEOC case against the USPTO would have gone away.
In short, males from Asia wanted to ensure women will remain as a 2nd class citizen just as women in Asia; while Americans with "implicit bias" toward women in Tech or Asians/Colored people are complicit. As such, women excelled in jobs over the people from Asia are targeted, ousted, make into public enemy #1 and in physical harms, in the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO/NoVa/DC metro. As for the Chinese from China, if they said the reason for targeted me just as this UMD student is "she thinks she is an American"; this sounds about right. Another word, for being an Americanized Asian woman, in America, no less, a traitor in their view.
Anytime when a 3rd worlder speak ill of a woman, especially one they had never met in their lives, you should treat them like a 3rd worlder they really are.
Without 3rd Worlders or the Asian version of the KKK, mainly H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia using falsified papers, who I had never met in my life, women such as I that excelled in jobs wouldn't be the target of fake news and make into public enemy #1 everywhere we went in the US, and now not just in the USPTO, but also Arlington VA and NoVa/DC metro. Like Pizzagate, Americans acted on the fake news and did harms to me are those had "implicit bias", mainly Redneck hillbillies; otherwise this wouldn't have happen to me if I am a male or White. DO NOT try to understand 3rd Worlders from Asia with your 1st World Western ideology; judged them by their action. These 3rd worlders came from places where women are not even allowed to talk back to men, and Silicon Valley billionaires and millionaires snake oil salesmen knew this, but they fired women such as Ellen Pao and I, while spent million$$$ defending these cheap indenture servants, because women's lives means nothing to them in their quest to make billion$$ and world domination. If people from Asia behaved as if they are from North Korea such as those from China; of a culture where young girls brought from India using H1B visa and locked them in a house as sex slaves in the San Francisco Bay Area, where one jumped to her death tried to escape; or Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women hate Americans because of what Americans did to their people during Vietnam War, and they perceived me as being an Americanized Asian woman, a traitor; that's why they hated me as if I killed their mother as soon as they saw me. But these people from Asia will tell a hillbilly American I am a fresh-off-boat and no one likes me, out of malicious intention. In actuality, they are the fresh-off-the-boat and no one likes them, they make such statement about me because they knew redneck hillbilly stupid Americans will take their words at face value against a woman engineer who is an aspired Transhumanist, that make me into public enemy #1 in the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO/NoVa/DC metro and 2 failed beheadings meant to kill me. These are cancers to our society, their government don't want them in their homeland, why do we want them here to behead hardworking Americans such as I? Please report them to ICE 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423).
Do you NOT think the geniuses millionaires and billionaires of the Silicon Valley understand H1Bs and illegal immigrants will continue to practice their 3rd world ways toward women? Why do we condone Human Rights violation against women in America while these billionaires and the USPTO of the US government spent million$$$ defending these H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia? What are the chances of the first woman produced an apodictic first patent case and was known to most SPE Trainers and the then undersecretary Mr. David Kappos, terminated in a haste of 2 days, UNKNOWLY??!! Unless, it is a common practice for the USPTO's Electrical Art to terminate women without Due Process.
When people you had never met you in your life attacked you as soon as they see you because you are an American, what if they have access to trade secrets? What if after years of working in software development, and now learned how to hack into your computer, financial institutions computers, or using computer viruses to hijack database?
Do you NOT think the geniuses millionaires and billionaires of the Silicon Valley understand H1Bs and illegal immigrants will continue to practice their 3rd world ways toward women? Why do we condone Human Rights violation against women in America while these billionaires and the USPTO of the US government spent million$$$ defending these H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia? What are the chances of the first woman produced an apodictic first patent case and was known to most SPE Trainers and the then undersecretary Mr. David Kappos, terminated in a haste of 2 days, UNKNOWLY??!! Unless, it is a common practice for the USPTO's Electrical Art to terminate women without Due Process.
When people you had never met you in your life attacked you as soon as they see you because you are an American, what if they have access to trade secrets? What if after years of working in software development, and now learned how to hack into your computer, financial institutions computers, or using computer viruses to hijack database?
Women are half the population, why are we, the women still a 2nd class citizen in America? One of the most qualified Presidential candidates Hillary lost to the least qualified in the history of Presidential candidates, a male. Women lost almost every battle we fought in Equal Rights and Opportunities; including women raped in Universities where schools said it didn't happened. When women took legal action, we are dismissed or ruled against us by the San Francisco Bay Area jurors that were the same people sexually harassed and fired us; and even the EEOC and the Civil Court ruled against us. Are we living in the Middle East run by Islamic Extremists? How outrageous is this? So much so that makes me puked every time.
Justice is for the rich and the powerful corporations such as the Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists, Tech firms, and the USPTO. The judicial system deliberately ruled against people filed Pro Se, it is absolutely the travesty of justice. Case in point, the EEOC and the Civil court ruled against me saying I resigned despite I disputed with a termination letter signed and dated by Wendy Garber. How f@#k-up is this world, that judges (mostly privileged white males) using the office to uphold justice to deprive American citizens seeking justice? I used to have tremendous reverence toward our judicial system, not anymore after what I had experienced. What do you think to a society when justice is not served? Take justice into your own hand?! I want to build a computerized judge based on the Conservatives' interpretation of the LAW, to handle Pro Se cases; far better then these privileged elitist old White male judges who don't think there is discrimination, while a good day for me is without discrimination, sexual harassment, abuses, etc, that worsen by illegal immigrants and H1Bs from Asia. This project is far easier then my Emulation project. Tech is the great equalizer, you can become a billionaire relatively easy if you are a male where women are keep down, or create something such as a computerized judge right the wrong in society.
I am an exemplary of what woman can be without the conventional believes that kept women down since the beginning of time. Case in point, the belief that women are Not wired to understand technical concept. Prior to this, conventional belief women were incapable of understand complex concepts, therefore not suited to go to college. Today, at least half of the MBA and JD graduates are women. LIVE YOUR LIFE, not a life according to some conventions.
I am an exemplary of what woman can be without the conventional believes that kept women down since the beginning of time. Case in point, the belief that women are Not wired to understand technical concept. Prior to this, conventional belief women were incapable of understand complex concepts, therefore not suited to go to college. Today, at least half of the MBA and JD graduates are women. LIVE YOUR LIFE, not a life according to some conventions.
Women before us sacrifice themselves to give us the freedom today, we must do the same for the next generation of women.
A little perspective:
For those that had heard of the Silk Road, that was the beginning of the last globalization, when China was the sole Superpower like US today, and had an Open Door policy toward the West. The Brits took such opportunity and sold Opium, got the whole nation addicted, including my grandfather who died of Opium overdose. The first confrontation with the West called the Opium War started at the early 1800s fought by Chinese soldier addicts and lost. At the time, my ancestors were in California/America (they call America the Gold Mountain) digging for gold and trades, and encountered the Chinese Exclusion Act, that's why there were so few Chinese in America. In the early 1900s, the West+Japan invaded and pillaged China that plunged China into decades of wars and famines. Followed by WWI and WWII amount the West, where America was the last man standing after WWII. Some of my relatives fought in many of the 1900s wars, as I learned in their funerals.
For those that had heard of the Silk Road, that was the beginning of the last globalization, when China was the sole Superpower like US today, and had an Open Door policy toward the West. The Brits took such opportunity and sold Opium, got the whole nation addicted, including my grandfather who died of Opium overdose. The first confrontation with the West called the Opium War started at the early 1800s fought by Chinese soldier addicts and lost. At the time, my ancestors were in California/America (they call America the Gold Mountain) digging for gold and trades, and encountered the Chinese Exclusion Act, that's why there were so few Chinese in America. In the early 1900s, the West+Japan invaded and pillaged China that plunged China into decades of wars and famines. Followed by WWI and WWII amount the West, where America was the last man standing after WWII. Some of my relatives fought in many of the 1900s wars, as I learned in their funerals.
The Patent and Trademark Office continue to spread fake news against me to make me a public enemy #1 and put me in their “do not hired back” list such I can’t secure a job anywhere since 2011, that resulted in being sexual harassed, abused, rape and physical harm threats that is now manifested into 2 failed beheadings on me; while the suspects such as Tuan Nguyen (check his computer for child porn, most males from Asia obsessed with young teenage girls) and his countrymen/women, my ex-officemate Hung Havan (check his computer for child porn also) and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend and friends from India continue to gainfully employed, helped by Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill(Trump lite). While Nathan Hillery and Michele Choi were talking to Hung Havan (all sociopaths just like Charles Manson) in our office about giving their frenemy Bill a heart attack to kill him, in a conversation where they said Bill had a heart attack, had to be taken out by a stretcher and spent days in the hospital. Also, from their conversations, Nathan spent time in Bill's home with his family; Hung Havan knew Bill's family members, and Michele Choi hated she was not including in Bill's inter circle. I had my headphone on as usual tried to meet the 3 COPA cases per biweek. All these were my in 30-50 pages of EEOC Complaint of 2012. They are suspects for the 2 failed beheadings on me. The first beheading happened days before my EEOC Appeal due. The perpetrators thinking I would either be killed or hospitalized and the case against the USPTO would've gone away. I almost couldn't sent my Appeal on time had my housemate didn't help.
I didn't ask this Bill (Trump lite) for help because I didn't want to have anything to do with him or associated with all his close associates above that are sociopaths such that of Charles Manson. There is nothing good can come out from a guy shares similar personality as Trump, and was glaringly obvious going through a bad case of mid-life crisis and closely associated with a bunch of sociopaths (think Charles Manson). Why I wanted to transfer to another Unit, beside Paul Rodriguez was setting me up for termination from the get-go that forced me to work 24/7 with threats. Why I rarely spoke to him, nor do I wanted to owe him anything; and he knew I was being terminated as Michele Choi had told him which I then told him my Productivity was at 90+% to 119.8%. If this Bill choose to help out of the goodness of his heart, he would have done so as he had helped all his close associates and his girlfriend Susanne Lo from termination; or he is like Wendy Garber like to make people begged for their job? After all, his close associate Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery are sociopaths just like Charles Manson, which is one of the reasons why I didn't want to have anything to do with him. Or at least told people he had always been dating Susanne Lo (a sociopath), yet till this day, he and his family continue to mislead people so his enemies continue to come after me, also contributed to promulgate fake news against me such I can't secure any job, at the verge of being homeless, make into public enemies #1 that led to 2 failed beheadings on me. Most in the USPTO just wanted to do harm to me, helping me had never occurred to most people; which speak volume on the working environment.
Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill has been misleading his enemies, with the helps of his close associates Nathan Hillery and Hung Havan, as well his family, into thinking I am Susanne Lo he's been dating so that his enemies would come after me. To these privileged males, ruined my live is no different then stepping on a cockroach, especially males from Asia. Susanne Lo and Bill been dating long before I joined the USPTO in Nov. 2010, during and after I was wrongfully terminated (see email backup make in 2009-2011 when I was terminated. I still don't know Susanne Lo's boyfriend Bill's last name today). Bill and Susanne Lo openly talked about their relationship and fight in his office often and can be heard in all the offices near his office. Who does that? Bill and Susanne Lo often spent hours in close doors in each other's offices and Electrical room or the likes, and went home together all the time, often stopped by our office to talk to Hung Havan. They were supposed to be married and Bill was to adopt Lo's little boy. For more info go to this link the middle of the page #2.
I discouraged any romantic interest by indicated in a committed relationship, or cold stern look because I do not want to see another suicide like this Physics Professor, despite I treated him like any other Professors. He was French. The 2nd Frenchman proposition to be my House Husband, whose been there and done, and just wanted to settled down; the most tempted proposition. Till this day, I am still haunted by the suicide, been painstakingly not to lead anyone on; and avoided anyone who had shown any romantic interest. As such, most of the suitors in Tech had partake in promulgated fake news against me, one Startup Founder fired me and instructed his HR to give me bad reviews, just like the USPTO, to ensure I won't be able to secure a job. Another to offer to buy me, I told him my price was $1billion$$$ at the time when Bill Gates and Warren Buffett were the only 2 billionaires. As you can see, most in Tech are either morally bankrupted, or looking for a trophy wife/gold-digger. Otherwise, I had plenty of Ivy League multi-millionaires Tom, Dick and Harry (aka breeders) to choose from in the Silicon Valley that were in their 30s and have never been married, had I choose to. Then there are a few that didn't even know how to use the computer, or get to this blog after I gave them the URL. I am not making this up! These are redneck hillbillies looking for a China-man as a free house-keeper and a warm body at night. Just because I am an Asian woman, doesn't mean I am a "China man" flattered by a White man. Additionally, being sexually harassed and abused on the daily basis by males in the Silicon Valley, mostly males from Asia, that ruined everything that took my whole life to build and make me into public enemy #1 since the 1990s .....when I get home (my sanctuary), I DO NOT want to see a male insight. These from Asia are a cancer to our society that attack Americans such as Ellen Pao and I who excelled in the job, and should be deported.
In short, men that's "been there and done that" treated me with high regard; male breeders and 3rd worlders from Asia treated me as women in the Middle East; redneck hillbillies treated me as a China man such as those in the Silicon Valley/Tech/NoVa. How you treated me tell me where you've been, what you know and who you are.
How you treated me tell me who you are, where you've been, what you know. For example, a redneck hillbilly sees me as a China-man . The treatment by people from Asia's cruelty, hatreds toward me despite they had never met me in my life for being an Americanized Asian woman (a traitor), tactics and the effectiveness of propaganda that had full control of the Silicon Valley/Tech and now the USPTO and NoVa/DC metro that make me into public enemy #1 everywhere I went in the US are NOT common folks, nor do common folks in most Asian countries in the 1990s to 2000s allowed or afforded to go to college (think North Korea and India); unless they used falsified papers. Hence why I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004.
The USPTO had put all the employees lives in jeopardy by continue to employed these suspects. I like to see them get the same treatment as they did to me: make me into public enemy #1 such I would be sexual harassed, abused, unable to secure a job, fired soon if I did such as I had by the USPTO, under rape and physical harm threats that now manifested in 2 failed beheadings, while no Unemployment Insurance, social service or welfare such I will have to either married one of these malefactors, become a prostitute (which is what the people from Asia in the USPTO told people after I was wrongfully terminated), homeless or kill myself.
Whatever pretext used by the USPTO to justify my termination, it must meet the fact that I worked nearly 24/7, often 36 hours straight as evidenced by my computer log, I even timed my bathroom breaks so I would only needed to go 3X a day, and I was so focus (resulted of meditation and Zen practice since High School) that when my supervisor Paul Rodriguez told me I was terminated, I still tried to finish the patent case as soon as I got back to my computer not realizing what was going on (see my computer log); because Director Garber and supervisor Rodriguez had put COPA patent cases (extremely difficult patent cases that's been around for over a decade) in my docket while threatened me with termination if I didn't meet the 3 cases per biweek. I did meet the requirement, yet was terminated in a haste of 2 days on 8/2011 without Due Process, indicative of malfeasance. I had not seen daylight for months since I started the job on 11/2010 with the USPTO.
Also, what fact(s) is their pretext based on? Anything else is just racism, sexism, bigotry, hatreds, or just simply being evil.
For those that's been saying "she is so old" as if they can't find anything negative to say about me. It is akin to a bunch of Tom, Dick and Harry in a bar saying to the woman scientist on TV "she is too old for me"; then the other Tom, Dick and Harry also in agreement "she is too old for me too".
These people from Asia/H1B that had arrived in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry since the 1990s, and now the USPTO/NoVa, openly shunned women, Asian-American women in particular such as I and Ellen Pao (has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and JD from Harvard), by saying "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc" that even an 8 years old knew this is mean to say! This is to ensure I can't secured a job anywhere, such the people from Asia in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO can say "if she is so smart, why can't she get a job", because the people from Asia do NOT want Americans to know how they have been systematically ousting Americans, woman in particular as we are a low-hang-fruit; which I've been posting in social media how these people from Asia/H1B been targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s. That's why there are so few women in Tech today then in the 1990s or before, especially in the Silicon Valley. To justify why so few women, these Silicon Valley geniuses, Venture Capitalists and billionaires have been using sophistries and logical fallacy such as "We are meritocracy based, if women are so smart, every company are full of women engineers"; this makes me puked. The Silicon Valley/Tech industry have been in full control by males from Asia using propagandas/fake news, just like communist countries such as China and Cambodia to keep the dirt-poor population in-check when these countries were like North Korea; or India to keep the lower cast and women down, as evidence by 2 of the most powerful software companies, Google's and Microsoft's CEO are males from India, as well dominated the top level management, or the Patent Class 715 of the USPTO controlled by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women when I tried to transfer into.
So now the 2nd generation Asian are targeted and raped for being smart because the 1st generation Asian had make their kids into targets when they targeted me. What goes around, comes around. You see why Asia is such a cesspool, and they are making the Silicon Valley/Tech industry and now the USPTO/DC metro a cesspool. They are too smart for their own good. They used their smart to prey on others instead of making the world a better place or do something constructive. In most Asian countries, college is for the Elites only, often well connected with the government.
Who is the evil one, the demonizer or the demonized?
If the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) wasn't so busy rigging the system against me - an aspired transhumanist to advance the human race, when I filed an EEOC case in 2011, as the case was meant to alert the USPTO top level management how people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women are organized in a well-planned way ousting Americans they can't compete in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry (hence the 2 of the world most powerful software companies CEO - Google and Microsoft, are males from Asia, and people from Asia are now the majority in the Silicon Valley if illegal immigrants are included), and now the USPTO such as the Patent Class 715, using tactics such as Trolling, Witch hunt, Fake News, Pizzagate, Gamersgate, a WaPo journalist, bither, etc; on targets such as Ellen Pao (has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard), me, and most women in the Silicon Valley; that a large number of people loosely associated (in my case, people from Asia with H1Bs and illegal immigrants using falsified papers as the core) to target a person, often they had never met the target or each other in their lives, using Fake News/defamation/propaganda with the intention to ruin my life, and succeed with the helps of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry and the USPTO. Eventually, someone will tried to do harm to the target as in all above cases; and in my case, 2 failed beheadings on me here in Arlington, VA. These are the same tactics used against Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidency election, mainly by Russia in favorite of Trump, and Hillary lost despite she is the most qualified.
In my case, people from Asia with current and past H1B and illegal immigrants using falsified papers as the core, who I had never met in my life, targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s; and again the 1st month I started my job with the USPTO, by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women such as Hung Havan (all sociopaths just like Charles Manson), who I had never met in my life prior to the USPTO, who are most likely H1Bs and/or illegal immigrants using falsified papers. I grew up in NYC's Greenwich Village and East Village in the 1980s. There are only 2 of us with such background as there were very few Asians back then. In my childhood, my family was so poor that we didn't have enough to eat, and most Asians shunned us. I had to work 3 jobs every summer since High School, partied in Underground, Palladium, Studio 54, etc; skiied in Vermont where we stayed in a friend's parent's condo and drove their BMW 700 series at 125mph at night to get there, often friend's brother picked us up with his brand new Corvette; all when we were in High School. I was too busy with engineering classes and work in college.
By 2003, 90+% of people from Asia had partake in promulgating fake news against me and couldn't secure a job anywhere in Tech in the US because every tech company has at least one person from Asia, and that is all it takes (Similarly, in the USPTO, Tuan Nguyen instigated fake news/propaganda with classmates in the Training Academy the first month when we started the job, then classmates promulgated to the rest of the academy, the academy and Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women promulgated to the rest of USPTO employees that resulted in sexual assaults and abuses. When I make the request to Director Wendy Garber to transfer to the Patent Class 715 that were dominated by Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women; I ended up wrongful terminated. Now, everywhere I went in NoVa and the DC metro that not only make me into public enemy #1, also 2 failed beheadings meant to kill me here in Arlington, VA). I had to abscond from the SF Bay Area due to physical harm threats by an Asian coworker who was fired along with a group of H1Bs from Asia and a Director Raymond Tan after I complaint of sexual harassments and defamation also heard by management themselves, and an Asian gang. If I am mean and nasty, none of these people from Asia would dare to do anything to me. Why China doesn't allow free speech.
A good day is a day not being discriminated, sexually harassed or abuse since childhood; this worsen tremendously by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia using falsified papers in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s. Even today here in Arlington, VA, I am treated like a common thief in almost everywhere I went, including stores I shopped due to the fake news promulgated by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia. I had to give up volunteering with the Fairfax County Court because the entrance security guard treated me like a heinous criminal every time. It was so bad that I got sick in the bus and was hospitalized for 3 days; I am just not strong enough with rape and physical harm threats everywhere I went, while suffering from PTSD from USPTO's ordeal, and worsen by the 2 failed beheadings in 2013.
After I moved back to NYC, I thought I would have a better chance with the Defense industry thinking people from Asia had far less influence, if there was any Asian at all, and went on an interview where the company flew me in their corporate jet as the company was in the middle of nowhere. One male from Asia was not part of the interviewing team, stood on the hallway waiting to see me. I didn't get the job. Intel flew me from the East Coast to the West coast for emulation job interviews almost every year since 2004, where the whole dept. and the Emulation field dominated by males from India; needless to say, I didn't get the job in a field where I am a pioneer. I knew the same will happened to me in the USPTO, that's why I kept a low key and not be seen thinking if no one knows I existed, then they can't targeted me; unfortunate for me that my classmate Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, officemate Hung Havan (a sociopath just like Charles Manson) and his coteries Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and friends from India were people I couldn't avoid that were instrumental in promulgated fake news resulted in my wrongful termination in a haste of 2 days. Hung Havan elbowed my chest/breast on my last day. The following years after my wrongfully termination, there was a huge surge of Asians hired in the USPTO, for some reason, mostly males, just like the Silicon Valley. Now Asians from Asia are the majority in the San Francisco Bay Area if including illegal immigrants and those using falsified papers.
USPTO management told people I resigned when I was terminated in a hasted of 2 days with a termination letter and emails on how they set me up for termination, including putting COPA cases in my docket and then required I meet 3 cases per biweek for a probationary employee, which I did. Why did the USPTO management needed to lie? What did they have to hide? Because they knew they did something heinously abusive toward a human being by any standard. There is nothing to justify their action. They had never tried to settle the case because they knew their army of lawyers and connections with the judicial system that dominated by privileged old White men, a little China girl is no match. And so the USPTO won the EEOC, then dismissed by the Federal Court showed how much this is still a White men's world. And all these managements are promoted in the USPTO while the infamous backlog continues despite they went against President's mandate, an act of insubordinate, a firing offense.
After I was wrongfully terminated and filed my complaint with the EEOC, I knew I was in physical harm danger and been afraid to leave my residency. Now the fake news against are all over the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro everywhere I went that resulted in sexual harassment, abuses, can't secure a job, not even a volunteering job, fired soon if I did just as I was by the USPTO, under physical harm and rape threats everywhere I went that now manifested in 2 failed beheadings. NoVa/DC metro is the center of the world power where the White House is located, yet it is now control by the people from Asia that are often are illegal immigrants from Asia using propaganda/fake news. The Silicon Valley/Tech industry have been controlled by people from Asia since the 2000s; why despite I am a pioneer in emulation and was the only person could succeed in emulation project from inception to completion on time and within budget, yet can't secure a job and had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats; in similar manner as the Patent and Trademark Office and the NoVa/DC metro despite all my accomplishments; all due to fake news/propaganda. Now you understand how propaganda is used to control North Korea, or the old communist China, also keeping women down here in the West, especially in Tech. How scary is this with the understanding that NoVa/DC metro where the White House - center of the world power is located, or the Silicon Valley - the High Tech capital of the world, are not some hillbilly hinterlands?
I had warned the stealing of trade secrets by people from Asia since 2004; the NYPD took me seriously because of 911 and the FBI when I warned long before the Nigerian Prince scam was known and 60 Minutes did a piece on the scam by Lesley Stahl (someone got mauled by a dog, almost killed as the result, and scarred for life). Why Asia, in particular, China is the #2 economy today that was not much different then North Korea 20 years ago, India is not far behind, and Vietnam is coming up fast; North Korea today remain basically the same 20 years ago. In retaliation against me for warning stealing of trade secrets, the people-from-Asia been accusing me of stealing, and tools helped them spread such insidious defamation/fake news around. People from Asia will do to you what they have been doing to me if they could, that is, to ruin you, make you into public enemy #1, and make you suffered to the point where you will have to kill yourself. Islamic terrorists are far kinder, they just wanted to kill you. People from Asia have been using social media such as emails, websites such as, etc, to target me since the 1990s in the Silicon Valley, because I am an Americanized Asian woman that excelled in tech jobs over the males, a disrespect in their 3rd world culture as women are a 2nd class citizen.
Nobody is safe living and working with such vicious people amount us. They are a cancer in any society, and their own government would've put them in jail in their homeland. But for some reason, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, and the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro in general protecting these cancers from Asia against women that excelled in the jobs.
My life is over, I now fighting for Equal Rights and Opportunities for the next generation of women, also why I canvassed for Hillary, Women's March, volunteering, etc; such that women such as Susan Fowler will have a fighting chance in the Silicon Valley/Tech. I am supposed to be my parents retirement plan, who are in their 80s and 90s, they can barely pay their rent and I can't help them.
In my case, people from Asia with current and past H1B and illegal immigrants using falsified papers as the core, who I had never met in my life, targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s; and again the 1st month I started my job with the USPTO, by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women such as Hung Havan (all sociopaths just like Charles Manson), who I had never met in my life prior to the USPTO, who are most likely H1Bs and/or illegal immigrants using falsified papers. I grew up in NYC's Greenwich Village and East Village in the 1980s. There are only 2 of us with such background as there were very few Asians back then. In my childhood, my family was so poor that we didn't have enough to eat, and most Asians shunned us. I had to work 3 jobs every summer since High School, partied in Underground, Palladium, Studio 54, etc; skiied in Vermont where we stayed in a friend's parent's condo and drove their BMW 700 series at 125mph at night to get there, often friend's brother picked us up with his brand new Corvette; all when we were in High School. I was too busy with engineering classes and work in college.
Since High school, I had worked in a supermarket, as an office admin, ran a restaurant/motel/bar, temp in Wall Street, TA, adjunct taught EE, to an Applied Physics researcher pursuing a PhD prior to Graduation; the equivalent of 20 years working experiences in various industries, including fired or not hired because I am an Asian woman, or a kid did the job better then an adult; hence why I was looking for a meritocracy based company since. In tech, I was one of the few women computer hardware engineers in the world in the 1990s. I trained many H1Bs that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer (illegals using falsified papers); one told me he was a bank teller in Asia, who and another male from Asia took my credits of completing one of most complex bleeding-edge project, using fake news/propaganda to undermine me. His yearly salary was ~$40,000 a year, which was my starting salary with a Master's in EE, published paper and an adjunct taught EE, etc... because I am a woman. I ran one of the most complex bleeding-edge multi-million$$$ project at $100,000+/year salary in the late 1990s (using football terms, I was the coach and the Quarterback for the project that built the team from scratch and won the Super-bowl on the first season), where my male counterparts were paid at $250,000+stocks+bonus with far less successes, and consultants charged $1-3 million$$ to build such capability for companies without proven track record in the late 1990s to early 2000s, as I had; but instead I was ousted from not just the Silicon Valley, but the Tech industry all together; using fake news/propaganda such as "no one wanted her; no one liked her; etc", by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia using falsified papers. I had also applied for jobs in the Lasers and Optics field where I was a researcher with published paper, to no avail, as the field was dominated by people from China where most had never heard of Lasers. By 2001, at the height of the Tech bubble before 911, when anyone can walk and chew gum at the same time, could walked into any tech company in the Silicon Valley and hired; I wasn't able to secure any job and was constantly a targeted of fake news everywhere I went in the San Francisco Bay Area by people from Asia that had firm control of the Silicon Valley.
By 2003, 90+% of people from Asia had partake in promulgating fake news against me and couldn't secure a job anywhere in Tech in the US because every tech company has at least one person from Asia, and that is all it takes (Similarly, in the USPTO, Tuan Nguyen instigated fake news/propaganda with classmates in the Training Academy the first month when we started the job, then classmates promulgated to the rest of the academy, the academy and Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women promulgated to the rest of USPTO employees that resulted in sexual assaults and abuses. When I make the request to Director Wendy Garber to transfer to the Patent Class 715 that were dominated by Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women; I ended up wrongful terminated. Now, everywhere I went in NoVa and the DC metro that not only make me into public enemy #1, also 2 failed beheadings meant to kill me here in Arlington, VA). I had to abscond from the SF Bay Area due to physical harm threats by an Asian coworker who was fired along with a group of H1Bs from Asia and a Director Raymond Tan after I complaint of sexual harassments and defamation also heard by management themselves, and an Asian gang. If I am mean and nasty, none of these people from Asia would dare to do anything to me. Why China doesn't allow free speech.
A good day is a day not being discriminated, sexually harassed or abuse since childhood; this worsen tremendously by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia using falsified papers in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s. Even today here in Arlington, VA, I am treated like a common thief in almost everywhere I went, including stores I shopped due to the fake news promulgated by H1Bs and illegal immigrants from Asia. I had to give up volunteering with the Fairfax County Court because the entrance security guard treated me like a heinous criminal every time. It was so bad that I got sick in the bus and was hospitalized for 3 days; I am just not strong enough with rape and physical harm threats everywhere I went, while suffering from PTSD from USPTO's ordeal, and worsen by the 2 failed beheadings in 2013.
After I moved back to NYC, I thought I would have a better chance with the Defense industry thinking people from Asia had far less influence, if there was any Asian at all, and went on an interview where the company flew me in their corporate jet as the company was in the middle of nowhere. One male from Asia was not part of the interviewing team, stood on the hallway waiting to see me. I didn't get the job. Intel flew me from the East Coast to the West coast for emulation job interviews almost every year since 2004, where the whole dept. and the Emulation field dominated by males from India; needless to say, I didn't get the job in a field where I am a pioneer. I knew the same will happened to me in the USPTO, that's why I kept a low key and not be seen thinking if no one knows I existed, then they can't targeted me; unfortunate for me that my classmate Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, officemate Hung Havan (a sociopath just like Charles Manson) and his coteries Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and friends from India were people I couldn't avoid that were instrumental in promulgated fake news resulted in my wrongful termination in a haste of 2 days. Hung Havan elbowed my chest/breast on my last day. The following years after my wrongfully termination, there was a huge surge of Asians hired in the USPTO, for some reason, mostly males, just like the Silicon Valley. Now Asians from Asia are the majority in the San Francisco Bay Area if including illegal immigrants and those using falsified papers.
USPTO management told people I resigned when I was terminated in a hasted of 2 days with a termination letter and emails on how they set me up for termination, including putting COPA cases in my docket and then required I meet 3 cases per biweek for a probationary employee, which I did. Why did the USPTO management needed to lie? What did they have to hide? Because they knew they did something heinously abusive toward a human being by any standard. There is nothing to justify their action. They had never tried to settle the case because they knew their army of lawyers and connections with the judicial system that dominated by privileged old White men, a little China girl is no match. And so the USPTO won the EEOC, then dismissed by the Federal Court showed how much this is still a White men's world. And all these managements are promoted in the USPTO while the infamous backlog continues despite they went against President's mandate, an act of insubordinate, a firing offense.
After I was wrongfully terminated and filed my complaint with the EEOC, I knew I was in physical harm danger and been afraid to leave my residency. Now the fake news against are all over the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro everywhere I went that resulted in sexual harassment, abuses, can't secure a job, not even a volunteering job, fired soon if I did just as I was by the USPTO, under physical harm and rape threats everywhere I went that now manifested in 2 failed beheadings. NoVa/DC metro is the center of the world power where the White House is located, yet it is now control by the people from Asia that are often are illegal immigrants from Asia using propaganda/fake news. The Silicon Valley/Tech industry have been controlled by people from Asia since the 2000s; why despite I am a pioneer in emulation and was the only person could succeed in emulation project from inception to completion on time and within budget, yet can't secure a job and had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats; in similar manner as the Patent and Trademark Office and the NoVa/DC metro despite all my accomplishments; all due to fake news/propaganda. Now you understand how propaganda is used to control North Korea, or the old communist China, also keeping women down here in the West, especially in Tech. How scary is this with the understanding that NoVa/DC metro where the White House - center of the world power is located, or the Silicon Valley - the High Tech capital of the world, are not some hillbilly hinterlands?
I had warned the stealing of trade secrets by people from Asia since 2004; the NYPD took me seriously because of 911 and the FBI when I warned long before the Nigerian Prince scam was known and 60 Minutes did a piece on the scam by Lesley Stahl (someone got mauled by a dog, almost killed as the result, and scarred for life). Why Asia, in particular, China is the #2 economy today that was not much different then North Korea 20 years ago, India is not far behind, and Vietnam is coming up fast; North Korea today remain basically the same 20 years ago. In retaliation against me for warning stealing of trade secrets, the people-from-Asia been accusing me of stealing, and tools helped them spread such insidious defamation/fake news around. People from Asia will do to you what they have been doing to me if they could, that is, to ruin you, make you into public enemy #1, and make you suffered to the point where you will have to kill yourself. Islamic terrorists are far kinder, they just wanted to kill you. People from Asia have been using social media such as emails, websites such as, etc, to target me since the 1990s in the Silicon Valley, because I am an Americanized Asian woman that excelled in tech jobs over the males, a disrespect in their 3rd world culture as women are a 2nd class citizen.
Nobody is safe living and working with such vicious people amount us. They are a cancer in any society, and their own government would've put them in jail in their homeland. But for some reason, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, and the USPTO/NoVa/DC metro in general protecting these cancers from Asia against women that excelled in the jobs.
My life is over, I now fighting for Equal Rights and Opportunities for the next generation of women, also why I canvassed for Hillary, Women's March, volunteering, etc; such that women such as Susan Fowler will have a fighting chance in the Silicon Valley/Tech. I am supposed to be my parents retirement plan, who are in their 80s and 90s, they can barely pay their rent and I can't help them.
If you ask why people from Asia with H1B as the core that begun in the Silicon Valley, and mostly illegal immigrants from Asia using falsified papers to work in the US, who had never met me in their lives instigated such heinous HATE crime against me; it is complicated, but a simple answer is: good and evil don't mix, East and West don't mix, 1st World and 3rd World don't mix (yep, it is still complicated). It is a HATE crime against me. Unfortunately, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO, aka "The Lord of the Flies", are enforcing the evil-doers' agenda of keeping women as a 2nd class citizen, hence the term "Evil Empire". When women such as Ellen Pao and I took legal action, the Silicon Valley and the USPTO/US government spent million$$$ defending these evil doers, while the jurors in the Silicon Valley were the same sexist males we worked with, and the Defendant is one of the most powerful Venture Capitalist in the Silicon Valley/tech industry/world where the case trialed, the court ruled against women, just like the 1950s. In my case, the powerful government entity the Patent and Trademark Office,
People you had never met in your life attacked you as soon as they saw you/me, who had immigrated to the US from Asia (3rd world culture) that were not much different then North Korea not long ago, many were via H1B visa or illegally such as the Sushi maker Asian woman at Harris Teeter in the Pentagon City that defamed me the first time I walked-in in 2013, similarly when I walked into a Shoppers in Seven Corners VA in 2012, by a group of Mandarin speaking middle ago women, they then spoke to the store manager, and the store manager walked by me; Sue Tsui in Computer CORE where I volunteered, Fairfax County Court, Bikes for the World and all other places where I volunteered by people from Asia, I would've been fired if these were a paid position, just as I was by the USPTO. Similarly as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s and the Patent and Trademark Office by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met any of these people in my life as I am from NYC (I can be trace on NYC public school system from elementary to Graduate school); are you the one with malicious intentions? Are you or me the one badmouthing people you or I had never met in your/my life? Did the World Trade Center/Pizzagate/Gamersgate did something to warrant such attack; or Indians mistaken for Muslim, honored killed women here in America, Jewish community, etc. I was the first Americanized Asian woman they encountered in America in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s; in companies where the majority were current and past H1Bs from Asia, as well ghetto Asians, and so they make me into their effigy of Americans and attacked me as such. In similar manner as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, targeted me the first month I started my job with the USPTO. Action speaks louder then words.
This is NOT just a few people from Asia (mainly the Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian), but 90+% in the Silicon Valley prior to 2004 were attacking me, and everywhere I went since, from NYC to now the DC metro, in the manner as the proverbial Witch Hunt of the Dark Age for women, or today's Fake News. I am even being charged extra for take-outs in NYC's Chinatown because I don't speak their dialect/Chinese. They are the most vicious, racist and the rudest people I had ever encountered. In DC, not just the people from Asia had targeted me, but many of the 3rd worlders from all over the world I encountered.
I chose to move to the DC metro mainly of the fact that this is a good place to expose how the people from Asia are systemically, in a well-organized and well-planned way in targeting and ousting Americans using "fake news"/defamation, as the DC metro is the center of the Intelligent community. The Silicon Valley already under full control of the people from Asia that took the Silicon Valley like taking candies from a baby; ie, Google and Microsoft CEO are males from Asia, and many of these males from Asia came in the 1990s that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer are now in top level management. In particular, people from Asia using logical fallacy, and undermined me such as calling me "nutcase, paranoid, a racist, a thief, etc," for warning of stealing of trade secrets since 2004 (again, I am the canary in the coalmine); while people from Asia systemically ousting Americans, especially women (low hang fruits) they couldn't competed such as Ellen Pao (has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard), so they are the only one left to promote to top level management; that's why there are far fewer women programmers such as Susan Fowler and engineers in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s when people from Asia started crowding out Americans, women in particular as we are low hanging fruits. The now powerful Silicon Valley that influenced by people from Asia, mainly the Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese, did everything they could, from ensured I can't secure any job, make into public enemy #1 everywhere I went, and even tried to kill me. But like a cockroach, I just refused to die.
In light of how "Fake News" had affected this 2016 Presidential election, I hoped the Intelligence agencies take this seriously and do a deep dive study using me in the USPTO and the DC metro as a case study to the danger of Corporate America, and now the U.S. Presidency in light of the "fake news" where Putin of Russia is behind; because if you fully comprehended how they targeted me in the USPTO and the DC metro, and in a larger scale, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry and what they had accomplished (2 biggest software companies, Google and Microsoft CEOs are males from India; also dominated the tech top level management. People from Asia only hired their own people, especially in software companies such as Google and Microsoft; and ousted Americans they can't competed. Additionally, most partook in ousting me from SV in the early 2000s are now multi-millionaires and are in top level management, who couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when they just arrived in the US in the 1990s, and often illegal. Now money and power concentrated in a few people, just like India), it should send chills up your spine. It is a matter of national security if the Intelligent Agencies have any sense at all; why I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004, why I filed this lawsuit(2011) to show how much control the people from Asia had in the USPTO/DC metro; and why in my lawsuit, I keep comparing what happened to me in USPTO is exactly how the people from Asia attacked me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area, and now (2016) full control of the Silicon Valley/Tech Industry, as well had stolen/hacked every US government agency and corporation. I had deliberately eliminated any legitimate reason to terminate me by working 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log that accounted for every minute of my employment with the USPTO, met every stringent requirements of 3 cases per biweek, even after management had put difficult and complex COPA patent cases in my docket to ensure I couldn't meet the stringent requirements; did everything as told and ensured all communications were in written format.
If a Redneck Hillbilly had never seen an Asian or know their culture, nor can he find Asia on the map, and just moved to Asia for the first time, can he live like a typical Asian in Asia? Why do you think these people from Asia that is still a 3rd world culture, can live like an American in America? Common sense, isn't it? You are rejecting this because you were taught this is racism. Why Asians, in particular, people from India can hired their own people only such as in Google and Microsoft, and now dominated the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry. Whites can not speak up otherwise be called a racist, and that is what these people from Asia been calling me, also 2 failed beheadings on me here in Arlington VA. When people such as Ellen Pao (Pao has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard) speaks up, they make her into public enemy #1. When I speak up about what happened to me and what was going on in 2004, I was called a racist, amount other name calling meant to denigrate me, and had never stop every time when I speak up. Why would any woman wanted to be treated as if we are still in a 3rd world by 3rd worlders? The Silicon Valley/Tech industry blinded by greed and make sure no one dare to speak up against cheap indentured servants from Asia called H1B. You see why I said people from Asia not just had full control of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, and now the USPTO and the DC metro where 2 failed beheadings on me.
People from Asia are using the same tactics as Trump, a racist and a sexist at best, from lying, demonizing to every dirty tactic on the book, shared the fragile ego as most males from Asia. Many were using falsified papers to gain employment and to remain as a legal resident, most couldn't tell a toaster from a computer in the 1990s. This is why China doesn't allowed free speech. Equally perplexing as the trust toward Trump's word at face value, the people in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO that took people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/men's words at face value; they are just like Trump's supporters, mostly White male 35+ years old (felt what a failure they are when comparing to a China man such as I). These White males shared the same view toward women (implicit bias) as the White males from the 1950s (Mad Men), and often hostile toward me during canvassing-for-Hillary to the point where I was concerned for my safety and spoke to the field organizer if they had lawyers in place. Many White males under 35 years old can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, too lazy to bother with anything or major in the STEM field because it is too hard and too much works, takes everything for granted, promoted to management because he is White, and can easily acted on what they heard such as if someone said "no one liked her", they will started NOT liking the person no matter how good "she" has been treated him; or look for a pretext to justify their hates that resulted in my wrongful termination, in this White-man's world. And so, it is not that I am "smart", but because most people are just too lazy and didn't even bother to try due to lack of motivation. Additionally, if anyone had to work 3 jobs since High School while endured all forms of discriminations, including by Asians because we were so poor, you will be able to do anything.
One or two people instigated 'fake news'/defamation, then further spread by Trump campaign, and echo by social media such as Twitter and sometimes mainstream media. Because of implicit bias, they don't care about the truth or even bother to look for the truth, all they want is a pretext to demonize a woman such as Hillary Clinton in position of power or successful (breaking the statue quo). Doris Truong of Washington Post had just experienced such(Jan 2017). Before her, there was Ellen Pao (Pao has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard). In my case, a woman engineer that excelled in tech jobs over the males. Despite I met every stringent requirements and outstanding accomplishments not just in the USPTO that was known to the then Undersecretary and many supervisors, also in the Tech industry and academically, but terminated in a haste of 2 days nevertheless, no due process, procedural or otherwise, indicative of malfeasance. Trump is now the elected President, despite Hillary is the most qualified candidate, just as I was one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified for this patent class 703 position as a pioneer in the field. Also for breaking the statue quo that women are NOT suppose to be good in tech/math/bike/etc, which is a western belief. In Asian culture, women should remain as a 2nd class citizen. For Asian-American women, we never got either of the messages. The messages we got were "Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities" and Meritocracy based.
Despite sexual assaults on women, and on video saying grabbing women's pu**sy, in addition to saying in a rally gunned a person down on 5th Ave. and Trump would get away with it, etc. Trump is now the elected President. Then there's Bill Clinton's womanizing "fake news" through out his Presidency campaign, and Monica Lewinsky; while all the "fake news" hurl toward Hillary Clinton were taken as facts, as if she is a lightening rod because she is a woman.
Motivations to demonize me by people from Asia, ghetto Asian, 35+ years old White male, 3rd World male, non-Asian, Asian and non-Asian older women divorcees who's EX married a young good-looking woman (ie, Wendy Garber, Kakali Chaki's Vietnamese older woman friend, Eileen Joyner and Sue Tsui of Computer CORE, Mui of the Bikes for the World from SouthEast Asia, etc;), why I ensured I will be self-sufficient since High School and pursuit a different path, etc, are all different as I stated for some above, but shared the same susceptibility to HATE and/or discrimination because I am a woman. One must remembers the WORLD is a complicated place. Judged people by their action.
This is NOT just a few people from Asia (mainly the Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian), but 90+% in the Silicon Valley prior to 2004 were attacking me, and everywhere I went since, from NYC to now the DC metro, in the manner as the proverbial Witch Hunt of the Dark Age for women, or today's Fake News. I am even being charged extra for take-outs in NYC's Chinatown because I don't speak their dialect/Chinese. They are the most vicious, racist and the rudest people I had ever encountered. In DC, not just the people from Asia had targeted me, but many of the 3rd worlders from all over the world I encountered.
I chose to move to the DC metro mainly of the fact that this is a good place to expose how the people from Asia are systemically, in a well-organized and well-planned way in targeting and ousting Americans using "fake news"/defamation, as the DC metro is the center of the Intelligent community. The Silicon Valley already under full control of the people from Asia that took the Silicon Valley like taking candies from a baby; ie, Google and Microsoft CEO are males from Asia, and many of these males from Asia came in the 1990s that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer are now in top level management. In particular, people from Asia using logical fallacy, and undermined me such as calling me "nutcase, paranoid, a racist, a thief, etc," for warning of stealing of trade secrets since 2004 (again, I am the canary in the coalmine); while people from Asia systemically ousting Americans, especially women (low hang fruits) they couldn't competed such as Ellen Pao (has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard), so they are the only one left to promote to top level management; that's why there are far fewer women programmers such as Susan Fowler and engineers in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s when people from Asia started crowding out Americans, women in particular as we are low hanging fruits. The now powerful Silicon Valley that influenced by people from Asia, mainly the Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese, did everything they could, from ensured I can't secure any job, make into public enemy #1 everywhere I went, and even tried to kill me. But like a cockroach, I just refused to die.
In light of how "Fake News" had affected this 2016 Presidential election, I hoped the Intelligence agencies take this seriously and do a deep dive study using me in the USPTO and the DC metro as a case study to the danger of Corporate America, and now the U.S. Presidency in light of the "fake news" where Putin of Russia is behind; because if you fully comprehended how they targeted me in the USPTO and the DC metro, and in a larger scale, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry and what they had accomplished (2 biggest software companies, Google and Microsoft CEOs are males from India; also dominated the tech top level management. People from Asia only hired their own people, especially in software companies such as Google and Microsoft; and ousted Americans they can't competed. Additionally, most partook in ousting me from SV in the early 2000s are now multi-millionaires and are in top level management, who couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when they just arrived in the US in the 1990s, and often illegal. Now money and power concentrated in a few people, just like India), it should send chills up your spine. It is a matter of national security if the Intelligent Agencies have any sense at all; why I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004, why I filed this lawsuit(2011) to show how much control the people from Asia had in the USPTO/DC metro; and why in my lawsuit, I keep comparing what happened to me in USPTO is exactly how the people from Asia attacked me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area, and now (2016) full control of the Silicon Valley/Tech Industry, as well had stolen/hacked every US government agency and corporation. I had deliberately eliminated any legitimate reason to terminate me by working 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log that accounted for every minute of my employment with the USPTO, met every stringent requirements of 3 cases per biweek, even after management had put difficult and complex COPA patent cases in my docket to ensure I couldn't meet the stringent requirements; did everything as told and ensured all communications were in written format.
If a Redneck Hillbilly had never seen an Asian or know their culture, nor can he find Asia on the map, and just moved to Asia for the first time, can he live like a typical Asian in Asia? Why do you think these people from Asia that is still a 3rd world culture, can live like an American in America? Common sense, isn't it? You are rejecting this because you were taught this is racism. Why Asians, in particular, people from India can hired their own people only such as in Google and Microsoft, and now dominated the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry. Whites can not speak up otherwise be called a racist, and that is what these people from Asia been calling me, also 2 failed beheadings on me here in Arlington VA. When people such as Ellen Pao (Pao has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard) speaks up, they make her into public enemy #1. When I speak up about what happened to me and what was going on in 2004, I was called a racist, amount other name calling meant to denigrate me, and had never stop every time when I speak up. Why would any woman wanted to be treated as if we are still in a 3rd world by 3rd worlders? The Silicon Valley/Tech industry blinded by greed and make sure no one dare to speak up against cheap indentured servants from Asia called H1B. You see why I said people from Asia not just had full control of the Silicon Valley/Tech industry, and now the USPTO and the DC metro where 2 failed beheadings on me.
People from Asia are using the same tactics as Trump, a racist and a sexist at best, from lying, demonizing to every dirty tactic on the book, shared the fragile ego as most males from Asia. Many were using falsified papers to gain employment and to remain as a legal resident, most couldn't tell a toaster from a computer in the 1990s. This is why China doesn't allowed free speech. Equally perplexing as the trust toward Trump's word at face value, the people in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry/USPTO that took people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/men's words at face value; they are just like Trump's supporters, mostly White male 35+ years old (felt what a failure they are when comparing to a China man such as I). These White males shared the same view toward women (implicit bias) as the White males from the 1950s (Mad Men), and often hostile toward me during canvassing-for-Hillary to the point where I was concerned for my safety and spoke to the field organizer if they had lawyers in place. Many White males under 35 years old can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, too lazy to bother with anything or major in the STEM field because it is too hard and too much works, takes everything for granted, promoted to management because he is White, and can easily acted on what they heard such as if someone said "no one liked her", they will started NOT liking the person no matter how good "she" has been treated him; or look for a pretext to justify their hates that resulted in my wrongful termination, in this White-man's world. And so, it is not that I am "smart", but because most people are just too lazy and didn't even bother to try due to lack of motivation. Additionally, if anyone had to work 3 jobs since High School while endured all forms of discriminations, including by Asians because we were so poor, you will be able to do anything.
One or two people instigated 'fake news'/defamation, then further spread by Trump campaign, and echo by social media such as Twitter and sometimes mainstream media. Because of implicit bias, they don't care about the truth or even bother to look for the truth, all they want is a pretext to demonize a woman such as Hillary Clinton in position of power or successful (breaking the statue quo). Doris Truong of Washington Post had just experienced such(Jan 2017). Before her, there was Ellen Pao (Pao has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard). In my case, a woman engineer that excelled in tech jobs over the males. Despite I met every stringent requirements and outstanding accomplishments not just in the USPTO that was known to the then Undersecretary and many supervisors, also in the Tech industry and academically, but terminated in a haste of 2 days nevertheless, no due process, procedural or otherwise, indicative of malfeasance. Trump is now the elected President, despite Hillary is the most qualified candidate, just as I was one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified for this patent class 703 position as a pioneer in the field. Also for breaking the statue quo that women are NOT suppose to be good in tech/math/bike/etc, which is a western belief. In Asian culture, women should remain as a 2nd class citizen. For Asian-American women, we never got either of the messages. The messages we got were "Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities" and Meritocracy based.
Despite sexual assaults on women, and on video saying grabbing women's pu**sy, in addition to saying in a rally gunned a person down on 5th Ave. and Trump would get away with it, etc. Trump is now the elected President. Then there's Bill Clinton's womanizing "fake news" through out his Presidency campaign, and Monica Lewinsky; while all the "fake news" hurl toward Hillary Clinton were taken as facts, as if she is a lightening rod because she is a woman.
Motivations to demonize me by people from Asia, ghetto Asian, 35+ years old White male, 3rd World male, non-Asian, Asian and non-Asian older women divorcees who's EX married a young good-looking woman (ie, Wendy Garber, Kakali Chaki's Vietnamese older woman friend, Eileen Joyner and Sue Tsui of Computer CORE, Mui of the Bikes for the World from SouthEast Asia, etc;), why I ensured I will be self-sufficient since High School and pursuit a different path, etc, are all different as I stated for some above, but shared the same susceptibility to HATE and/or discrimination because I am a woman. One must remembers the WORLD is a complicated place. Judged people by their action.
Hackers also had hacked every US company and government agency. I just hope that people don't lumped Asian-Americans/me with people from Asia; just like the Muslim community plagued by the Islamic Extremist or good cops plagued by bad cops. As an Asian-American, I do not want to be identify with these sexists/racist/bigots/sociopaths from Asia. They are an insulted to all Asian-Americans.
My case and Ellen Pao's case (Pao has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard) also illustrates exactly how the STEM field systemically ousting women, make into public enemy #1 and rigged the system against women, including the judicial system. The USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech treated me is no different then the Islamic Extremists treated women. Despite I was a pioneer in the field and was the only person that could run one of the most complex multi-million dollars projects - Emulation successfully, I was ousted in similar manner as in AU2123 by Paul Rodriguez; despite I had outstanding accomplishments and one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified for Patent Class 703 as a pioneer in the field, and not hired by Patent Class 715 despite I met every stringent requirement of 3 COPA cases per biweek in addition to 3-5 reference per patent; while the Silicon Valley/Tech continue to say women are just not good in tech using sophistries such as meritocracy based, hence why so few women in the Silicon Valley/Tech/Electrical Art; or pretext for the persist patent backlog was lack of qualified American candidates by the USPTO management.
Women are not taken seriously professionally, and so not trusted with high value projects. When women succeed in high value projects, we don't get the credits because males don't believed women could do the job. When we finally given the credit, we are targeted, demonized, ousted, and in my case, incited physical harms and rape, that now manifested in 2 failed attempt beheadings here in Arlington VA. Such demonization of me is now all over Arlington/Alexandria, VA; particularly in the Pentagon City area. My career is over, I am not even safe being out and about such as grocery shopping in places such as Harris Teeters [instigated by the sushi maker Chinese woman (a spy?) at the counter the first day I walked into the place in 2013, and by another Asian ~70 years old woman street vendor on Hayes Street of Pentagon City Mall entrance, across from the Homeland Security/TSA (?), or Targets for fear of being sexually harass or accusation of thief (which I will sue)]; or anywhere I went. I had never met any of these people in my life as I am from NYC. There is no ramification for ruined a woman's life in the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO as even the judicial system is sided with the powerful institutions per Ellen Pao case, Stanford raped case, my case, and countless cases before and after us. We are make into public enemy #1 and I am at the verge of going homeless. I am now fighting for the next generation of women for Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities by canvassing for Hillary. Unfortunately, the demonization is now (late Oct, Nov 2016) reached at the Hillary volunteering meeting place where large number of people meet, someone bound to have heard of the demonization of me as it is all over the DC metro that instigated by USPTO employees from Asia in 2010 the first month I started the job; hence why I gave out my blog links to make my point why women are being demonized using myself as a live example.
Whenever women reached certain level of success, another word, challenging the status quo of the conventional role of women, even being well-liked is perceived as being successful (hence "no one wanted her; no one liked her"), we are targeted and demonized, by not just males, but females too, sadly. This is one of the reasons why so few women are in executive management level or in the STEM field and the Silicon Valley. Women such as I treated by males just as the Islamic Extremists treated women in the Middle East, including beheadings (see pic).
In this Digital Revolution where talking heads keep saying America doesn't have enough qualified engineers/programmers/scientist, women such as I aspired to be a Transhumanist/scientist/researcher/professor are make into public enemy #1, and in my case, 2 failed beheadings, never have a chance to fulfill our aspiration in this men's world, as so many had reinforced this message to me, from 35+ years old White males to most from a 3rd world culture such as Asia. America, after all, is still a 3rd world culture, not much different from the Islamic extremist of the Middle East or Asia.
My case and Ellen Pao's case (Pao has an EE from Princeton, a MBA and a JD from Harvard) also illustrates exactly how the STEM field systemically ousting women, make into public enemy #1 and rigged the system against women, including the judicial system. The USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech treated me is no different then the Islamic Extremists treated women. Despite I was a pioneer in the field and was the only person that could run one of the most complex multi-million dollars projects - Emulation successfully, I was ousted in similar manner as in AU2123 by Paul Rodriguez; despite I had outstanding accomplishments and one of the few people in the world uniquely qualified for Patent Class 703 as a pioneer in the field, and not hired by Patent Class 715 despite I met every stringent requirement of 3 COPA cases per biweek in addition to 3-5 reference per patent; while the Silicon Valley/Tech continue to say women are just not good in tech using sophistries such as meritocracy based, hence why so few women in the Silicon Valley/Tech/Electrical Art; or pretext for the persist patent backlog was lack of qualified American candidates by the USPTO management.
Women are not taken seriously professionally, and so not trusted with high value projects. When women succeed in high value projects, we don't get the credits because males don't believed women could do the job. When we finally given the credit, we are targeted, demonized, ousted, and in my case, incited physical harms and rape, that now manifested in 2 failed attempt beheadings here in Arlington VA. Such demonization of me is now all over Arlington/Alexandria, VA; particularly in the Pentagon City area. My career is over, I am not even safe being out and about such as grocery shopping in places such as Harris Teeters [instigated by the sushi maker Chinese woman (a spy?) at the counter the first day I walked into the place in 2013, and by another Asian ~70 years old woman street vendor on Hayes Street of Pentagon City Mall entrance, across from the Homeland Security/TSA (?), or Targets for fear of being sexually harass or accusation of thief (which I will sue)]; or anywhere I went. I had never met any of these people in my life as I am from NYC. There is no ramification for ruined a woman's life in the Silicon Valley/Tech/USPTO as even the judicial system is sided with the powerful institutions per Ellen Pao case, Stanford raped case, my case, and countless cases before and after us. We are make into public enemy #1 and I am at the verge of going homeless. I am now fighting for the next generation of women for Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities by canvassing for Hillary. Unfortunately, the demonization is now (late Oct, Nov 2016) reached at the Hillary volunteering meeting place where large number of people meet, someone bound to have heard of the demonization of me as it is all over the DC metro that instigated by USPTO employees from Asia in 2010 the first month I started the job; hence why I gave out my blog links to make my point why women are being demonized using myself as a live example.
Whenever women reached certain level of success, another word, challenging the status quo of the conventional role of women, even being well-liked is perceived as being successful (hence "no one wanted her; no one liked her"), we are targeted and demonized, by not just males, but females too, sadly. This is one of the reasons why so few women are in executive management level or in the STEM field and the Silicon Valley. Women such as I treated by males just as the Islamic Extremists treated women in the Middle East, including beheadings (see pic).
In this Digital Revolution where talking heads keep saying America doesn't have enough qualified engineers/programmers/scientist, women such as I aspired to be a Transhumanist/scientist/researcher/professor are make into public enemy #1, and in my case, 2 failed beheadings, never have a chance to fulfill our aspiration in this men's world, as so many had reinforced this message to me, from 35+ years old White males to most from a 3rd world culture such as Asia. America, after all, is still a 3rd world culture, not much different from the Islamic extremist of the Middle East or Asia.
Like the USPTO that put males without any technical background in position of power such as Paul Rodriguez, the Silicon Valley gave credits to males from Asia that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, of completing one of the most complex chip process projects - Emulation project, and fired me.
Like Donald Trump's supporters that are mostly closet racists, closet racist and sexist of the USPTO such as Paul Rodriguez and Wendy Garber hell-bent on terminating me from the get-go, used the pretext provided by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/men that gained the consensus and terminated me in a haste of 2 days, despite many had ran interference from a Union VP to a supervisor wanted to transfer me into his Art Unit. Similarly, it didn't take much for racist and sexist in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry to oust women such as Ellen Pao and I, after we were defamed by people from Asia and make into public enemy #1.
The question here is, who started the talk of terminating me, since I worked nearly 24/7, no one should even know I was alive, and met every stringent requirements? I suspected it was a bunch of males and at least one top level management (a woman that thought "hot" means floozy) who thought I was Susanne Lo that was dating Bill (Trump lite), that misled by Hung Havan (a Charles Manson like sociopath) and his coterie Nathan Hillery, Susanne Lo and her friends, and Michele Choi. To these White people, a perceived young Asian woman- a Chinaman dating a White old male, she must be a gold-digger (as if anyone in the USPTO could afford a gold bar); even the people from Asia defamed as such as they don't like to see Asian dating White or none-Asians, just like above White people; that's why I was the one terminated, and not the old white male. I've been degraded like this since the first month on the job in the USPTO to this day, an aspired transhumanist, by these sexist, racist, lowest common denominators and ankle biters.
The worst part is that Wendy Garber and the USPTO rigged the whole system, including the judicial system, tried to cover-up their wrongdoing; at the same time make me into public enemy #1, at the verge of going homeless, can't afford to get cancer treatment and either going to die of cancer or beheaded; while all the wrongdoers continue to gainfully employed, unlike the Silicon Valley, where Whites were fired and the people from Asia were promoted, and now dominated the top level management in Google, Microsoft, etc.
If any of these management saying terminated me was to protect me from a White man taking advantage of me, then the USPTO should've terminated that White man long time ago. I am not the one trying to take advantage of anybody, but trying to do a good job meeting the stringent requirements by working 24/7. This is akin to murder a young woman to save her from suffering the vicissitude of life. It is just a pretext these closet racist/sexist had been looking for to terminate a woman and an Asian one at that, that excelled in the job. And you see why I wanted to stay away from all of these closet racist/sexist, kept a low key and not be seen? Because the likes of Hung Havan and his coterie, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, and so many people from Asia knew exactly how to brainwash Americans and make them into a Manchurian Candidate, as proven over and over in the Silicon Valley, and now not just the USPTO, but the whole DC metro.
These management managed to rig the whole system, from putted me on their "do not hired back/misconduct" list to ensure I won't be able to secure a job anywhere, or receive any social service such as unemployment compensation, Medicare/Medicaid (no cancer treatment) or Disability, including rigged the EEOC and now the Civil Court to rule in their favor. Nepotism will continue to rule the USPTO.
The insidious defamation that started by people I had never met in my life from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women the first month we started the job in the Training Academy meant to get me terminated and make me into public enemy #1; just as the people from Asia did to me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s. These people came from a 3rd world culture where women are a 2nd class citizen, and not allowed to talk back to men. The USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech industry hired these people from a 3rd world culture without training them how to behave in a 1st world, and so they attacked me as soon as they saw me, an Asian-American woman engineer.
Now that they are the majority in the Silicon Valley, they are forcing women to have sex with them. Women such as Ellen Pao (MBA and JD from Harvard) refused and now make into public enemy #1. The better I am at the job, the worst the attacks. That's why I stayed low key and not be seen such no one knows I exist. They can't defamed me if they don't see me. It would take at least a year for them to get me terminated, depends on the kinds of people in management. But with the help of my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his coterie Nathan Hillery (Union Rep. that had access to management), Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her boyfriend Bill and friends, I was terminated in 8 months and a haste of 2 days. They gave racist and sexist a pretext to terminate me. However, Paul Rodriguez would have terminated me on my last days of my probationary period as he was setting me for termination from the get-go.
This is why I kept referencing to what happened to me in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s to show a pattern persisted for over 20+ years and in every tech company in the US, and now the USPTO, a government institution. The USPTO may even realized these people from Asia are anti-West as my EEOC case explained in detail how they defamed me and set me up for termination in 50+ pages, as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley, in NYC and now the USPTO/DC metro; as they perceived an Americanized Asian woman as a traitor; another word, I am their World Trade Center. In similar manner as an American in North Korea perceived a White American descendant grew up in a communist North Korean that doesn't speak English nor shared American's ideology, but a huge supporter of communism and North Korea. How do you feel, an America, as soon as you see him/her, especially if you are a hillbilly redneck, a Tea Party or a KKK?
You can take a 3rd worlder out of a 3rd world, but you can't take the 3rd world out of a 3rd worlder. The rule of thumb should be - action speaks louder than words; people from Asia you have never met in your life defamed you as soon as they saw you, calling you a racist, are you the racist or them? This is true for everyone, not just for 3rd worlders.
It doesn't take a genius to realized they are a danger to our national security, as I realized in early 2000s, after 911 because I realized such deep hatreds toward all Americans (I thought my brother was still working in the World Trade Center, also many of my childhood friends and cousins were working in Wall Street. I was in the Silicon Valley on 911). That the USPTO should have alerted the Intelligent Agencies in 2012 after the investigation of my EEOC complaint that confirmed all my claims, and all the hackings such as the OPM may had been avoided (this hacked akin to moving 10s of trucks out of the OPM). They had learned nothing from 911; so now you and every governmental employee's SS# and personal information are for sale in the Dark Web. And so for the rest of your life, you and every Federal employees have to worry about identity theft; but no where near the pain and suffering I had to endure for decades of being public enemy #1 as these people from Asia had make me into that resulted in unable to secure a job, while being sexually harassed, abuse, physical harm and rape threats, and now 2 failed beheadings. Also, the USPTO would have realized they had make a mistake and I would've been back at work by 2012.
To punish a wrongdoer or misconduct, there must be material-facts such as email, or fact-finding process which would shown via my computer log that I worked nearly 24/7, and often worked 36 hour straight that accounted for every minute of the 8 months I was employed by the USPTO, with accomplishments to boot, absolutely no ambiguity; had a fact-finding process been implemented. But instead, the USPTO terminated me in haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance. Whatever reason the USPTO used for my termination, they have to explain why so few women in their Electrical Art, or the Tech industry/Silicon Valley when women such as I are one of few people in the world qualified for the job, but terminated in a haste of 2 days, no less.
But instead, the USPTO was too busy rigging the whole system against me, then 2 failed attempt beheadings meant to kill me. The Silicon Valley today and all the hackings are self evidenced to my warnings since 2004, I even said "can you afford NOT to believe me?"; also the fact that people from Asia had make me into public enemy #1 in the DC metro, in particular, Pentagon City area that is flooded with people from Asia in recent years, where I don't know anyone here indicative of how much control they have in this capital of the world.
Despite I gave a list of murder suspects in June, 2013 to the Arlington detective in charge of my case, specifically indicated all were the employees of the USPTO such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her friends, etc. Yet, there wasn't anything done. These murder suspects continue to gainfully employed, while subjected all USPTO employees to be the next beheading target.
After the failed attempt beheading, in addition to the 50+ pages of my EEOC complaint saying people from Asia are stealing trade secrets, the USPTO still didn't realized the seriousness of the situation; not even after every government institution been hacked, including the OPM. This is after 911 era. You can't make this stuff up! What does it take for the USPTO to get their acts together?
Summary of the EEOC:
The Fresh-off-the-boat H1Bs from China and Taiwan targeted and defamed me (an Asian-American woman grew up in NYC) as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s, partook by most of the people from Asia (mainly the Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian) since, and make me into public enemy #1 such I can’t secured a job anywhere, while being sexually harassed, abused, under rape and physical harm threats. I had to abscond from the Silicon Valley due to physical harm threats by an Asian co-worker (Tuan Nguyen’s countrymen) and an Asian gang. Most from Asia in the 1990s couldn't tell a toaster from a computer, I had to train them how to get inside a computer such they could do their job. (They also had access to IPs. What would people from Asia that was not much different then North Korea do with such access? Hence why I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004.) I had already written an AI program using C, published paper in Applied Physics, taught EE class, found the first PCI bus bug and had taken a 24-port smart hub from scratch to manufacturing. Today, most of them in the Silicon Valley are multi-millionaires; while I am at the verge of being homeless.
Similar, the people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, targeted and defamed me the 1st month we started the job in the Patent and Trademark Office’s Training Academy. Then racist, sexist and imbeciles (brain-dead and no moral) acted on what they heard and helped promulgated the defamations to the Training academy, then the USPTO, and now the DC metro. As the resulted, despite all my outstanding accomplishments, I was wrongfully terminated in a haste of 2 days, then management rigged the whole system against me, including the judicial system such as the EEOC and the civil court, as well social service from Unemployment Insurance stopped abruptly to Medicare such no cancer treatment for me, and 2 failed attempt beheadings on me that’s about 3-5 miles away from the White House, meant to make this lawsuit go away.
(Ellen Pao (EE from Princton, MBA and JD from Harvard) and many women working in the Silicon Valley are similarly targeted by people from Asia, demonized, ousted and make into public enemy#1; while the Silicon Valley continue to say they can’t find qualified American candidates and need more H1B cheap labors from Asia.)
As a pioneer in Emulation and was the only person could run such complex multi-million dollars project on time and within budget, I was NOT hired by Intel where the whole dept dominated by people from India in the late 1990s and early 2000s. There was only 1 or 2 White males in the whole dept. People from India also dominated the software field where they only hired their own countrymen/women, that now the top level management are mostly people from India where the CEO of Google and Microsoft are males from India. I was a Lasers and Optics researcher with published paper, but was not hired in any of Lasers and Optics related jobs in the Silicon Valley in the late 1990s and early 2000s because the field was dominated by people from China. Most had never heard of Laser, or used falsified papers to get the job. And now, the Patent Class 715 I requested to transfer to was predominately Tuan Nguyen’s countrymen/women; and instead of transferring, I was terminated in a haste of 2 days.
1. I was just a lowly new hired entry level patent examiner:
2. Why do the USPTO employees still (2016) believe I am Susanne Lo that’s dating this Bill, who I don’t even know his last name, and was instigated/misled by this Bill's frenemy Nathan Hillary and his coterie Hung Havan, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and friends from India, in 2011? All these people are also the main suspects for the 2 failed beheadings. This makes me suspect it was Susanne Lo’s boyfriend’s enemies misled into thinking I am Susanne Lo, or even Michele Choi who was also a close associate of Bill, and came after me relentlessly. Both Choi and Lo were hated by many, as well a history of bad behavior, while I worked nearly 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log. In addition to Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women's relentless attacks since the first month, that gave closet racist and sexist a pretext to terminate me; aka implicit bias. Hence terminated me in a haste of 2 days, indicative of malfeasance, and rigged the whole system against me that shown deep hatreds toward me, someone they had never met in their lives. The Silicon Valley been trying to cover-up their misogynistic behavior that resulted in so few women in Tech by blaming everything on women, nothing new here, folks.
1. I was just a lowly new hired entry level patent examiner:
- How do they even know me other then was known to have an apodictic first patent case in the Training Academy, as I worked 24/7 evidenced by my computer log and kept a low key?
- Why would management spent such effort in rigging the whole system against me?
I voted for Obama because Hillary wasn't ready, just as Bush 43 wasn't ready for the job and created chaos globally. The 2016, Hillary was the most qualified Presidential candidate. Trump have the potential of leads to WWIII.
If Hillary won, women will experienced backlashes. I hoped Hillary's lost will make women finally realized women are still being discriminated against, and it is still a man's world just like the 1950s, as I've been treated in the USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech industry/bike world.
During canvassing, many of the young women supported Bernie refused to vote for Hillary cited years of demonization of Hillary. I was especially impressed with one young African American woman as she was very informed. I told them being a women engineer that excelled in tech jobs over the males, I was targeted, demonized, make into public enemy #1 that now is all over the DC metro; there were also 2 failed beheadings here in Arlington VA. I explained when women break the statue quo, in position of power, and/or successful, we are targeted and make into public enemy #1. I gave them my blog. Now that we know most of the Trump appointees for top government positions, I hoped women realized women and minorities Rights are at jeopardy.
Now that sexist/misogynist realized how close a woman become President, and won by the popular votes, there will be a concerted effort to target any women that have the potential to be great, just as the Silicon Valley/Tech industry been doing to women such as Ellen Pao and I.
For women or anyone looking for that perfect woman candidate that got there based on her merit, I was one too. What happened to me as shown above that the real world is not idealistic, unfortunately, as indicative by the USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech industry, the Judicial System, and everywhere I went in the DC metro the resulted of demonization by the USPTO coworkers and people from Asia. The real world did everything they could to keep women down, not just Hillary. That is why I've been advocating Equal Rights and Opportunities for women for decades, and canvassing for Hillary to break that glass ceiling. This is just the first step toward Equal Rights and Opportunities for women.
If Hillary had ever stood for anything, I hope she will continue to fight for her cause. Don't use the platform just to make yourself rich.
In my resume opening statement to Wall Street jobs since 2004: "May you live in interesting. Believe it or not, we are living in interesting times", because if people are aware of what is going on, it would be Wall Street because they are betting their fortunate in such insight. Needless to say, they didn't, and so I must wait, and waited. However, many did started investing in China.
I've been living like a fugitive since 2001 and afraid to leave the house. My family has no idea what trolling or fake news is. They thought I am the problem despite I told them what had happened to me just as I written in this blog. They were doing "INTERVENTION"s to me by confronting me because they saw this on TV, and could have ended very badly had I not moved away from them, to take the job with the Patent and Trademark Office.
Rule of thumb: These 3rd worlders from Asia are the Asian version of KKK, foreign operatives, perverts and child molesters whenever you heard "no one wanted her; no one liked her; she needed a man; she doesn't know anything (by 3rd worlders had never seen a White person nor left their little 3rd world town/village prior arrival to US, just like North Korea); etc". Often time, you will find porn in their computer. I had never met or seen these 3rd worlders from Asia in my life; I am from NYC. Why else do all these 3rd worlders from Asia viciously attacked a person they had never met? They tell you this because they think you are a stupid racist and sexist, and a cheap tool for them to do their dirty deeds for them. If you acted on what you hear, you are telling me that's exactly what you are. No one should ever assumed anything about me unless you understand what is like to be at the bottom of the food chain all your life, as a impoverished Chinese-American female growing up in NYC that even Asians shunned me; then as a woman engineer in the Silicon Valley and the tech industry in general such as in the USPTO; which means I am lucky NOT being targeted or tried to make my life miserable such as in the USPTO that instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, or Sue Tsui the first day I walked into the lab of Computer CORE where I volunteer; helping from anyone had never enter my mind. Most kindness/friendship from anyone are a disguised to be used to do harm to me such as my ex-officemate Hung Havan and his coteries; why I kept a distance away from them. The 8/17/2017 bike accident that almost killed me is not an accident.
Note: For those who wondered about my English writing skill, it is self-taught because no one taught me to write in Elementary school, and it was too disruptive in Junior High School by Hispanic/Latino kids to learn anything. Those grew-up in low income would know this.
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