Wednesday, March 2, 2016



Everything written here is in my Civil case against the Patent and Trademark Office (Eastern District of Virginia Alexandria Division, Civil Action No. 1:15cv01375). My case has been dismissed by the Court (4/28/2016) cited "failure to state a claim" as expected despite overwhelming evident in a first pleading, as stated that the system is rigged against little people such as you and I.  This is also why I am making my case so public.   

As long these so call judges continue to not persecute government wrongdoers, like those bad COPS got away with murdered killing Black-Americans, more people will partake in wrongdoing as they knew they will get away with murder.  Bad cops are the biggest threat to good cops.  A few rotten apples ruined the whole basket; just as a few Islamic Extremists ruined for a billion of Muslims.

The powerful government entity - the Patent and Trademark Office knew that, and had never attempted to settle the case despite they knew they had made a mistake before my last day on 8/12/2011; as I was terminated in a haste of 2 days without any material-fact or fact-finding process to prove any wrongdoing, indicative of malfeasance.    We are talking about THE Patent and Trademark Office, an entity to uphold the court of laws with an army of lawyers and is represented by the United States Attorney in my civil case!  Another word, the United States spending millions to protect malfeasance done by the USPTO against women that excelled in Tech/STEM jobs; while the President of the United States advocating for more women in the STEM field.

But instead, the USPTO called me "rogue" and put me on a "do not hired back/misconduct" list to ensure I can't secure a job, then stopped my Unemployment Insurance abruptly or to receive any social service, including cancer treatment, and 2 failed attempt beheadings on me to make this lawsuit go away; as they don't want people to know these people are not fit to be in management and got there via nepotism, in addition to being a racist and sexist.  As such, condemned me to all the pains and suffering being public enemy #1, rape and death threats that resulted in 2 failed attempt beheadings (see profile pic), or die of cancer.  Anyone who understands what the USPTO management did to me should send a chill up her/his spine as this can easily be done to anyone in the USPTO.  You sudden disappeared, if asked, they just say you were fired for "misconduct" and on a "do not hired back" list so you can't find another job, then 2 failed attempt beheadings to make this lawsuit go away, who's going to know what they did to you/me?  I will make sure justice will be served, one way or another, before I died.  The kinds of pain and suffering had been so unbearable that the only relieve is death, and on top of that, I had to read every single malign by the USPTO in their court paper as I am filing as Pro Se/self-representation because I can't afford to pay for a lawyer. 

You might have a slight chance of winning if you have a powerful lawyer. I couldn't afford a lawyer as I am on the verge of going homeless.  I had pleaded for a court appointed attorney cited PTSD and unemployment to no avail; while the USPTO and the United States government spending million$ in defending these racists, sexists and anti-West from Asia that now had stolen trade secrets from every company and US government such as OPM.  Where is my justice??

Alter or Amend Judgment, Appeal, then Supreme Court. Since these kangaroo courts are rigged and broken, akin to NFL rigged so that Patriots wins the Superbowl, you might as well settled the score yourself. This is why the movement of "Black lives Matter", many ISIS recruits from the West, Arab Spring, revolutions, the term "going postal", etc, etc, etc. 

I realized Judge Claude Hilton didn't even look at my case and dismissed the case without a lawyer.  Judge Hilton is also well-known amount lawyers that he tend to throw out discrimination cases or ruled against the plaintiff/me, just like North Korea court for Americans.  Judges with this kind of outdated ideology should've been retired decades ago.  A judicial system with bias judges is part of a society that's keeping women down.  I learned since high school that justice is for the privileges (mainly White males on the top of the food-chain who don't understand why this is happening to me and so thinking it must be something I did/misconduct, because they don't understand or think there is discrimination in America, but also by people from Asia; hence this blog).  You can help fund me getting a lawyer if you like by making a donation here:; or recommend a lawyer that can win a landmark case like this one so that women in the Silicon Valley/Tech/STEM/USPTO will have a chance at justice. This is the first hurdle women have to overcome in order to achieve Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities in the Silicon Valley/Tech/STEM/USPTO, if she survived college and sex predators.

I am still (2016) astonished at how backward the USPTO, the Federal Court, and Northern Virginia in general are as if is still the 1950s. How is this possible? This is where the White House located, and is the center of world power, therefore a place for elites from all over the world resides.


To ensure the USPTO won't be setting up patent examiners for termination such as they did to me, and treating patent examiners worst then Foxconn toward their employees, please SHARE this blog ( or with other patent examiners; because the whole system is rigged against you, and the wrong-doers basically can say whatever they want as I wasn't there to defend myself; while talking heads of the USPTO and the Silicon Valley continue to say they can't find qualified American candidates, and needs more H1B cheap labor indentured servants that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer and could barely speak English.  I had trained many of the H1Bs in the Silicon Valley; in return, they make me into public enemy #1 and cut my throat, literally.  These miserable people are from the Hell of Asia, what do you expect?   They are also the rudest, as I learned as a volunteer registering voters on the street.  Some even gave me a dirty look; wtf?!  I stopped asking them after a while.  These people from Asia are just so odd!!  What is wrong with them??  Because women don't behaved the same as women do in their 3rd world culture Asia, they called women sluts, particular women who are sociable.  They are also the racist and the most vicious people I have encountered that attacked me as soon as they saw me  that resulted in 2 failed attempt beheadings.  This is coming from someone grew-up in NYC and worked 3 jobs every summer since High School.  They also had hacked every US company and government agency.  I just hope that people don't lumped  Asian-Americans/me with people from Asia; just like the Muslim community plagued by the Islamic Extremist.

Also, your life is in danger working with the likes of Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo and her friends, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who had full control of the USPTO management and the DC metro using propaganda as evidenced by my wrongful termination, 2 failed attempt beheadings (see profile pic) of me, while being targeted everywhere I went in the DC metro as public enemy #1.  As an Asian-American, I do not want to be identify with these sexists/racist/bigots/sociopaths from Asia.  They are an insulted to all Asian-Americans. 

The Patent and Trademark Office continue to use such sophistries as “unable to find qualified American candidates” as the reason not able to clear the patent backlog, as did the Silicon Valley.  This is insubordination to President Obama’s mandate for the Patent and Trademark Office to clear the patent backlog.  Attorney General is invited to look into this matter.

This kind of abuse can also be report to Office of Inspector General.  The more people reporting, the more likely will bring on change.

Or file a CLASS LAWSUIT, and count me in.

Additionally, Human Rights violation by the Patent and Trademark Office for treating employees such as I far worst then Foxconn treating their employees, threatening with termination such I had to work 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log, while put COPA cases in my docket and stringent requirements such as must do 3 cases on the first biweek that was 5 days away from the meeting, which I did meet, and again in the following biweek, yet was still terminated; defamed me, ruined my reputation and put me in a "do not hired back"/"misconduct" list such I cannot secure a job, nor unemployment compensation or any social service such as Medicaid or Disability so that I will eventually become homeless or killed myself.  In addition to being sexually harassed, abused, physically harmed by Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery and Michele Choi, and under physical harm and rape threats everywhere I went,  also 2 failed attempt beheadings on me to make the lawsuit go away.  Main suspects are those shown malicious intentions toward me in the USPTO as I don't know anyone in the DC metro, and worked 24/7; especially those had physically harmed me; in particular, Hung Havan and Nathan Hillery, along with Michele Choi who had set me up to come across as if I was checking him up, while Michele Choi recorded me using her smartphone, a USPTO property.  This video was used by the killer to identify me.  They had shown this video to many people in the USPTO as a way to reinforce their defamation of me, and to incite every low life to sexually harass, abuse, rape and now murder/beheaded me.  This is on top of the psychological torments since I started working in the USPTO on 12/2010.  The UPSTO is even worst then China's Foxconn toward it's employees, how is that possible?  How is USPTO different from ISIS toward women?

 It is good to know (2016) that Google, Yahoo, Uber and many other tech heavy weights were smeared in Asia just as the people from Asia been doing to me in SFO/NYC since the 1990s, and now in DC; that's why none of these companies could make it in China or Asia in general, just like me in the Silicon Valley.  At least now they realized why I warned them since 2004, but is too late now that all their trade secrets are stolen.  The greedy Silicon Valley brought these 3rd world cheap labors to the Silicon Valley that ruined all my life aspirations I had worked 3 jobs since High School to achieve, because I am a woman engineer that excelled in tech jobs over the males, then rigged the whole system against me; while the Silicon Valley portrait themselves as "do-gooders", the truth is that they are nothing but a bunch of charlatan.

Women are treated far worst in the Silicon Valley/Tech industry (the evil empire aka the old boys club that's been oppressing women since the beginning of time) as if working with the Islamic Extremists in the Middle East that hate the West and women.  Some women are forced to have sex with males such as Ajit Nazre who has a wife and 2 kids, or else called a slut, fired and make into public enemy #1 with the help of Chi-Hua Chien backed by the VC KPCB as they did to Ellen Pao.  Ellen Pao has an EE from Princeton, MBA and JD from Harvard, and seen by  the head of KPCB as a daughter; yet was terminated using a pretext of low performance, while one of the male Partners took Pao's accomplishment in order to remain employed.  Like any evil empire such that of North Korea, the Court ruled in favor of KPCB.

In short, if women used sexuality, we wouldn't have been ousted and make into public enemy #1.  Do you know any male called a woman slut if she has sex with him?  But she is called a slut if she refused.  This maybe fun and games for males, especially privileged White males; but often is life and death for women such as I.  This is why I avoided naiveté or malicious/Charles Manson type sociopaths.  Anyone with any sense at all would do the same; and please don't call me a bigot/racist.

Additionally, the USPTO/Silicon Valley/Tech industry hired these people from a 3rd world culture without training them how to behave in a 1st world, that defamation is a firing offense, hating America/Americans/women is a HATE crime and is illegal (they hated the West just like the Islamic Extremist hated the West, and expressed by hacking and ensuring hiring only their own people such as Tuan Nguyen's countrymen/women in Patent Class 715 and the Silicon Valley where people from Asia are now the majority if including the illegals); we don't call a woman being sociable, talks to males or well-liked a slut; we don't threatened coworkers with physical harm or getting gangs involved; and we DO NOT cut coworker's throat, including women; and so they attacked me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s and make me into public enemy #1 everywhere I went since, an Asian-American woman engineer.  You can take a 3rd Worlder out of a 3rd World, but you can't take the 3rd world out of a 3rd Worlder.    There should be a requirement that any company hired people with less than 5 years in the US, arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s,  or did not went to a US High School, they are required to be trained in "what it means to be an American, our ideology, laws and history" for 2 years, 2 hours every working day.  There is a reason why China has such strict laws.  The better I am at the job, the worst the attacks.  Then the USPTO and Tech companies spent million$$$$ defending these 3rd worlders that are no better then thugs, in lawsuits such as in Ellen Pao, Yahoo, Facebook, and my case, while helped them to continue to ruin women's lives and make into a 2nd class citizen. 

Women have to help each other and organized, as women been oppressed since the beginning of time, and still as evidenced by the 2 failed attempt beheadings (see profile pic) on meThe aspiration for girls have been to married a good man and have a family, and not married is seen as a failure; while boys have been aspired to be great and the world is their oyster.  Women such as I excelled in tech jobs, and fighting for women's equal rights and opportunities are a threat to the establishment.  That's why I've fighting to put women in management so to eliminate discrimination toward women, and more women to go into the STEM field.  Did any of the USPTO women management do anything to fight for women's equal rights and opportunities?  Certainly they didn't help me, but instead, Director Wendy Garber terminated me in a haste of 2 days.  I had been fighting for women's equal rights and opportunities since college such women in the USPTO promoted to management, and still volunteering even today despite make into public enemy #1.  The USPTO women management are a disgrace to women's suffrage movement and all the women that sacrificed themselves such these women could pursue their career. 

There wasn't anything I could do in the Silicon Valley as there were so few women, I was often the only woman in the whole hardware dept., (as such, been used to fighting the fight alone and not calling out the USPTO women management), and the culture was no different than under the Islamic Extremists (aka the evil empire).  Yet with so many women management in the USPTO and even the Undersecretary is now a woman - Michele Lee, women such as I that excelled in the job are still being discriminated by sexist imbecile males and people from Asia, and terminated by a woman Director Wendy Garber; while everything being done to me had been textbook discrimination and should've been known to women in management.  No wonder women are remained as a 2nd class citizen despite women are half the world population.

Textbook discrimination:  Typically, bitch, slut, lesbian, gold-digger, or any name calling, meant to degrade women; or shunned women by telling people "no one wants her; no one likes her".  What kind of people would call a woman/me who had pursued an Applied Physics Ph.D. with an aspiration to be a Transhumanist,  an EE adjunct, was one of the few women computer hardware engineers in the world in the 1990s, a pioneer in emulation of patent class 703 where I was a patent examiner; and as a USPTO probationary employee, I had an apodictic first patent case that was known to the then Undersecretary Mr. David Kappos and most Training Academy SPEs, including Paul Rodriguez; 2 consecutive 3 COPA cases per biweek and a total of 19 cases with a mixture of COPA cases in the first 8 months of employment, and worked nearly 24/7 evidenced by my computer log; a gold-digger?  Why would anyone believe that?  As most in the USPTO can't even afford to buy a gold bar, and I already make and lost a million$ during the Tech Crash of 2001, 100+K/year in the late 1990s in the Silicon Valley where if one throws a stone, one would most likely hit a millionaire.  Of course, 3rd-Worlders-from-Asia did the same to me in the Silicon Valley as soon as I arrived in the SV, amount other insidious defamations, and in the Pentagon area "a prostitute, etc". 

In short, if I am a male, I would've been a CEO, CTO, CIO or have my own Startup.  As a woman, 3rd-worlders-from-Asia and the STEM field make me into public enemy #1 and 2 failed attempt beheadings on me meant to kill me, just as the USPTO been doing to me in the DC metro the first month I started my job that instigated by Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, and prevent me from transfer to Patent Class 715 that is now dominated by his countrymen/women.  Just like the Silicon Valley where people from Asia only hired their own people despite I am a pioneer in emulation; that attacked me as soon as I arrived in the 1990s, and had to abscond from due to physical harm threats and an Asian gang.  I also had warned of stealing of trade secrets by these people from Asia since 2004, long before all the hackings of OPM and all other government agencies.

People from Asia, who I had never met in my life, also targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley in the 1990s in this manner in sites such as  (, and had to abscond from the San Francisco Bay Area due to physical harm threats by an Asian coworker and an Asian gang.  I think it would make more sense if you understand these people from Asia were just like the Elites of North Korea with a deep anti-West sentiment, in their respective homeland before they came to the US.  Some from Asia had told me to go home in English, they knew I was from NYC.  This phenomenon is known as crowding-out in the Silicon Valley/Tech to push out Americans such as I, and is doing to me in the DC metro.  Similarly, Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women, who I had never met in my life, targeted me the first month on the job in the USPTO; further re-enforce by other coworkers such  Hung Havan, Nathan Hillery, Michele Choi, Susanne Lo, her boyfriend Bill and his family, and her friends, including those from India that make me into public enemy #1 using insidious defamation and is now spread all over the DC metro.  People from Asia picked the imbecilic Americans to help them spread their insidious defamation because they have low morality.

I chose to move to the DC metro mainly of the fact that this is a good place to expose how the people from Asia are systemically, in a well-organized and well-planned way in targeting and ousting Americans, as the DC metro is the center of the Intelligent community.  The Silicon Valley was already under full control of the people from Asia, that took the Silicon Valley like taking candies from a baby; ie, Google and Microsoft CEO are males from Asia, and many of these males from Asia came in the 1990s that couldn't tell a toaster from a computer are now in top level management.  In particular, people from India using logical fallacy; and undermined me such as calling me "nutcase, paranoid, etc," for warning of stealing of trade secrets since 2004 (again, I am the canary in the coalmine); while people from Asia systemically ousting Americans, especially women (low hang fruits) they couldn't competed so they are the only one left to promote to top level management; that's why there are far fewer women programmers and engineers in the Silicon Valley since the 1990s when people from Asia started crowding out Americans, women in particular.  I hoped the Intelligent community uses me in the USPTO and the DC metro as a case study to the danger of Corporate America; because if you fully comprehended how they targeted me in the USPTO and the DC metro, and in a larger scale, the Silicon Valley/Tech industry and what they had accomplished (2 biggest software companies, Google and Microsoft CEOs are males from India; also dominated the tech top level management.  People from Asia only hired their own people, especially in software companies such as Google and Microsoft; and ousted Americans they can't competed.  Additionally, most partook in ousting me from SV in the early 2000s are now multi-millionaires and are in top level management, who couldn't tell a toaster from a computer when they just arrived in the US, and often illegal.  Now money and power concentrated in a few people, just like India), it should send chills up your spine.  It is a matter of national security if the Intelligent Agencies have any sense at all; why I warned the stealing of trade secrets since 2004, why I filed this lawsuit(2011) to show how much control the people from Asia had in the USPTO/DC metro; and why in my lawsuit, I keep comparing what happened to me in USPTO is exactly how the people from Asia attacked me as soon as I arrived in the Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area, and now (2016) full control of the Silicon Valley/Tech Industry, as well had stolen/hacked every US government agency and corporation.  I had deliberately eliminated any legitimate reason to terminate me by working 24/7 as evidenced by my computer log that accounted for every minute of my employment with the USPTO, met every stringent requirements of 3 cases per biweek, even after management had put difficult and complex COPA patent cases in my docket to ensure I couldn't meet the stringent requirements; did everything as told and ensured all communications were in written format. 

Are you next?

Additionally, if the USPTO wasn't so busy trying to rig the system against me when I filed an EEOC case in 2011, as the case was meant to alert the USPTO top level management how people from Asia such as Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women are organized in a well-planned way ousting Americans they can't compete in the Silicon Valley and the Tech industry, and now the USPTO.  This is why I keep referencing to what happened to me since the 1990s to show a pattern persisted for over 20+ years and every tech company in the US.  The USPTO may even realized these people from Asia are anti-West as my EEOC case explained in detail how they defamed me and set me up for termination in 50+ pages;  and that they are a danger to our security, as I realized in early 2000s, after 911 because I realized such deep hatreds toward all Americans (I thought my brother was still working in the World Trade Center, also many of my childhood friends and cousins were working in Wall Street).  That the USPTO should have alert the Intelligent Agencies, and all the hackings such as the OPM may had been avoided.  I think the Silicon Valley today and all the hackings are self evidenced to my warnings since 2004; also the fact that people from Asia had make me into public enemy #1 in the DC metro where I don't know anyone here indicative of how much control they have in this capital of the world.

My case and Ellen Pao's case also illustrates exactly how the STEM field systemically ousting women and rigged the system against women, including the judicial system; while continue to say women are just not good in tech, hence why so few women.

Furthermore, DC is full of diplomats from all over the world living in this capital of the world, and so I thought at least the general public are exposed to different cultures, ethnicity and treated accordingly such as people behaved like a 3rd worlder should be treated like a 3rd worlder and not take their words at face values; but instead it is still a redneck country, to my surprise.  When you don't, you are helping them to ruin Americans' lives and you and I are the one have to pay; you will be demoted or fired, I make into public enemy #1 and had my throat cut; while Tuan Nguyen and his countrymen/women promoted and dominated Patent Class 715.  People from Asia did the same in the Silicon Valley where they are now the majority and CEO of 2 of the world's biggest software companies Google and Microsoft; while women such as Ellen Pao and I are ousted and make into public enemy #1.

BTW, congratulations to USPTO, your treatment of women such as I make these 3rd worlders very happy and feel right at home, as many were very happy pointing to me saying that woman was fired for being "smart"; especially those from Asia (male, female, young and old).

The USPTO was known as the pinnacle of intellectual when I was an Applied Physics researcher; ie,  Albert Einstein used to work for a patent office.  I was dumbfounded to find the USPTO is a cesspool, full of the lowest common denominators and ankle biters.  At times, the USPTO treated women as if they are in a Hooters or a High School boys locker-room at best.  Women intellectuals had been crucifying in 3rd World culture since the beginning of time, and communist crucified all intellectuals, I can't believe the USPTO, DC metro, Silicon Valley and STEM are doing the same.  They said they can't believed a woman can be this smart as if we are still living in the 1950s.  Nowadays, being labelled as an "intellectual", "smart" or "genius" to justify a woman make into public enemy #1 and beheadings.  I see myself as perspicacious, a fast learner the result of had to work 3 jobs since High School and meditation.  Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. 

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark; a revolution is needed to change the culture.  May the force be with you. 


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